Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into HEAD

This commit is contained in:
Colin Caine 2018-01-28 15:04:47 +00:00
commit 0693cdc45d
9 changed files with 1359 additions and 31 deletions

package-lock.json generated
View file

@ -1388,6 +1388,7 @@
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View file

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View file

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Remember that tridactyl cannot run on any page on, about:\*,
## Highlighted features:
- Press `b` to bring up a list of open tabs in the current window; you can type the tab ID or part of the title or URL to choose a tab (the buffer list doesn't show which one you've selected yet, but it does work)
- Press `b` to bring up a list of open tabs in the current window; you can type the tab ID or part of the title or URL to choose a tab
- Press `I` to enter ignore mode. `Shift` + `Escape` to return to normal mode.
- Press `f` to start "hint mode", `F` to open in background
- Press `o` to `:open` a different page

View file

@ -107,11 +107,47 @@ clInput.addEventListener("keydown", function (keyevent) {
// Clear input on ^C
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case "u":
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clInput.value = clInput.value.slice(clInput.selectionStart, clInput.value.length)
case "k":
if (keyevent.ctrlKey){
clInput.value = clInput.value.slice(0, clInput.selectionStart)
// Clear input on ^C if there is no selection
// Todo: hard mode: vi style editing on cli, like set -o mode vi
// should probably just defer to another library
case "c":
if (keyevent.ctrlKey) hide_and_clear()
if (keyevent.ctrlKey &&
! clInput.value.substring(clInput.selectionStart, clInput.selectionEnd)) {
case "f":
@ -178,6 +214,10 @@ async function hide_and_clear(){
isVisible = false
function setCursor(n = 0) {
clInput.setSelectionRange(n, n, "none")
function tabcomplete(){
let fragment = clInput.value
let matches = state.cmdHistory.filter((key)=>key.startsWith(fragment))

View file

@ -66,7 +66,6 @@ const DEFAULTS = o({
"s": "fillcmdline open search",
"S": "fillcmdline tabopen search",
"M": "gobble 1 quickmark",
"xx": "something",
// "B": "fillcmdline bufferall",
"b": "fillcmdline buffer",
"ZZ": "qall",

View file

@ -12,9 +12,11 @@ import {MsgSafeNode} from './msgsafe'
export function isTextEditable (element: MsgSafeNode) {
if (element) {
switch (element.nodeName) {
// HTML is always upper case, but XHTML is not necessarily upper case
switch (element.nodeName.toUpperCase()) {
case 'INPUT':
return isEditableHTMLInput(element)
case 'SELECT':
case 'TEXTAREA':
case 'OBJECT':
return true

View file

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
The default keybinds can be found [here](/static/docs/modules/_config_.html#defaults)
Tridactyl is in a pretty early stage of development. Please report any
issues and make requests for missing features on the GitHub [project page](1).
issues and make requests for missing features on the GitHub [project page][1].
You can also get in touch using Matrix, Gitter, or IRC chat clients:
[![Matrix Chat][matrix-badge]][matrix-link]
@ -19,8 +19,7 @@
## Highlighted features:
- Press `b` to bring up a list of open tabs in the current window; you can
type the tab ID or part of the title or URL to choose a tab (the buffer
list doesn't show which one you've selected yet, but it does work)
type the tab ID or part of the title or URL to choose a tab
- Press `I` to enter ignore mode. `Shift` + `Escape` to return to normal
- Press `f` to start "hint mode", `F` to open in background
@ -88,7 +87,7 @@ import * as keydown from "./keydown_background"
import {activeTab, activeTabId, firefoxVersionAtLeast} from './lib/webext'
import {incrementUrl, getUrlRoot, getUrlParent} from "./url_util"
import * as UrlUtil from "./url_util"
import * as CommandLineBackground from './commandline_background'
@ -273,7 +272,7 @@ export async function reload(n = 1, hard = false) {
/** Reloads all tabs, bypassing the cache if hard is set to true */
export async function reloadall(hard = false){
let tabs = await browser.tabs.query({})
let tabs = await browser.tabs.query({currentWindow: true})
let reloadprops = {bypassCache: hard} => browser.tabs.reload(, reloadprops))
@ -396,7 +395,7 @@ export function followpage(rel: 'next'|'prev' = 'next') {
export function urlincrement(count = 1){
let newUrl = incrementUrl(window.location.href, count)
let newUrl = UrlUtil.incrementUrl(window.location.href, count)
if (newUrl !== null) {
window.location.href = newUrl
@ -407,7 +406,7 @@ export function urlincrement(count = 1){
export function urlroot (){
let rootUrl = getUrlRoot(window.location)
let rootUrl = UrlUtil.getUrlRoot(window.location)
if (rootUrl !== null) {
window.location.href = rootUrl.href
@ -418,13 +417,95 @@ export function urlroot (){
export function urlparent (count = 1){
let parentUrl = getUrlParent(window.location, count)
let parentUrl = UrlUtil.getUrlParent(window.location, count)
if (parentUrl !== null) {
window.location.href = parentUrl.href
* Open a URL made by modifying the current URL
* @param mode -t text replace
* -r regexp replace
* -q replace the value of the given query
* -Q delete the given query
* -g graft a new path onto URL or parent path of it
* @param replacement the replacement arguments:
* -t <old> <new>
* -r <regexp> <new> [flags]
* -q <query> <new_val>
* -Q <query>
* -g <graftPoint> <newPathTail>
* - graftPoint > 1 to count from left
* - graftPoint < 0 to count from right
export function urlmodify(mode: "-t" | "-r" | "-q" | "-Q" | "-g", ...args: string[]) {
let oldUrl = new URL(window.location.href)
let newUrl = undefined
switch(mode) {
case "-t":
if (args.length !== 2) {
throw new Error("Text replacement needs 2 arguments:"
+ "<old> <new>")
newUrl = oldUrl.href.replace(args[0], args[1])
case "-r":
if (args.length < 2 || args.length > 3) {
throw new Error("RegExp replacement takes 2 or 3 arguments: "
+ "<regexp> <new> [flags]")
if (args[2] && args[2].search('/^[gi]+$/') === -1)
throw new Error("RegExp replacement flags can only include 'g', 'i'")
let regexp = new RegExp(args[0], args[2])
newUrl = oldUrl.href.replace(regexp, args[1])
case "-q":
if (args.length !== 2) {
throw new Error("Query replacement needs 2 arguments:"
+ "<query> <new_val>")
newUrl = UrlUtil.replaceQueryValue(oldUrl, args[0],
case "-Q":
if (args.length !== 1) {
throw new Error("Query deletion needs 1 argument:"
+ "<query>")
newUrl = UrlUtil.deleteQuery(oldUrl, args[0])
case "-g":
if (args.length !== 2) {
throw new Error("URL path grafting needs 2 arguments:"
+ "<graft point> <new path tail>")
newUrl = UrlUtil.graftUrlPath(oldUrl, args[1], Number(args[0]))
if (newUrl && newUrl !== oldUrl) {
window.location.href = newUrl
/** Returns the url of links that have a matching rel.
Don't bind to this: it's an internal function.

View file

@ -127,7 +127,189 @@ function test_download_filename() {
function test_query_delete() {
let cases = [
// no query
// single query=val, removed
// single query (no val), removed
// single query=val, not removed
// single query (no val), not removed
// multiple queries, first removed
// multiple queries, second removed
// multiple queries, repeated removed
for (let [url, q, exp_res] of cases) {
let modified = UrlUtil.deleteQuery(new URL(url), q)
test (`delete query ${q} of ${url} --> ${exp_res}`,
() => expect(modified.href).toEqual(exp_res)
function test_query_replace() {
let cases = [
// no query
"query", "val",
// single query
"query", "newval",
// single query, no replacement value
"query", "",
// multiple, replace first
"query1", "newval1",
// multiple, replace last
"query2", "newval2",
for (let [url, q, v, exp_res] of cases) {
let modified = UrlUtil.replaceQueryValue(new URL(url), q, v)
test (`change query ${q} of ${url} --> ${exp_res}`,
() => expect(modified.href).toEqual(exp_res)
function test_url_graft_path() {
let cases = [
// complete replacement
"0", "frob",
// one level down
"1", "frob",
// at last level
"3", "frob",
// test of extend-only
"-1", "newchild",
// test of one level up graft (i.e. sibling)
"-2", "newsibling",
// test of multi level up graft (i.e. cousin)
"-3", "by-name/foobar",
// test of level too large and positive
"2", "dummy",
// test of level too large and negative
"-3", "dummy",
for (let [url, level, tail, exp_res] of cases) {
let modified = UrlUtil.graftUrlPath(new URL(url), tail, Number(level))
test (`graft ${tail} onto ${url} at level ${level} --> ${exp_res}`,
() => expect(modified ? modified.href : modified).toEqual(exp_res)

View file

@ -206,3 +206,138 @@ export function getDownloadFilenameForUrl(url: URL): string {
// default is just "download"
return url.hostname || "download"
* Get an Array of the queries in a URL.
* These could be like "query" or "query=val"
function getUrlQueries(url: URL): Array<string> {
let qys = []
if ( {
// get each query separately, leave the "?" off
qys ='&')
return qys
* Update a URL with a new array of queries
function setUrlQueries(url: URL, qys: Array<string>) { = ""
if (qys.length) {
// rebuild string with the filtered list = "?" + qys.join("&")
* Delete a query (and its value) in a URL
* If a query appears multiple times (which is a bit odd),
* all instances are removed
* @param url the URL to act on
* @param query the query to delete
* @return the modified URL
export function deleteQuery(url: URL, matchQuery: string): URL {
let newUrl = new URL(url.href)
let qys = getUrlQueries(url)
let new_qys = qys.filter(q => {
return q.split("=")[0] !== matchQuery
setUrlQueries(newUrl, new_qys)
return newUrl
* Replace the value of a query in a URL with a new one
* @param url the URL to act on
* @param matchQuery the query key to replace the value for
* @param newVal the new value to use
export function replaceQueryValue(url: URL, matchQuery: string,
newVal: string): URL {
let newUrl = new URL(url.href)
// get each query separately, leave the "?" off
let qys = getUrlQueries(url)
let new_qys = => {
let [key, oldVal] = q.split('=')
// found a matching query key
if (q.split("=")[0] === matchQuery) {
// return key=val or key as needed
if (newVal) {
return key + "=" + newVal
} else {
return key
// don't touch it
return q
setUrlQueries(newUrl, new_qys)
return newUrl
* Graft a new path onto some parent of the current URL
* E.g. grafting "by-name/foobar" onto the 2nd parent path:
* ->
* @param url the URL to modify
* @param newTail the new "grafted" URL path tail
* @param level the graft point in terms of path levels
* >= 0: start at / and count right
* <0: start at the current path and count left
export function graftUrlPath(url: URL, newTail: string, level: number) {
let newUrl = new URL(url.href)
// path parts, ignore first /
let pathParts = url.pathname.split("/").splice(1)
// more levels than we can handle
// (remember, if level <0, we start at -1)
if ((level >= 0 && level > pathParts.length)
|| (level < 0 && (-level - 1) > pathParts.length)) {
return null
let graftPoint = (level >= 0) ? level : (pathParts.length + level+ 1)
// lop off parts after the graft point
pathParts.splice(graftPoint, pathParts.length - graftPoint)
// extend part array with new parts
newUrl.pathname = pathParts.join("/")
return newUrl