This adds the ability to save link targets or images. The save location
can be default, or the save as dialog can be invoked.
Somewhat sensible default filenames are provided.
Data URLs are also supported (though they need quite a bit of massaging
to get past the WebExt security limitations). Specificially, they need
to be round-tripped though a Blob, and must be saved from the background
- Add `focusinput -n` and `focusinput -N`
- Press `gi` to focus input and enter inputmode
- When in inputmode, `Tab` to focus input after last focussed one, `Shift+Tab`
to focus input before last focussed one
- Most test frameworks expect modules
- I'm told they're the future
- Every typescript source file is now an es6 module
- Build system is now webpack (tho rollup makes nicer outputs)
- Outputs of buildsystem are one js file per entry point (background,
content, commandline_frame)
- These bundled js files are generated by traversing the dependency
graph of each entry point