// '//#' is a start point for a simple text-replacement-type macro. See excmds_macros.py /** # Tridactyl help page Use `:help ` or scroll down to show [[help]] for a particular excmd. The default keybinds can be found [here](/static/docs/modules/_config_.html#defaults) or all active binds can be seen with `:viewconfig nmaps`. You can also view them with [[bind]]. Try `bind j`. For more information, and FAQs, check out our [readme][4] on github. Tridactyl is in a pretty early stage of development. Please report any issues and make requests for missing features on the GitHub [project page][1]. You can also get in touch using Matrix, Gitter, or IRC chat clients: [![Matrix Chat][matrix-badge]][matrix-link] [![Gitter Chat][gitter-badge]][gitter-link] [![Freenode Chat][freenode-badge]][freenode-link] All three channels are mirrored together, so it doesn't matter which one you use. ## How to use this help page We've hackily re-purposed TypeDoc which is designed for internal documentation. Every function (excmd) on this page can be called via Tridactyl's command line which we call "ex". There is a slight change in syntax, however. Wherever you see: `function(arg1,arg2)` You should instead type `function arg1 arg2` into the Tridactyl command line (accessed via `:`) A "splat" operator (...) means that the excmd will accept any number of space-delimited arguments into that parameter. You do not need to worry about types or return values. At the bottom of each function's help page, you can click on a link that will take you straight to that function's definition in our code. This is especially recommended for browsing the [config](/static/docs/modules/_config_.html#defaults) which is nigh-on unreadable on these pages. ## Highlighted features: - Press `b` to bring up a list of open tabs in the current window; you can type the tab ID or part of the title or URL to choose a tab - Press `I` to enter ignore mode. `Shift` + `Escape` to return to normal mode. - Press `f` to start "hint mode", `F` to open in background - Press `o` to `:open` a different page - Press `s` if you want to search for something that looks like a domain name or URL - [[bind]] new commands with e.g. `:bind J tabnext` - Type `:help` to see a list of available excmds - Use `yy` to copy the current page URL to your clipboard - `]]` and `[[` to navigate through the pages of comics, paginated articles, etc - Pressing `ZZ` will close all tabs and windows, but it will only "save" them if your about:preferences are set to "show your tabs and windows from last time" There are some caveats common to all webextension vimperator-alikes: - Do not try to navigate to any about:\* pages using `:open` as it will fail silently - Firefox will not load Tridactyl on addons.mozilla.org, about:\*, some file:\* URIs, view-source:\*, or data:\*. On these pages Ctrl-L (or F6), Ctrl-Tab and Ctrl-W are your escape hatches - Tridactyl does not currently support changing/hiding the Firefox GUI, but you can do it yourself by changing your userChrome. There is an [example file](2) available in our repository. If you want a more fully-featured vimperator-alike, your best option is [Firefox ESR][3] and Vimperator :) [1]: https://github.com/cmcaine/tridactyl/issues [2]: https://github.com/cmcaine/tridactyl/blob/master/src/static/userChrome-minimal.css [3]: https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/organizations/ [4]: https://github.com/cmcaine/tridactyl#readme [gitter-badge]: /static/badges/gitter-badge.svg [gitter-link]: https://gitter.im/tridactyl/Lobby [freenode-badge]: /static/badges/freenode-badge.svg [freenode-link]: ircs://chat.freenode.net/tridactyl [matrix-badge]: https://matrix.to/img/matrix-badge.svg [matrix-link]: https://riot.im/app/#/room/#tridactyl:matrix.org */ /** ignore this line */ // {{{ setup // Shared import * as Messaging from "./messaging" import { l } from "./lib/webext" import state from "./state" import * as UrlUtil from "./url_util" import * as config from "./config" import * as aliases from "./aliases" import * as Logging from "./logging" /** @hidden */ const logger = new Logging.Logger("excmds") import Mark from "mark.js" //#content_helper // { import "./number.clamp" import * as SELF from "./excmds_content" Messaging.addListener("excmd_content", Messaging.attributeCaller(SELF)) import * as DOM from "./dom" import { executeWithoutCommandLine } from "./commandline_content" // } //#background_helper // { /** Message excmds_content.ts in the active tab of the currentWindow */ import { messageActiveTab } from "./messaging" import { flatten } from "./itertools" import "./number.mod" import { ModeName } from "./state" import * as keydown from "./keydown_background" import { activeTab, activeTabId, firefoxVersionAtLeast, openInNewTab } from "./lib/webext" import * as CommandLineBackground from "./commandline_background" /** @hidden */ export const cmd_params = new Map>() // } /** @hidden */ function hasScheme(uri: string) { return uri.match(/^([\w-]+):/) } /** @hidden */ function searchURL(provider: string, query: string) { if (provider == "search") provider = config.get("searchengine") const searchurlprovider = config.get("searchurls", provider) if (searchurlprovider === undefined) { throw new TypeError(`Unknown provider: '${provider}'`) } return UrlUtil.interpolateSearchItem(new URL(searchurlprovider), query) } /** If maybeURI doesn't have a schema, affix http:// */ /** @hidden */ export function forceURI(maybeURI: string): string { // Need undefined to be able to open about:newtab if (maybeURI == "") return undefined try { return new URL(maybeURI).href } catch (e) { if (e.name !== "TypeError") throw e } // Else if search keyword: try { const args = maybeURI.split(" ") return searchURL(args[0], args.slice(1).join(" ")).href } catch (e) { if (e.name !== "TypeError") throw e } // Else if it's a domain or something try { const url = new URL("http://" + maybeURI) // Ignore unlikely domains if (url.hostname.includes(".") || url.port || url.password) { return url.href } } catch (e) { if (e.name !== "TypeError") throw e } // Else search $searchengine return searchURL("search", maybeURI).href } /** @hidden */ //#background_helper function tabSetActive(id: number) { browser.tabs.update(id, { active: true }) } // }}} // {{{ INTERNAL/DEBUG /** * Set the logging level for a given logging module. * * @param logModule the logging module to set the level on * @param level the level to log at: in increasing verbosity, one of * "never", "error", "warning", "info", "debug" */ //#background export function loggingsetlevel(logModule: string, level: string) { const map = { never: Logging.LEVEL.NEVER, error: Logging.LEVEL.ERROR, warning: Logging.LEVEL.WARNING, info: Logging.LEVEL.INFO, debug: Logging.LEVEL.DEBUG, } let newLevel = map[level.toLowerCase()] if (newLevel !== undefined) { config.set("logging", logModule, newLevel) } else { throw "Bad log level!" } } // }}} // {{{ PAGE CONTEXT /** Blur (unfocus) the active element */ //#content export function unfocus() { ;(document.activeElement as HTMLInputElement).blur() } //#content export function scrollpx(a: number, b: number) { let top = document.body.getClientRects()[0].top window.scrollBy(a, b) if (top == document.body.getClientRects()[0].top) recursiveScroll(a, b, [document.body]) } /** If two numbers are given, treat as x and y values to give to window.scrollTo If one number is given, scroll to that percentage along a chosen axis, defaulting to the y-axis */ //#content export function scrollto(a: number, b: number | "x" | "y" = "y") { a = Number(a) if (b === "y") { window.scrollTo(window.scrollX, a.clamp(0, 100) * window.document.scrollingElement.scrollHeight / 100) } else if (b === "x") { window.scrollTo(a.clamp(0, 100) * window.document.scrollingElement.scrollWidth / 100, window.scrollY) } else { window.scrollTo(a, Number(b)) // a,b numbers } } /** Tries to find a node which can be scrolled either x pixels to the right or * y pixels down among the Elements in {nodes} and children of these Elements. * * This function used to be recursive but isn't anymore due to various * attempts at optimizing the function in order to reduce GC pressure. */ //#content_helper function recursiveScroll(x: number, y: number, nodes: Element[]) { let index = 0 do { let node = nodes[index++] as any let rect = node.getClientRects()[0] // This check is quite arbitrary and even possibly wrong. // We can't use DOM.isVisible because it breaks scrolling on some // sites (e.g. twitch.com) // We can't not check anything because it makes scrolling unbearably // slow on some other sites, e.g. // http://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cuda-c-programming-guide/index.html // and // https://stripe.com/docs/api#intro // This check speeds things up on the aforementioned website while // still letting scrolling work on twitch/website with frames so we'll // consider it good enough for now. while (!rect || rect.top >= innerHeight - 4) { node = nodes[index++] // No node means we've reached the end of the array if (!node) return rect = node.getClientRects()[0] } let top = rect.top let left = rect.left node.scrollBy(x, y) rect = node.getClientRects()[0] // if the node moved, stop if (top != rect.top || left != rect.left) return nodes = nodes.concat(Array.prototype.slice.call(node.children)) if (node.contentDocument) nodes.push(node.contentDocument.body) } while (index < nodes.length) } //#content export function scrollline(n = 1) { let top = document.body.getClientRects()[0].top window.scrollByLines(n) if (top == document.body.getClientRects()[0].top) { const cssHeight = window.getComputedStyle(document.body).getPropertyValue("line-height") // Remove the "px" at the end const lineHeight = parseInt(cssHeight.substr(0, cssHeight.length - 2)) // lineHeight probably can't be NaN but let's make sure if (lineHeight) recursiveScroll(0, lineHeight * n, [window.document.body]) } } //#content export function scrollpage(n = 1) { scrollpx(0, window.innerHeight * n) } //#background_helper import * as finding from "./finding_background" /** Start find mode. Work in progress. * * @param direction - the direction to search in: 1 is forwards, -1 is backwards. * */ //#background export function find(direction?: number) { if (direction === undefined) direction = 1 finding.findPage(direction) } /** Highlight the next occurence of the previously searched for word. * * @param number - number of words to advance down the page (use 1 for next word, -1 for previous) * */ //#background export function findnext(n: number) { finding.findPageNavigate(n) } /** @hidden */ //#content_helper function history(n: number) { window.history.go(n) } /** Navigate forward one page in history. */ //#content export function forward(n = 1) { history(n) } /** Navigate back one page in history. */ //#content export function back(n = 1) { history(n * -1) } /** Reload the next n tabs, starting with activeTab, possibly bypassingCache */ //#background export async function reload(n = 1, hard = false) { let tabstoreload = await getnexttabs(await activeTabId(), n) let reloadProperties = { bypassCache: hard } tabstoreload.map(n => browser.tabs.reload(n, reloadProperties)) } /** Reloads all tabs, bypassing the cache if hard is set to true */ //#background export async function reloadall(hard = false) { let tabs = await browser.tabs.query({ currentWindow: true }) let reloadprops = { bypassCache: hard } tabs.map(tab => browser.tabs.reload(tab.id, reloadprops)) } /** Reload the next n tabs, starting with activeTab. bypass cache for all */ //#background export async function reloadhard(n = 1) { reload(n, true) } /** Open a new page in the current tab. @param urlarr - if first word looks like it has a schema, treat as a URI - else if the first word contains a dot, treat as a domain name - else if the first word is a key of [[SEARCH_URLS]], treat all following terms as search parameters for that provider - else treat as search parameters for google Related settings: "searchengine": "google" or any of [[SEARCH_URLS]] */ //#content export function open(...urlarr: string[]) { let url = urlarr.join(" ") if (url === "") url = config.get("newtab") || browser.extension.getURL("static/newtab.html") window.location.href = forceURI(url) } /** @hidden */ //#content_helper let sourceElement = undefined //#content export function viewsource(url = "") { if (url === "") url = window.location.href if (config.get("viewsource") === "default") { window.location.href = "view-source:" + url return } if (!sourceElement) { sourceElement = executeWithoutCommandLine(() => { let pre = document.createElement("pre") pre.id = "TridactylViewsourceElement" pre.className = "cleanslate " + config.get("theme") pre.innerText = document.documentElement.innerHTML document.documentElement.appendChild(pre) return pre }) } else { sourceElement.parentNode.removeChild(sourceElement) sourceElement = undefined } } /** Go to your homepage(s) @param all - if "true", opens all homepages in new tabs - if "false" or not given, opens the last homepage in the current tab */ //#background export function home(all: "false" | "true" = "false") { let homepages = config.get("homepages") if (homepages.length > 0) { if (all === "false") open(homepages[homepages.length - 1]) else { homepages.map(t => tabopen(t)) } } } /** Show this page. `:help ` jumps to the entry for that command. e.g. `:help bind` */ //#background export async function help(excmd?: string) { const docpage = browser.extension.getURL("static/docs/modules/_excmds_.html") if (excmd === undefined) excmd = "tridactyl-help-page" if ((await activeTab()).url.startsWith(docpage)) { open(docpage + "#" + excmd) } else { tabopen(docpage + "#" + excmd) } } /** Start the tutorial * @param newtab - whether to start the tutorial in a newtab. Defaults to current tab. */ //#background export async function tutor(newtab?: string) { const tutor = browser.extension.getURL("static/clippy/tutor.html") if (newtab) tabopen(tutor) else open(tutor) } /** @hidden */ // Find clickable next-page/previous-page links whose text matches the supplied pattern, // and return the last such link. // // If no matching link is found, return undefined. // // We return the last link that matches because next/prev buttons tend to be at the end of the page // whereas lots of blogs have "VIEW MORE" etc. plastered all over their pages. //#content_helper function findRelLink(pattern: RegExp): HTMLAnchorElement | null { // querySelectorAll returns a "non-live NodeList" which is just a shit array without working reverse() or find() calls, so convert it. const links = Array.from(>document.querySelectorAll("a[href]")) // Find the last link that matches the test return links.reverse().find(link => pattern.test(link.innerText)) // Note: // `innerText` gives better (i.e. less surprising) results than `textContent` // at the expense of being much slower, but that shouldn't be an issue here // as it's a one-off operation that's only performed when we're leaving a page } /** @hidden */ // Return the last element in the document matching the supplied selector, // or null if there are no matches. function selectLast(selector: string): HTMLElement | null { const nodes = >document.querySelectorAll(selector) return nodes.length ? nodes[nodes.length - 1] : null } /** Find a likely next/previous link and follow it If a link or anchor element with rel=rel exists, use that, otherwise fall back to: 1) find the last anchor on the page with innerText matching the appropriate `followpagepattern`. 2) call [[urlincrement]] with 1 or -1 If you want to support e.g. French: ``` set followpagepatterns.next ^(next|newer|prochain)\b|»|>> set followpagepatterns.prev ^(prev(ious)?|older|précédent)\b|»|>> ``` @param rel the relation of the target page to the current page: "next" or "prev" */ //#content export function followpage(rel: "next" | "prev" = "next") { const link = selectLast(`link[rel~=${rel}][href]`) if (link) { window.location.href = link.href return } const anchor = selectLast(`a[rel~=${rel}][href]`) || findRelLink(new RegExp(config.get("followpagepatterns", rel), "i")) if (anchor) { DOM.mouseEvent(anchor, "click") } else { urlincrement(rel === "next" ? 1 : -1) } } /** Increment the current tab URL * * @param count the increment step, can be positive or negative */ //#content export function urlincrement(count = 1) { let newUrl = UrlUtil.incrementUrl(window.location.href, count) if (newUrl !== null) { window.location.href = newUrl } } /** Go to the root domain of the current URL */ //#content export function urlroot() { let rootUrl = UrlUtil.getUrlRoot(window.location) if (rootUrl !== null) { window.location.href = rootUrl.href } } /** Go to the parent URL of the current tab's URL */ //#content export function urlparent(count = 1) { let parentUrl = UrlUtil.getUrlParent(window.location, count) if (parentUrl !== null) { window.location.href = parentUrl.href } } /** * Open a URL made by modifying the current URL * * There are several modes: * * * Text replace mode: `urlmodify -t ` * * Replaces the first instance of the text `old` with `new`. * * `http://example.com` -> (`-t exa peta`) -> `http://petample.com` * * * Regex replacment mode: `urlmodify -r [flags]` * * Replaces the first match of the `regexp` with `new`. You can use * flags `i` and `g` to match case-insensitively and to match * all instances respectively * * `http://example.com` -> (`-r [ea] X g`) -> `http://XxXmplX.com` * * * Query replace mode: `urlmodify -q ` * * Replace the value of a query with a new one: * * `http://e.com?id=foo` -> (`-q id bar`) -> `http://e.com?id=bar * * * Query delete mode: `urlmodify -Q ` * * Deletes the given query (and the value if any): * * `http://e.com?id=foo&page=1` -> (`-Q id`) -> `http://e.com?page=1` * * * Graft mode: `urlmodify -g ` * * "Grafts" a new tail on the URL path, possibly removing some of the old * tail. Graft point indicates where the old URL is truncated before adding * the new path. * * * `graft_point` >= 0 counts path levels, starting from the left * (beginning). 0 will append from the "root", and no existing path will * remain, 1 will keep one path level, and so on. * * `graft_point` < 0 counts from the right (i.e. the end of the current * path). -1 will append to the existing path, -2 will remove the last path * level, and so on. * * ```text * http://website.com/this/is/the/path/component * Graft point: ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ * From left: 0 1 2 3 4 5 * From right: -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 * ``` * * Examples: * * * `http://e.com/issues/42` -> (`-g 0 foo`) -> `http://e.com/foo` * * `http://e.com/issues/42` -> (`-g 1 foo`) -> `http://e.com/issues/foo` * * `http://e.com/issues/42` -> (`-g -1 foo`) -> `http://e.com/issues/42/foo` * * `http://e.com/issues/42` -> (`-g -2 foo`) -> `http://e.com/issues/foo` * * @param mode The replace mode: * * -t text replace * * -r regexp replace * * -q replace the value of the given query * * -Q delete the given query * * -g graft a new path onto URL or parent path of it * @param replacement the replacement arguments (depends on mode): * * -t * * -r [flags] * * -q * * -Q * * -g */ //#content export function urlmodify(mode: "-t" | "-r" | "-q" | "-Q" | "-g", ...args: string[]) { let oldUrl = new URL(window.location.href) let newUrl = undefined switch (mode) { case "-t": if (args.length !== 2) { throw new Error("Text replacement needs 2 arguments:" + " ") } newUrl = oldUrl.href.replace(args[0], args[1]) break case "-r": if (args.length < 2 || args.length > 3) { throw new Error("RegExp replacement takes 2 or 3 arguments: " + " [flags]") } if (args[2] && args[2].search(/^[gi]+$/) === -1) { throw new Error("RegExp replacement flags can only include 'g', 'i'" + ", Got '" + args[2] + "'") } let regexp = new RegExp(args[0], args[2]) newUrl = oldUrl.href.replace(regexp, args[1]) break case "-q": if (args.length !== 2) { throw new Error("Query replacement needs 2 arguments:" + " ") } newUrl = UrlUtil.replaceQueryValue(oldUrl, args[0], args[1]) break case "-Q": if (args.length !== 1) { throw new Error("Query deletion needs 1 argument:" + "") } newUrl = UrlUtil.deleteQuery(oldUrl, args[0]) break case "-g": if (args.length !== 2) { throw new Error("URL path grafting needs 2 arguments:" + " ") } newUrl = UrlUtil.graftUrlPath(oldUrl, args[1], Number(args[0])) break } if (newUrl && newUrl !== oldUrl) { window.location.href = newUrl } } /** Returns the url of links that have a matching rel. Don't bind to this: it's an internal function. @hidden */ //#content export function geturlsforlinks(reltype = "rel", rel: string) { let elems = document.querySelectorAll("link[" + reltype + "='" + rel + "']") as NodeListOf if (elems) return Array.prototype.map.call(elems, x => x.href) return [] } //#background export async function zoom(level = 0, rel = "false") { level = level > 3 ? level / 100 : level if (rel == "true") level += await browser.tabs.getZoom() browser.tabs.setZoom(level) } /** Opens the current page in Firefox's reader mode. * You currently cannot use Tridactyl while in reader mode. */ //#background export async function reader() { if (await l(firefoxVersionAtLeast(58))) { let aTab = await activeTab() if (aTab.isArticle) { browser.tabs.toggleReaderMode() } // else { // // once a statusbar exists an error can be displayed there // } } } //@hidden //#content_helper loadaucmds() /** @hidden */ //#content export async function loadaucmds() { // for some reason, this never changes from the default, even when there is user config (e.g. set via `aucmd bbc.co.uk mode ignore`) let aucmds = await config.getAsync("autocmds", "DocStart") const ausites = Object.keys(aucmds) // yes, this is lazy const aukey = ausites.find(e => window.document.location.href.includes(e)) if (aukey !== undefined) { Messaging.message("commandline_background", "recvExStr", [aucmds[aukey]]) } } /** The kinds of input elements that we want to be included in the "focusinput" * command (gi) * @hidden */ export const INPUTTAGS_selectors = ` input:not([disabled]):not([readonly]):-moz-any( :not([type]), [type='text'], [type='search'], [type='password'], [type='datetime'], [type='datetime-local'], [type='date'], [type='month'], [type='time'], [type='week'], [type='number'], [type='range'], [type='email'], [type='url'], [type='tel'], [type='color'] ), textarea:not([disabled]):not([readonly]), object, [role='application'] ` /** Password field selectors * @hidden */ const INPUTPASSWORD_selectors = ` input[type='password'] ` /** Focus the last used input on the page * * @param nth focus the nth input on the page, or "special" inputs: * "-l": last focussed input * "-n": input after last focussed one * "-N": input before last focussed one * "-p": first password field * "-b": biggest input field */ //#content export function focusinput(nth: number | string) { let inputToFocus: HTMLElement = null // set to false to avoid falling back on the first available input // if a special finder fails let fallbackToNumeric = true // nth = "-l" -> use the last used input for this page if (nth === "-l") { // try to recover the last used input stored as a // DOM node, which should be exactly the one used before (or null) if (DOM.getLastUsedInput()) { inputToFocus = DOM.getLastUsedInput() } else { // Pick the first input in the DOM. inputToFocus = DOM.getElemsBySelector(INPUTTAGS_selectors, [DOM.isSubstantial])[0] as HTMLElement // We could try to save the last used element on page exit, but // that seems like a lot of faff for little gain. } } else if (nth === "-n" || nth === "-N") { // attempt to find next/previous input let inputs = DOM.getElemsBySelector(INPUTTAGS_selectors, [DOM.isSubstantial]) as HTMLElement[] if (inputs.length) { let index = inputs.indexOf(DOM.getLastUsedInput()) if (DOM.getLastUsedInput()) { if (nth === "-n") { index++ } else { index-- } index = index.mod(inputs.length) } else { index = 0 } inputToFocus = inputs[index] } } else if (nth === "-p") { // attempt to find a password input fallbackToNumeric = false let inputs = DOM.getElemsBySelector(INPUTPASSWORD_selectors, [DOM.isSubstantial]) if (inputs.length) { inputToFocus = inputs[0] } } else if (nth === "-b") { let inputs = DOM.getElemsBySelector(INPUTTAGS_selectors, [DOM.isSubstantial]) as HTMLElement[] inputToFocus = inputs.sort(DOM.compareElementArea).slice(-1)[0] } // either a number (not special) or we failed to find a special input when // asked and falling back is acceptable if (!inputToFocus && fallbackToNumeric) { let index = isNaN(nth) ? 0 : nth inputToFocus = DOM.getNthElement(INPUTTAGS_selectors, index, [DOM.isSubstantial]) } if (inputToFocus) { DOM.focus(inputToFocus) if (config.get("gimode") === "nextinput" && state.mode !== "input") { state.mode = "input" } } } // }}} // {{{ TABS /** Switch to the tab by index (position on tab bar), wrapping round. @param index 1-based index of the tab to target. Wraps such that 0 = last tab, -1 = penultimate tab, etc. if undefined, return activeTabId() */ /** @hidden */ //#background_helper async function tabIndexSetActive(index: number | string) { tabSetActive(await idFromIndex(index)) } /** Switch to the next tab, wrapping round. If increment is specified, move that many tabs forwards. */ //#background export async function tabnext(increment = 1) { tabIndexSetActive((await activeTab()).index + increment + 1) } /** Switch to the next tab, wrapping round. If an index is specified, go to the tab with that number (this mimics the behaviour of `{count}gt` in vim, except that this command will accept a count that is out of bounds (and will mod it so that it is within bounds as per [[tabmove]], etc)). */ //#background export async function tabnext_gt(index?: number) { if (index === undefined) { tabnext() } else { tabIndexSetActive(index) } } /** Switch to the previous tab, wrapping round. If increment is specified, move that many tabs backwards. */ //#background export async function tabprev(increment = 1) { tabIndexSetActive((await activeTab()).index - increment + 1) } /** Switch to the first tab. */ //#background export async function tabfirst() { tabIndexSetActive(1) } /** Switch to the last tab. */ //#background export async function tablast() { tabIndexSetActive(0) } /** Like [[open]], but in a new tab. If no address is given, it will open the newtab page, which can be set with `set newtab [url]` Use the `-b` flag as the first argument to open the tab in the background. Unlike Firefox's Ctrl-t shortcut, this opens tabs immediately after the currently active tab rather than at the end of the tab list because that is the authors' preference. If you would rather the Firefox behaviour `set tabopenpos last`. This preference also affects the clipboard, quickmarks, home, help, etc. If you would rather the URL be opened as if you'd middle clicked it, `set tabopenpos related`. Hinting is controlled by `relatedopenpos` */ //#background export async function tabopen(...addressarr: string[]) { let active if (addressarr[0] === "-b") { addressarr.shift() active = false } let url: string let address = addressarr.join(" ") if (address != "") url = forceURI(address) else url = forceURI(config.get("newtab")) openInNewTab(url, { active }) } /** Resolve a tab index to the tab id of the corresponding tab in this window. @param index 1-based index of the tab to target. Wraps such that 0 = last tab, -1 = penultimate tab, etc. also supports # for previous tab, % for current tab. if undefined, return activeTabId() @hidden */ //#background_helper async function idFromIndex(index?: number | "%" | "#" | string): Promise { if (index === "#") { // Support magic previous/current tab syntax everywhere return (await getSortedWinTabs())[1].id } else if (index !== undefined && index !== "%") { // Wrap index = Number(index) index = (index - 1).mod((await l(browser.tabs.query({ currentWindow: true }))).length) + 1 // Return id of tab with that index. return (await l( browser.tabs.query({ currentWindow: true, index: index - 1, }), ))[0].id } else { return await activeTabId() } } /** Close all other tabs in this window */ //#background export async function tabonly() { const tabs = await browser.tabs.query({ pinned: false, active: false, currentWindow: true, }) const tabsIds = tabs.map(tab => tab.id) browser.tabs.remove(tabsIds) } /** Duplicate a tab. @param index The 1-based index of the tab to target. index < 1 wraps. If omitted, this tab. */ //#background export async function tabduplicate(index?: number) { browser.tabs.duplicate(await idFromIndex(index)) } /** Detach a tab, opening it in a new window. @param index The 1-based index of the tab to target. index < 1 wraps. If omitted, this tab. */ //#background export async function tabdetach(index?: number) { browser.windows.create({ tabId: await idFromIndex(index) }) } /** Get list of tabs sorted by most recent use @hidden */ //#background_helper async function getSortedWinTabs(): Promise { const tabs = await browser.tabs.query({ currentWindow: true }) tabs.sort((a, b) => (a.lastAccessed < b.lastAccessed ? 1 : -1)) return tabs } /** Toggle fullscreen state */ //#background export async function fullscreen() { // Could easily extend this to fullscreen / minimise any window but seems like that would be a tiny use-case. const currwin = await browser.windows.getCurrent() const wid = currwin.id // This might have odd behaviour on non-tiling window managers, but no-one uses those, right? const state = currwin.state == "fullscreen" ? "normal" : "fullscreen" browser.windows.update(wid, { state }) } /** Close a tab. Known bug: autocompletion will make it impossible to close more than one tab at once if the list of numbers looks enough like an open tab's title or URL. @param indexes The 1-based indexes of the tabs to target. indexes < 1 wrap. If omitted, this tab. */ //#background export async function tabclose(...indexes: string[]) { if (indexes.length > 0) { let ids: number[] ids = await Promise.all(indexes.map(index => idFromIndex(index))) browser.tabs.remove(ids) } else { // Close current tab browser.tabs.remove(await activeTabId()) } } /** restore most recently closed tab in this window unless the most recently closed item was a window */ //#background export async function undo() { const current_win_id: number = (await browser.windows.getCurrent()).id const sessions = await browser.sessions.getRecentlyClosed() // The first session object that's a window or a tab from this window. Or undefined if sessions is empty. let closed = sessions.find(s => { return "window" in s || (s.tab && s.tab.windowId == current_win_id) }) if (closed) { if (closed.tab) { browser.sessions.restore(closed.tab.sessionId) } else if (closed.window) { browser.sessions.restore(closed.window.sessionId) } } } /** Synonym for [[tabclose]]. */ //#background export async function quit() { tabclose() } /** Convenience shortcut for [[quit]]. */ //#background export async function q() { tabclose() } /** Move the current tab to be just in front of the index specified. Known bug: This supports relative movement, but autocomple doesn't know that yet and will override positive and negative indexes. Put a space in front of tabmove if you want to disable completion and have the relative indexes at the command line. Binds are unaffected. @param index New index for the current tab. 1 is the first index. 0 is the last index. -1 is the penultimate, etc. */ //#background export async function tabmove(index = "0") { const aTab = await activeTab() let newindex: number if (index.startsWith("+") || index.startsWith("-")) { newindex = Math.max(0, Number(index) + aTab.index) } else newindex = Number(index) - 1 browser.tabs.move(aTab.id, { index: newindex }) } /** Pin the current tab */ //#background export async function pin() { let aTab = await activeTab() browser.tabs.update(aTab.id, { pinned: !aTab.pinned }) } // }}} // {{{ WINDOWS /** Like [[tabopen]], but in a new window */ //#background export async function winopen(...args: string[]) { let address: string const createData = {} if (args[0] === "-private") { createData["incognito"] = true address = args.slice(1, args.length).join(" ") } else address = args.join(" ") createData["url"] = address != "" ? forceURI(address) : forceURI(config.get("newtab")) browser.windows.create(createData) } //#background export async function winclose() { browser.windows.remove((await browser.windows.getCurrent()).id) } /** Close all windows */ // It's unclear if this will leave a session that can be restored. // We might have to do it ourselves. //#background export async function qall() { let windows = await browser.windows.getAll() windows.map(window => browser.windows.remove(window.id)) } /** Convenience shortcut for [[qall]]. */ //#background export async function qa() { qall() } // }}} // {{{ MISC /** Deprecated * @hidden */ //#background export function suppress(preventDefault?: boolean, stopPropagation?: boolean) { mode("ignore") } //#background export function version() { fillcmdline_notrail("REPLACE_ME_WITH_THE_VERSION_USING_SED") } /** Example: - `mode ignore` to ignore all keys. */ //#background export function mode(mode: ModeName) { // TODO: event emition on mode change. if (mode === "hint") { hint() } else if (mode === "find") { find() } else { state.mode = mode } } /** @hidden */ //#background_helper async function getnexttabs(tabid: number, n?: number) { const curIndex: number = (await browser.tabs.get(tabid)).index const tabs: browser.tabs.Tab[] = await browser.tabs.query({ currentWindow: true, }) const indexFilter = ((tab: browser.tabs.Tab) => { return curIndex <= tab.index && (n ? tab.index < curIndex + Number(n) : true) }).bind(n) return tabs.filter(indexFilter).map((tab: browser.tabs.Tab) => { return tab.id }) } // Moderately slow; should load in results as they arrive, perhaps // Todo: allow jumping to buffers once they are found // Consider adding to buffers with incremental search // maybe only if no other results in URL etc? // Find out how to return context of each result //#background /* export async function findintabs(query: string) { */ /* const tabs = await browser.tabs.query({currentWindow: true}) */ /* console.log(query) */ /* const findintab = async tab => */ /* await browser.find.find(query, {tabId: tab.id}) */ /* let results = [] */ /* for (let tab of tabs) { */ /* let result = await findintab(tab) */ /* if (result.count > 0) { */ /* results.push({tab, result}) */ /* } */ /* } */ /* results.sort(r => r.result.count) */ /* console.log(results) */ /* return results */ /* } */ // }}} // {{{ CMDLINE //#background_helper import * as controller from "./controller" /** Repeats a `cmd` `n` times. Falls back to the last executed command if `cmd` doesn't exist. Executes the command once if `n` isn't defined either. */ //#background export function repeat(n = 1, ...exstr: string[]) { let cmd = state.last_ex_str if (exstr.length > 0) cmd = exstr.join(" ") logger.debug("repeating " + cmd + " " + n + " times") for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) controller.acceptExCmd(cmd) } /** Split `cmds` on pipes (|) and treat each as its own command. Workaround: this should clearly be in the parser, but we haven't come up with a good way to deal with |s in URLs, search terms, etc. yet. */ //#background export function composite(...cmds: string[]) { cmds = cmds.join(" ").split("|") cmds.forEach(controller.acceptExCmd) } /** @hidden */ //#background function showcmdline() { CommandLineBackground.show() } /** Set the current value of the commandline to string *with* a trailing space */ //#background export function fillcmdline(...strarr: string[]) { let str = strarr.join(" ") showcmdline() messageActiveTab("commandline_frame", "fillcmdline", [str]) } /** Set the current value of the commandline to string *without* a trailing space */ //#background export function fillcmdline_notrail(...strarr: string[]) { let str = strarr.join(" ") let trailspace = false showcmdline() messageActiveTab("commandline_frame", "fillcmdline", [str, trailspace]) } /** Equivalent to `fillcmdline_notrail ` See also [[fillcmdline_notrail]] */ //#background export async function current_url(...strarr: string[]) { fillcmdline_notrail(...strarr, (await activeTab()).url) } /** Use the system clipboard. If `excmd == "open"`, call [[open]] with the contents of the clipboard. Similarly for [[tabopen]]. If `excmd == "yank"`, copy the current URL, or if given, the value of toYank, into the system clipboard. If `excmd == "yankcanon"`, copy the canonical URL of the current page if it exists, otherwise copy the current URL. If `excmd == "yankshort"`, copy the shortlink version of the current URL, and fall back to the canonical then actual URL. Known to work on https://yankshort.neocities.org/. If `excmd == "yanktitle"`, copy the title of the open page. If `excmd == "yankmd"`, copy the title and url of the open page formatted in Markdown for easy use on sites such as reddit. Unfortunately, javascript can only give us the `clipboard` clipboard, not e.g. the X selection clipboard. */ //#background export async function clipboard(excmd: "open" | "yank" | "yankshort" | "yankcanon" | "yanktitle" | "yankmd" | "tabopen" = "open", ...toYank: string[]) { let content = toYank.join(" ") let url = "" let urls = [] switch (excmd) { case "yankshort": urls = await geturlsforlinks("rel", "shortlink") if (urls.length == 0) { urls = await geturlsforlinks("rev", "canonical") } if (urls.length > 0) { messageActiveTab("commandline_frame", "setClipboard", [urls[0]]) break } case "yankcanon": urls = await geturlsforlinks("rel", "canonical") if (urls.length > 0) { messageActiveTab("commandline_frame", "setClipboard", [urls[0]]) break } case "yank": await messageActiveTab("commandline_content", "focus") content = content == "" ? (await activeTab()).url : content messageActiveTab("commandline_frame", "setClipboard", [content]) break case "yanktitle": messageActiveTab("commandline_frame", "setClipboard", [content]) break case "yankmd": content = "[" + (await activeTab()).title + "](" + (await activeTab()).url + ")" messageActiveTab("commandline_frame", "setClipboard", [content]) break case "open": await messageActiveTab("commandline_content", "focus") url = await messageActiveTab("commandline_frame", "getClipboard") url && open(url) break case "tabopen": await messageActiveTab("commandline_content", "focus") url = await messageActiveTab("commandline_frame", "getClipboard") url && tabopen(url) break default: // todo: maybe we should have some common error and error handler throw new Error(`[clipboard] unknown excmd: ${excmd}`) } CommandLineBackground.hide() } // {{{ Buffer/completion stuff /** Equivalent to `fillcmdline buffer` Sort of Vimperator alias */ //#background export async function tabs() { fillcmdline("buffer") } /** Equivalent to `fillcmdline buffer` Sort of Vimperator alias */ //#background export async function buffers() { tabs() } /** Change active tab. @param index Starts at 1. 0 refers to last tab, -1 to penultimate tab, etc. "#" means the tab that was last accessed in this window */ //#background export async function buffer(index: number | "#") { tabIndexSetActive(index) } // }}} // }}} // {{{ SETTINGS /** * Similar to vim's `:command`. Maps one ex-mode command to another. * If command already exists, this will override it, and any new commands * added in a future release will be SILENTLY overridden. Aliases are * expanded recursively. * * Examples: * - `command t tabopen` * - `command tn tabnext_gt` * = `command hello t` This will expand recursively into 'hello'->'tabopen' * * Note that this is only for excmd->excmd mappings. To map a normal-mode * command to an excommand, see [[bind]]. * * See also: * - [[comclear]] */ //#background export function command(name: string, ...definition: string[]) { // Test if alias creates an alias loop. try { const def = definition.join(" ") // Set alias config.set("exaliases", name, def) aliases.expandExstr(name) } catch (e) { // Warn user about infinite loops fillcmdline_notrail(e, " Alias unset.") config.unset("exaliases", name) } } /** * Similar to vim's `comclear` command. Clears an excmd alias defined by * `command`. * * For example: `comclear helloworld` will reverse any changes caused * by `command helloworld xxx` * * See also: * - [[command]] */ //#background export function comclear(name: string) { config.unset("exaliases", name) } /** Bind a sequence of keys to an excmd or view bound sequence. This is an easier-to-implement bodge while we work on vim-style maps. Examples: - `bind G fillcmdline tabopen google` - `bind D composite tabclose | buffer #` - `bind j scrollline 20` - `bind F hint -b` You can view binds by omitting the command line: - `bind j` - `bind k` You can bind to modifiers and special keys by enclosing them with space, for example `bind z fullscreen`, or `bind forward`. Modifiers are truncated to a single character, so Ctrl -> C, Alt -> A, and Shift -> S. Shift is a bit special as it is only required if Shift does not change the key inputted, e.g. `` is OK, but `` should just be `A`. You can view all special key names here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/key/Key_Values Use [[composite]] if you want to execute multiple excmds. Use [[fillcmdline]] to put a string in the cmdline and focus the cmdline (otherwise the string is executed immediately). See also: - [[unbind]] - [[reset]] */ //#background export function bind(key: string, ...bindarr: string[]) { if (bindarr.length) { let exstring = bindarr.join(" ") config.set("nmaps", key, exstring) } else if (key.length) { // Display the existing bind fillcmdline_notrail("#", key, "=", config.get("nmaps", key)) } } /** * Set a search engine keyword for use with *open or `set searchengine` * * @deprecated use `set searchurls.KEYWORD URL` instead * * @param keyword the keyword to use for this search (e.g. 'esa') * @param url the URL to interpolate the query into. If %s is found in * the URL, the query is inserted there, else it is appended. * If the insertion point is in the "query string" of the URL, * the query is percent-encoded, else it is verbatim. **/ //#background export function searchsetkeyword(keyword: string, url: string) { config.set("searchurls", keyword, forceURI(url)) } /** Set a key value pair in config. Use to set any string values found [here](/static/docs/modules/_config_.html#defaults) e.g. set searchurls.google https://www.google.com/search?q= set logging.messaging info */ //#background export function set(key: string, ...values: string[]) { if (!key || !values[0]) { throw "Both key and value must be provided!" } const target = key.split(".") // Special case conversions // TODO: Should we do any special case shit here? switch (target[0]) { case "logging": const map = { never: Logging.LEVEL.NEVER, error: Logging.LEVEL.ERROR, warning: Logging.LEVEL.WARNING, info: Logging.LEVEL.INFO, debug: Logging.LEVEL.DEBUG, } let level = map[values[0].toLowerCase()] if (level === undefined) throw "Bad log level!" else config.set(...target, level) return } const currentValue = config.get(...target) if (Array.isArray(currentValue)) { config.set(...target, values) } else if (currentValue === undefined || typeof currentValue === "string") { config.set(...target, values.join(" ")) } else { throw "Unsupported setting type!" } } /** Set autocmds to run when certain events happen. @param event Curently, only 'DocStart' is supported. @param url The URL on which the events will trigger (currently just uses "contains") @param excmd The excmd to run (use [[composite]] to run multiple commands) */ //#background export function autocmd(event: string, url: string, ...excmd: string[]) { // rudimentary run time type checking // TODO: Decide on autocmd event names if (!["DocStart"].includes(event)) throw event + " is not a supported event." config.set("autocmds", event, url, excmd.join(" ")) } /** Unbind a sequence of keys so that they do nothing at all. See also: - [[bind]] - [[reset]] */ //#background export async function unbind(key: string) { config.set("nmaps", key, "") } /** Restores a sequence of keys to their default value. See also: - [[bind]] - [[unbind]] */ //#background export async function reset(key: string) { config.unset("nmaps", key) // Code for dealing with legacy binds let nmaps = (await browser.storage.sync.get("nmaps"))["nmaps"] nmaps = nmaps == undefined ? {} : nmaps delete nmaps[key] browser.storage.sync.set({ nmaps }) } /** Deletes various privacy-related items. The list of possible arguments can be found here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/browsingData/DataTypeSet Additional, tridactyl-specific arguments are: - commandline: Removes the in-memory commandline history. - tridactyllocal: Removes all tridactyl storage local to this machine. Use it with commandline if you want to delete your commandline history. - tridactylsync: Removes all tridactyl storage associated with your Firefox Account (i.e, all user configuration, by default). These arguments aren't affected by the timespan parameter. Timespan parameter: -t [0-9]+(m|h|d|w) Examples: - `sanitise all` -> Deletes everything - `sanitise history` -> Deletes all history - `sanitise commandline tridactyllocal tridactylsync` -> Deletes every bit of data Tridactyl holds - `sanitise cookies -t 3d` -> Deletes cookies that were set during the last three days. */ //#background export async function sanitise(...args: string[]) { let flagpos = args.indexOf("-t") let since = {} // If the -t flag has been given and there is an arg after it if (flagpos > -1) { if (flagpos < args.length - 1) { let match = args[flagpos + 1].match("^([0-9])+(m|h|d|w)$") // If the arg of the flag matches Pentadactyl's sanitisetimespan format if (match !== null && match.length == 3) { // Compute the timespan in milliseconds and get a Date object let millis = parseInt(match[1]) * 1000 switch (match[2]) { case "w": millis *= 7 case "d": millis *= 24 case "h": millis *= 60 case "m": millis *= 60 } since = { since: new Date().getTime() - millis } } else { throw new Error(":sanitise error: expected time format: ^([0-9])+(m|h|d|w)$, given format:" + args[flagpos + 1]) } } else { throw new Error(":sanitise error: -t given but no following arguments") } } let dts = { cache: false, cookies: false, downloads: false, formData: false, history: false, localStorage: false, passwords: false, serviceWorkers: false, // These are Tridactyl-specific commandline: false, tridactyllocal: false, tridactylsync: false, /* When this one is activated, a lot of errors seem to pop up in the console. Keeping it disabled is probably a good idea. "pluginData": false, */ /* These 3 are supported by Chrome and Opera but not by Firefox yet. "fileSystems": false, "indexedDB": false, "serverBoundCertificates": false, */ } if (args.find(x => x == "all") !== undefined) { for (let attr in dts) dts[attr] = true } else { // We bother checking if dts[x] is false because // browser.browsingData.remove() is very strict on the format of the // object it expects args.map(x => { if (dts[x] === false) dts[x] = true }) } // Tridactyl-specific items if (dts.commandline === true) state.cmdHistory = [] delete dts.commandline if (dts.tridactyllocal === true) browser.storage.local.clear() delete dts.tridactyllocal if (dts.tridactylsync === true) browser.storage.sync.clear() delete dts.tridactylsync // Global items browser.browsingData.remove(since, dts) } /** Bind a quickmark for the current URL or space-separated list of URLs to a key on the keyboard. Afterwards use go[key], gn[key], or gw[key] to [[open]], [[tabopen]], or [[winopen]] the URL respectively. */ //#background export async function quickmark(key: string, ...addressarr: string[]) { // ensure we're binding to a single key if (key.length !== 1) { return } if (addressarr.length <= 1) { let address = addressarr.length == 0 ? (await activeTab()).url : addressarr[0] // Have to await these or they race! await bind("gn" + key, "tabopen", address) await bind("go" + key, "open", address) await bind("gw" + key, "winopen", address) } else { let compstring = addressarr.join(" | tabopen ") let compstringwin = addressarr.join(" | winopen ") await bind("gn" + key, "composite tabopen", compstring) await bind("go" + key, "composite open", compstring) await bind("gw" + key, "composite winopen", compstringwin) } } /** Puts the contents of config value with keys `keys` into the commandline and the background page console It's a bit rubbish, but we don't have a good way to provide feedback to the commandline yet. You can view the log entry in the browser console (Ctrl-Shift-j). For example, you might try `get nmaps` to see all of your current binds. */ //#background export function get(...keys: string[]) { const target = keys.join(".").split(".") const value = config.get(...target) console.log(value) if (typeof value === "object") { fillcmdline_notrail(`# ${keys.join(".")} = ${JSON.stringify(value)}`) } else { fillcmdline_notrail(`# ${keys.join(".")} = ${value}`) } } /** Opens the current configuration in Firefox's native JSON viewer in the current tab. * * NB: Tridactyl cannot run on this page! * * @param key - The specific key you wish to view (e.g, nmaps). * */ //#content export function viewconfig(key?: string) { // # and white space don't agree with FF's JSON viewer. // Probably other symbols too. if (!key) window.location.href = "data:application/json," + JSON.stringify(config.get()) .replace(/#/g, "%23") .replace(/ /g, "%20") // I think JS casts key to the string "undefined" if it isn't given. else window.location.href = "data:application/json," + JSON.stringify(config.get(key)) .replace(/#/g, "%23") .replace(/ /g, "%20") // base 64 encoding is a cleverer way of doing this, but it doesn't seem to work for the whole config. //window.location.href = "data:application/json;base64," + btoa(JSON.stringify(config.get())) } //#background export function unset(...keys: string[]) { const target = keys.join(".").split(".") if (target === undefined) throw "You must define a target!" config.unset(...target) } // not required as we automatically save all config ////#background //export function saveconfig(){ // config.save(config.get("storageloc")) //} ////#background //export function mktridactylrc(){ // saveconfig() //} // }}} // {{{ HINTMODE //#background_helper import * as hinting from "./hinting_background" /** Hint a page. @param option - -b open in background - -y copy (yank) link's target to clipboard - -p copy an element's text to the clipboard - -r read an element's text with text-to-speech - -i view an image - -I view an image in a new tab - -k delete an element from the page - -s save (download) the linked resource - -S save the linked image - -a save-as the linked resource - -A save-as the linked image - -; focus an element - -# yank an element's anchor URL to clipboard - -c [selector] hint links that match the css selector - `bind ;c hint -c [class*="expand"],[class="togg"]` works particularly well on reddit and HN - -w open in new window -wp open in new private window Excepting the custom selector mode and background hint mode, each of these hint modes is available by default as `;