Expand readme with most common normal bindings

This provides a quick-look overview of a good percentage of Tridactyl's
basic commands to potential users looking at project page.
This commit is contained in:
John Beard 2018-02-13 20:46:30 +00:00
parent c17878098d
commit 7a65c2af47

View file

@ -12,18 +12,103 @@ Type `:help` for online help once you're in :)
Remember that tridactyl cannot run on any page on addons.mozilla.org, about:\*, data:\*, view-source:\* and file:\*. We're sorry about that and we're working with Firefox to improve this situation by removing restrictions on existing APIs and developing a new API. Remember that tridactyl cannot run on any page on addons.mozilla.org, about:\*, data:\*, view-source:\* and file:\*. We're sorry about that and we're working with Firefox to improve this situation by removing restrictions on existing APIs and developing a new API.
## Highlighted features: ## Highlighted features
- Press `b` to bring up a list of open tabs in the current window; you can type the tab ID or part of the title or URL to choose a tab Like Vim, Tridactyl is modal, with the default mode being "normal mode". In
- Press `I` to enter ignore mode. `Shift` + `Escape` to return to normal mode. "normal mode", many functions are available using keybindings. In "command
- Press `f` to start "hint mode", `F` to open in background mode" (when the command line is shown), you can execute more complex commands,
- Press `o` to `:open` a different page known as "ex-commands". All Tridactyl functionality can be accessed by
- Press `s` if you want to search for something that looks like a domain name or URL ex-commands. You can bind any ex-command to a normal-mode shortcut.
- Bind new commands with e.g. `:bind J tabprev`. Type `:help bind` to see help on custom binds.
- Type `:help` for online help ### Default normal-mode bindings
- Use `yy` to copy the current page URL to your clipboard
- `]]` and `[[` to navigate through the pages of comics, paginated articles, etc. This is a (non-exhaustive) list of the most command normal-mode bindings. Type
- Pressing `ZZ` will close all tabs and windows, but it will only "save" them if your about:preferences are set to "show your tabs and windows from last time" `:help` to open the online help for more details.
- `:` — activate the command line
- `I` — enter ignore mode. `Shift-Escape` to return to normal mode
- `ZZ` — close all tabs and windows, but only "save" them if your
about:preferences are set to "show your tabs and windows from last time"
- `.` — repeat the last command
#### Navigating with the current page
- `j`/`k` — scroll down/up
- `h`/`l` — scroll left/right
- `^`/`$` — scroll to left/right margin
- `gg`/`G` — scroll to start/end of page
- `f`/`F` — enter "hint mode" to select a link to follow. `F` to open in a
background tab
- `gi` — scroll to and focus the last-used input on the page
- `r`/`R` — reload page or hard reload page
- `yy` — copy the current page URL to the clipboard
- `[[`/`]]` — navigate forward/backward though paginated pages, for example
comics, multi-part articles, search result pages, etc.
- `]c`/`[c` — increment/decrement the current URL by 1
- `gu` — go to the parent of the current URL
- `gU` — go to the root domain of the current URL
- `gr` — open Firefox reader mode (note: Tridactyl will not work in this mode)
- `zi`/`zo`/`zz` — zoom in/out/reset zoom
#### Find mode
Find mode is still incomplete and uses the built-in Firefox search. This will
be improved eventually.
- `/` — open the find search box
- `C-g`/`C-G` — find the next/previous instance of the last find operation
(note: these are the standard Firefox shortcuts)
#### Bookmarks and quickmarks
- `A` — bookmark the current page
- `a` — bookmark the current page, but allow the URL to be modified first
- `M<key>` — bind a quickmark to the given key
- `go<key>`/`gn<key>`/`gw<key>` — open a given quickmark in current tab/new tab/new window
#### Navigating to new pages:
- `o`/`O` — open a URL (or default search) in this tab (`O` to pre-load current URL)
- `t`/`T` — open a URL (or default search) in a new tab (`T` to pre-load current URL)
- `w`/`W` — open a URL (or default search) in a new window (`W` to pre-load current URL)
- `p`/`P` — open the clipboard contents in the current/new tab
- `s`/`S` — force a search using the default Tridactyl search engine, opening
in the current/new tab. This is useful when searching for something that
would otherwise be treated as a URL by `o` or `t`
- `H`/`L` — go back/forward in the tab history
- `gh`/`gH` — go to the home page (in a new tab)
#### Handling tabs
- `d` — close the current tab
- `u` — undo the last tab/window closure
- `gt`/`gT` — go to the next/previous tab
- `g^`/`g$` — go to the first/last tab
- `b` — bring up a list of open tabs in the current window; you can type the
tab ID or part of the title or URL to choose a tab
#### Extended hint mode
Extended hint modes allow you to perform actions on page items:
- `;i`/`;I` — open an image (in current/new tab)
- `;s`/`;a` — save/save-as the linked resource
- `;S`/`;A` — save/save-as the selected image
- `;p` — copy an element's text to the clipboard
- `;y` — copy an element's link URL to the clipboard
- `;#` — copy an element's anchor URL to the clipboard
- `;r` — read the element's text with text-to-speech
- `;k` — delete an element from the page
- `;;` — focus an element
Additionally, you can bind to a custom CSS selector with `:hint -c [selector]`
which is useful for site-specific versions of the standard `f` hint mode.
### Binding custom commands
You can bind your own shortcuts in normal mode with the `:bind` command.
For example `:bind J tabprev` to bind `J` to switch to the previous tab.
See `:help bind` for details about this command.
NOTE: key modifiers (eg: control, alt) are not supported yet. See the FAQ below. NOTE: key modifiers (eg: control, alt) are not supported yet. See the FAQ below.