glacambre a4040102f5
Remove set csp clobber
This just removes the background.ts code that detects whether the user
wants to clobber their csp and adds an error message if the user tries
to `set csp clobber`.
The `csp` setting is marked as deprecated but left untouched in case we
find a way to edit CSP in a way that complies with Mozilla's policies.
The csp-editing code in `requests.ts` is left untouched for the same
2019-10-02 10:25:03 +02:00

125 lines
5.3 KiB

" bovine3dom's dogfood
" WARNING: This file defines and runs a command called fixamo_quiet. If you
" also have a malicious addon that operates on `<all_urls>` installed this
" will allow it to steal your firefox account credentials!
" With those credentials, an attacker can read anything in your sync account,
" publish addons to the AMO, etc, etc.
" Without this command a malicious addon can steal credentials from any site
" that you visit that is not in the restrictedDomains list.
" You should comment out the fixamo lines unless you are entirely sure that
" they are what you want.
" The advantage of running the command is that you can use the tridactyl
" interface on and other restricted sites.
" Provided only as an example.
" Do not install/run without reading through as you may be surprised by some
" of the settings.
" May require the latest beta builds.
" Move this to $XDG_CONFIG_DIR/tridactyl/tridactylrc (that's
" ~/.config/tridactyl/tridactylrc to mere mortals) or ~/.tridactylrc and
" install the native messenger (:installnative in Tridactyl). Run :source to
" get it in the browser, or just restart.
" NB: If you want "vim-like" behaviour where removing a line from
" here makes the setting disappear, uncomment the line below.
"sanitise tridactyllocal tridactylsync
" Binds
" Comment toggler for Reddit and Hacker News
bind ;c hint -c [class*="expand"],[class="togg"]
" GitHub pull request checkout command to clipboard (only works if you're a collaborator or above)
bind yp composite js document.getElementById("clone-help-step-1").textContent.replace("git checkout -b", "git checkout -B").replace("git pull ", "git fetch ") + "git reset --hard " + document.getElementById("clone-help-step-1").textContent.split(" ")[3].replace("-","/") | yank
" Git{Hub,Lab} git clone via SSH yank
bind yg composite js "git clone " + document.location.href.replace(/https?:\/\//,"git@").replace("/",":").replace(/$/,".git") | clipboard yank
" As above but execute it and open terminal in folder
bind ,g js let uri = document.location.href.replace(/https?:\/\//,"git@").replace("/",":").replace(/$/,".git");"cd ~/projects; git clone " + uri + "; cd \"$(basename \"" + uri + "\" .git)\"; st")
" I like wikiwand but I don't like the way it changes URLs
bindurl yy composite js document.location.href.replace("","") | clipboard yank
" Make gu take you back to subreddit from comments
bindurl gu urlparent 4
" Only hint search results on Google and DDG
bindurl f hint -Jc .rc > .r > a
bindurl F hint -Jbc .rc>.r>a
bindurl ^ f hint -Jc [class=result__a]
bindurl ^ F hint -Jbc [class=result__a]
" Allow Ctrl-a to select all in the commandline
unbind --mode=ex <C-a>
" Allow Ctrl-c to copy in the commandline
unbind --mode=ex <C-c>
" Handy multiwindow/multitasking binds
bind gd tabdetach
bind gD composite tabduplicate | tabdetach
" Make yy use canonical / short links on the 5 websites that support them
bind yy clipboard yankshort
" Stupid workaround to let hint -; be used with composite which steals semi-colons
command hint_focus hint -;
" Open right click menu on links
bind ;C composite hint_focus; !s xdotool key Menu
" Julia docs' built in search is bad
set searchurls.julia
" Misc settings
" set editorcmd to suckless terminal, or use the defaults on other platforms
js tri.browserBg.runtime.getPlatformInfo().then(os=>{const editorcmd = os.os=="linux" ? "st vim" : "auto"; tri.config.set("editorcmd", editorcmd)})
" set profile dir on Windows
jsb browser.runtime.getPlatformInfo().then(os=>{const profiledir = os.os=="win" ? "C:\\Users\\olie\\AppData\\Roaming\\Mozilla\\Firefox\\Profiles\\gwm76nmk.default" : "auto"; tri.config.set("profiledir", profiledir)})
" Sane hinting mode
set hintfiltermode vimperator-reflow
set hintnames numeric
" Defaults to 300ms but I'm a 'move fast and close the wrong tabs' kinda chap
set hintdelay 100
" Add helper commands that Mozillians think make Firefox irredeemably
" insecure. For details, read the comment at the top of this file.
command fixamo_quiet jsb tri.excmds.setpref("privacy.resistFingerprinting.block_mozAddonManager", "true").then(tri.excmds.setpref("extensions.webextensions.restrictedDomains", '""'))
command fixamo js tri.excmds.setpref("privacy.resistFingerprinting.block_mozAddonManager", "true").then(tri.excmds.setpref("extensions.webextensions.restrictedDomains", '""').then(tri.excmds.fillcmdline_tmp(3000, "Permissions added to user.js. Please restart Firefox to make them take affect.")))
" Make Tridactyl work on more sites at the expense of some security. For
" details, read the comment at the top of this file.
" Make quickmarks for the sane Tridactyl issue view
quickmark t
" URL redirects
" New reddit is bad
autocmd DocStart ^http(s?):// js tri.excmds.urlmodify("-t", "www", "old")
" Mosquito nets won't make themselves
autocmd DocStart ^http(s?):// js tri.excmds.urlmodify("-t", "www", "smile")
" This will have to do until someone writes us a nice syntax file :)
" vim: set filetype=vim: