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r"""HOPS Configurations for a simple qubit otto cycle."""
import math
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import SupportsFloat, Union
import numpy as np
import qutip as qt
from beartype import beartype, BeartypeConf
from scipy.optimize import minimize_scalar
from hops.util.dynamic_matrix import (
from .one_qubit_model import QubitModelMutliBath
from .utility import linspace_with_strobe
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike, NDArray
Timings = tuple[float, float, float, float]
Orders = tuple[int, int]
class SmoothlyInterpolatdPeriodicMatrix(DynamicMatrix):
"""A periodic dynamic matrix that smoothly interpolates between
two matrices using :any:`SmoothStep`.
:param matrices: The two matrices ``M1`` and ``M2`` to interpolate
:param timings: A tuple that contains the times (relative to the
period) when the transition from ``M1`` to ``M2`` begins, when
it ends and when the reverse transition begins and when it ends.
:param period: The period of the modulation.
:param orders: The orders of the smoothstep functions that are
being used. See also :any:`SmoothStep`.
:param amplitudes: The amplitudes of the modulation.
:param deriv: The order of derivative of the matrix.
def __init__(
matrices: tuple[Union[ArrayLike, list[list]], Union[ArrayLike, list[list]]],
timings: Timings,
period: float,
orders: tuple = (2, 2),
amplitudes: tuple[float, float] = (1, 1),
deriv: int = 0,
self._matrices = matrices
self._timings = timings
self._period = period
self._orders = orders
self._amplitudes = amplitudes
self._deriv = deriv
M_1, M_2 = matrices
s_1, s_2 = orders
a_1, a_2 = amplitudes
one_cycle: DynamicMatrix = a_1 * (
(ConstantMatrix(M_1) if deriv == 0 else ConstantMatrix(np.zeros_like(M_1)))
if a_1 != 0:
one_cycle += a_1 * (
M_1, timings[2] * period, timings[3] * period, s_2, deriv=deriv
- SmoothStep(
M_1, timings[0] * period, timings[1] * period, s_1, deriv=deriv
if a_2 != 0:
one_cycle += a_2 * (
M_2, timings[0] * period, timings[1] * period, s_1, deriv=deriv
- SmoothStep(
M_2, timings[2] * period, timings[3] * period, s_2, deriv=deriv
self._m = Periodic(one_cycle, period)
def call(self, t: NDArray[np.float64]) -> MatrixType:
return self._m.call(t)
def derivative(self):
return self.__class__(
deriv=self._deriv + 1,
def __getstate__(self):
return dict(
class OttoEngine(QubitModelMutliBath):
A class to dynamically calculate all the otto motor model
parameters and generate the HOPS configuration. Uses
:any:`one_qubit_model.QubitModelMultiBath` internally.
All attributes can be changed after initialization.
The bath correlation functions are normalized, so that
their corresponding thermal SDs are of the same magnitude
at the resonance frequencies.
__version__: int = 1
H_0: np.ndarray = field(
default_factory=lambda: 1 / 2 * (qt.sigmaz().full() + np.eye(2)) # type: ignore
The :math:`H_0` system hamiltonian with shape ``(2, 2)``.
It will get shifted and normalized so that its smallest eigenvalue
is zero and its largest one is one.
H_1: np.ndarray = field(
default_factory=lambda: 1 / 2 * (qt.sigmaz().full() + np.eye(2)) # type: ignore
The :math:`H_1` shape ``(2, 2)``.
It will get shifted and normalized so that its smallest eigenvalue
is zero and its largest one is one.
L: tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray] = field(
default_factory=lambda: tuple([(1 / 2 * (qt.sigmax().full())), (1 / 2 * (qt.sigmax().full()))]) # type: ignore
"""The bare coupling operators to the two baths."""
ω_s_extra: list[float] = field(default_factory=lambda: [0] * 2)
The shift frequencies :math:`ω_s` applied on top of the automatic shift.
# Cycle Settings #
Θ: float = 1
"""The period of the modulation."""
Δ: float = 1
"""The expansion ratio of the modulation."""
timings_H: Timings = field(default_factory=lambda: (0, 0.1, 0.5, 0.6))
"""The timings for the ``H`` modulation. See :any:`SmoothlyInterpolatdPeriodicMatrix`."""
orders_H: Orders = field(default_factory=lambda: (2, 2))
"""The smoothness of the modulation of ``H``."""
timings_L: tuple[Timings, Timings] = field(
default_factory=lambda: ((0.6, 0.7, 0.9, 1), (0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.5))
"""The timings for the ``L`` modulation. See :any:`SmoothlyInterpolatdPeriodicMatrix`."""
orders_L: tuple[Orders, Orders] = field(default_factory=lambda: ((2, 2), (2, 2)))
"""The smoothness of the modulation of ``L``."""
num_cycles: int = 1
"""How many cycles to simulate."""
dt: float = 0.001
"""The time resolution relative to the period of modulation."""
def τ_max(self) -> float:
"""The maximum simulation time."""
return self.num_cycles * self.Θ
def t(self) -> NDArray[np.float64]:
"""The simulation time."""
return linspace_with_strobe(
int(self.τ_max // (self.dt * self.Θ)) + 1,
def t(self, _):
def ω_s(self) -> list[float]:
The frequency shifts of the spectral density. Calculated so
that the effective thermal SD has maximum magnitude at the
resonance frequencies of the hamiltonian. :any:`ω_s_extra` is added to those values.
return [
extra + gap - float(ω_c) * float(s)
for ω_c, s, gap, extra in zip(
self.ω_c, self.s, self.energy_gaps, self.ω_s_extra
# super_instance = QubitModelMutliBath(ω_c=self.ω_c, s=self.s, T=self.T)
# def objective(ω_s, ω_exp, i):
# super_instance.ω_s[i] = ω_s
# return -super_instance.full_thermal_spectral_density(i)(ω_exp)
# ω_s = [ω for ω in self.ω_s_extra]
# ω_exps = self.energy_gaps
# for i, shift in enumerate(self.ω_s_extra):
# res = minimize_scalar(
# objective,
# 1,
# method="bounded",
# bounds=(0.01, ω_exps[i]),
# options=dict(maxiter=100),
# args=(ω_exps[i], i),
# )
# if not res.success:
# raise RuntimeError("Cannot optimize SD shift.")
# ω_s[i] = shift + round(res.x, number_magnitude(ω_exps[i]) + 3)
# return ω_s
def ω_s(self, _):
def energy_gaps(self) -> tuple[float, float]:
The energy gaps of the working medium in compressed and
expanded state.
return tuple(
def τ_expansion_finished(self):
"""Time when the working medium is fully expanded."""
return self.timings_H[1] * self.Θ
def τ_compressed(self):
"""Time when the working medium is fully copressed."""
return 0
def bcf_scales(self) -> list[float]:
gaps = self.energy_gaps
return [
float(δ) / float(self.full_thermal_spectral_density(i)(gap))
for (i, gap), δ in zip(enumerate(gaps), self.δ)
def H(self) -> DynamicMatrix:
Returns the modulated system Hamiltonian.
The system hamiltonian will always be :math:`ω_{\max} * H_1 +
(ω_{\max} - ω_{\min}) * f(τ) * H_1` where ``H_0`` is a fixed
matrix and :math:`f(τ)` models the time dependence. The time
dependce is implemented via
:any:`SmoothlyInterpolatdPeriodicMatrix` and leads to a
modulation of the levelspacing between ``ε_min=1`` and
``ε_max`` so that ``ε_max/ε_min - 1 = Δ``.
The modulation is cyclical with period :any:`Θ`.
return SmoothlyInterpolatdPeriodicMatrix(
(self.H_0, self.H_1),
(1, self.Δ + 1),
# we black-hole the H setter in this model
def H(self, _):
def coupling_operators(self) -> list[DynamicMatrix]:
return [
(np.zeros_like(L_i), L_i),
(0, 1),
for L_i, timings, orders in zip(self.L, self.timings_L, self.orders_L)
def Ω(self) -> float:
"""The modulation base angular frequency."""
return 2 * np.pi / self.Θ
# @property
# def qubit_model(self) -> QubitModelMutliBath:
# """Returns the underlying Qubit model."""
# return QubitModelMutliBath(
# δ=self.δ,
# ω_c=self.ω_c,
# ω_s=self.ω_s,
# t=self.t,
# ψ_0=self.ψ_0,
# description=f"The qubit model underlying the otto cycle with description: {self.description}.",
# truncation_scheme="simplex",
# k_max=self.k_max,
# bcf_terms=self.bcf_terms,
# driving_process_tolerances=self.driving_process_tolerances,
# thermal_process_tolerances=self.thermal_process_tolerances,
# T=self.T,
# L=self.L,
# H=self.H,
# therm_methods=self.therm_methods,
# )
def normalize_hamiltonian(hamiltonian: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
eigvals = np.linalg.eigvals(hamiltonian)
normalized = hamiltonian - eigvals.min() * np.eye(
hamiltonian.shape[0], dtype=hamiltonian.dtype
normalized /= (eigvals.max() - eigvals.min()).real
return normalized
def get_energy_gap(hamiltonian: np.ndarray) -> float:
eigvals = np.linalg.eigvals(hamiltonian)
return (eigvals.max() - eigvals.min()).real
def number_magnitude(number: float) -> int:
return int(math.log10(number))