This reflects the most recent changes, as of release 1.8.2.
Meanfeatures are:
* Friendly :-).
* More newbie friendliness.
* Link the FAQ.
* Resort highlighted features in such a way, that the ramp up with Tridactyl is eased for newcomers.
* Move the more techie stuff (new tab override) down, as only the really annoyed/interested techs will grind through.
The problem with the current :viewsource is that it loads a page in
which Tridactyl is not loaded. This commit fixes this by enabling a new
setting, "viewsource" which can be set to either "default" or
"tridactyl". If "tridactyl" is selected, then :viewsource will load the
source code of the HTML page in the current page instead of redirecting
the user to the view-source:// version of the page.
This function accepts a callback as argument that will be called once
the commandline has been removed from the page. After the callback has
been executed, the commandline is re-inserted in the page.
Changes summarised in doc/ Additionally, change version
excmd to stop copying to clipboard as it was causing the command line to
be hidden, and add version number to the new tab page.
Turns out writing to is expensive because state.ts and
config.ts both listen for it in every tab. I'd vaguely assumed that
Firefox would run other tabs as low priority tasks and that this would
not be an issue, but it doesn't.
I also wrote the code in a rush, and while I mused that this potential
risk exists I didn't document it or explore it.
Retrospective: Content switches are expensive - think before you do
anything that may wake many processes and don't make wild assumptions
about how Firefox handles multiprocessing.
This reverts commit 092e501db4.
This was causing a bug identified by @glacambre and @Lexi where
sometimes the html function isn't defined when returning to a page with
history back.
Personally, I think it's probably webpack or Firefox's fault: content.ts
clearly imports html-tagged-template as it's first action.
If it's not their fault then it's html-tagged-template's fault: it must
be refusing to set window.html.