tests: Update and fix example tests

This commit is contained in:
Colin Caine 2017-10-05 03:42:55 +01:00
parent 67a4d2440d
commit 07bcf762d0

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@ -1,42 +1,66 @@
import {euclid_mod, knuth_mod, my_mod, koushien_mod} from './number.mod'
/** Some real tests for mod and also an example of how to unit test. */
import {euclid_mod, knuth_mod, my_mod} from './number.mod'
/** Expect equal to all values in array */
toBeAll(received, values:Array<any>) {
for (let val of values) {
if (received !== val) {
return {
message: () => `expected ${received} === for each v in ${values}`,
pass: false
return {
message: () => `expected ${received} !== for some v in ${values}`,
pass: true
/** Manually written tests */
const testcases = [
[-3, 3, 0],
[-2, 3, 1],
[-1, 3, 2],
[0, 3, 0],
[1, 3, 1],
[2, 3, 2],
[3, 3, 0],
[4, 3, 1],
[5, 3, 2],
[6, 3, 0],
/* [-5, -4, 0] */
[-3, 3, 0],
[-2, 3, 1],
[-1, 3, 2],
[0, 3, 0],
[1, 3, 1],
[2, 3, 2],
[3, 3, 0],
[4, 3, 1],
[5, 3, 2],
[6, 3, 0],
function assert(value) {
return expect(value).toEqual(true)
for (let [a, b, ans] of testcases) {
/* test(`${a}.mod(${b}) === ${ans}, ${a.mod(b)}`, ()=>expect(a.mod(b) === ans).toEqual(true)) */
/* test(`${a} (mod ${b})`, ()=>expect(a.mod(b)).toEqual(ans)) */
test(`${a} (mod ${b}) -- .mod`, ()=>expect(a.mod(b)).toEqual(ans))
test(`${a} (mod ${b}) -- euclid`, ()=>expect(euclid_mod(a, b)).toEqual(ans))
test(`${a} (mod ${b}) -- knuth`, ()=>expect(knuth_mod(a, b)).toEqual(ans))
test(`${a} (mod ${b}) -- my`, ()=>expect(my_mod(a, b)).toEqual(ans))
/** Test with mixed dividend, positive divisor */
for (let i=0; i<1000; i++) {
let a = (Math.random()-0.5) * 10000|0
let b = Math.random() * 10000|0
test(`${a} (mod ${b}) -- equivalence check`, () => expect(knuth_mod(a,b)).toEqual(my_mod(a,b)).toEqual(koushien_mod(a,b)))
b = b === 0 ? 17 : b // Don't be 0.
test(`${a} (mod ${b}) -- equivalence check`, () => expect(a.mod(b)).toBeAll([
/** Test with a mix of +ve and -ve */
for (let i=0; i<1000; i++) {
let a = (Math.random()-0.5) * 10000|0
let b = (Math.random()-0.5) * 10000|0
test(`${a} (mod ${b}) -- equivalence check`, () => expect(knuth_mod(a,b)).toEqual(koushien_mod(a,b)))
b = b === 0 ? 17 : b // Don't be 0.
test(`${a} (mod ${b}) -- equivalence check`, () => expect(a.mod(b)).toBeAll([