mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 17:21:43 -05:00
finish implementing the otto engine
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 232 additions and 74 deletions
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ from filelock import FileLock
from pathlib import Path
from .one_qubit_model import QubitModel, QubitModelMutliBath
from .two_qubit_model import TwoQubitModel
from .otto_cycle import OttoEngine
from collections.abc import Sequence, Iterator, Iterable
import shutil
import logging
@ -72,6 +73,9 @@ def model_hook(dct: dict[str, Any]):
if model == "QubitModelMutliBath":
return QubitModelMutliBath.from_dict(treated_vals)
if model == "OttoEngine":
return OttoEngine.from_dict(treated_vals)
return object_hook(dct)
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"""A base class for model HOPS configs."""
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Any, Optional, Union, ClassVar
from typing import Any, Iterable, Optional, Union, ClassVar
from hops.util.dynamic_matrix import DynamicMatrix
from .utility import JSONEncoder, object_hook
import numpy as np
@ -139,10 +139,14 @@ class Model(ABC):
if key not in self._ignored_keys:
this_val, other_val = self.__dict__[key], other.__dict__[key]
same = this_val == other_val
if isinstance(this_val, Iterable):
for val_1, val_2 in zip(this_val, other_val):
if not _compare_values(val_1, val_2):
return False
if isinstance(this_val, np.ndarray):
same = same.all()
same = _compare_values(this_val, other_val)
if not same:
return False
@ -508,3 +512,12 @@ def _get_N_kwargs(kwargs: dict, data: HIData) -> tuple[int, dict]:
del kwargs["N"]
return N, kwargs
def _compare_values(this_val, other_val):
same = this_val == other_val
if isinstance(this_val, np.ndarray):
same = same.all()
return same
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ r"""HOPS Configurations for a simple qubit otto cycle."""
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
import hopsflow
from numpy.typing import NDArray
from typing import Any, Optional, SupportsFloat, Union
import hops.util.bcf
import hops.util.bcf_fits
@ -19,11 +18,110 @@ import stocproc as sp
from beartype import beartype
from .utility import StocProcTolerances, bcf_scale
from .model_base import Model
import scipy.special
from scipy.optimize import minimize_scalar
import hopsflow
from hops.util.dynamic_matrix import DynamicMatrix, ConstantMatrix, SmoothStep, Periodic
from hops.util.dynamic_matrix import (
from .one_qubit_model import QubitModelMutliBath
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike, NDArray
from numbers import Real
Timings = tuple[Real, Real, Real, Real]
Orders = tuple[int, int]
class SmoothlyInterpolatdPeriodicMatrix(DynamicMatrix):
"""A periodic dynamic matrix that smoothly interpolates between
two matrices using :any:`SmoothStep`.
:param matrices: The two matrices ``M1`` and ``M2`` to interpolate
:param timings: A tuple that contains the times (relative to the
period) when the transition from ``M1`` to ``M2`` begins, when
it ends and when the reverse transition begins and when it ends.
:param period: The period of the modulation.
:param orders: The orders of the smoothstep functions that are
being used. See also :any:`SmoothStep`.
:param amplitudes: The amplitudes of the modulation.
:param deriv: The order of derivative of the matrix.
def __init__(
matrices: tuple[Union[ArrayLike, list[list]], Union[ArrayLike, list[list]]],
timings: Timings,
period: float,
orders: tuple = (2, 2),
amplitudes: tuple[float, float] = (1, 1),
deriv: int = 0,
self._matrices = matrices
self._timings = timings
self._period = period
self._orders = orders
self._amplitudes = amplitudes
self._deriv = deriv
M_1, M_2 = matrices
s_1, s_2 = orders
a_1, a_2 = amplitudes
one_cycle: DynamicMatrix = a_1 * (
(ConstantMatrix(M_1) if deriv == 0 else ConstantMatrix(np.zeros_like(M_1)))
if a_1 != 0:
one_cycle += a_1 * (
M_1, timings[2] * period, timings[3] * period, s_2, deriv=deriv
- SmoothStep(
M_1, timings[0] * period, timings[1] * period, s_1, deriv=deriv
if a_2 != 0:
one_cycle += a_2 * (
M_2, timings[0] * period, timings[1] * period, s_1, deriv=deriv
- SmoothStep(
M_2, timings[2] * period, timings[3] * period, s_2, deriv=deriv
self._m = Periodic(one_cycle, period)
def call(self, t: NDArray[np.float64]) -> MatrixType:
return self._m.call(t)
def derivative(self):
return self.__class__(
deriv=self._deriv + 1,
def __getstate__(self):
return dict(
@ -58,6 +156,20 @@ class OttoEngine(QubitModelMutliBath):
is zero and its largest one is one.
L: tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray] = field(
default_factory=lambda: tuple([1 / 2 * (qt.sigmax().full())] * 2) # type: ignore
"""The bare coupling operators to the two baths."""
ω_s: list[Union[SupportsFloat, str]] = field(default_factory=lambda: [2] * 2)
The shift frequencies :math:`ω_s`. If set to ``'auto'``, the
(thermal) spectral densities will be shifted so that the coupling
of the first bath is resonant with the hamiltonian before the
expansion of the energy gap and the second bath is resonant with
the hamiltonian after the expansion.
# Cycle Settings #
@ -68,98 +180,92 @@ class OttoEngine(QubitModelMutliBath):
Δ: float = 1
"""The expansion ratio of the modulation."""
λ_u: float = 0.25
The portion of the cycle where the transition from ``H_0`` to
``H_1`` begins. Ranges from ``0`` to ``1``.
timings_H: Timings = field(default_factory=lambda: (0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1))
"""The timings for the ``H`` modulation. See :any:`SmoothlyInterpolatdPeriodicMatrix`."""
λ_h: float = 0.5
The portion of the cycle where the transition from ``H_0`` to
``H_1`` ends. Ranges from ``0`` to ``1``.
orders_H: Orders = field(default_factory=lambda: (2, 2))
"""The smoothness of the modulation of ``H``."""
λ_d: float = 0.75
The portion of the cycle where the transition from ``H_1`` to
``H_0`` begins. Ranges from ``0`` to ``1``.
timings_L: tuple[Timings, Timings] = field(
default_factory=lambda: ((0, 0.05, 0.15, 0.2), (0.5, 0.55, 0.65, 0.7))
"""The timings for the ``L`` modulation. See :any:`SmoothlyInterpolatdPeriodicMatrix`."""
orders_L: tuple[Orders, Orders] = field(default_factory=lambda: ((2, 2), (2, 2)))
"""The smoothness of the modulation of ``L``."""
def τ_l(self) -> float:
The length of the timespan the Hamiltonian matches ``H_0``.
def τ_expansion_finished(self):
return self.timings_H[1] * self.Θ
return self.λ_u * self.Θ
def __post_init__(self):
def objective(ω_s, ω_exp, i):
self.ω_s[i] = ω_s
return -self.full_thermal_spectral_density(i)(ω_exp)
def τ_h(self) -> float:
The length of the timespan the Hamiltonian matches ``H_1``.
ω_exps = [
return (self.λ_d - self.λ_h) * self.Θ
for i, shift in enumerate(self.ω_s):
if shift == "auto":
res = minimize_scalar(
bounds=(0.01, ω_exps[i]),
args=(ω_exps[i], i),
def τ_u(self) -> float:
The length of the trasition of the Hamiltonian from ``H_0`` to
if not res.success:
raise RuntimeError("Cannot optimize SD shift.")
return (self.λ_h - self.λ_u) * self.Θ
def τ_d(self) -> float:
The length of the trasition of the Hamiltonian from ``H_1`` to
return (1 - self.λ_d) * self.Θ
def Ω(self) -> float:
"""The base Angular frequency of the cycle."""
return (2 * np.pi) / self.Θ
self.ω_s[i] = res.x
def H(self) -> DynamicMatrix:
Returns the modulated system Hamiltonian.
The system hamiltonian will always be :math:`ω_{\max} * H_1 +
(ω_{\max} - ω_{\min}) * f(τ) * H_1` where ``H_0`` is a fixed
matrix and :math:`f(τ)` models the time dependence.
matrix and :math:`f(τ)` models the time dependence. The time
dependce is implemented via
:any:`SmoothlyInterpolatdPeriodicMatrix` and leads to a
modulation of the levelspacing between ``ε_min=1`` and
``ε_max`` so that ``ε_max/ε_min - 1 = Δ``.
The modulation :math:`f(τ)` consists of constants and smooth
step functions. For :math:`τ < τ_l` :math:`f(τ) = 0` and for
:math:`τ_l + τ_u <= τ < τ_l + τ_u + τ_h` :math:`f(τ) =
ε_{\max}`. The transitions between those states last
:math:`τ_u` for :math:`H_0` to :math:`H_1` and :math:`τ_d` for
:math:`H_1` to :math:`H_0`.
The modulation is cyclical with period :any:`T`.
The modulation is cyclical with period :any:`Θ`.
H_0 = normalize_hamiltonian(self.H_0)
H_1 = normalize_hamiltonian(self.H_1)
one_cycle = ConstantMatrix(H_0) + self.Δ * (
SmoothStep(H_1, self.λ_u * self.Θ, self.λ_h * self.Θ)
- SmoothStep(H_1, self.λ_d * self.Θ, self.Θ)
return SmoothlyInterpolatdPeriodicMatrix(
(normalize_hamiltonian(self.H_0), normalize_hamiltonian(self.H_1)),
(1, self.Δ + 1),
return Periodic(one_cycle, self.Θ)
# we black-hole the H setter in this model
def H(self, _):
def coupling_operators(self) -> list[DynamicMatrix]:
return [
(np.zeros_like(L_i), L_i),
(0, 1),
for L_i, timings, orders in zip(self.L, self.timings_L, self.orders_L)
# @property
# def qubit_model(self) -> QubitModelMutliBath:
# """Returns the underlying Qubit model."""
@ -189,6 +295,12 @@ def normalize_hamiltonian(hamiltonian: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
normalized = hamiltonian - eigvals.min() * np.eye(
hamiltonian.shape[0], dtype=hamiltonian.dtype
normalized /= eigvals.max() - eigvals.min()
normalized /= (eigvals.max() - eigvals.min()).real
return normalized
def get_energy_gap(hamiltonian: np.ndarray) -> float:
eigvals = np.linalg.eigvals(hamiltonian)
return (eigvals.max() - eigvals.min()).real
@ -33,6 +33,24 @@ class JSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
def encode(self, obj: Any):
def hint_tuples(item: Any):
if isinstance(item, tuple):
return {
"type": "tuple",
"value": [
hint_tuples(i) if isinstance(i, tuple) else i for i in item
if isinstance(item, list):
return [hint_tuples(e) for e in item]
if isinstance(item, dict):
return {key: hint_tuples(value) for key, value in item.items()}
return item
return super().encode(hint_tuples(obj))
def default(self, obj: Any):
if hasattr(obj, "to_dict"):
@ -40,6 +58,14 @@ class JSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
return super().default(obj)
def _(self, obj: tuple):
return {
"type": "tuple",
"value": list(*obj),
def _(self, arr: np.ndarray):
return {"type": "array", "value": arr.tolist()}
@ -134,6 +160,9 @@ def object_hook(dct: dict[str, Any]):
if type == "DynamicMatrix":
return getattr(dynamic_matrix, dct["subtype"])(**dct["value"])
if type == "tuple":
return tuple(dct["value"])
return dct
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