diff --git a/design.md b/design.md
index eba51cdb..9c8d74e3 100644
--- a/design.md
+++ b/design.md
@@ -4,30 +4,30 @@ Replace ff's default control mechanism with one modelled on the one true editor,
- * Keyboard > mouse
- * default keybinds should be Vim-like
- * actions should be composable and repeatable
- * ex mode should expose all the browser functionality anyone might want
- * Arguable: most (all?) actions should have an ex mode version (departure from Vim?)
- * users can map actions and commands to other keys
+* Keyboard > mouse
+* default keybinds should be Vim-like
+* actions should be composable and repeatable
+* ex mode should expose all the browser functionality anyone might want
+* Arguable: most (all?) actions should have an ex mode version (departure from Vim?)
+* users can map actions and commands to other keys
Other objectives:
- * be fast - the whole point of a keyboard interface is to be more efficient, don't compromise that with slow code
- * don't crash - we're the new UI and we shouldn't crash
- * be maintainable - code should be well documented, reasoned about and tested.
+* be fast - the whole point of a keyboard interface is to be more efficient, don't compromise that with slow code
+* don't crash - we're the new UI and we shouldn't crash
+* be maintainable - code should be well documented, reasoned about and tested.
Non-objectives for v1:
- * insert mode (embedded (n)vim would be good for future)
- * caret or visual mode - I'm not good enough at vim to find these easier than selecting with the mouse, and they require text motions, which I would prefer to delegate to vim.
+* insert mode (embedded (n)vim would be good for future)
+* caret or visual mode - I'm not good enough at vim to find these easier than selecting with the mouse, and they require text motions, which I would prefer to delegate to vim.
Prior art:
- * pentadactyl/vimperator - dying with XUL
- * cVim/vimium
- * vimfx - transitioning to WebExtensions, but no ex commands
- * qutebrowser/jumanji - see standalone route.
+* pentadactyl/vimperator - dying with XUL
+* cVim/vimium
+* vimfx - transitioning to WebExtensions, but no ex commands
+* qutebrowser/jumanji - see standalone route.
## Standalone route
@@ -39,15 +39,15 @@ If it's comparable to this project done in webextensions, then we might want to
But what do we lose? What do the non-gecko bits of firefox do? What's left in the chrome repo if you remove webengine? I don't really know.
- * Kerning/font presentation code? (text in qutebrowser looks bad on Windows, don't know why)
- * Cross-platform OS shit
- * Firefox sync is neat and would be missed.
- * safebrowsing?
- * how much security stuff in engine/vs browser?
- * webm, webgl and similar? Presumably handled either by the engine or externally, but maybe picking and maintaining link to external thing is expensive.
- * flash handling?
- * What UI stuff are we not replacing?
- * developer tools (neat, but no reason for us to re-implement).
+* Kerning/font presentation code? (text in qutebrowser looks bad on Windows, don't know why)
+* Cross-platform OS shit
+* Firefox sync is neat and would be missed.
+* safebrowsing?
+* how much security stuff in engine/vs browser?
+* webm, webgl and similar? Presumably handled either by the engine or externally, but maybe picking and maintaining link to external thing is expensive.
+* flash handling?
+* What UI stuff are we not replacing?
+* developer tools (neat, but no reason for us to re-implement).
We also lose access to the existing addon/extension repos. Maybe if we implemented webextension support in our own browser we'd get them back? Don't know how difficult that is.
@@ -57,21 +57,21 @@ What addons do I use and would I miss them?
Should be part of the browser anyway:
- * stylish --> :style, or maybe .vimperator/styles/ (with magic comments?)
- * greasemonkey --> builtin/extensions/autocmds
- * site blocker --> /etc/hosts
+* stylish --> :style, or maybe .vimperator/styles/ (with magic comments?)
+* greasemonkey --> builtin/extensions/autocmds
+* site blocker --> /etc/hosts
Maybe not:
- * element hiding rules (ublock) not supported
- * tree tabs --> better :buffer?
- * lazarus form recovery is brilliant...
- * noscript is shit anyway
- * hide fedora is neat, but maybe just an element hiding list? Maybe it does have to parse differently.
- * example of neat addon that a smaller browser wouldn't have available, anyway.
- * ref control is neat, but the UI is pants. Would be easy to build an ex-mode interface.
- * pwgen is trivial
- * https everywhere --> builtin?
+* element hiding rules (ublock) not supported
+* tree tabs --> better :buffer?
+* lazarus form recovery is brilliant...
+* noscript is shit anyway
+* hide fedora is neat, but maybe just an element hiding list? Maybe it does have to parse differently.
+ * example of neat addon that a smaller browser wouldn't have available, anyway.
+* ref control is neat, but the UI is pants. Would be easy to build an ex-mode interface.
+* pwgen is trivial
+* https everywhere --> builtin?
## WebExtension option
@@ -81,36 +81,36 @@ cVim and vimium implement some kind of vim experience using webextensions, but (
- * Test cVim and vimium
- * Look for UI WebExtension proposals
+* Test cVim and vimium
+* Look for UI WebExtension proposals
### Required WebExtension APIs
Don't exist:
- * keyboard (not yet existent) (if content script isn't nice enough)
- * ui (for hiding and for non-content-script statusline, tho not so important)
+* keyboard (not yet existent) (if content script isn't nice enough)
+* ui (for hiding and for non-content-script statusline, tho not so important)
Do exist:
- * storage (.vimperatorrc)
- * tabs
- * history (for auto completion of open, etc)
- * bookmarks (auto completion, obvious)
- * windows (buffers)
- * webNavigation (autocmds) - maybe content script would just do this for us.
+* storage (.vimperatorrc)
+* tabs
+* history (for auto completion of open, etc)
+* bookmarks (auto completion, obvious)
+* windows (buffers)
+* webNavigation (autocmds) - maybe content script would just do this for us.
### Stuff we want to do that I know how to do:
- * Show hints:
- * For each link in viewport (how to restrict to viewport?):
- * Add an element styled to appear on top of it
- * Listen for keystrokes.
- * Does vimperator just go for tags? I think it probably knows about elements that can be clicked for other effects.
- * Change tab
- * tabs.update(tabtodisplay, {active: true})
- * Change window focus
- * windows.update(windowtofocus, {focused: true})
+* Show hints:
+ * For each link in viewport (how to restrict to viewport?):
+ * Add an element styled to appear on top of it
+ * Listen for keystrokes.
+ * Does vimperator just go for tags? I think it probably knows about elements that can be clicked for other effects.
+* Change tab
+ * tabs.update(tabtodisplay, {active: true})
+* Change window focus
+ * windows.update(windowtofocus, {focused: true})
### Stuff I don't know how to do:
@@ -118,95 +118,95 @@ Do exist:
* Use promises from a sane language (coffeescript, livescript, elm, etc).
* Find promises to cancel their chain.
* Communication between background and content scripts.
* Access a single tab's history
* scroll
* print
* zoom
* access OS clipboards
* redo/undo (in text boxes)
* ff elctrolysis framework (concurrency)
- * Do we automatically use it with we're using webextensions? Seems unlikely...
- * How to store state?
- * e.g. command history, marks, mappings, configuration, autocmd registry,
+ * Do we automatically use it with we're using webextensions? Seems unlikely...
+ * How to store state?
+ * e.g. command history, marks, mappings, configuration, autocmd registry,
## Vimperator features in sort of priority order for a MVP
### Normal mode
-rapid hint mode?
+ j/k
+ gt/gT
+ H/L
+ b
+ /
+ n
+ N
+ f
+ y
+ ]]
+ rapid hint mode?
### Ex commands
+ o
+ t
+ w
+ nnoremap
+ h
+ source
+ save
+ autocmd
### Hard mode
+ :js
+ :!
## Architecture
ex-commands as functions (typed and with helper functions in some other scope):
- * open(url)
- * scroll(x=+10)
- * mark()
- * map(actions, keys)
- * ...
+* open(url)
+* scroll(x=+10)
+* mark()
+* map(actions, keys)
+* ...
helper functions for actions:
- * scroll-x, scroll-y
- * jumplist.get/getrelative/store
- * undo-tab-deletion
+* scroll-x, scroll-y
+* jumplist.get/getrelative/store
+* undo-tab-deletion
Count and range:
- * given as arguments?
- * just repeat the call 'count' times?
+* given as arguments?
+* just repeat the call 'count' times?
for default actions, a mapping from key to helper function.
Generated parsers (command and normal mode):
- * command mode pretty conventional. Include type checking.
- * For auto-complete to work, need to be able to parse partial results sensibly.
- * actions will be a slightly weirder grammar:
- * More permissive
- * Time sensitive
+* command mode pretty conventional. Include type checking.
+* For auto-complete to work, need to be able to parse partial results sensibly.
+* actions will be a slightly weirder grammar:
+* More permissive
+* Time sensitive
- * In vim, actions compose as you write them (d takes a motion as an argument, for example), I can't think of any examples of this in vimperator: actions sometimes take a count or argument, but that argument is never an action.
+* In vim, actions compose as you write them (d takes a motion as an argument, for example), I can't think of any examples of this in vimperator: actions sometimes take a count or argument, but that argument is never an action.
+* If actions did compose, we would have to give them types, as vim does for motions, and the parsing would be less trivial.
- * If actions did compose, we would have to give them types, as vim does for motions, and the parsing would be less trivial.
Autocomplete functions for commands:
- * Split from implementation of command.
- * Could perhaps be automatic from command's parameter types?
+* Split from implementation of command.
+* Could perhaps be automatic from command's parameter types?
Some actions have their own interactive mini-mode:
- * hints
- * searching
+* hints
+* searching