#!/bin/sh # Combine newtab markdown and template if ! cd src/static ; then echo "Failed to cd in src/static. Aborting." exit fi newtab="../../generated/static/newtab.html" newtabtemp="../../generated/static/newtab.temp.html" sed "/REPLACETHIS/,$ d" newtab.template.html > "$newtabtemp" "$(yarn bin)/marked" newtab.md >> "$newtabtemp" sed "1,/REPLACETHIS/ d" newtab.template.html >> "$newtabtemp" # Why think when you can pattern match? ( sed "/REPLACE_ME_WITH_THE_CHANGE_LOG_USING_SED/,$ d" "$newtabtemp" # Note: If you're going to change this HTML, make sure you don't break the JS in src/newtab.ts cat <
EOF "$(yarn bin)/marked" ../../CHANGELOG.md echo """
""" sed "1,/REPLACE_ME_WITH_THE_CHANGE_LOG_USING_SED/ d" "$newtabtemp" ) > "$newtab" rm "$newtabtemp"