" bovine3dom's dogfood " Provided only as an example. " Do not install/run without reading through as you may be surprised by some " of the settings. " May require the latest beta builds. " Move this to $XDG_CONFIG_DIR/tridactyl/tridactylrc (that's " ~/.config/tridactyl/tridactylrc to mere mortals) or ~/.tridactylrc and " install the native messenger (:installnative in Tridactyl). Run :source to " get it in the browser, or just restart. " NB: If you want "vim-like" behaviour where removing a line from " here makes the setting disappear, uncomment the line below. "sanitise tridactyllocal tridactylsync " " Binds " " Comment toggler for Reddit and Hacker News bind ;c hint -c [class*="expand"],[class="togg"] " GitHub pull request checkout command to clipboard (only works if you're a collaborator or above) bind yp composite js document.getElementById("clone-help-step-1").textContent.replace("git checkout -b", "git checkout -B").replace("git pull ", "git fetch ") + "git reset --hard " + document.getElementById("clone-help-step-1").textContent.split(" ")[3].replace("-","/") | yank " " Misc settings " " set editorcmd to suckless terminal, or use the defaults on other platforms js tri.browserBg.runtime.getPlatformInfo().then(os=>{const editorcmd = os.os=="linux" ? "st vim" : "auto"; tri.config.set("editorcmd", editorcmd)}) " set profile dir on Windows jsb browser.runtime.getPlatformInfo().then(os=>{const profiledir = os.os=="win" ? "C:\\Users\\olie\\AppData\\Roaming\\Mozilla\\Firefox\\Profiles\\gwm76nmk.default" : "auto"; tri.config.set("profiledir", profiledir)}) " Sane hinting mode set hintfiltermode vimperator-reflow set hintchars 4327895610 " Make Tridactyl work on more sites at the expense of some security set csp clobber fixamo_quiet " Make quickmarks for the sane Tridactyl issue view quickmark t https://github.com/cmcaine/tridactyl/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=sort%3Aupdated-desc+ " " URL redirects " " New reddit is bad autocmd DocStart www.reddit.com js tri.excmds.urlmodify("-t", "www", "old") " Mosquito nets won't make themselves autocmd DocStart www.amazon.co.uk js tri.excmds.urlmodify("-t", "www", "smile") " This will have to do until someone writes us a nice syntax file :) " vim: set filetype=vim: