import {MsgSafeKeyboardEvent, MsgSafeNode} from './msgsafe' import {isTextEditable} from './dom' import {parser as exmode_parser} from './parsers/exmode' import state from "./state" /** Accepts keyevents, resolves them to maps, maps to exstrs, executes exstrs */ function *ParserController () { while (true) { let ex_str = "" let keys = [] try { while (true) { let keyevent: MsgSafeKeyboardEvent = yield let keypress = keyevent.key // TODO: think about if this is robust if (isTextEditable( { state.mode = "insert" } else if (state.mode === 'insert') { state.mode = "normal" } console.log(keyevent, state.mode) // Special keys (e.g. Backspace) are not handled properly // yet. So drop them. This also drops all modifier keys. // When we put in handling for other special keys, remember // to continue to ban modifiers. if (keypress.length > 1 || keyevent.ctrlKey || keyevent.altKey) { continue } keys.push(keypress) let response = state.modes[state.mode](keys) console.debug(keys, response) if (response.ex_str){ ex_str = response.ex_str break } else { keys = response.keys } } acceptExCmd(ex_str) } catch (e) { // Rumsfeldian errors are caught here console.error("Tridactyl ParserController fatally wounded:", e) } } } let generator = ParserController() // var rather than let stops weirdness in repl. /** Feed keys to the ParserController */ export function acceptKey(keyevent: MsgSafeKeyboardEvent) { } /** Parse and execute ExCmds */ export function acceptExCmd(ex_str: string) { // TODO: Errors should go to CommandLine. try { let [func, args] = exmode_parser(ex_str) try { func(...args) } catch (e) { // Errors from func are caught here (e.g. no next tab) console.error(e) } } catch (e) { // Errors from parser caught here console.error(e) } }