* Brief description of the problem: * Steps to reproduce: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. * Tridactyl version (`:version`): * Firefox version (Top right menu > Help > About Firefox): * URL of the website the bug happens on: * Config (in a new tab, run `:viewconfig`, copy the url and paste it somewhere like gist.github.com): * Contents of ~/.tridactylrc or ~/.config/tridactyl/tridactylrc (if they exist): ``` Insert tridactylrc contents between the backticks ``` * Operating system: * Result of running `:! echo $PATH`, or `! echo %PATH%` on Windows, in Tridactyl: * Unix-like only: result of running `printf '%c\0\0\0{"cmd": "run", "command": "echo $PATH"}' 39 | ~/.local/share/tridactyl/native_main.py` in a terminal: