Problem: When using home() to open the homepage, tridactyl opens the
default search engine instead.
Solution: This was due to calling open(homepages[-1]). Open recieved
`undefined` as argument, gave it to forceURI which returned the default
search engine URL. Replacing `-1` with `homepages.length-1` fixes the
Fixes issue
Problem: Yankshort didn't yank short urls on This
was due to using an old, non-standard, non-html5
compliant way of advertising its short urls.
Solution: Make yankshort check if a rev="canonical" link exists if it
cannot find a rel="shortlink" url.
Fixes issue .
This adds an excmd interface to the Web Speech API (TTS), which allows
users to read text out and set voice and parameters via config options.
- ttsread: reads out the given text or element content (CSS selected)
- ttsvoices: lists available voice names (can be used in the
'ttsvoice' option)
- ttscontrol: stops the current reading (should also pause/resume,
but that doesn't seem to work right now)
Config options:
- ttsvoice: the name of the voice to use
- ttsrate: (0.1-10)
- ttsvolume: (0-1)
- ttspitch: (0-2)
Also the ;r hint submode is added which reads the textcontent of the
element with the configured voice
The DOM.getElemsBySelector function makes it a bit less verbose to
construct an array of filtered elements matching a selector.
Also, this function is expanded to take multiple filters, applied
THis yanks the page URL with the hinted elements id or title as a hash
fragment, which can be used to link to the page at that element's
For example:
;# nmap added, from Vimperator
Can focus the nth input from the start or end of a page.
Also has some special modes:
-l: last focussed input
-p: first password input
-b: the largest input by area