update bath memory models

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valentin.boettcher@mailbox.tu-dresden.de 2023-05-08 13:38:45 -04:00
parent 4d76950a55
commit 0068785f47
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2 changed files with 458 additions and 51 deletions

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@ -35,16 +35,18 @@ We take the same baseline as in [[id:c06111fd-d719-433d-a316-c163f6e1d384][cycle
But we vary the cycle speed while keeping a fixed proportion
coupling-change/cycle time.
#+begin_src jupyter-python
def make_shift_model(shift_c, shift_h, switch_t=3):
switch_time = switch_t / 50
T = 50
def make_model_orig(shift_c, shift_h, switch_t=6.0, switch_t_sys=None, only_cold=False):
switch_time = switch_t / T
switch_time_sys = (switch_t_sys if switch_t_sys else switch_t) / T
(p_H, p_L) = ot.timings(switch_time, switch_time)
(p_H, p_L) = ot.timings(switch_time_sys, switch_time)
return OttoEngine(
δ=[.7, .7],
δ=[0.7, 0.7],
ω_c=[1, 1],
ψ_0=qt.basis([2], [1]),
description=f"Classic Cycle",
bcf_terms=[5] * 2,
driving_process_tolerances=[StocProcTolerances(1e-3, 1e-3)] * 2,
@ -59,30 +61,11 @@ coupling-change/cycle time.
shift_to_resonance=(False, False),
L_shift=(shift_c, shift_h),
L_shift=(shift_c, 0 if only_cold else shift_h),
def overlap(shift_model, N, step, switch_t=6):
switch_time = switch_t / 50
next_model = shift_model.copy()
(p_H, p_L) = ot.timings(switch_time, switch_time)
(a, b, c, d) = next_model.timings_L[0]
(e, f, g, h) = next_model.timings_L[1]
next_step = step * N
(s1, s2) = next_model.L_shift
next_model.L_shift = (s1 + next_step, s2 - next_step)
next_model.timings_L = (
(a - 2 * next_step, b - 2 * next_step, c, d),
(e, f, g + 2 * next_step, h + 2 * next_step),
return next_model
def make_model(ω_c, T_c):
model = make_shift_model(0,0, switch_t = 6)
model = make_model_orig(0, 0, switch_t = 6)
model.T[0] = T_c
@ -133,33 +116,44 @@ coupling-change/cycle time.
# [goto error]
-0.006065467070030933 0.4 0.5
-0.005591602311099003 0.45 0.5
-0.005066588783212114 0.5 0.5
-0.0046201846177245775 0.55 0.5
-0.00408269304017506 0.6 0.5
-0.006277295645870186 0.4 0.75
-0.005888697577101804 0.45 0.75
-0.005484333955351765 0.5 0.75
-0.005117002574808731 0.55 0.75
[WARNING root 224434] Adding values with unequal snapshot count discards the snapshots.
-0.004696002795276426 0.6 0.75
-0.006000498375072689 0.4 1.0
-0.005633957523771339 0.45 1.0
-0.00525600486961774 0.5 1.0
-0.004911341531730341 0.55 1.0
-0.004569773623536163 0.6 1.0
-0.005729676547086812 0.4 1.25
-0.00534616431006602 0.45 1.25
-0.0051525733640570715 0.5 1.25
[WARNING root 224434] Adding values with unequal snapshot count discards the snapshots.
-0.004753746829381626 0.55 1.25
-0.004446193855257419 0.6 1.25
-0.00565830944810612 0.4 1.5
-0.005324957406115274 0.45 1.5
RuntimeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[19], line 3
 1 fig, ax = plt.subplots()
 2 for model in models[:22]:
----> 3 pu.plot_with_σ(models[0].t, model.interaction_power().sum_baths().integrate(model.t), ax=ax)
 4 print(model.power(steady_idx=2).value, model.T[0], model.ω_c[0])
File ~/src/two_qubit_model/hiro_models/model_base.py:560, in Model.interaction_power(self, data, results_path, **kwargs)
 550 """Calculates interaction power from the hierarchy data
 551 ``data`` or, if not supplied, tries to load the online results from ``results_path``.
 556 :returns: See :any:`hopsflow.util.interaction_energy_ensemble`.
 557 """
 559 if data is None:
--> 560 return self.try_get_online_data(
 561  results_path, self.online_interaction_power_name
 562  )
 564 N, kwargs = _get_N_kwargs(kwargs, data)
 566 return hopsflow.hopsflow.interaction_energy_ensemble(
 567 data.valid_sample_iterator(data.stoc_traj), # type: ignore
 568 data.valid_sample_iterator(data.aux_states), # type: ignore
 574 **kwargs,
 575 )
File ~/src/two_qubit_model/hiro_models/model_base.py:298, in Model.try_get_online_data(self, path, results_path)
 296 file_path = os.path.join(path, results_path)
 297 if not os.path.exists(file_path):
--> 298 raise RuntimeError(f"No data found under '{file_path}'.")
 300 return hopsflow.util.get_online_values_from_cache(file_path)
RuntimeError: No data found under 'results/interaction_power_922443c7c9913a4ba2ddbfd8792ec54f664d39dabe87377a2ab559a7fb96e0c4.npz'.
#+begin_src jupyter-python