+++ title = "About" author = ["Valentin Boettcher"] draft = false +++ This is the web presence of Valentin Boettcher a.k.a. Hiro98. Valentin: - is a PhD student @ McGill University under the supervision of the wonderful [Bill Coish](https://www.physics.mcgill.ca/~coish/). - codes stuff. - is a science-fiction junky and space enthusiast. - loves jamming with the saxophone. - is hooked on LISP and Clojure. - appreciates C++. - uses python a fair bit. - likes his [Kyria](https://blog.splitkb.com/blog/introducing-the-kyria). You can check out my [Github](https://github.com/vale981), [Gitlab](https://gitlab.com/vale9811/) and [KDE Invent](https://invent.kde.org/vboettcher/) profiles for most of my projects as I publish the source to most things I produce. I've got a [CV](/docs/cv_en.pdf). My usual internet/user/nick name is _Hiro_ or _Hiro98_ after Hiro Protagonist from Neal Stephenson's novel "[Snow Crash](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snow_Crash)", who is usually depicted in profile pictures like the following one. {{< figure src="/images/Pages/2021-08-01_15-14-54_screenshot.png" caption="Figure 1: By [Ben Towle](http://www.benzilla.com/?p=4209)." >}} ## Things Made {#things-made} - The source of this website lives [here](https://github.com/vale981/website). - I've written a bachelor's thesis about [Monte Carlo Event Generators](https://git.io/JBPZg). I even built my own in python. - A simple, easy-to-use and firewall penetrating [control software](https://gitlab.com/vale9811/doccam-pi) for streaming stuff from `rtmp` cams to youtube. - Along with a commilitone I've written some lecture notes about [Quantum Information](https://gitlab.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de/strunz/skript-quanteninformation). - The website of [SimuNova](https://simunova.com/). - The software behind [klausurnoug.at](https://klausurnoug.at). - A [visualization of neutrino oscillations](https://protagon.space/stuff/neutrino_oscillations/). - A [python library](https://github.com/vale981/SecondaryValue) to calculate the gaussian error propagation. - A [small hack](https://git.io/JBPZX) to scrape and organize physics courses at the TU-Dresden. [See it in action](https://protagon.space/stuff/vertiefungs_scraper/). - A script [to convert the wunderlist export to org-mode.](https://github.com/vale981/wunderlist-to-org) - A script to create an arch linux image with [bcachefs](https://github.com/vale981/archiso-bcachefs) support. - I've made the [website](https://sherpa-team.gitlab.io/) and some of the continuous integration for the SHERPA project. - A new [midi brain]({{< relref "converting-a-kawai-ksp-30-to-pure-midi" >}}) for my KSP-30. ## Activities {#activities} - I am the admin and the most enthusiastic user of the [TU-Dresden Physics Forum](https://physik.protagon.space). - I am an occasional contributor to [KStars](https://invent.kde.org/education/kstars). As of late I have participated in the Google Summer of Code to implement a better Deep-Sky-Object backend. I also implemented and now maintain the [KStars DSO Catalog Repository](https://invent.kde.org/vboettcher/kstars-catalogs). - Sometimes I release some noises on [Soundcloud](https://soundcloud.com/the_dj_c) and [Bandcamp](https://afa-music.bandcamp.com/) under the name "Abschreibung für Abnutzung". - I am also the maintainer of the [RoyalCam](https://www.doc.govt.nz/nature/) backend which is also used by the [Urban Wildlife Trust](https://www.urbanwildlifetrust.org/portfolio/live-cam/) for their [Wildcams](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLizlM6gpaVHTKPo7spoqlA).