It's now possible to declare which properties from `playerctl`
(supported are `album`, `artist`, `title`) should be shown in the song
indicator. Before this, the usage of `<artist> - <title>` was hard-coded
which wasn't that usable if artist and/or title were quite long, now
it's up to the user what he wants to see.
The configuration can be used like this:
bar-list = ["bar"];
bar: {
position: "top";
block-list: ["ya_song"];
ya_song: {
exec: "YABAR_SONG";
internal-option1: "spotify";
internal-option3: "title artist album";
The indicator is based on XCB-XKB and `libxkbcommon`. It can be tested
using the following configuration:
bar-list = ["bar"];
bar: {
position: "top";
block-list: ["ya_xkb"];
ya_xkb: {
interval: 1;
The followinng new dependencies have been introduced:
- libxkbcommon-dev
- libxkbcommon-x11-dev
- libxcb-xkb-dev
Both work with libxcb and allow the usage of XKB through an XCB session.
In this case the session `ya.c` created by `src/ya_exec.c` can be used
for this indicator, so no extra X11 logic is needed.