# Inspired by QuantumVim: https://github.com/shinglyu/QuantumVim BACKGROUND_COLOUR = "yellow" highlight_links = () -> links = document.querySelector('a') # Just handles links, not buttons/inputs etc. code = 0 for link in links link_highlight(link, code) code +=1 return code link_highlight = (elem, code) -> elem._background = elem.style.backgroundColor elem._position = elem.style.position # Why are these being saved? elem.style.backgroundColor = BACKGROUND_COLOUR elem.style.position="relative" codehint = generate_codehint(code) elem.appendChild(codehint) gLinkCodes[String(code)] = { element: elem codehint } # This is really ugly, surely we can create an object with the properties of codehint? generate_codehint = (code) -> codehint = document.createElement('span') codehint.textContent = code codehint.style.border = "solid 1 px black" codehint.style.backgroundColor="white" codehint.style.font="12px/14px bold sans-serif" codehint.style.color="darkred" codehint.style.position="absolute" codehint.style.top="0" codehint.style.left="0" codehint.style.padding="0.1em" codehint