- Reflowed text
- Added Matrix/Gitter chat badges
- Added Freenode badge and link
- Used static images for badges on help page to avoid external loads
- Inlined some links, rather than using [1] suffixes
Problem: When using home() to open the homepage, tridactyl opens the
default search engine instead.
Solution: This was due to calling open(homepages[-1]). Open recieved
`undefined` as argument, gave it to forceURI which returned the default
search engine URL. Replacing `-1` with `homepages.length-1` fixes the
Fixes issue https://github.com/cmcaine/tridactyl/issues/188
Problem: Yankshort didn't yank short urls on bugzilla.mozilla.org. This
was due to bugzilla.mozilla.org using an old, non-standard, non-html5
compliant way of advertising its short urls.
Solution: Make yankshort check if a rev="canonical" link exists if it
cannot find a rel="shortlink" url.
Fixes issue https://github.com/cmcaine/tridactyl/issues/172 .
Problem: Hints aren't displayed for certain elements. This was because
the isVisible function didn't pay attention to the element's 'display'
attribute when deciding whether an element is visible according to its
Solution: Add two functions to help decide whether the height and width
attribute of an element matter.
Note: The two functions do not do anything if an element's 'display'
attribute is set to either 'initial' or 'inherit' because taking these
into account seems complicated.
Fixes issue https://github.com/cmcaine/tridactyl/issues/127 .
This adds an excmd interface to the Web Speech API (TTS), which allows
users to read text out and set voice and parameters via config options.
- ttsread: reads out the given text or element content (CSS selected)
- ttsvoices: lists available voice names (can be used in the
'ttsvoice' option)
- ttscontrol: stops the current reading (should also pause/resume,
but that doesn't seem to work right now)
Config options:
- ttsvoice: the name of the voice to use
- ttsrate: (0.1-10)
- ttsvolume: (0-1)
- ttspitch: (0-2)
Also the ;r hint submode is added which reads the textcontent of the
element with the configured voice