/* Have an array of all completion sources. Completion sources display nothing if the filter doesn't match for them. On each input event, call updateCompletions on the array. That will mutate the array and update the display as required. How to handle cached e.g. buffer information going out of date? */ import * as Fuse from 'fuse.js' import {enumerate} from './itertools' import {toNumber} from './convert' import * as Messaging from './messaging' const DEFAULT_FAVICON = browser.extension.getURL("static/defaultFavicon.svg") // {{{ INTERFACES type OptionState = 'focused' | 'hidden' | 'normal' abstract class CompletionOption { /** What to fill into cmdline */ value: string /** Control presentation of the option */ state: OptionState } export abstract class CompletionSource { readonly options: CompletionOption[] node: HTMLElement public completion: string /** Update [[node]] to display completions relevant to exstr */ public abstract filter(exstr: string): Promise private _state: OptionState /** Control presentation of Source */ set state(newstate: OptionState) { switch (newstate) { case 'normal': this.node.classList.remove('hidden') this.completion = undefined break case 'hidden': this.node.classList.add('hidden') break; } this._state = newstate } get state() { return this._state } next(inc = 1): boolean { return false } prev(inc = 1): boolean { return this.next(-1*inc) } } // Default classes abstract class CompletionOptionHTML extends CompletionOption { public html: HTMLElement public value private _state: OptionState = 'hidden' /** Control presentation of element */ set state(newstate: OptionState) { // console.log("state from to", this._state, newstate) switch (newstate) { case 'focused': this.html.classList.add('focused') this.html.classList.remove('hidden') break case 'normal': this.html.classList.remove('focused') this.html.classList.remove('hidden') break case 'hidden': this.html.classList.remove('focused') this.html.classList.add('hidden') break; } this._state = newstate } get state() { return this._state } } interface CompletionOptionFuse extends CompletionOptionHTML { // For fuzzy matching fuseKeys: any[] } type ScoredOption = { index: number, option: CompletionOptionFuse, score: number } abstract class CompletionSourceFuse extends CompletionSource { public node public options: CompletionOptionFuse[] protected lastExstr: string protected lastFocused: CompletionOption protected optionContainer = html`` constructor(private prefixes, className: string, title?: string) { super() this.node = html `` this.node.appendChild(this.optionContainer) this.state = 'hidden' } /* abstract onUpdate(query: string, prefix: string, options: CompletionOptionFuse[]) */ abstract onInput(exstr: string) // Helpful default implementations public async filter(exstr: string) { this.lastExstr = exstr this.onInput(exstr) this.updateChain() } updateChain(exstr = this.lastExstr, options = this.options) { if (options === undefined) { this.state = 'hidden' return } const [prefix, query] = this.splitOnPrefix(exstr) // console.log(prefix, query, options) // Hide self and stop if prefixes don't match if (prefix) { // Show self if prefix and currently hidden if (this.state === 'hidden') { this.state = 'normal' } } else { this.state = 'hidden' return } // Filter by query if query is not empty if (query) { this.setStateFromScore(this.scoredOptions(query)) // Else show all options } else { options.forEach(option => option.state = 'normal') } // Call concrete class this.updateDisplay() } select(option: CompletionOption) { if (this.lastExstr !== undefined && option !== undefined) { const [prefix, _] = this.splitOnPrefix(this.lastExstr) this.completion = prefix + option.value option.state = 'focused' this.lastFocused = option } else { throw new Error("lastExstr and option must be defined!") } } deselect() { this.completion = undefined if (this.lastFocused != undefined) this.lastFocused.state = "normal" } splitOnPrefix(exstr: string) { for (const prefix of this.prefixes) { if (exstr.startsWith(prefix)) { const query = exstr.replace(prefix, '') return [prefix, query] } } return [undefined, undefined] } fuseOptions = { keys: ["fuseKeys"], shouldSort: true, id: "index", includeScore: true, } // PERF: Could be expensive not to cache Fuse() // yeah, it was. fuse = undefined /** Rtn sorted array of {option, score} */ scoredOptions(query: string, options = this.options): ScoredOption[] { // This is about as slow. let USE_FUSE = true if (!USE_FUSE){ const searchThis = this.options.map( (elem, index) => { return {index, fuseKeys: elem.fuseKeys[0]} }) return searchThis.map(r => { return { index: r.index, option: this.options[r.index], score: r.fuseKeys.length } }) } else { // Can't sort the real options array because Fuse loses class information. if (!this.fuse){ let searchThis = this.options.map( (elem, index) => { return {index, fuseKeys: elem.fuseKeys} } ) this.fuse = new Fuse(searchThis, this.fuseOptions) } return this.fuse.search(query).map( res => { let result = res as any // console.log(result, result.item, query) let index = toNumber(result.item) return { index, option: this.options[index], score: result.score as number } } ) } } /** Set option state by score For now just displays all scored elements (see threshold in fuse) and focus the best match. */ setStateFromScore(scoredOpts: ScoredOption[], autoselect = false) { let matches = scoredOpts.map(res => res.index) for (const [index, option] of enumerate(this.options)) { if (matches.includes(index)) option.state = 'normal' else option.state = 'hidden' } // ideally, this would not deselect anything unless it fell off the list of matches if (matches.length && autoselect) { this.select(this.options[matches[0]]) } else { this.deselect() } } /** Call to replace the current display */ // TODO: optionContainer.replaceWith and optionContainer.remove don't work. // I don't know why, but it means we can't replace the div in one go. Maybe // an iframe thing. updateDisplay() { /* const newContainer = html`
` */ while (this.optionContainer.hasChildNodes()) { this.optionContainer.removeChild(this.optionContainer.lastChild) } for (const option of this.options) { /* newContainer.appendChild(option.html) */ if (option.state != "hidden") this.optionContainer.appendChild(option.html) } /* console.log('updateDisplay', this.optionContainer, newContainer) */ /* let result1 = this.optionContainer.remove() */ /* let res2 = this.node.appendChild(newContainer) */ /* console.log('results', result1, res2) */ } next(inc=1){ if (this.state != "hidden"){ let visopts = this.options.filter((o) => o.state != "hidden") let currind = visopts.findIndex((o) => o.state == "focused") this.deselect() this.select(visopts[currind + inc]) return true } else return false } } // }}} // {{{ IMPLEMENTATIONS class HistoryCompletionOption extends CompletionOptionHTML implements CompletionOptionFuse { public fuseKeys = [] constructor(public value: string, page: browser.history.HistoryItem) { super() // Two character buffer properties prefix // Push prefix before padding so we don't match on whitespace // Push properties we want to fuzmatch on this.fuseKeys.push(page.title, page.url) // weight by page.visitCount // Create HTMLElement // need to download favicon const favIconUrl = DEFAULT_FAVICON // const favIconUrl = tab.favIconUrl ? tab.favIconUrl : DEFAULT_FAVICON this.html = html`
` } } function sleep(ms: number) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)) } export class HistoryCompletionSource extends CompletionSourceFuse { public options: HistoryCompletionOption[] // TODO: // - store the exstr and trigger redraws on user or data input without // callback faffery // - sort out the element redrawing. constructor(private _parent) { super( [ "open ", "tabopen ", "winopen ", ], "HistoryCompletionSource", "History" ) this.updateOptions() this._parent.appendChild(this.node) } private async updateOptions(exstr?: string) { /* console.log('updateOptions', this.optionContainer) */ // this sleep stops input from being blocked, but also breaks :open until something is typed // await sleep(0) const history: browser.history.HistoryItem[] = await Messaging.message("commandline_background", "history") const options = [] // Get alternative tab, defined as last accessed tab. history.sort((a, b) => { return a.lastVisitTime < b.lastVisitTime ? 1 : -1 }) for (const page of history) { options.push(new HistoryCompletionOption( page.url, page, )) } /* console.log('updateOptions end', this.waiting, this.optionContainer) */ this.options = options this.updateChain() } async onInput(exstr) { // Schedule an update, if you like. Not very useful for buffers, but // will be for other things. this.updateOptions() } } class BufferCompletionOption extends CompletionOptionHTML implements CompletionOptionFuse { public fuseKeys = [] constructor(public value: string, tab: browser.tabs.Tab, isAlternative = false) { super() // Two character buffer properties prefix let pre = "" if (tab.active) pre += "%" else if (isAlternative) pre += "#" if (tab.pinned) pre += "@" // Push prefix before padding so we don't match on whitespace this.fuseKeys.push(pre) // Push properties we want to fuzmatch on this.fuseKeys.push(String(tab.index + 1), tab.title, tab.url) // Create HTMLElement const favIconUrl = tab.favIconUrl ? tab.favIconUrl : DEFAULT_FAVICON this.html = html`` } } export class BufferCompletionSource extends CompletionSourceFuse { public options: BufferCompletionOption[] // TODO: // - store the exstr and trigger redraws on user or data input without // callback faffery // - sort out the element redrawing. constructor(private _parent) { super( [ "buffer ", "tabclose ", "tabdetach ", "tabduplicate ", "tabmove ", ], "BufferCompletionSource", "Buffers" ) this.updateOptions() this._parent.appendChild(this.node) } private async updateOptions(exstr?: string) { /* console.log('updateOptions', this.optionContainer) */ const tabs: browser.tabs.Tab[] = await Messaging.message("commandline_background", "currentWindowTabs") const options = [] // Get alternative tab, defined as last accessed tab. const alt = tabs.sort((a, b) => { return a.lastAccessed < b.lastAccessed ? 1 : -1 })[1] tabs.sort((a, b) => { return a.index < b.index ? -1 : 1 }) for (const tab of tabs) { options.push(new BufferCompletionOption( (tab.index + 1).toString(), tab, tab === alt) ) } /* console.log('updateOptions end', this.waiting, this.optionContainer) */ this.options = options this.updateChain() } async onInput(exstr) { // Schedule an update, if you like. Not very useful for buffers, but // will be for other things. this.updateOptions() } setStateFromScore(scoredOpts: ScoredOption[]){super.setStateFromScore(scoredOpts, true)} } // {{{ UNUSED: MANAGING ASYNC CHANGES /** If first to modify epoch, commit change. May want to change epoch after commiting. */ async function commitIfCurrent(epochref: any, asyncFunc: Function, commitFunc: Function, ...args: any[]): Promise { // I *think* sync stuff in here is guaranteed to happen immediately after // being called, up to the first await, despite this being an async // function. But I don't know. Should check. const epoch = epochref const res = await asyncFunc(...args) if (epoch === epochref) return commitFunc(res) else console.error(new Error("Update failed: epoch out of date!")) } /** Indicate changes to completions we would like. This will probably never be used for original designed purpose. */ function updateCompletions(filter: string, sources: CompletionSource[]) { for (let [index, source] of enumerate(sources)) { // Tell each compOpt to filter, and if they finish fast enough they: // 0. Leave a note for any siblings that they got here first // 1. Take over their parent's slot in compOpts // 2. Update their display commitIfCurrent( source.obsolete, // Flag/epoch source.filter, // asyncFunc (childSource) => { // commitFunc source.obsolete = true sources[index] = childSource childSource.activate() }, filter // argument to asyncFunc ) } } // }}}
${"".padEnd(2)} ${page.title} ${page.url}
${pre.padEnd(2)} ${tab.index + 1}: ${tab.title} ${tab.url}