# Webextension modules we might need: * keyboard (not yet existent) * storage (.vimperatorrc) * tabs * history (for auto completion of open, etc) * bookmarks (auto completion, obvious) * windows (buffers) * webNavigation (autocmds) - maybe content script would just do this for us. ## Stuff we want to do that I know how to do: Show hints: For each link in viewport (how to restrict to viewport?): Add a
element styled to appear on top of it Listen for keystrokes. Does vimperator just go for tags? I think it probably knows about elements that can be clicked for other effects. Change tab tabs.update(tabtodisplay, {active: true}) Change window focus windows.update(windowtofocus, {focused: true}) ## Stuff I don't know how to do: Use promises properly. Use promises from a sane language (coffeescript, livescript, elm, etc). Find promises to cancel their chain. Communication between background and content scripts.