2022-02-17 16:53:02 +01:00
2022-03-22 10:12:58 +01:00
name = "hiro_models"
2022-06-08 15:25:34 +02:00
version = "1.2.3"
2022-02-17 16:53:02 +01:00
description = "Operators for a general model of two interacting qubits coupled to two baths."
authors = ["Valentin Boettcher <hiro at protagon.space>"]
license = "MIT"
repository = "https://github.com/vale981/two_qubit_model"
python = ">=3.9,<3.11"
numpy = "^1.20.0"
qutip = "^4.6.3"
2022-08-14 15:50:12 +02:00
hopsflow = { git = "https://github.com/vale981/hopsflow", branch="fix_for_10" }
2022-08-15 09:50:03 +02:00
#hops = { git = "git@gitlab.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de:s8896854--tu-dresden.de/hops.git", branch="use_new_stocproc_for_10" }
2022-02-21 18:24:20 +01:00
beartype = "^0.10.1"
2022-03-21 14:55:52 +01:00
filelock = "^3.6.0"
2022-02-17 16:53:02 +01:00
mypy = "^0.910"
ipython = "^8.0.1"
2022-02-22 14:00:57 +01:00
pytest = "^7.0.1"
2022-02-17 16:53:02 +01:00
requires = ["poetry>=0.12"]
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"
2022-02-22 14:00:57 +01:00
filterwarnings = [
"ignore:this implementation:UserWarning",