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synced 2025-03-05 09:31:41 -05:00
Expand readme with most common normal bindings
This provides a quick-look overview of a good percentage of Tridactyl's basic commands to potential users looking at project page.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 96 additions and 11 deletions
@ -12,18 +12,103 @@ Type `:help` for online help once you're in :)
Remember that tridactyl cannot run on any page on addons.mozilla.org, about:\*, data:\*, view-source:\* and file:\*. We're sorry about that and we're working with Firefox to improve this situation by removing restrictions on existing APIs and developing a new API.
## Highlighted features:
## Highlighted features
- Press `b` to bring up a list of open tabs in the current window; you can type the tab ID or part of the title or URL to choose a tab
- Press `I` to enter ignore mode. `Shift` + `Escape` to return to normal mode.
- Press `f` to start "hint mode", `F` to open in background
- Press `o` to `:open` a different page
- Press `s` if you want to search for something that looks like a domain name or URL
- Bind new commands with e.g. `:bind J tabprev`. Type `:help bind` to see help on custom binds.
- Type `:help` for online help
- Use `yy` to copy the current page URL to your clipboard
- `]]` and `[[` to navigate through the pages of comics, paginated articles, etc.
- Pressing `ZZ` will close all tabs and windows, but it will only "save" them if your about:preferences are set to "show your tabs and windows from last time"
Like Vim, Tridactyl is modal, with the default mode being "normal mode". In
"normal mode", many functions are available using keybindings. In "command
mode" (when the command line is shown), you can execute more complex commands,
known as "ex-commands". All Tridactyl functionality can be accessed by
ex-commands. You can bind any ex-command to a normal-mode shortcut.
### Default normal-mode bindings
This is a (non-exhaustive) list of the most command normal-mode bindings. Type
`:help` to open the online help for more details.
- `:` — activate the command line
- `I` — enter ignore mode. `Shift-Escape` to return to normal mode
- `ZZ` — close all tabs and windows, but only "save" them if your
about:preferences are set to "show your tabs and windows from last time"
- `.` — repeat the last command
#### Navigating with the current page
- `j`/`k` — scroll down/up
- `h`/`l` — scroll left/right
- `^`/`$` — scroll to left/right margin
- `gg`/`G` — scroll to start/end of page
- `f`/`F` — enter "hint mode" to select a link to follow. `F` to open in a
background tab
- `gi` — scroll to and focus the last-used input on the page
- `r`/`R` — reload page or hard reload page
- `yy` — copy the current page URL to the clipboard
- `[[`/`]]` — navigate forward/backward though paginated pages, for example
comics, multi-part articles, search result pages, etc.
- `]c`/`[c` — increment/decrement the current URL by 1
- `gu` — go to the parent of the current URL
- `gU` — go to the root domain of the current URL
- `gr` — open Firefox reader mode (note: Tridactyl will not work in this mode)
- `zi`/`zo`/`zz` — zoom in/out/reset zoom
#### Find mode
Find mode is still incomplete and uses the built-in Firefox search. This will
be improved eventually.
- `/` — open the find search box
- `C-g`/`C-G` — find the next/previous instance of the last find operation
(note: these are the standard Firefox shortcuts)
#### Bookmarks and quickmarks
- `A` — bookmark the current page
- `a` — bookmark the current page, but allow the URL to be modified first
- `M<key>` — bind a quickmark to the given key
- `go<key>`/`gn<key>`/`gw<key>` — open a given quickmark in current tab/new tab/new window
#### Navigating to new pages:
- `o`/`O` — open a URL (or default search) in this tab (`O` to pre-load current URL)
- `t`/`T` — open a URL (or default search) in a new tab (`T` to pre-load current URL)
- `w`/`W` — open a URL (or default search) in a new window (`W` to pre-load current URL)
- `p`/`P` — open the clipboard contents in the current/new tab
- `s`/`S` — force a search using the default Tridactyl search engine, opening
in the current/new tab. This is useful when searching for something that
would otherwise be treated as a URL by `o` or `t`
- `H`/`L` — go back/forward in the tab history
- `gh`/`gH` — go to the home page (in a new tab)
#### Handling tabs
- `d` — close the current tab
- `u` — undo the last tab/window closure
- `gt`/`gT` — go to the next/previous tab
- `g^`/`g$` — go to the first/last tab
- `b` — bring up a list of open tabs in the current window; you can type the
tab ID or part of the title or URL to choose a tab
#### Extended hint mode
Extended hint modes allow you to perform actions on page items:
- `;i`/`;I` — open an image (in current/new tab)
- `;s`/`;a` — save/save-as the linked resource
- `;S`/`;A` — save/save-as the selected image
- `;p` — copy an element's text to the clipboard
- `;y` — copy an element's link URL to the clipboard
- `;#` — copy an element's anchor URL to the clipboard
- `;r` — read the element's text with text-to-speech
- `;k` — delete an element from the page
- `;;` — focus an element
Additionally, you can bind to a custom CSS selector with `:hint -c [selector]`
which is useful for site-specific versions of the standard `f` hint mode.
### Binding custom commands
You can bind your own shortcuts in normal mode with the `:bind` command.
For example `:bind J tabprev` to bind `J` to switch to the previous tab.
See `:help bind` for details about this command.
NOTE: key modifiers (eg: control, alt) are not supported yet. See the FAQ below.
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