import * as config from "./config" export function addurltocsp(response){ let headers = response["responseHeaders"] let cspind = headers.findIndex(header => == "Content-Security-Policy") // if it's found if (cspind > -1) { // Split the csp header up so we can manage it individually. let csparr = [headers[cspind]["value"].split("; ")][0] // TODO: this was part of an attempt to add the extension to the allowed csp, // never worked properly. // Extension URL //let ext_url = browser.extension.getURL("./").slice(0,-1) // Lets clobber CSP let i = 0; for (i = 0; i < csparr.length; i++) { // Add 'unsafe-inline' as a directive since we if (csparr[i].indexOf("style-src") > -1) { if (csparr[i].indexOf("'self'") > -1) { csparr[i] = csparr[i].replace("'self'","'self' 'unsafe-inline'") } } // Remove the element if it's a sandbox directive if (csparr[i] === "sandbox") { csparr.splice(i,1) } } // Join the header up after clobberin' headers[cspind]["value"] = csparr.join("; ") } // min version FF57 // headers is an array of objects with name, value // name: content-security-policy // example value: "style-src 'self'; report-uri; default-src 'self'; script-src 'self' 'nonce-GQTbfotsa2WChjMo' 'nonce-SnTfBGzkDF5ABVyG' 'nonce-04f00A0OQnOBQv5Q'; img-src 'self' data:" // want to add ourselves to list of allowed scripts // can be async and return promise - check whether that helps // not very typescripty - this is a blockingResponse containing httpHeaders return {responseHeaders: headers} } if (config.get("csp") == "clobber"){ browser.webRequest.onHeadersReceived.addListener(addurltocsp,{urls:[""], types:["main_frame"]},["blocking","responseHeaders"]) } // csp tends to be in method GET and type "main_frame"