diff --git a/pretty.GeWrIIb3A/pretty.iHne78Dzi b/pretty.GeWrIIb3A/pretty.iHne78Dzi
deleted file mode 100644
index 0eafaa59..00000000
--- a/pretty.GeWrIIb3A/pretty.iHne78Dzi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
-import * as Perf from "@src/perf"
-import { browserBg } from "@src/lib/webext"
-import * as Containers from "@src/lib/containers"
-import * as Completions from "@src/completions"
-import * as Messaging from "@src/lib/messaging"
-import * as config from "@src/lib/config"
-import {
- tgroups,
- tabTgroup,
-} from "@src/lib/tab_groups"
-class TabAllCompletionOption
- extends Completions.CompletionOptionHTML
- implements Completions.CompletionOptionFuse {
- public fuseKeys = []
- public tab: browser.tabs.Tab
- constructor(
- public value: string,
- tab: browser.tabs.Tab,
- isAlternative: boolean,
- isCurrent: boolean,
- winindex: number,
- container: browser.contextualIdentities.ContextualIdentity,
- incognito: boolean,
- tgroupname: string
- ) {
- super()
- const valueStr = `${winindex}.${tab.index + 1}`
- this.value = valueStr
- this.fuseKeys.push(this.value, tab.title, tab.url)
- this.tab = tab
- // pre contains max four uppercase characters for tab status.
- // If statusstylepretty is set to true replace use unicode characters,
- // but keep plain letters in hidden column for completion.
- let preplain = ""
- if (isCurrent) {
- preplain += "%"
- } else if (isAlternative) {
- preplain += "#"
- this.value = "#"
- }
- let pre = preplain
- if (tab.pinned) preplain += "P"
- if (tab.audible) preplain += "A"
- if (tab.mutedInfo.muted) preplain += "M"
- if (tab.discarded) preplain += "D"
- if (config.get("completions", "Tab", "statusstylepretty") === "true") {
- if (tab.pinned) pre += "\uD83D\uDCCC"
- if (tab.audible) pre += "\uD83D\uDD0A"
- if (tab.mutedInfo.muted) pre += "\uD83D\uDD07"
- if (tab.discarded) pre += "\u2296"
- } else {
- pre = preplain
- }
- tgroupname = (tgroupname === undefined) ? "" : tgroupname
- // Push prefix before padding so we don't match on whitespace
- this.fuseKeys.push(pre)
- this.fuseKeys.push(preplain)
- this.fuseKeys.push(tgroupname)
- // Push properties we want to fuzmatch on
- this.fuseKeys.push(String(tab.index + 1), tab.title, tab.url)
- // Create HTMLElement
- const favIconUrl = tab.favIconUrl
- ? tab.favIconUrl
- : Completions.DEFAULT_FAVICON
- this.html = html`
- ${pre} |
- ${preplain} |
- |
- |
-  |
- ${valueStr}: ${tab.title} |
- ${tgroupname} |
- ${tab.url}
- |
- }
-export class TabAllCompletionSource extends Completions.CompletionSourceFuse {
- public options: TabAllCompletionOption[]
- private shouldSetStateFromScore = true
- constructor(private _parent) {
- super(["taball", "tabgrab"], "TabAllCompletionSource", "All Tabs")
- this.updateOptions()
- this._parent.appendChild(this.node)
- this.shouldSetStateFromScore =
- config.get("completions", "TabAll", "autoselect") === "true"
- Messaging.addListener("tab_changes", () => this.reactToTabChanges())
- }
- async onInput(exstr) {
- return this.updateOptions(exstr)
- }
- setStateFromScore(scoredOpts: Completions.ScoredOption[]) {
- super.setStateFromScore(scoredOpts, this.shouldSetStateFromScore)
- }
- /**
- * Map all windows into a {[windowId]: window} object
- */
- private async getWindows() {
- const windows = await browserBg.windows.getAll()
- const response: { [windowId: number]: browser.windows.Window } = {}
- windows.forEach(win => (response[win.id] = win))
- return response
- }
- /**
- * Update the list of possible tab options and select (focus on)
- * the appropriate option.
- */
- private async reactToTabChanges(): Promise {
- // const prevOptions = this.options
- await this.updateOptions(this.lastExstr)
- // TODO: update this from Tab.ts for TabAll.ts
- // if (!prevOptions || !this.options || !this.lastFocused) return
- // // Determine which option to focus on
- // const diff = R.differenceWith(
- // (x, y) => x.tab.id === y.tab.id,
- // prevOptions,
- // this.options,
- // )
- // const lastFocusedTabCompletion = this
- // .lastFocused as TabAllCompletionOption
- // // If the focused option was removed then focus on the next option
- // if (
- // diff.length === 1 &&
- // diff[0].tab.id === lastFocusedTabCompletion.tab.id
- // ) {
- // //this.select(this.getTheNextTabOption(lastFocusedTabCompletion))
- // }
- }
- /**
- * Gets the next option in this BufferCompletionSource assuming
- * that this BufferCompletionSource length has been reduced by 1
- *
- * TODO: this ain't going to work, need to work out position based on win.tab
- */
- // private getTheNextTabOption(option: TabAllCompletionOption) {
- // if (option.tab.index === this.options.length) {
- // return this.options[this.options.length - 1]
- // }
- // return this.options[option.tab.index]
- // }
- // Eslint doesn't like this decorator but there's nothing we can do about it
- // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/member-ordering
- @Perf.measuredAsync
- private async updateOptions(exstr = "") {
- this.lastExstr = exstr
- const [prefix] = this.splitOnPrefix(exstr)
- // Hide self and stop if prefixes don't match
- if (prefix) {
- // Show self if prefix and currently hidden
- if (this.state === "hidden") {
- this.state = "normal"
- }
- } else {
- this.state = "hidden"
- return
- }
- const tabsPromise = browserBg.tabs.query({})
- const windowsPromise = this.getWindows()
- const [tabs, windows] = await Promise.all([tabsPromise, windowsPromise])
- const options = []
- tabs.sort((a, b) => {
- if (a.windowId === b.windowId) return a.index - b.index
- return a.windowId - b.windowId
- })
- const currentWindowTabs = await browserBg.tabs.query({
- currentWindow: true
- })
- currentWindowTabs.sort((a, b) => b.lastAccessed - a.lastAccessed)
- const altTab = currentWindowTabs[1]
- // Check to see if this is a command that needs to exclude the current
- // window
- const excludeCurrentWindow = ["tabgrab"].includes(prefix.trim())
- const currentWindow = await browserBg.windows.getCurrent()
- // Window Ids don't make sense so we're using LASTID and WININDEX to compute a window index
- // This relies on the fact that tabs are sorted by window ids
- let lastId = 0
- let winindex = 0
- for (const tab of tabs) {
- if (lastId !== tab.windowId) {
- lastId = tab.windowId
- winindex += 1
- }
- // if we are excluding the current window and this tab is in the current window
- // then skip it
- if (excludeCurrentWindow && tab.windowId === currentWindow.id) continue
- options.push(
- new TabAllCompletionOption(
- tab.id.toString(),
- tab,
- tab.index === altTab.index && tab.windowId === altTab.windowId,
- tab.active && tab.windowId === currentWindowTabs[0].windowId,
- winindex,
- await Containers.getFromId(tab.cookieStoreId),
- windows[tab.windowId].incognito,
- await tabTgroup(tab.id)
- ),
- )
- }
- this.completion = undefined
- this.options = options
- return this.updateChain()
- }
diff --git a/src/lib/tab_groups.ts b/src/lib/tab_groups.ts
index 16ce9e6d..8007c0ea 100644
--- a/src/lib/tab_groups.ts
+++ b/src/lib/tab_groups.ts
@@ -81,6 +81,9 @@ export async function setWindowTgroup(name: string, id?: number) {
export async function windowLastTgroup(id?: number) {
const otherGroupsTabs = await tgroupTabs(await windowTgroup(id), true)
+ if (otherGroupsTabs.length === 0) {
+ return undefined
+ }
otherGroupsTabs.sort((a, b) => b.lastAccessed - a.lastAccessed)
const lastTabId = otherGroupsTabs[0].id
return tabTgroup(lastTabId)