diff --git a/.tridactylrc b/.tridactylrc index 3a0958d8..69957974 100644 --- a/.tridactylrc +++ b/.tridactylrc @@ -29,6 +29,9 @@ bind yp composite js document.getElementById("clone-help-step-1").textContent.re " Git{Hub,Lab} git clone via SSH yank bind yg composite js "git clone " + document.location.href.replace(/https?:\/\//,"git@").replace("/",":").replace(/$/,".git") | clipboard yank +" As above but execute it and open terminal in folder +bind ,g js let uri = document.location.href.replace(/https?:\/\//,"git@").replace("/",":").replace(/$/,".git"); tri.native.run("cd ~/projects; git clone " + uri + "; cd \"$(basename \"" + uri + "\" .git)\"; st") + " I like wikiwand but I don't like the way it changes URLs bindurl wikiwand.com yy composite js document.location.href.replace("wikiwand.com/en","wikipedia.org/wiki") | clipboard yank