require("geckodriver") const fs = require("fs") const webdriver = require("selenium-webdriver") const Until = webdriver.until const By = webdriver.By const Options = require("selenium-webdriver/firefox").Options jest.setTimeout(20000) // API docs because I waste too much time looking for them every time I go back to this: // const vimToSelenium = { "Down": webdriver.Key.ARROW_DOWN, "Left": webdriver.Key.ARROW_LEFT, "Right": webdriver.Key.ARROW_RIGHT, "Up": webdriver.Key.ARROW_UP, "BS": webdriver.Key.BACK_SPACE, "Del": webdriver.Key.DELETE, "End": webdriver.Key.END, "CR": webdriver.Key.ENTER, "Esc": webdriver.Key.ESCAPE, "Home": webdriver.Key.HOME, "PageDown": webdriver.Key.PAGE_DOWN, "PageUp": webdriver.Key.PAGE_UP, "Tab": webdriver.Key.TAB, "lt": "<", } const modToSelenium = { "A": webdriver.Key.ALT, "C": webdriver.Key.CONTROL, "M": webdriver.Key.META, "S": webdriver.Key.SHIFT, } function sendKeys (driver, keys) { const delay = 10 function chainRegularKeys (previousPromise, regularKeys) { return regularKeys .split("") .reduce((p, key) => p .then(() => driver.actions().sendKeys(key).perform()) .then(() => driver.sleep(delay)) , previousPromise) } function chainSpecialKey (previousPromise, specialKey) { return previousPromise .then(() => { const noBrackets = specialKey.slice(1,-1) if (noBrackets.includes("-")) { const [modifiers, key] = noBrackets.split("-") const mods = modifiers.split("").map(mod => modToSelenium[mod]) return mods .reduce((actions, mod) => actions.keyUp(mod), mods.reduce((actions, mod) => actions.keyDown(mod), driver.actions()) .sendKeys(vimToSelenium[key] || key)) .perform() } return driver.actions().sendKeys(vimToSelenium[noBrackets] || noBrackets).perform() }) .then(() => driver.sleep(delay)) } let result = Promise.resolve() const regexp = /<[^>-]+-?[^>]*>/g const specialKeys = keys.match(regexp) if (!specialKeys) { return chainRegularKeys(result, keys) } const regularKeys = keys.split(regexp) let i for (i = 0; i < Math.min(specialKeys.length, regularKeys.length); ++i) { result = chainSpecialKey(chainRegularKeys(result, regularKeys[i]), specialKeys[i]) } if (i < regularKeys.length) { result = regularKeys .slice(i) .reduce((previousPromise, currentKeys) => chainRegularKeys(previousPromise, currentKeys), result) } if ( i < specialKeys.length) { result = specialKeys .slice(i) .reduce((previousPromise, currentKey) => chainSpecialKey(previousPromise, currentKey), result) } return result } describe("webdriver", () => { function iframeLoaded(driver) { return driver.wait(Until.elementLocated("cmdline_iframe"))) } async function getDriver() { const dir = "web-ext-artifacts" const extensionName = "tridactyl.xpi" const extensionPath = dir + "/" + extensionName const driver = new webdriver.Builder() .forBrowser("firefox") .setFirefoxOptions((new Options()) .setPreference("xpinstall.signatures.required", false) .addExtensions(extensionPath)) .build() // Wait until addon is loaded and :tutor is displayed await iframeLoaded(driver) // And wait a bit more otherwise Tridactyl won't be happy await driver.sleep(500) return driver } async function getDriverAndProfileDirs() { const rootDir = "/tmp/" // First, find out what profile the driver is using const profiles = fs.readdirSync(rootDir).map(p => rootDir + p) const driver = await getDriver() const newProfiles = fs.readdirSync("/tmp") .map(p => rootDir + p) .filter(p => p.match("moz") && !profiles.includes(p)) return { driver, newProfiles } } async function killDriver(driver) { try { await driver.close() } catch(e) {} try { await driver.quit() } catch(e) {} } async function untilTabUrlMatches(driver, tabId, pattern) { let match do { match = (await driver.executeScript(`return tri.browserBg.tabs.get(${tabId})`)) .url .match(pattern) } while (!match) return match } async function newTabWithoutChangingOldTabs (driver, callback) { const tabsBefore = await driver.executeScript("return tri.browserBg.tabs.query({})") const result = await callback(tabsBefore); const tabsAfter = await driver.wait(async () => { let tabsAfter do { tabsAfter = await driver.executeScript("return tri.browserBg.tabs.query({})") } while (tabsAfter.length == tabsBefore.length) return tabsAfter }) // A single new tab has been created expect(tabsAfter.length).toBe(tabsBefore.length + 1) // None of the previous tabs changed, except maybe for their index const newtab = tabsAfter.find(tab2 => !tabsBefore.find(tab => == const notNewTabs = tabsAfter.slice() notNewTabs.splice(tabsAfter.findIndex(tab => tab == newtab), 1) const ignoreValues = { active: false, // the previously-active tab isn't necessarily active anymore highlighted: true, // changing tabs changes highlights index: 0, // indexes might not be the same depending on whether the new tab is lastAccessed: 0, // lastAccessed has also changed for the previously-active tab } for (let i = 0; i < tabsBefore.length; ++i) { let copy1 = Object.assign({}, tabsBefore[i], ignoreValues) let copy2 = Object.assign({}, notNewTabs[i], ignoreValues) expect(copy1).toEqual(copy2) } return [newtab, result] } test("`:rssexec` works", async () => { const driver = await getDriver() try { await sendKeys(driver, ":set rsscmd js " + "const elem=document.createElement('span');" + "'rsscmdExecuted';" + "elem.innerText=`%u`;" + "document.body.appendChild(elem)") // First, make sure completions are offered await driver.get("") const iframe = await iframeLoaded(driver) await sendKeys(driver, ":rssexec ") await driver.switchTo().frame(iframe) const elements = await driver.findElements(By.className("RssCompletionOption")) expect(elements.length).toBeGreaterThan(3) const url = await elements[0].getAttribute("innerText") // Then, make sure rsscmd is executed and has the right arguments await sendKeys(driver, "") await driver.switchTo().parentFrame() const elem = await driver.wait(Until.elementLocated("rsscmdExecuted"))) expect(url).toMatch(await elem.getAttribute("innerText")) } catch (e) { fail(e) } finally { await killDriver(driver) } }) test("`:editor` works", async () => { const driver = await getDriver() try { const addedText = "There are %l lines and %c characters in this textarea." await sendKeys(driver, `:set editorcmd echo -n '${addedText}' >> %f`) const areaId = "editorTest" await driver.executeScript(` const area = document.createElement("textarea") = "${areaId}" document.body.appendChild(area) area.focus() `) const text = "This is a line\nThis is another\nThis is a third." await sendKeys(driver, text + "") await driver.sleep(1000) expect(await driver.executeScript(`return document.getElementById("${areaId}").value`)) .toEqual(text + addedText.replace("%l", "3").replace("%c", "" + text.split("\n")[2].length)) } catch (e) { fail(e) } finally { await killDriver(driver) } }) test("`:guiset` works", async () => { const { driver, newProfiles } = await getDriverAndProfileDirs() try { // Then, make sure `:guiset` is offering completions const iframe = await iframeLoaded(driver) await sendKeys(driver, ":guiset ") await driver.switchTo().frame(iframe) const elements = await driver.findElements(By.className("GuisetCompletionOption")) expect(elements.length).toBeGreaterThan(0) // Use whatever the first suggestion is await sendKeys(driver, " ") await driver.sleep(1000) expect(await driver.executeScript(`return document.getElementById("tridactyl-input").value`)) .toEqual("userChrome.css written. Please restart Firefox to see the changes.") expect(newProfiles.find(path => fs .readdirSync(path + "/chrome") .find(files => files.match("userChrome.css$"))) ).toBeDefined() } catch (e) { fail(e) } finally { await killDriver(driver) } }) test("`:colourscheme` works", async () => { const driver = await getDriver() try { expect(await driver.executeScript(`return document.documentElement.className`)) .toMatch("TridactylOwnNamespace TridactylThemeDefault") await sendKeys(driver, ":colourscheme dark") await driver.sleep(100) expect(await driver.executeScript(`return document.documentElement.className`)) .toMatch("TridactylOwnNamespace TridactylThemeDark") } catch (e) { fail(e) } finally { await killDriver(driver) } }) test("`:setpref` works", async () => { const { driver, newProfiles } = await getDriverAndProfileDirs() try { await sendKeys(driver, `:setpref a.b.c "d"`) await driver.sleep(1000) const file = fs.readFileSync(newProfiles[0] + "/user.js", { encoding: "utf-8" }) expect(file).toMatch(/user_pref\("a.b.c", "d"\);/) } catch (e) { fail(e) } finally { await killDriver(driver) } }) test("`:tabopen` opens the newtab page.", async () => { const driver = await getDriver() return newTabWithoutChangingOldTabs(driver, async (tabsBefore) => { await sendKeys(driver, ":tabopen") }).then(async ([newtab, _]) => { // The new tab is active expect( // Its url is the newtab page's url await driver.wait(untilTabUrlMatches(driver,, new RegExp("moz-extension://.*/static/newtab.html")), 10000) }).finally(() => killDriver(driver)) }) test("`:tabopen` opens", async () => { const driver = await getDriver() return newTabWithoutChangingOldTabs(driver, async () => { await sendKeys(driver, ":tabopen") }).then(async ([newtab, _]) => { expect( await driver.wait(untilTabUrlMatches(driver,, ""), 10000) }).finally(() => killDriver(driver)) }) test("`:tabopen qwant` opens qwant.", async () => { const driver = await getDriver() return newTabWithoutChangingOldTabs(driver, async () => { await sendKeys(driver, ":tabopen qwant") }).then(async ([newtab, _]) => { expect( await driver.wait(untilTabUrlMatches(driver,, new RegExp("^*")), 10000) }).finally(() => killDriver(driver)) }) test("`:tabopen test` opens google.", async () => { const driver = await getDriver() return newTabWithoutChangingOldTabs(driver, async () => { await sendKeys(driver, ":tabopen test") }).then(async ([newtab, _]) => { expect( await driver.wait(untilTabUrlMatches(driver,, new RegExp("^*test")), 10000) }).finally(() => killDriver(driver)) }) test("`:tabopen` opens", async () => { const driver = await getDriver() return newTabWithoutChangingOldTabs(driver, async () => { await sendKeys(driver, ":tabopen") }).then(async ([newtab, _]) => { expect( await driver.wait(untilTabUrlMatches(driver,, ""), 10000) }).finally(() => killDriver(driver)) }) test("`:tabopen search duckduckgo` opens google.", async () => { const driver = await getDriver() return newTabWithoutChangingOldTabs(driver, async () => { await sendKeys(driver, ":tabopen search duckduckgo") }).then(async ([newtab, _]) => { expect( await driver.wait(untilTabUrlMatches(driver,, new RegExp("^*duckduckgo")), 10000) }).finally(() => killDriver(driver)) }) test("`:tabopen -b about:blank` opens a background tab.", async () => { const driver = await getDriver() return newTabWithoutChangingOldTabs(driver, async () => { await sendKeys(driver, ":tabopen -b about:blank") }).then(async ([newtab, _]) => { expect( await driver.wait(untilTabUrlMatches(driver,, "about:blank")) }).finally(() => killDriver(driver)) }) test("`:tabopen -c work about:blank` opens about:blank in a container.", async () => { const driver = await getDriver() return newTabWithoutChangingOldTabs(driver, async () => { await sendKeys(driver, ":tabopen -c work about:blank") }).then(async ([newtab, _]) => { expect( expect(newtab.cookieStoreId).toMatch("firefox-container-") await driver.wait(untilTabUrlMatches(driver,, "about:blank")) }).finally(() => killDriver(driver)) }) test("`:tabopen -b -c work search qwant` opens about:blank in a container.", async () => { const driver = await getDriver() return newTabWithoutChangingOldTabs(driver, async () => { await sendKeys(driver, ":tabopen -b -c work search qwant") }).then(async ([newtab, _]) => { expect( expect(newtab.cookieStoreId).toMatch("firefox-container-") await driver.wait(untilTabUrlMatches(driver,, new RegExp("^*qwant"))) }).finally(() => killDriver(driver)) }) }) // vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab