
977 lines
29 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// '//#' is a start point for a simple text-replacement-type macro. See
/** # Tridactyl help page
Use `:help <excmd>` or scroll down to show [[help]] for a particular excmd.
The default keybinds can be found [here](/static/docs/modules/_parsers_normalmode_.html#defaultnmaps).
Tridactyl is in a pretty early stage of development. Please report any issues and make requests for missing features on the GitHub project page [[1]].
Highlighted features:
- Press `b` to bring up a list of open tabs in the current window; you can type the tab ID or part of the title or URL to choose a tab (the buffer list doesn't show which one you've selected yet, but it does work)
- Press `I` to enter ignore mode. `Shift` + `Escape` to return to normal mode.
- Press `f` to start "hint mode", `F` to open in background
- Press `o` to `:open` a different page
- Press `s` if you want to search for something that looks like a domain name or URL
- [[bind]] new commands with e.g. `:bind J tabnext`
- Type `:help` to see a list of available excmds
- Use `yy` to copy the current page URL to your clipboard
- `]]` and `[[` to navigate through the pages of comics, paginated articles, etc
- Pressing `ZZ` will close all tabs and windows, but it will only "save" them if your about:preferences are set to "show your tabs and windows from last time"
There are some caveats common to all webextension vimperator-alikes:
- Do not try to navigate to any about:\* pages using `:open` as it will fail silently
- Firefox will not load Tridactyl on, about:\*, some file:\* URIs, view-source:\*, or data:\*. On these pages Ctrl-L (or F6), Ctrl-Tab and Ctrl-W are your escape hatches
- Tridactyl does not currently support changing/hiding the Firefox GUI, but you can do it yourself by changing your userChrome. There is an example file available on our repository [[2]]
If you want a more fully-featured vimperator-alike, your best option is Firefox ESR [[3]] and Vimperator :)
/** ignore this line */
// {{{ setup
import * as Messaging from "./messaging"
2017-11-15 00:41:53 +00:00
import {l} from './lib/webext'
import "./number.clamp"
import * as SELF from "./excmds_content"
Messaging.addListener('excmd_content', Messaging.attributeCaller(SELF))
/** Message excmds_content.ts in the active tab of the currentWindow */
import {messageActiveTab} from './messaging'
import "./number.mod"
import state from "./state"
import {ModeName} from './state'
import * as keydown from "./keydown_background"
import {activeTab, activeTabId, firefoxVersionAtLeast} from './lib/webext'
import {incrementUrl, getUrlRoot, getUrlParent} from "./url_util"
2017-11-22 18:05:54 +00:00
import * as CommandLineBackground from './commandline_background'
import * as DOM from './dom'
2017-11-03 19:10:12 +00:00
/** @hidden */
export const cmd_params = new Map<string, Map<string, string>>()
const SEARCH_URLS = new Map<string, string>([
2017-11-20 01:08:26 +00:00
// map a page-relation (next or previous) to a fallback pattern to match link texts against
const REL_PATTERN = {
next: /^(?:next|newer)\b|»|>>/i,
prev: /^(?:prev(?:ious)?|older)\b|«|<</i,
2017-11-03 19:10:12 +00:00
/** @hidden */
function hasScheme(uri: string) {
return uri.match(/^([\w-]+):/)
/** @hidden */
function searchURL(provider: string, query: string) {
if (SEARCH_URLS.has(provider)) {
const url = new URL(SEARCH_URLS.get(provider) + encodeURIComponent(query))
// URL constructor doesn't convert +s because they're valid literals in
// the standard it adheres to. But they are special characters in
// x-www-form-urlencoded and e.g. google excepts query parameters in
// that format. =\+/g, '%2B')
return url
} else {
throw new TypeError(`Unknown provider: '${provider}'`)
/** If maybeURI doesn't have a schema, affix http:// */
2017-11-03 19:10:12 +00:00
/** @hidden */
function forceURI(maybeURI: string): string {
try {
return new URL(maybeURI).href
} catch (e) {
if ( !== 'TypeError') throw e
2017-11-09 07:38:24 +00:00
2017-11-15 00:55:51 +02:00
// Else if search keyword:
try {
const args = maybeURI.split(' ')
return searchURL(args[0], args.slice(1).join(' ')).href
} catch (e) {
if ( !== 'TypeError') throw e
// Else if it's a domain or something
try {
const url = new URL('http://' + maybeURI)
// Ignore unlikely domains
if (url.hostname.includes('.') || url.port || url.password) {
return url.href
} catch (e) {
if ( !== 'TypeError') throw e
// Else search google
return searchURL('google', maybeURI).href
2017-11-03 19:10:12 +00:00
/** @hidden */
function tabSetActive(id: number) {
browser.tabs.update(id, {active: true})
// }}}
2017-11-22 18:05:54 +00:00
2017-11-09 21:01:57 +00:00
/** Blur (unfocus) the active element */
export function unfocus() {
(document.activeElement as HTMLInputElement).blur()
export function scrollpx(a: number, b: number) {
window.scrollBy(a, b)
/** If one argument is given, scroll to that percentage down the page.
If two arguments are given, treat as x and y values to give to window.scrollTo
export function scrollto(a: number, b?: number) {
a = Number(a)
// if b is undefined, Number(b) is NaN.
b = Number(b)
b ? a : window.scrollX,
? b
: a.clamp(0, 100) *
(window.document.scrollingElement.scrollHeight / 100)
export function scrollline(n = 1) {
export function scrollpage(n = 1) {
2017-11-07 12:05:14 +00:00
window.scrollBy(0, window.innerHeight * n)
2017-11-03 19:10:12 +00:00
/** @hidden */
function history(n: number) {
/** Navigate forward one page in history. */
export function forward(n = 1) {
/** Navigate back one page in history. */
export function back(n = 1) {
history(n * -1)
/** Reload the next n tabs, starting with activeTab, possibly bypassingCache */
export async function reload(n = 1, hard = false) {
let tabstoreload = await getnexttabs(await activeTabId(), n)
let reloadProperties = {bypassCache: hard} => browser.tabs.reload(n, reloadProperties))
/** Reloads all tabs, bypassing the cache if hard is set to true */
export async function reloadall(hard = false){
let tabs = await browser.tabs.query({})
let reloadprops = {bypassCache: hard} => browser.tabs.reload(, reloadprops))
/** Reload the next n tabs, starting with activeTab. bypass cache for all */
export async function reloadhard(n = 1) {
reload(n, true)
/** Open a new page in the current tab.
@param urlarr
- if first word looks like it has a schema, treat as a URI
- else if the first word contains a dot, treat as a domain name
- else if the first word is a key of [[SEARCH_URLS]], treat all following terms as search parameters for that provider
- else treat as search parameters for google
export function open(...urlarr: string[]) {
2017-11-09 15:30:09 +00:00
let url = urlarr.join(" ")
window.location.href = forceURI(url)
/** Show this page.
`:help <excmd>` jumps to the entry for that command.
e.g. `:help bind`
export async function help(excmd?: string) {
const docpage = browser.extension.getURL("static/docs/modules/_excmds_.html#")
if (excmd === undefined) excmd = "tridactyl-help-page"
if ((await activeTab()).url.startsWith(docpage)) {
open(docpage + excmd)
} else {
tabopen(docpage + excmd)
2017-11-03 19:10:12 +00:00
/** @hidden */
// Find clickable next-page/previous-page links whose text matches the supplied pattern,
// and return the last such link.
// If no matching link is found, return null.
// We return the last link that matches because next/prev buttons tend to be at the end of the page
// whereas lots of blogs have "VIEW MORE" etc. plastered all over their pages.
function findRelLink(pattern: RegExp): HTMLAnchorElement | null {
const links = <NodeListOf<HTMLAnchorElement>>document.querySelectorAll('a[href]')
let lastLink = null
for (const link of links) {
// `innerText` gives better (i.e. less surprising) results than `textContent`
// at the expense of being much slower, but that shouldn't be an issue here
// as it's a one-off operation that's only performed when we're leaving a page
if (pattern.test(link.innerText)) {
lastLink = link
return lastLink
/** @hidden */
// Return the last element in the document matching the supplied selector,
// or null if there are no matches.
function selectLast(selector: string): HTMLElement | null {
const nodes = <NodeListOf<HTMLElement>>document.querySelectorAll(selector)
return nodes.length ? nodes[nodes.length - 1] : null
/** Find a likely next/previous link and follow it
* @param rel the relation of the target page to the current page: "next" or "prev"
export function followpage(rel: 'next'|'prev' = 'next') {
const link = <HTMLLinkElement>selectLast(`link[rel~=${rel}][href]`)
if (link) {
window.location.href = link.href
const anchor = <HTMLAnchorElement>selectLast(`a[rel~=${rel}][href]`) ||
if (anchor) {
2017-11-15 12:40:26 +00:00
/** Increment the current tab URL
* @param count the increment step, can be positive or negative
export function urlincrement(count = 1){
let newUrl = incrementUrl(window.location.href, count)
if (newUrl !== null) {
window.location.href = newUrl
/** Go to the root domain of the current URL
export function urlroot (){
let rootUrl = getUrlRoot(window.location)
if (rootUrl !== null) {
window.location.href = rootUrl.href
/** Go to the parent URL of the current tab's URL
export function urlparent (){
let parentUrl = getUrlParent(window.location)
if (parentUrl !== null) {
window.location.href = parentUrl.href
/** Returns the url of links that have a matching rel.
export function geturlsforlinks(rel: string){
let elems = document.querySelectorAll("link[rel='" + rel + "']") as NodeListOf<HTMLLinkElement>
console.log(rel, elems)
if (elems)
return, x => x.href)
return []
2017-11-15 12:40:26 +00:00
export function zoom(level=0){
level = level > 3 ? level / 100 : level
export async function reader() {
if (await l(firefoxVersionAtLeast(58))) {
let aTab = await activeTab()
if (aTab.isArticle) {
} // else {
// // once a statusbar exists an error can be displayed there
// }
/** The kinds of input elements that we want to be included in the "focusinput"
* command (gi)
export const INPUTTAGS_selectors = `
/** Password field selectors */
const INPUTPASSWORD_selectors = `
/** DOM reference to the last used Input field
let LAST_USED_INPUT: HTMLElement = null
/** Focus the last used input on the page
* @param nth focus the nth input on the page, or "special" inputs:
* "-l": last focussed input
* "-p": first password field
* "-b": biggest input field
export function focusinput(nth: number|string) {
let inputToFocus: HTMLElement = null
// set to false to avoid falling back on the first available input
// if a special finder fails
let fallbackToNumeric = true
// nth = "-l" -> use the last used input for this page
if (nth === "-l") {
// try to recover the last used input stored as a
// DOM node, which should be exactly the one used before (or null)
inputToFocus = LAST_USED_INPUT
// failed to find that? - look up in sessionStorage?
// will need to serialise the last used input to a string that
// we can look up in future (tabindex, selector?), perhaps along with
// a way to remember the page it was on?
else if (nth === "-p") {
// attempt to find a password input
fallbackToNumeric = false
let inputs = DOM.getElemsBySelector(INPUTPASSWORD_selectors,
if (inputs.length) {
inputToFocus = <HTMLElement>inputs[0]
else if (nth === "-b") {
let inputs = DOM.getElemsBySelector(INPUTTAGS_selectors,
DOM.isSubstantial) as HTMLElement[]
inputToFocus = inputs.sort(DOM.compareElementArea).slice(-1)[0]
// either a number (not special) or we failed to find a special input when
// asked and falling back is acceptable
if (!inputToFocus && fallbackToNumeric) {
let index = isNaN(<number>nth) ? 0 : <number>nth
inputToFocus = DOM.getNthElement(INPUTTAGS_selectors,
index, DOM.isSubstantial)
if (inputToFocus) inputToFocus.focus()
// Store the last focused element
document.addEventListener("focusin",e=>{if (DOM.isTextEditable( as HTMLElement)) LAST_USED_INPUT = as HTMLElement})
// }}}
// {{{ TABS
/** Switch to the next tab by index (position on tab bar), wrapping round.
optional increment is number of tabs forwards to move.
export async function tabnext(increment = 1) {
// Get an array of tabs in the current window
let current_window = await
let tabs = await browser.tabs.query({windowId:})
// Derive the index we want
let desiredIndex = ((await activeTab()).index + increment).mod(tabs.length)
// Find and switch to the tab with that index
let desiredTab = tabs.find((tab: any) => {
return tab.index === desiredIndex
export function tabprev(increment = 1) {
tabnext(increment * -1)
/** Like [[open]], but in a new tab */
export async function tabopen(...addressarr: string[]) {
let uri
2017-11-09 15:30:09 +00:00
let address = addressarr.join(' ')
if (address != "") uri = forceURI(address)
browser.tabs.create({url: uri})
export async function tabduplicate(id?: number){
id = id ? id : (await activeTabId())
export async function tabdetach(id?: number){
id = id ? id : (await activeTabId()){tabId: id})
export async function tabclose(ids?: number[] | number) {
if (ids !== undefined) {
} else {
// Close the current tab
browser.tabs.remove(await activeTabId())
/** restore most recently closed tab in this window unless the most recently closed item was a window */
export async function undo(){
const current_win_id : number = (await
const sessions = await browser.sessions.getRecentlyClosed()
// The first session object that's a window or a tab from this window. Or undefined if sessions is empty.
let closed = sessions.find((s) => {
return ('window' in s || && ( == current_win_id))
if (closed) {
if ( {
else if (closed.window) {
export async function tabmove(n?: string) {
let aTab = await activeTab(),
m: number
if (!n) {
browser.tabs.move(, {index: -1})
} else if (n.startsWith("+") || n.startsWith("-")) {
m = Math.max(0, Number(n) + aTab.index)
} else m = Number(n)
browser.tabs.move(, {index: m})
/** Pin the current tab */
export async function pin() {
let aTab = await activeTab()
browser.tabs.update(, {pinned: !aTab.pinned})
// }}}
// {{{ WINDOWS
/** Like [[open]], but in a new window */
export async function winopen(...args: string[]) {
let address: string
const createData = {}
if (args[0] === "-private") {
createData["incognito"] = true
2017-11-09 15:30:09 +00:00
address = args.slice(1,args.length).join(' ')
} else address = args.join(' ')
createData["url"] = address != "" ? forceURI(address) : null
export async function winclose() {
/** Close all windows */
// It's unclear if this will leave a session that can be restored.
// We might have to do it ourselves.
export async function qall(){
let windows = await =>
// }}}
// {{{ MISC
/** Deprecated */
export function suppress(preventDefault?: boolean, stopPropagation?: boolean) {
export function version(){
/** Example:
- `mode ignore` to ignore all keys.
export function mode(mode: ModeName) {
// TODO: event emition on mode change.
2017-11-19 07:57:30 +00:00
if (mode === "hint") {
} else {
state.mode = mode
async function getnexttabs(tabid: number, n?: number) {
const curIndex: number = (await browser.tabs.get(tabid)).index
const tabs: browser.tabs.Tab[] = await browser.tabs.query({
currentWindow: true,
const indexFilter = ((tab: browser.tabs.Tab) => {
return (
curIndex <= tab.index &&
(n ? tab.index < curIndex + Number(n) : true)
return tabs.filter(indexFilter).map((tab: browser.tabs.Tab) => {
// Moderately slow; should load in results as they arrive, perhaps
// Todo: allow jumping to buffers once they are found
// Consider adding to buffers with incremental search
// maybe only if no other results in URL etc?
// Find out how to return context of each result
/* export async function findintabs(query: string) { */
/* const tabs = await browser.tabs.query({currentWindow: true}) */
/* console.log(query) */
/* const findintab = async tab => */
/* await browser.find.find(query, {tabId:}) */
/* let results = [] */
/* for (let tab of tabs) { */
/* let result = await findintab(tab) */
/* if (result.count > 0) { */
/* results.push({tab, result}) */
/* } */
/* } */
/* results.sort(r => r.result.count) */
/* console.log(results) */
/* return results */
/* } */
// }}}
// {{{ CMDLINE
import * as controller from './controller'
/** Split `cmds` on pipes (|) and treat each as it's own command.
Workaround: this should clearly be in the parser, but we haven't come up with a good way to deal with |s in URLs, search terms, etc. yet.
export function composite(...cmds: string[]) {
cmds = cmds.join(" ").split("|")
2017-11-22 18:05:54 +00:00
/** Please use fillcmdline instead */
export function showcmdline() {
2017-11-22 18:05:54 +00:00
/** Set the current value of the commandline to string *with* a trailing space */
export function fillcmdline(...strarr: string[]) {
let str = strarr.join(" ")
messageActiveTab("commandline_frame", "fillcmdline", [str])
/** Set the current value of the commandline to string *without* a trailing space */
2017-11-09 15:30:09 +00:00
export function fillcmdline_notrail(...strarr: string[]) {
let str = strarr.join(" ")
let trailspace = false
messageActiveTab("commandline_frame", "fillcmdline", [str, trailspace])
/** Equivalent to `fillcmdline_notrail <yourargs><current URL>`
See also [[fillcmdline_notrail]]
2017-11-09 15:30:09 +00:00
export async function current_url(...strarr: string[]){
2017-11-09 15:30:09 +00:00
fillcmdline_notrail(...strarr, (await activeTab()).url)
2017-11-09 15:30:09 +00:00
/** Use the system clipboard.
If `excmd == "open"`, call [[open]] with the contents of the clipboard. Similarly for [[tabopen]].
If `excmd == "yank"`, copy the current URL, or if given, the value of toYank, into the system clipboard.
2017-11-27 19:15:04 +00:00
If `excmd == "yankcanon"`, copy the canonical URL of the current page if it exists, otherwise copy the current URL.
If `excmd == "yankshort"`, copy the shortlink version of the current URL, and fall back to the canonical then actual URL. Known to work on
Unfortunately, javascript can only give us the `clipboard` clipboard, not e.g. the X selection clipboard.
2017-10-28 19:20:31 +08:00
export async function clipboard(excmd: "open"|"yank"|"yankshort"|"yankcanon"|"tabopen" = "open", ...toYank: string[]) {
let content = toYank.join(" ")
let url = ""
let urls = []
2017-10-28 19:20:31 +08:00
switch (excmd) {
case 'yankshort':
urls = await messageActiveTab("excmd_content", "geturlsforlinks", ["shortlink"]);
if (urls.length > 0) {
messageActiveTab("commandline_frame", "setClipboard", [urls[0]])
case 'yankcanon':
urls = await messageActiveTab("excmd_content", "geturlsforlinks", ["canonical"]);
if (urls.length > 0) {
messageActiveTab("commandline_frame", "setClipboard", [urls[0]])
2017-10-28 19:20:31 +08:00
case 'yank':
await messageActiveTab("commandline_content", "focus")
content = (content == "") ? (await activeTab()).url : content
messageActiveTab("commandline_frame", "setClipboard", [content])
2017-10-28 19:20:31 +08:00
case 'open':
await messageActiveTab("commandline_content", "focus")
url = await messageActiveTab("commandline_frame", "getClipboard")
url && open(url)
case 'tabopen':
await messageActiveTab("commandline_content", "focus")
url = await messageActiveTab("commandline_frame", "getClipboard")
url && tabopen(url)
2017-10-28 19:20:31 +08:00
// todo: maybe we should have some common error and error handler
throw new Error(`[clipboard] unknown excmd: ${excmd}`)
2017-10-19 20:15:01 +01:00
2017-11-22 18:05:54 +00:00
2017-10-19 20:15:01 +01:00
// {{{ Buffer/completion stuff
// TODO: Move autocompletions out of excmds.
/** Ported from Vimperator. */
export async function tabs() {
export async function buffers() {
/** Change active tab */
export async function buffer(n?: number | string) {
if (!n || Number(n) == 0) return // Vimperator index starts at 1
if (n === "#") {
n =
(await browser.tabs.query({currentWindow: true})).sort((a, b) => {
return a.lastAccessed < b.lastAccessed ? 1 : -1
})[1].index + 1
if (Number.isInteger(Number(n))) {
(await browser.tabs.query({
currentWindow: true,
index: Number(n) - 1,
/*/1** Set tab with index of n belonging to window with id of m to active *1/ */
/*//#background */
/*export async function bufferall(m?: number, n?: number) { */
/* // TODO */
/*} */
// }}}
// }}}
/** Bind a sequence of keys to an excmd.
This is an easier-to-implement bodge while we work on vim-style maps.
- `bind G fillcmdline tabopen google`
2017-11-26 14:56:09 +00:00
- `bind D composite tabclose | buffer #`
- `bind j scrollline 20`
- `bind F hint -b`
Use [[composite]] if you want to execute multiple excmds. Use
[[fillcmdline]] to put a string in the cmdline and focus the cmdline
(otherwise the string is executed immediately).
See also:
- [[unbind]]
- [[reset]]
2017-11-09 12:13:08 +00:00
export async function bind(key: string, ...bindarr: string[]){
let exstring = bindarr.join(" ")
let nmaps = (await"nmaps"))["nmaps"]
nmaps = (nmaps == undefined) ? Object.create(null) : nmaps
nmaps[key] = exstring{nmaps})
/** Unbind a sequence of keys so that they do nothing at all.
See also:
- [[bind]]
- [[reset]]
export async function unbind(key: string){
bind(key, "")
/** Restores a sequence of keys to their default value.
See also:
- [[bind]]
- [[unbind]]
export async function reset(key: string){
let nmaps = (await"nmaps"))["nmaps"]
nmaps = (nmaps == undefined) ? {} : nmaps
delete nmaps[key]{nmaps})
2017-11-20 23:32:24 +00:00
/** Bind a quickmark for the current URL to a key.
Afterwards use go[key], gn[key], or gw[key] to [[open]], [[tabopen]], or
[[winopen]] the URL respectively.
2017-11-19 13:45:18 +01:00
export async function quickmark(key: string) {
// ensure we're binding to a single key
if (key.length !== 1) {
let address = (await activeTab()).url
2017-11-21 03:30:16 +00:00
// Have to await these or they race!
await bind("gn" + key, "tabopen", address)
await bind("go" + key, "open", address)
await bind("gw" + key, "winopen", address)
2017-11-19 13:45:18 +01:00
// }}}
2017-11-18 01:51:46 +00:00
import * as hinting from './hinting_background'
/** Hint a page.
2017-11-22 20:47:35 +00:00
* Pass -b as first argument to open hinted page in background.
* -y copies the link's target to the clipboard.
* -p copies an element's text to the clipboard.*/
export function hint(option?: "-b") {
2017-11-18 01:51:46 +00:00
if (option === '-b') hinting.hintPageOpenInBackground()
else if (option === "-y") hinting.hintPageYank()
2017-11-22 20:47:35 +00:00
else if (option === "-p") hinting.hintPageTextYank()
else if (option === "-i") hinting.hintImage(false)
else if (option === "-I") hinting.hintImage(true)
else if (option === "-;") hinting.hintFocus()
2017-11-18 01:51:46 +00:00
else hinting.hintPageSimple()
// }}}
2017-11-19 13:45:18 +01:00
// {{{ GOBBLE mode
import * as gobbleMode from './parsers/gobblemode'
2017-11-20 23:32:24 +00:00
/** Initialize gobble mode.
It will read `nChars` input keys, append them to `endCmd` and execute that
2017-11-19 13:45:18 +01:00
export async function gobble(nChars: number, endCmd: string) {
gobbleMode.init(nChars, endCmd)
// }}}
// unsupported on android
2017-11-22 12:18:41 +00:00
/** Add or remove a bookmark.
* Optionally, you may give the bookmark a title. If no URL is given, a bookmark is added for the current page.
* If a bookmark already exists for the URL, it is removed.
export async function bmark(url?: string, title = ""){
url = url === undefined ? (await activeTab()).url : url
let dupbmarks = await{url}) => browser.bookmarks.remove(
if (dupbmarks.length == 0 ) {browser.bookmarks.create({url, title})}
2017-10-21 12:54:15 +02:00
// vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab