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synced 2025-03-04 17:11:40 -05:00
Improve help on excmds.ts and show new tab page on first run
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 81 additions and 24 deletions
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ permissions and why we need them.
order to be able to autocomplete your bookmarks, Tridactyl needs to read
- Clear recent browsing history, cookies, and related data:
* Tridactyl implements the `:sanitize` command Vimperator and Pentadactyl
* Tridactyl implements the `:sanitise` command Vimperator and Pentadactyl
had. It works a bit like the "Clear All History" dialog you can access by
pressing `Ctrl+Shift+Del` on default Firefox.
- Get data from the clipboard:
@ -9,6 +9,12 @@
// Really, we'd like a way of just letting things use the variables
/** # Tridactyl Configuration
* We very strongly recommend that you pretty much ignore this page and instead follow the link below DEFAULTS that will take you to our own source code which is formatted in a marginally more sane fashion.
const CONFIGNAME = "userconfig"
const WAITERS = []
let INITIALISED = false
@ -130,6 +136,7 @@ const DEFAULTS = o({
"tlast": "tablast",
"bd": "tabclose",
"bdelete": "tabclose",
"sanitize": "sanitise",
followpagepatterns: o({
next: "^(next|newer)\\b|»|>>",
@ -19,6 +19,23 @@
All three channels are mirrored together, so it doesn't matter which one you use.
## How to use this help page
We've hackily re-purposed TypeDoc which is designed for internal documentation. Every function (excmd) on this page can be called via Tridactyl's command line which we call "ex". There is a slight change in syntax, however. Wherever you see:
You should instead type
`function arg1 arg2` into the Tridactyl command line (accessed via `:`)
A "splat" operator (...) means that the excmd will accept any number of space-delimited arguments into that parameter.
You do not need to worry about types or return values.
At the bottom of each function's help page, you can click on a link that will take you straight to that function's definition in our code. This is especially recommended for browsing the [config](/static/docs/modules/_config_.html#defaults) which is nigh-on unreadable on these pages.
## Highlighted features:
- Press `b` to bring up a list of open tabs in the current window; you can
@ -76,6 +93,7 @@ import * as UrlUtil from "./url_util"
import * as config from './config'
import * as aliases from './aliases'
import * as Logging from "./logging"
/** @hidden */
const logger = new Logging.Logger('excmds')
import Mark from 'mark.js'
@ -292,23 +310,25 @@ export function scrollpage(n = 1) {
scrollpx(0, window.innerHeight * n)
//export function find(query: string) {
// // Proof of concept
// // Obviously we need a new mode really; probably copy-paste hinting mode
// const MARK_INSTANCE = new Mark(window.document)
// MARK_INSTANCE.unmark()
// MARK_INSTANCE.mark(query)
import * as finding from './finding_background'
/** Start find mode. Work in progress.
* @param direction - the direction to search in: 1 is forwards, -1 is backwards.
export function find(direction?: number){
if (direction === undefined) direction = 1
/** Highlight the next occurence of the previously searched for word.
* @param number - number of words to advance down the page (use 1 for next word, -1 for previous)
export function findnext(n: number){
@ -373,6 +393,7 @@ export function open(...urlarr: string[]) {
window.location.href = forceURI(url)
/** @hidden */
let sourceElement = undefined
@ -688,6 +709,9 @@ export async function zoom(level=0, rel="false"){
/** Opens the current page in Firefox's reader mode.
* You currently cannot use Tridactyl while in reader mode.
export async function reader() {
if (await l(firefoxVersionAtLeast(58))) {
@ -704,7 +728,7 @@ export async function reader() {
/** @hidden */
export async function loadaucmds(){
// for some reason, this never changes from the default, even when there is user config (e.g. set via `aucmd bbc.co.uk mode ignore`)
@ -719,6 +743,7 @@ export async function loadaucmds(){
/** The kinds of input elements that we want to be included in the "focusinput"
* command (gi)
* @hidden
export const INPUTTAGS_selectors = `
@ -744,12 +769,15 @@ object,
/** Password field selectors */
/** Password field selectors
* @hidden
const INPUTPASSWORD_selectors = `
/** DOM reference to the last used Input field
* @hidden
let LAST_USED_INPUT: HTMLElement = null
@ -1155,7 +1183,9 @@ export async function qa() {
// {{{ MISC
/** Deprecated */
/** Deprecated
* @hidden
export function suppress(preventDefault?: boolean, stopPropagation?: boolean) {
@ -1242,7 +1272,7 @@ export function repeat(n = 1, ...exstr: string[]) {
/** Split `cmds` on pipes (|) and treat each as it's own command.
/** Split `cmds` on pipes (|) and treat each as its own command.
Workaround: this should clearly be in the parser, but we haven't come up with a good way to deal with |s in URLs, search terms, etc. yet.
@ -1252,7 +1282,7 @@ export function composite(...cmds: string[]) {
/** Please use fillcmdline instead */
/** @hidden */
function showcmdline() {
@ -1595,21 +1625,21 @@ export async function reset(key: string){
-t [0-9]+(m|h|d|w)
`sanitize all` -> Deletes everything
`sanitize history` -> Deletes all history
`sanitize commandline tridactyllocal tridactylsync` -> Deletes every bit of data Tridactyl holds
`sanitize cookies -t 3d` -> Deletes cookies that were set during the last three days.
`sanitise all` -> Deletes everything
`sanitise history` -> Deletes all history
`sanitise commandline tridactyllocal tridactylsync` -> Deletes every bit of data Tridactyl holds
`sanitise cookies -t 3d` -> Deletes cookies that were set during the last three days.
export async function sanitize(...args: string[]) {
export async function sanitise(...args: string[]) {
let flagpos = args.indexOf("-t")
let since = {}
// If the -t flag has been given and there is an arg after it
if (flagpos > -1) {
if (flagpos < args.length - 1) {
let match = args[flagpos + 1].match('^([0-9])+(m|h|d|w)$')
// If the arg of the flag matches Pentadactyl's sanitizetimespan format
// If the arg of the flag matches Pentadactyl's sanitisetimespan format
if (match !== null && match.length == 3) {
// Compute the timespan in milliseconds and get a Date object
let millis = parseInt(match[1]) * 1000
@ -1621,10 +1651,10 @@ export async function sanitize(...args: string[]) {
since = { "since": (new Date()).getTime() - millis }
} else {
throw new Error(":sanitize error: expected time format: ^([0-9])+(m|h|d|w)$, given format:" + args[flagpos+1])
throw new Error(":sanitise error: expected time format: ^([0-9])+(m|h|d|w)$, given format:" + args[flagpos+1])
} else {
throw new Error(":sanitize error: -t given but no following arguments")
throw new Error(":sanitise error: -t given but no following arguments")
@ -1674,7 +1704,7 @@ export async function sanitize(...args: string[]) {
browser.browsingData.remove(since, dts)
/** Bind a quickmark for the current URL to a key.
/** Bind a quickmark for the current URL or space-separated list of URLs to a key on the keyboard.
Afterwards use go[key], gn[key], or gw[key] to [[open]], [[tabopen]], or
[[winopen]] the URL respectively.
@ -1707,6 +1737,8 @@ export async function quickmark(key: string, ...addressarr: string[]) {
It's a bit rubbish, but we don't have a good way to provide feedback to the commandline yet.
You can view the log entry in the browser console (Ctrl-Shift-j).
For example, you might try `get nmaps` to see all of your current binds.
export function get(...keys: string[]) {
@ -1923,4 +1955,22 @@ export async function bmark(url?: string, ...titlearr: string[] ){
if (dupbmarks.length == 0 ) {browser.bookmarks.create({url, title})}
/** Open a welcome page on first install.
* @hidden
browser.runtime.onInstalled.addListener((details) => {
if (details.reason == "install") tabopen()
// could add elif "update" and show a changelog. Hide it behind a setting to make it less annoying?
// const docpage = browser.extension.getURL("static/docs/modules/_excmds_.html#")
// if (excmd === undefined) excmd = "tridactyl-help-page"
// if ((await activeTab()).url.startsWith(docpage)) {
// open(docpage + excmd)
// } else {
// tabopen(docpage + excmd)
// }
// vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
Tridactyl has to override your new tab page due to WebExtension limitations. You can learn how to change it at the bottom of the page, otherwise please read on for some tips and tricks.
Tridactyl has to override your new tab page due to WebExtension limitations. You can learn how to change it at the bottom of the page, otherwise please read on for some tips and tricks. (If you've just installed Tridactyl for the first time and are seeing this page, hello! Welcome! You'll probably be seeing this page a lot until you figure out how to disable it or uninstall the addon).
- You can view the main help page by typing [`:help`][help].
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