+++ title = "Removing legacy boot from a Linux live stick" author = ["Valentin Boettcher"] date = 2021-11-19T13:48:00-05:00 categories = ["Hacks"] draft = false +++ I got my ThinkPad used for a bargain price but with locked bios/uefi-setup. Annoyingly, it defaults to legacy boot and there is no way to change that. My previous workaround was rather involved and is documented in the [Arch wiki](https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Lenovo_ThinkPad_T470#UEFI_boot). Today however, I bricked my system at work and had to restore it in a hurry. It turns out that you can nuke the `MBR` of the live stick to remove the legacy boot. ****Make sure you know what the device path of the USB stick is. You don't want to nuke some innocent hard drive :)!**** Over at [stack exchange](https://askubuntu.com/questions/1100086/removing-extra-option-from-boot-manager-in-legacy-mode-after-deleting-ubuntu) someone had a similar problem and one proposed solution was to overwrite the first `446` Byte of the `MBR` with zeros. Find the device path of the live stick with `lsblk` and then `dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdx bs=446 count=1` as root and you're set.