/** Some tests for URL utilities */ import * as UrlUtil from './url_util' function test_increment() { let cases = [ // simple increment [1, "http://example.com/item/1", "http://example.com/item/2"], // test non-1 increment [2, "http://example.com/item/1", "http://example.com/item/3"], // test negative [-1, "http://example.com/item/3", "http://example.com/item/2"], // test other numbers unaffected [1, "http://www1.example.com/1", "http://www1.example.com/2"], // test numbers as part of words work [1, "http://example.com/book1", "http://example.com/book2"], // test urls with no incrementable parts return null [1, "http://example.com", null] ] for (let [step, input, output] of cases) { test(`${input} + ${step} --> ${output}`, () => expect(UrlUtil.incrementUrl(input, step)).toEqual(output) ) } } function test_root() { let cases = [ // simple URL ["http://example.com/dir/page.html", "http://example.com/"], // already root, with subdir ["http://www.example.com/", "http://www.example.com/"], // unsupported protocol ["about:config", null], ] for (let [url, exp_root] of cases) { let root = UrlUtil.getUrlRoot(new URL(url)) test(`root of ${url} --> ${exp_root}`, () => expect(root ? root.href : root).toEqual(exp_root) ) } } function test_parent() { let cases = [ // root URL, nothing to do! ["http://example.com", null], // URL with query string ["http://example.com?key=value", "http://example.com/"], // url with hash/anchor - strip the fragment ["http://example.com#anchor", "http://example.com/"], // query + hash: lose the hash only ["http://example.com?key=val#hash", "http://example.com/?key=val"], // single level path ["http://example.com/path", "http://example.com/"], // multi-level path ["http://example.com/path1/path2", "http://example.com/path1/"], ["http://example.com/path1/path2/path3", "http://example.com/path1/path2/"], // subdomains ["http://sub.example.com", "http://example.com/"], // subdom with path, leave subdom ["http://sub.example.com/path", "http://sub.example.com/"], // trailing slash ["http://sub.example.com/path/", "http://sub.example.com/"], ["http://sub.example.com/path/to/", "http://sub.example.com/path/"], // repeated slash ["http://example.com/path//", "http://example.com/"], ["http://example.com//path//", "http://example.com//"], ["http://example.com//path//", "http://example.com//"], ] for (let [url, exp_parent] of cases) { let parent = UrlUtil.getUrlParent(new URL(url)) test (`parent of ${url} --> ${exp_parent}`, () => expect(parent ? parent.href : parent).toEqual(exp_parent) ) } } function test_download_filename() { let cases = [ // simple domain only ["http://example.com", "example.com"], ["http://example.com/", "example.com"], ["http://sub.example.com/", "sub.example.com"], // simple paths ["http://example.com/path", "path"], ["http://example.com/path.ext", "path.ext"], ["http://example.com/path/more", "more"], // ends in / ["http://example.com/path/", "path"], // ignore query strings ["http://example.com/page?q=v", "page"], ["http://example.com/page/?q=v", "page"], // Data urls // base 64 with mime ["", "base64-dat.png"], ["", "base64-data_data_data_.png"], // non-base64 ["data:image/png,dat", "dat.png"], // unknown mime ["data:something/wierd,data", "data"], ] for (let [url, exp_fn] of cases) { let fn = UrlUtil.getDownloadFilenameForUrl(new URL(url)) test (`filename for ${url} --> ${exp_fn}`, () => expect(fn).toEqual(exp_fn) ) } } function test_query_delete() { let cases = [ // no query [ "http://example.com/", "query", "http://example.com/" ], // single query=val, removed [ "http://example.com/?query=val", "query", "http://example.com/" ], // single query (no val), removed [ "http://example.com/?query", "query", "http://example.com/" ], // single query=val, not removed [ "http://example.com/?query=val", "nomatch", "http://example.com/?query=val", ], // single query (no val), not removed [ "http://example.com/?query", "nomatch", "http://example.com/?query", ], // multiple queries, first removed [ "http://example.com/?query=val&another=val2", "query", "http://example.com/?another=val2" ], // multiple queries, second removed [ "http://example.com/?query=val&another=val2", "another", "http://example.com/?query=val" ], // multiple queries, repeated removed [ "http://example.com/?query=val&another=val2&query=val3", "query", "http://example.com/?another=val2" ], ] for (let [url, q, exp_res] of cases) { let modified = UrlUtil.deleteQuery(new URL(url), q) test (`delete query ${q} of ${url} --> ${exp_res}`, () => expect(modified.href).toEqual(exp_res) ) } } function test_query_replace() { let cases = [ // no query [ "http://example.com/", "query", "val", "http://example.com/" ], // single query [ "http://example.com/?query=val", "query", "newval", "http://example.com/?query=newval" ], // single query, no replacement value [ "http://example.com/?query=val", "query", "", "http://example.com/?query" ], // multiple, replace first [ "http://example.com/?query1=val1&query2=val2", "query1", "newval1", "http://example.com/?query1=newval1&query2=val2" ], // multiple, replace last [ "http://example.com/?query1=val1&query2=val2", "query2", "newval2", "http://example.com/?query1=val1&query2=newval2" ], ] for (let [url, q, v, exp_res] of cases) { let modified = UrlUtil.replaceQueryValue(new URL(url), q, v) test (`change query ${q} of ${url} --> ${exp_res}`, () => expect(modified.href).toEqual(exp_res) ) } } function test_url_graft_path() { let cases = [ // FROM LEFT [ // complete replacement "http://example.com/foo/bar/quux", "0", "frob", "http://example.com/frob" ], [ // one level down "http://example.com/foo/bar/quux", "1", "frob", "http://example.com/foo/frob" ], [ // at last level "http://example.com/foo/bar/quux", "3", "frob", "http://example.com/foo/bar/quux/frob" ], // FROM RIGHT [ // test of extend-only "http://example.com/test", "-1", "newchild", "http://example.com/test/newchild" ], [ // test of one level up graft (i.e. sibling) "http://example.com/test", "-2", "newsibling", "http://example.com/newsibling" ], [ // test of multi level up graft (i.e. cousin) "http://example.com/shop/by-id/42", "-3", "by-name/foobar", "http://example.com/shop/by-name/foobar" ], // ERRORS [ // test of level too large and positive "http://example.com/foo", "2", "dummy", null ], [ // test of level too large and negative "http://example.com/foo", "-3", "dummy", null ], ] for (let [url, level, tail, exp_res] of cases) { let modified = UrlUtil.graftUrlPath(new URL(url), tail, Number(level)) test (`graft ${tail} onto ${url} at level ${level} --> ${exp_res}`, () => expect(modified ? modified.href : modified).toEqual(exp_res) ) } } function test_url_query_interpolation() { let cases = [ [ // not percent-encoded and appended "http://example.com", "a/query", "http://example.com/a/query" ], [ // not percent-encoded and interpolated "http://example.com/%s/path", "a/query", "http://example.com/a/query/path" ], [ // percent-encoded and appended "http://example.com/?query=", "a/query", "http://example.com/?query=a%2Fquery" ], [ // percent-encoded and interpolated "http://example.com/?query=%s&q2=v2", "a/query", "http://example.com/?query=a%2Fquery&q2=v2" ] ] for (let [url, qy, exp_res] of cases) { let modified = UrlUtil.interpolateSearchItem(new URL(url), qy) test(`interpolate ${qy} into ${url} --> ${exp_res}`, () => expect(modified.href).toEqual(exp_res) ) } } test_increment() test_root() test_parent() test_download_filename() test_query_delete() test_query_replace() test_url_graft_path() test_url_query_interpolation()