/** Hint links.
Connect to input system
Gluing into tridactyl
Redraw on reflow
import * as DOM from './dom'
import {log} from './math'
import {permutationsWithReplacement, islice, izip, map} from './itertools'
import {hasModifiers} from './keyseq'
import state from './state'
import {messageActiveTab, message} from './messaging'
import * as config from './config'
import * as TTS from './text_to_speech'
import {HintSaveType} from './hinting_background'
import Logger from './logging'
const logger = new Logger('hinting')
/** Simple container for the state of a single frame's hints. */
class HintState {
public focusedHint: Hint
readonly hintHost = html`
readonly hints: Hint[] = []
public filter = ''
public hintchars = ''
constructor(public filterFunc: HintFilter) {}
destructor() {
// Undo any alterations of the hinted elements
for (const hint of this.hints) {
hint.hidden = true
// Remove all hints from the DOM.
let modeState: HintState = undefined
/** For each hintable element, add a hint */
export function hintPage(
hintableElements: Element[],
onSelect: HintSelectedCallback,
buildHints: HintBuilder = defaultHintBuilder(),
filterHints: HintFilter = defaultHintFilter(),
) {
state.mode = 'hint'
modeState = new HintState(filterHints)
buildHints(hintableElements, onSelect)
if (modeState.hints.length) {
logger.debug("hints", modeState.hints)
modeState.focusedHint = modeState.hints[0]
modeState.focusedHint.focused = true
} else {
function defaultHintBuilder() {
switch (config.get('hintfiltermode')) {
case 'simple':
return buildHintsSimple
case 'vimperator':
return buildHintsVimperator
case 'vimperator-reflow':
return buildHintsVimperator
function defaultHintFilter() {
switch (config.get('hintfiltermode')) {
case 'simple':
return filterHintsSimple
case 'vimperator':
return filterHintsVimperator
case 'vimperator-reflow':
return (fstr) => filterHintsVimperator(fstr, true)
/** An infinite stream of hints
Earlier hints prefix later hints
function* hintnames_simple(hintchars = config.get("hintchars")): IterableIterator {
for (let taglen = 1; true; taglen++) {
yield* map(
permutationsWithReplacement(hintchars, taglen),
e => e.join('')
/** Shorter hints
Hints that are prefixes of other hints are a bit annoying because you have to select them with Enter or Space.
This function removes hints that prefix other hints by observing that:
let h = hintchars.length
if n < h ** 2
then n / h = number of single character hintnames that would prefix later hints
So it removes them. This function is not yet clever enough to realise that if n > h ** 2 it should remove
h + (n - h**2 - h) / h ** 2
and so on, but we hardly ever see that many hints, so whatever.
function* hintnames(n: number, hintchars = config.get("hintchars")): IterableIterator {
let source = hintnames_simple(hintchars)
const num2skip = Math.floor(n / hintchars.length)
yield* islice(source, num2skip, n + num2skip)
/** Uniform length hintnames */
function* hintnames_uniform(n: number, hintchars = config.get("hintchars")): IterableIterator {
if (n <= hintchars.length)
yield* islice(hintchars[Symbol.iterator](), n)
else {
// else calculate required length of each tag
const taglen = Math.ceil(log(n, hintchars.length))
// And return first n permutations
yield* map(islice(permutationsWithReplacement(hintchars, taglen), n),
perm => {
return perm.join('')
type HintSelectedCallback = (Hint) => any
/** Place a flag by each hintworthy element */
class Hint {
public readonly flag = document.createElement('span')
private readonly target: Element,
public readonly name: string,
public readonly filterData: any,
private readonly onSelect: HintSelectedCallback
) {
const rect = target.getClientRects()[0]
this.flag.textContent = name
this.flag.className = 'TridactylHint'
/* this.flag.style.cssText = ` */
/* top: ${rect.top}px; */
/* left: ${rect.left}px; */
/* ` */
this.flag.style.cssText = `
top: ${window.scrollY + rect.top}px;
left: ${window.scrollX + rect.left}px;
// These styles would be better with pseudo selectors. Can we do custom ones?
// If not, do a state machine.
set hidden(hide: boolean) {
this.flag.hidden = hide
if (hide) {
this.focused = false
} else
set focused(focus: boolean) {
if (focus) {
} else {
select() {
type HintBuilder = (els: Element[], onSelect: HintSelectedCallback) => void
function buildHintsSimple(els: Element[], onSelect: HintSelectedCallback) {
let names = hintnames(els.length)
for (let [el, name] of izip(els, names)) {
logger.debug({el, name})
modeState.hintchars += name
modeState.hints.push(new Hint(el, name, null, onSelect))
function buildHintsVimperator(els: Element[], onSelect: HintSelectedCallback) {
let names = hintnames(els.length)
// escape the hintchars string so that strange things don't happen
// when special characters are used as hintchars (for example, ']')
const escapedHintChars = config.get('hintchars').replace(/^\^|[-\\\]]/g, "\\$&")
const filterableTextFilter = new RegExp('[' + escapedHintChars + ']', 'gi')
for (let [el, name] of izip(els, names)) {
let ft = elementFilterableText(el)
// strip out hintchars
ft = ft.replace(filterableTextFilter, '')
logger.debug({el, name, ft})
modeState.hintchars += name + ft
modeState.hints.push(new Hint(el, name, ft, onSelect))
function elementFilterableText(el: Element): string {
const nodename = el.nodeName.toLowerCase()
let text: string
if (nodename == 'input') {
text = (el).value
} else if (0 < el.textContent.length) {
text = el.textContent
} else if (el.hasAttribute('title')) {
text = el.getAttribute('title')
} else {
text = el.innerHTML
// Truncate very long text values
return text.slice(0,2048).toLowerCase() || ''
type HintFilter = (string) => void
/** Show only hints prefixed by fstr. Focus first match */
function filterHintsSimple(fstr) {
const active: Hint[] = []
let foundMatch
for (let h of modeState.hints) {
if (!h.name.startsWith(fstr)) h.hidden = true
else {
if (! foundMatch) {
h.focused = true
modeState.focusedHint = h
foundMatch = true
h.hidden = false
if (active.length == 1) {
/** Partition the filter string into hintchars and content filter strings.
Apply each part in sequence, reducing the list of active hints.
Update display after all filtering, adjusting labels if appropriate.
Consider: This is a poster child for separating data and display. If they
weren't so tied here we could do a neat dynamic programming thing and just
throw the data at a reactalike.
function filterHintsVimperator(fstr, reflow=false) {
/** Partition a fstr into a tagged array of substrings */
function partitionFstr(fstr): {str: string, isHintChar: boolean}[] {
const peek = (a) => a[a.length - 1]
const hintChars = config.get('hintchars')
// For each char, either add it to the existing run if there is one and
// it's a matching type or start a new run
const runs = []
for (const char of fstr) {
const isHintChar = hintChars.includes(char)
if (! peek(runs) || peek(runs).isHintChar !== isHintChar) {
runs.push({str: char, isHintChar})
} else {
peek(runs).str += char
return runs
function rename(hints) {
const names = hintnames(hints.length)
for (const [hint, name] of izip(hints, names)) {
hint.name = name
// Start with all hints
let active = modeState.hints
// If we're reflowing, the names may be wrong at this point, so apply the original names.
if (reflow) rename(active)
// Filter down (renaming as required)
for (const run of partitionFstr(fstr)) {
if (run.isHintChar) {
// Filter by label
active = active.filter(hint => hint.name.startsWith(run.str))
} else {
// By text
active = active.filter(hint => hint.filterData.includes(run.str))
if (reflow && ! run.isHintChar) {
// Update display
// Hide all hints
for (const hint of modeState.hints) {
// Warning: this could cause flickering.
hint.hidden = true
// Show and update labels of active
for (const hint of active) {
hint.hidden = false
hint.flag.textContent = hint.name
// Focus first hint
if (active.length) {
if (modeState.focusedHint) {
modeState.focusedHint.focused = false
active[0].focused = true
modeState.focusedHint = active[0]
// Select focused hint if it's the only match
if (active.length == 1) {
/** Remove all hints, reset STATE. */
function reset() {
modeState = undefined
state.mode = 'normal'
/** If key is in hintchars, add it to filtstr and filter */
function pushKey(ke) {
if (hasModifiers(ke)) {
} else if (ke.key === 'Backspace') {
modeState.filter = modeState.filter.slice(0,-1)
} else if (ke.key.length > 1) {
} else if (modeState.hintchars.includes(ke.key)) {
modeState.filter += ke.key
/** Array of hintable elements in viewport
Elements are hintable if
1. they can be meaningfully selected, clicked, etc
2. they're visible
1. Within viewport
2. Not hidden by another element
function hintables(selectors=HINTTAGS_selectors) {
return DOM.getElemsBySelector(selectors, [DOM.isVisible])
function elementswithtext() {
return DOM.getElemsBySelector("*",
[DOM.isVisible, hint => {
return hint.textContent != ""
/** Returns elements that point to a saveable resource
function saveableElements() {
return DOM.getElemsBySelector(HINTTAGS_saveable, [DOM.isVisible])
/** Get array of images in the viewport
function hintableImages() {
return DOM.getElemsBySelector(HINTTAGS_img_selectors, [DOM.isVisible])
/** Get arrat of "anchors": elements which have id or name and can be addressed
* with the hash/fragment in the URL
function anchors() {
return DOM.getElemsBySelector(HINTTAGS_anchor_selectors, [DOM.isVisible])
/** Array of items that can be killed with hint kill
function killables() {
return DOM.getElemsBySelector(HINTTAGS_killable_selectors, [DOM.isVisible])
// CSS selectors. More readable for web developers. Not dead. Leaves browser to care about XML.
const HINTTAGS_selectors = `
const HINTTAGS_img_selectors = `
const HINTTAGS_anchor_selectors = `
const HINTTAGS_killable_selectors = `
/** CSS selector for elements which point to a saveable resource
const HINTTAGS_saveable = `
import {openInNewTab} from './lib/webext'
/** if `target === _blank` clicking the link is treated as opening a popup and is blocked. Use webext API to avoid that. */
function simulateClick(target: HTMLElement) {
// target can be set to other stuff, and we'll fail in annoying ways.
// There's no easy way around that while this code executes outside of the
// magic 'short lived event handler' context.
// OTOH, hardly anyone uses that functionality any more.
if ((target as HTMLAnchorElement).target === '_blank' ||
(target as HTMLAnchorElement).target === '_new'
) {
openInNewTab((target as HTMLAnchorElement).href)
} else {
DOM.mouseEvent(target, "click")
// Sometimes clicking the element doesn't focus it sufficiently.
function hintPageOpenInBackground() {
hintPage(hintables(), hint=>{
if (hint.target.href) {
// Try to open with the webext API. If that fails, simulate a click on this page anyway.
openInNewTab(hint.target.href, false).catch(()=>simulateClick(hint.target))
} else {
// This is to mirror vimperator behaviour.
function hintPageSimple(selectors=HINTTAGS_selectors) {
hintPage(hintables(selectors), hint=>{
function hintPageTextYank() {
hintPage(elementswithtext(), hint=>{
messageActiveTab("commandline_frame", "setClipboard", [hint.target.textContent])
function hintPageYank() {
hintPage(hintables(), hint=>{
messageActiveTab("commandline_frame", "setClipboard", [hint.target.href])
/** Hint anchors and yank the URL on selection
function hintPageAnchorYank() {
hintPage(anchors(), hint=>{
let anchorUrl = new URL(window.location.href)
anchorUrl.hash = hint.target.id || hint.target.name;
messageActiveTab("commandline_frame", "setClipboard", [anchorUrl.href])
/** Hint images, opening in the same tab, or in a background tab
* @param inBackground opens the image source URL in a background tab,
* as opposed to the current tab
function hintImage(inBackground) {
hintPage(hintableImages(), hint=>{
let img_src = hint.target.getAttribute("src")
if (inBackground) {
openInNewTab(new URL(img_src, window.location.href).href, false)
} else {
window.location.href = img_src
/** Hint elements to focus */
function hintFocus() {
hintPage(hintables(), hint=>{
/** Hint items and read out the content of the selection */
function hintRead() {
hintPage(elementswithtext(), hint=>{
/** Hint elements and delete the selection from the page
function hintKill() {
hintPage(killables(), hint=>{
/** Hint link elements to save
* @param hintType the type of elements to hint and save:
* - "link": elements that point to another resource (eg
* links to pages/files) - the link targer is saved
* - "img": image elements
* @param saveAs prompt for save location
function hintSave(hintType: HintSaveType, saveAs: boolean) {
function saveHintElems(hintType) {
return (hintType === "link") ? saveableElements() : hintableImages()
function urlFromElem(hintType, elem) {
return (hintType === "link") ? elem.href : elem.src
hintPage(saveHintElems(hintType), hint=>{
const urlToSave = new URL(urlFromElem(hintType, hint.target),
// Pass to background context to allow saving from data URLs.
// Convert to href because can't clone URL across contexts
message('download_background', "downloadUrl",
[urlToSave.href, saveAs])
function selectFocusedHint() {
logger.debug("Selecting hint.", state.mode)
const focused = modeState.focusedHint
import {addListener, attributeCaller} from './messaging'
addListener('hinting_content', attributeCaller({