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synced 2025-03-06 01:51:40 -05:00
finding.ts: fix :find
and :findnext
sucking hard
This is a complete rewrite of `:find` and `:findnext`.
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 89 additions and 285 deletions
@ -1,299 +1,110 @@
// This file has various utilities used by the completion source for the find excmd
import * as Messaging from "@src/lib/messaging"
import * as config from "@src/lib/config"
import * as DOM from "@src/lib/dom"
import state from "@src/state"
import { zip } from "@src/lib/itertools"
import { browserBg, activeTabId } from "@src/lib/webext"
export class Match {
public index,
public rangeData,
public rectData,
public precontext,
public postcontext,
public firstNode,
) {}
// The host is the shadow root of a span used to contain all highlighting
// elements. This is the least disruptive way of highlighting text in a page.
// It needs to be placed at the very top of the page.
let host
function getFindHost() {
if (host) {
return host
function isCommandLineNode(n) {
const url = n.ownerDocument.location.href
return (
url.protocol === "moz-extension:" &&
url.pathname === "/static/commandline.html"
/** Get all text nodes within the page.
TODO: cache the results. I tried to do it but since we need to invalidate the cache when nodes are added/removed from the page, the results are constantly being invalidated by the completion buffer.
The solution is obviously to pass `document.body` to createTreeWalker instead of just `document` but then you won't get all the text nodes in the page and this is a big problem because the results returned by browser.find.find() need absolutely all nodes existing within the page, even the ones belonging the commandline. */
function getNodes() {
const nodes = []
const walker = document.createTreeWalker(
let node = walker.nextNode()
do {
node = walker.nextNode()
} while (node)
return nodes
let lastMatches = []
/** Given "findings", an array matching the one returned by find(), will compute the context for every match in findings and prune the matches than happened in Tridactyl's command line. ContextLength is how many characters from before and after the match should be included into the returned Match object.
getMatches() will save its returned values in lastMatches. This is important for caching purposes in jumpToMatch, read its documentation to get the whole picture. */
export function getMatches(findings, contextLength = 10): Match[] {
const result = []
if (findings.length === 0) return result
// Checks if a node belongs to the command line
const nodes = getNodes()
for (let i = 0; i < findings.length; ++i) {
const range = findings[i][0]
const firstnode = nodes[range.startTextNodePos]
const lastnode = nodes[range.endTextNodePos]
// We never want to match against nodes in the command line
if (
!firstnode ||
!lastnode ||
isCommandLineNode(firstnode) ||
isCommandLineNode(lastnode) ||
// Get the context before the match
let precontext = firstnode.textContent.substring(
range.startOffset - contextLength,
if (precontext.length < contextLength) {
let missingChars = contextLength - precontext.length
let id = range.startTextNodePos - 1
while (missingChars > 0 && nodes[id]) {
const txt = nodes[id].textContent
precontext =
txt.substring(txt.length - missingChars, txt.length) +
missingChars = contextLength - precontext.length
id -= 1
// Get the context after the match
let postcontext = lastnode.textContent.substr(
// If the last node doesn't have enough context and if there's a node after it
if (
postcontext.length < contextLength &&
nodes[range.endTextNodePos + 1]
) {
// Add text from the following text node to the context
postcontext += nodes[range.endTextNodePos + 1].textContent.substr(
contextLength - postcontext.length,
new Match(
lastMatches = result
return result
let prevFind = null
let findCount = 0
/** Performs a call to browser.find.find() with the right parameters and returns the result as a zipped array of rangeData and rectData (see browser.find.find's documentation) sorted according to their vertical position within the document.
If count is different from -1 and lower than the number of matches returned by browser.find.find(), will return count results. Note that when this happens, `matchesCacheIsValid ` is set to false, which will prevent `jumpToMatch` from using cached matches. */
export async function find(query, count = -1, reverse = false) {
findCount += 1
const findId = findCount
const findcase = await config.getAsync("findcase")
const caseSensitive =
findcase === "sensitive" ||
(findcase === "smart" && query.search(/[A-Z]/) >= 0)
const tabId = await activeTabId()
// No point in searching for something that won't be used anyway
await prevFind
if (findId !== findCount) return []
prevFind = browserBg.find.find(query, {
includeRangeData: true,
includeRectData: true,
let findings = await prevFind
findings = zip(findings.rangeData, findings.rectData).sort(
(a: any, b: any) => {
a = a[1].rectsAndTexts.rectList[0]
b = b[1].rectsAndTexts.rectList[0]
if (!a || !b) return 0
return a.top - b.top
let finder = e =>
e[1].rectsAndTexts.rectList[0] &&
e[1].rectsAndTexts.rectList[0].top > window.pageYOffset
if (reverse) {
findings = findings.reverse()
finder = e =>
e[1].rectsAndTexts.rectList[0] &&
e[1].rectsAndTexts.rectList[0].top < window.pageYOffset
const pivot = findings.indexOf(findings.find(finder))
findings = findings.slice(pivot).concat(findings.slice(0, pivot))
if (count !== -1 && count < findings.length) return findings.slice(0, count)
return findings
const elem = document.createElement("span")
elem.id = "TridactylFindHost"
elem.className = "cleanslate"
elem.style.position = "absolute"
elem.style.top = "0px"
elem.style.left = "0px"
host = elem.attachShadow({mode: "closed"})
return host
function createHighlightingElement(rect) {
const e = document.createElement("div")
e.className = "cleanslate TridactylSearchHighlight"
display: block !important;
position: absolute !important;
top: ${rect.top}px !important;
left: ${rect.left}px !important;
width: ${rect.right - rect.left}px !important;
height: ${rect.bottom - rect.top}px !important;
return e
const highlight = document.createElement("span")
highlight.className = "TridactylSearchHighlight"
highlight.style.position = "absolute"
highlight.style.top = `${rect.top}px`
highlight.style.left = `${rect.left}px`
highlight.style.width = `${rect.right - rect.left}px`
highlight.style.height = `${rect.bottom - rect.top}px`
return highlight
export function removeHighlighting(all = true) {
if (all) browserBg.find.removeHighlighting()
highlightingElements.forEach(e => e.parentNode.removeChild(e))
highlightingElements = []
function unfocusHighlight(high) {
high.style.background = `rgba(127,255,255,0.5)`
/* Scrolls to the first visible node.
* i is the id of the node that should be scrolled to in allMatches
* direction is +1 if going forward and -1 if going backawrd
export function findVisibleNode(allMatches, i, direction) {
if (allMatches.length < 1) return undefined
let match = allMatches[i]
let n = i
do {
while (!match.firstNode.ownerDocument.contains(match.firstNode)) {
n += direction
match = lastMatches[n]
if (n === i) return null
function focusHighlight(high) {
if (!DOM.isVisible(high)) {
} while (!DOM.isVisible(match.firstNode.parentNode))
return match
high.style.background = `rgba(255,127,255,0.5)`
function focusMatch(match: Match) {
let elem = match.firstNode
while (elem && !(elem.focus instanceof Function)) elem = elem.parentElement
if (elem) {
// We found a focusable element, but it's more important to focus anchors, even if they're higher up the DOM. So let's see if we can find one
let newElem = elem
while (newElem && newElem.tagName !== "A") newElem = newElem.parentNode
if (newElem) newElem.focus()
else elem.focus()
// The previous find query
let lastSearch
// Highlights corresponding to the last search
let lastHighlights
// Which element of `lastSearch` was last selected
let selected = 0
export async function jumpToMatch(searchQuery, reverse) {
// First, search for the query
const findcase = config.get("findcase")
const sensitive = findcase === "sensitive" || (findcase === "smart" && searchQuery.match("[A-Z]"))
const results = await browserBg.find.find(searchQuery, {
tabId: await activeTabId(),
caseSensitive: sensitive,
entireWord: false,
includeRectData: true,
// results are sorted by the order they appear in the page, we need them to
// be sorted according to position instead
results.rectData.sort((a, b) => reverse
? b.rectsAndTexts.rectList[0].top - a.rectsAndTexts.rectList[0].top
: a.rectsAndTexts.rectList[0].top - b.rectsAndTexts.rectList[0].top)
lastSearch = results
if (results.count < 1)
// Then, highlight it
const host = getFindHost()
lastHighlights = []
let focused = false
for (let i = 0; i < results.rectData.length; ++i) {
const data = results.rectData[i]
const highlights = []
for (const rect of data.rectsAndTexts.rectList) {
const highlight = createHighlightingElement(rect)
if (!focused && DOM.isVisible(highlights[0])) {
focused = true
selected = i
let lastMatch = 0
let highlightingElements = []
/* Jumps to the startingFromth dom node matching pattern */
export async function jumpToMatch(pattern, reverse, startingFrom) {
let match
// When we already computed all the matches, don't recompute them
if (lastMatches[0] && lastMatches[0].rangeData.text === pattern)
match = lastMatches[startingFrom]
if (!match) {
lastMatches = getMatches(await find(pattern, -1, reverse))
match = lastMatches[startingFrom]
if (!focused) {
if (!match) return
// Note: using this function can cause bugs, see
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/find/highlightResults
// Ideally we should reimplement our own highlighting
match = findVisibleNode(lastMatches, startingFrom, reverse ? -1 : 1)
for (const rect of match.rectData.rectsAndTexts.rectList) {
const elem = createHighlightingElement(rect)
// Remember where we where and what actions we did. This is need for jumpToNextMatch
lastMatch = lastMatches.indexOf(match)
export function jumpToNextMatch(n: number) {
if (lastMatches.length < 1) {
// Let's try to find new matches
return jumpToMatch(state.lastSearch, n === -1, 0)
if (!lastSearch) {
selected = (selected + n + lastSearch.count) % lastSearch.count
const match = findVisibleNode(
(n + lastMatch + lastMatches.length) % lastMatches.length,
n <= 0 ? -1 : 1,
if (match === undefined)
throw `No matches found. The pattern looked for doesn't exist or ':find' hasn't been run yet`
for (const rect of match.rectData.rectsAndTexts.rectList) {
const elem = createHighlightingElement(rect)
export function removeHighlighting() {
const host = getFindHost();
while (host.firstChild) host.removeChild(host.firstChild)
lastMatch = lastMatches.indexOf(match)
import * as SELF from "@src/content/finding.ts"
Messaging.addListener("finding_content", Messaging.attributeCaller(SELF))
@ -994,20 +994,13 @@ export function scrollpage(n = 1) {
export function find(...args: string[]) {
let flagpos = args.indexOf("-?")
const flagpos = args.indexOf("-?")
const reverse = flagpos >= 0
if (reverse) args.splice(flagpos, 1)
flagpos = args.indexOf("-:")
let startingFrom = 0
if (flagpos >= 0) {
startingFrom = parseInt(args[flagpos + 1], 10) || 0
args.splice(flagpos, 2)
const searchQuery = args.join(" ")
state.lastSearch = searchQuery
finding.jumpToMatch(searchQuery, reverse, startingFrom)
return finding.jumpToMatch(searchQuery, reverse)
/** Jump to the next searched pattern.
Add table
Reference in a new issue