- Automatically revert any changes made which could have been made by `fixamo` to the `restricedDomains` and `block_mozAddonManager` settings in `user.js` ([#1800](https://github.com/tridactyl/tridactyl/issues/1800))
- New features
-`hint -qy` now merges yanked hints ([#1945](https://github.com/tridactyl/tridactyl/issues/1945))
- Known issues: it ignores all other flags
-`set autocontainmode strict|relaxed` controls whether links opened in the current tab are forced to enter the "correct" container in a new tab ([#1902](https://github.com/tridactyl/tridactyl/issues/1902))
-`autocontain -u` added, allowing you to match on an entire URL ([#1901](https://github.com/tridactyl/tridactyl/issues/1901))
- Bug fixes
- Some default binds which couldn't be unbound can now be unbound ([#1923](https://github.com/tridactyl/tridactyl/issues/1923))
-`<C-i>` and `<C-o>` fixed and more performant ([#1816](https://github.com/tridactyl/tridactyl/issues/1816))
-`source` should have fewer race conditions ([#1764](https://github.com/tridactyl/tridactyl/issues/1764))
- this was quite a big change to the way we handle configuration so please keep an eye out for bugs and report them
- Miscellaneous
- Readme now has sections for different installation steps ([#1947](https://github.com/tridactyl/tridactyl/issues/1947))
- Under the bonnet
-`browserBg` is now properly typed ([#1949](https://github.com/tridactyl/tridactyl/issues/1949))
- We have switched to `ts-loader` ([#1914](https://github.com/tridactyl/tridactyl/issues/1914))
- TypeScript is now a bit stricter ([#1915](https://github.com/tridactyl/tridactyl/issues/1915))
- Tests which run in `node` now use node types ([#1913](https://github.com/tridactyl/tridactyl/issues/1913))
Thanks to all of our contributors for this release: Oliver Blanthorn, dependabot-preview[bot], arcnmx, Jakub Okoński, notJerl, Dylan Lloyd, Kelly Stannard and SRGOM.
Extra special thanks go to Dylan Lloyd, Kelly Stannard and SRGOM who contributed for the first time.
Last, but not least - thank you to everyone who reported issues.
- Source RC from an arbitrary URL ([#1866](https://github.com/tridactyl/tridactyl/issues/1866))
-`extoption` excmd to open the options page of other addons ([#1660](https://github.com/tridactyl/tridactyl/issues/1660)) ([#1851](https://github.com/tridactyl/tridactyl/issues/1851))
- Hint fancy webcomponents ([#1853](https://github.com/tridactyl/tridactyl/issues/1853))
- Add `;g{f,F}` default binds for `hint -q` and `hint -qb`
Thanks to all of our contributors for this release: Oliver Blanthorn, dependabot-preview[bot], rektrex, Colin Caine, glacambre, ELLIOTTCABLE, avalonv, pvs, Chris, Daniel Schmid
Extra special thanks go to avalonv, Chris, Daniel Schmid, ELLIOTTCABLE, pvs, rektrex who have contributed for the first time.
Last, but not least - thank you to everyone who reported issues.
- Bookmarks are now listed in `*open` completions. `set bmarkweight` to change how prominently they are listed. ([#214](https://github.com/tridactyl/tridactyl/issues/214))
- Bug fixes
- Completions are now deselected if the string is shortened ([#1696](https://github.com/tridactyl/tridactyl/issues/1696))
- perf.ts: remove illegal string which was causing spurious errors
- Duplicate bookmarks are no longer listed in `bmark` completions
- Miscellaneous
- Remove `fixamo` at request of Firefox Security team ([#1773](https://github.com/tridactyl/tridactyl/issues/1773))
- Add missing ignore mode shortcut to tutorial
- Disable guiset navbar none as it had stopped working ([#1728](https://github.com/tridactyl/tridactyl/issues/1728))
Thanks to all of our contributors for this release: Oliver Blanthorn, dependabot-preview[bot], Colin Caine, GiulioCentorame, Jakub Okoński and glacambre.
Extra special thanks go to GiulioCentorame and Jakub Okoński who both contributed for the first time.
Last, but not least - thank you to everyone who reported issues.
- New setting `urlparenttrailingslash` which allows you to choose whether `urlparent` adds a trailing slash or not ([#1565](https://github.com/tridactyl/tridactyl/issues/1565))
-`keyfeed` command for feeding fake keys to Tridactyl (not the web page) added
- mostly a precursor to `map` but `keyfeed g?g?g?g?g?g?g?g?g?g?g?g?g?` now for a good time
- User-definable modes added: just do `bind --mode=[newmode] ...` and then `mode [newmode]`
- Added `tabm` and `tabo` ex-aliases (hat-tip to [this blog](https://magai.hateblo.jp/entry/2018/09/25/142348) for pointing out that they were missing)
-`guiset` now uses `setpref` to flip the preference which will soon be needed to read userChrome ([#1572](https://github.com/tridactyl/tridactyl/issues/1572))
-`shellescape` command added for use with `composite` ([#1485](https://github.com/tridactyl/tridactyl/issues/1485))
- Hint mode now has user-configurable binds (e.g. `bind --mode=hint <C-[> hint.reset`) ([#304](https://github.com/tridactyl/tridactyl/issues/304))
-`blacklistkeys` setting to specify which keys to prevent pages from ever stealing from Firefox ([#1185](https://github.com/tridactyl/tridactyl/issues/1185))
- Beta builds now have versions that look more like the filenames served by our build bot and the version shown on `about:addons` ([#930](https://github.com/tridactyl/tridactyl/issues/930))
- Websites can no longer feed Tridactyl fake key events (see the [security advisory](https://github.com/tridactyl/tridactyl/security/advisories/GHSA-7qr7-93pf-hr8f))
- It should be much harder for the command line to swap the order of keys pressed, especially `<Space>` ([#1655](https://github.com/tridactyl/tridactyl/issues/1655))
- We've switched from `npm` to `yarn` as we got fed up with `npm` fighting with itself over package-lock.json. Hopefully this will make development a little less painful.
-`:native{install,update}` will now install the version of the native messenger that existed at the same time as your version of Tridactyl
- Added Mithril (currently unused) to make redevelopment of the commandline frame easier
Thanks to all of our contributors for this release: Oliver Blanthorn, Colin Caine, glacambre, Anton Vilhelm Ásgeirsson, dependabot-preview[bot], Vladimír Marek, Saul Reynolds-Haertle, Vince Au, Russell Cheung, WorldCodeCentral, reversebreak
Extra special thanks go to dependabot-preview[bot], reversebreak, Russell Cheung, Vince Au, Vladimír Marek
Last, but not least - thank you to everyone who reported issues.
- Numeric prefixes to binds are now appended to the end of the command, e.g. `1gt` goes to the first tab.
- This isn't strictly a new feature as we had it about 18 months ago, but it fell down a plot hole.
- We now have special builds that don't have the new tab page - see the new tab page for how to install them.
- The internal `getclip` function has now been exposed as an ex-command by popular demand, for use with, e.g. `bind --mode=insert <C-v> composite getclip | text.insert_text`.
- You can now select hints using the arrow keys if you are so inclined
- You can now execute ex-commands from the "awesome bar" (i.e. Firefox's URL bar) by prefixing them with `tri`
- Bug fixes
- A few weird bugs fixed on NetBSD ([#1562](https://github.com/tridactyl/tridactyl/issues/1562))
-`gi` should now work on our help pages
-`repeat` now waits for the execution of each command to finish before starting another one
-`set hintnames uniform` won't give you a spurious error any more
- Under the bonnet
- Added end-to-end testing for a few functions using Selenium and CircleCI
- Calls to the internal getProfile() used for a variety of native messaging functions are now cached to improve performance
Thanks to all of our contributors for this release: Oliver Blanthorn, glacambre, dependabot[bot], Marvin Ewald, Saul Reynolds-Haertle, Colin Caine, PHO, Evgeny Kurnevsky, and Jan Hruban.
Extra special thanks go to Evgeny Kurnevsky, Jan Hruban, Marvin Ewald, and PHO who all contributed for the first time.
Last, but not least - thank you to everyone who reported issues.
-`:editor` now listens to the exit code of your editor so, e.g. `:cq` in Vim should prevent the text field from being changed; it also can provide line and column information - see `:help editor` for more details
- A new `:issue` excmd opens a new issue on our GitHub page with your system information pre-filled
- Bug fixes
-`DocStart``autocmds` in the exemplar .tridactylrc will no longer run under `:viewconfig`
-`updatecheck` should actually run now as it has been added to the new-tab page
- its relevant settings may now be found under the `update.*` namespace
- Private windows opened with the native messenger now work, e.g. `winopen -private about:addons`
-`:saveas` completions fixed
- Under the bonnet
- Added `tslint` and `shellcheck` checks to Travis CI for GitHub PRs and changed source to conform to their standards
- Swapped `prettier` for `tslint` for most cases
- excmds are now run from the content scripts which should hopefully reduce the number of round trips and generally improve responsiveness
- Minor changes to codebase made as suggested by sonarcloud and lgtm
- We've merged ([#953](https://github.com/tridactyl/tridactyl/issues/953)) which will eventually allow Tridactyl's `autocontain` and Mozilla's "Multi Account Containers" to co-exist peacefully once we enable a permission. We don't do that until the `updatecheck` has been out in the wild for a month or so first - see ([#708](https://github.com/tridactyl/tridactyl/issues/708)).
- Fixed `wine-pyinstaller.sh` on some systems
Thanks to all of our contributors for this release: Oliver Blanthorn, glacambre, dependabot, Saul Reynolds-Haertle, and Shahzeb Imran.
Extra special thanks go to dependabot and Shahzeb Imran who both contributed for the first time. (dependabot is a bot, but that does not make his contributions any the less valued).
Last, but not least - thank you to everyone who reported issues.
- Completions no longer get stuck showing you the command you just typed ([#1295](https://github.com/tridactyl/tridactyl/issues/1295))
-`findnext` no longer highlights invisible elements ([#1340](https://github.com/tridactyl/tridactyl/issues/1340))
- Command history search works again ([#1329](https://github.com/tridactyl/tridactyl/issues/1329))
-`nativeopen` now automatically detects which profile you're using and can open URLs with spaces in ([#1355](https://github.com/tridactyl/tridactyl/issues/1355))
-`leavegithubalone` is now a documented setting
-`keyup` events are no longer sent to the page for keys which are bound in Tridactyl ([#234](https://github.com/tridactyl/tridactyl/issues/234))
-`terminator` will now work as a terminal for `editorcmd`
- The native install command will now tell you if it didn't manage to install the native messenger ([#1099](https://github.com/tridactyl/tridactyl/issues/1099))
-`help` completions will now be deselected properly ([#1344](https://github.com/tridactyl/tridactyl/issues/1344))
- Removed `native_background.ts` - the editor is now all done in content scripts
- Removed commandline_background
-`contributing.md` has been improved with more documentation of our architecture
Thanks to all of our contributors for this release: Oliver Blanthorn, glacambre, Tadeas Uhlir, Nuno Santos, Anton Vilhelm Ásgeirsson, Colin Caine, Manny Schneck, Maximilian Roos, Robert Günzler, Rodrigo, Vik Ramanujam, heshamsafi, and pinusc.
Extra special thanks go to heshamsafi, Manny Schneck, Maximilian Roos, Nuno Santos, pinusc, Robert Günzler, Rodrigo, Tadeas Uhlir, and Vik Ramanujam who all contributed for the first time.
Last, but not least - thank you to everyone who reported issues.
- Find mode is back, but still doesn't support incsearch. See `help find` for details on how to bind it if you value muscle-memory over stability :)
-`rssexec` added with completions to help you find RSS feeds that exist on the current page. By default, it executes `yank`, but this can be changed with `rsscmd` to interface with your favourite feed reader, e.g, `set rsscmd ! echo %u >> ~/.newsbeuter/urls`.
-`set` will now let you set complex objects such as `set searchurls {"google":"https://www.bing.com"}` ([#1289](https://github.com/tridactyl/tridactyl/issues/1289))
-`undo` now comes with completions so you can pick an older tab or window to restore ([#1286](https://github.com/tridactyl/tridactyl/issues/1286))
- The exceptionally well-hidden settings page now has a very well-hidden "reset your configuration button" at the very bottom of the page ([#1271](https://github.com/tridactyl/tridactyl/issues/1271)).
- The horrendously named `modeindicatorshowkeys` setting now allows you to see which fragments of valid key sequences you have typed.
- Bug fixes
- Hints are now slightly chubbier in solidarity with people who use bad fonts ([#1280](https://github.com/tridactyl/tridactyl/issues/1280))
- Favicons are back on `:tab` completions! ([#986](https://github.com/tridactyl/tridactyl/issues/986))
-`nativeopen` now checks for the presence of the native messenger rather than `tabopen`.
-`tridactylrc` should now execute more reliably ([#1197](https://github.com/tridactyl/tridactyl/issues/1197))
-`set` now refuses to let you set objects such as `searchurls` to simple strings ([#1288](https://github.com/tridactyl/tridactyl/issues/1288))
- Completions should show slightly faster ([#1259](https://github.com/tridactyl/tridactyl/issues/1259))
- The native messenger should now give more useful errors ([#1287](https://github.com/tridactyl/tridactyl/issues/1287))
- We do slightly fewer mad things with promises ([#1262](https://github.com/tridactyl/tridactyl/issues/1262))
- We remember to use our nice little vanity wrappers on ugly messaging more often ([#1257](https://github.com/tridactyl/tridactyl/issues/1257))
- Try to prevent more race conditions in the background code ([#1248](https://github.com/tridactyl/tridactyl/issues/1248))
- Prevent multiple commandlines from being inserted in to pages ([#1245](https://github.com/tridactyl/tridactyl/issues/1245)) ([#1243](https://github.com/tridactyl/tridactyl/issues/1243))
-`updatenag` now checks the right date (code I was using for testing made it into a stable release...)
-`winopen -private` is now documented
We're aware of a few issues introduced by 1.14.4+ and/or Firefox 64. Hopefully we'll get them fixed soon. In the meantime, please report any weirdness on our GitHub page as usual.
-`hintfiltermode simple` should no longer give you a useless error every time you click something
- Rebinding `<Space>` should actually work now
- If you're having typing sentences into the command line and find spaces appear in the middle of words, you might want to `unbind --mode=ex <Space>`.
- Under the bonnet
- We now have our own configuration listeners. See #1192 for more details.
This release was rushed out because I didn't test 1.14.4 well enough, so only glacambre and bovine3dom got to contribute to it. It feels more weird than usual to thank myself for coding when I'm 50% of the contributors, especially when the release was so speedy because I wasn't paying enough attention to the previous one, so I'll just pat glacambre instead. _bovine3dom tapote glacambre_.
-`tabnext/prev` now only cycles through visible tabs ([#1084](https://github.com/tridactyl/tridactyl/issues/1084)), for real this time ([#1207](https://github.com/tridactyl/tridactyl/issues/1207))
-`clipboard xselpaste` now works in the commandline ([#1206](https://github.com/tridactyl/tridactyl/issues/1206))
- Numerical config settings are now numbers rather than strings
Thanks to all of our contributors for this release: Oliver Blanthorn, glacambre, Anton Vilhelm Ásgeirsson, Abraham White, Nathan Collins, Colin Caine, Keegan Carruthers-Smith, and pale3.
Extra special thanks go to Abraham White, Keegan Carruthers-Smith, Nathan Collins, and pale3 who all contributed for the first time.
Last, but not least - thank you to everyone who reported issues.
Thanks to all of our contributors for this release: Oliver Blanthorn, glacambre, Saul Reynolds-Haertle, Anton Vilhelm Ásgeirsson, Joao Sa, notJerl, Colin Caine, WorldCodeCentral, Alex Griffin, FrankEular, Ivan Solyankin, Lorenz Leutgeb, and Shou Ya.
Extra special thanks go to Alex Griffin, FrankEular, Ivan Solyankin, Joao Sa, Lorenz Leutgeb, notJerl, and Shou Ya who all contributed for the first time.
Last, but not least - thank you to everyone who reported issues.
- You can now map keys to keys for Tridactyl modes with `keymap key1 key2`. The purpose of this is for our international users who switch keyboard layouts.
Thanks to all of our contributors for this release: Oliver Blanthorn, Saul Reynolds-Haertle, glacambre, Colin Caine, William G Hatch, Noah Birnel, Roman Bogorodskiy, and quinoa42.
Extra special thanks go to Noah Birnel, quinoa42, Roman Bogorodskiy, and William G Hatch who all contributed for the first time.
Last, but not least - thank you to everyone who reported issues.
- Most hint modes now have a rapid mode with `hint -q[flag]` and bound to `;g[key]`
- The divergence from Pentadactyl is because we already have `g;` bound to "switch to tab containing last used input field and focus it", which is my pet favourite command.
-`tab` is now an alias for `buffer` (I meant to add this months ago)
- All clipboard commands on Linux now support X-selection if you have the native messenger installed. Simply set `yankto` and `putfrom` to `selection`.
- Add `hintdelay` setting (measured in milliseconds) to add a short pause before hint mode is left after choosing a link ([#386](https://github.com/tridactyl/tridactyl/issues/386)) with the `hintfiltermode vimperator*` hint modes so that one has time to stop typing before Tridactyl returns to normal mode.
- Windows install script no longer rage-quits if Python is not found.
- This means that the compiled executable will actually be used. It's much slower than the normal Python script, so we strongly recommend that you use that instead by installing Python 3, making sure it is on your PATH, and running `installnative` again.
Thanks to all of our contributors for this release: Oliver Blanthorn, glacambre, Anton Vilhelm Ásgeirsson, Babil Golam Sarwar, Colin Caine, Jeff King, Bzly, WorldCodeCentral, Mohammad AlSaleh, Vladimir Macko, André Klausnitzer, Bodo Graumann, Chris Pickard, Lucian Poston, Matt Friedman, Susexe, and jcrowgey.
Extra special thanks go to André Klausnitzer, Chris Pickard, Lucian Poston, Matt Friedman, Susexe, Vladimir Macko, and WorldCodeCentral, all of whom were first time contributors.
- An experimental `smoothscroll` setting has been added. You can turn it on by using `:set smoothscroll true`. Be warned, this can make scrolling slower on some websites.
- You can run any file you want with `source [absolute path to file]`. Bonus points if you can think of something sensible to do with `source` in an `autocmd`.
- If you want vim-style configuration where nothing persists except that which is in the rc file, simply add `sanitise tridactyllocal tridactylsync` to the top of your rc file.
- Only whole-line comments are supported at the moment, in the VimL style where lines start with a quote mark: "
- You can now choose to bypass [CSP](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Content_Security_Policy) on all sites with `set csp clobber`. If you change your mind, just `unset csp`, and restart your browser.
- This, for example, allows Tridactyl to run on pages such as https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cmcaine/tridactyl/master/CHANGELOG.md, but it could also allow other scripts to run on pages, making the Internet as dangerous as it was about 2 or 3 years ago before CSP was introduced.
- Once this [bug](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1267027) in Firefox is fixed, you won't have to clobber CSP.
- Tridactyl will no longer update while the browser is running in an attempt to fix issues where the add-on would be unresponsive after an update; instead, it will only update on browser launch.
-`<Ctrl-I>` in a text field will open Vim, probably. Set it with `set editorcmd` but make sure that the command stays in the foreground till the programme is exited.
- Not all text fields work yet (esp CodeMirror), so make sure you test it before writing war and peace.
-`:! [shell command]` or `:exclaim [shell command]` will run the command and give you STDOUT/STDERR back in the command line.
- You can't use composite and shell pipes together yet.
- Anything that works in `/bin/sh` should work
- If you want to use a different shell, just make your own alias:
-`command ! exclaim fish -c` (but be aware that some shells require quotes around arguments given to -c)
- Requires a new permission to use the native messenger (and to use Tridactyl at all, unfortunately)
-`nativeopen` will try to open a new tab or window using the native messenger. It is used in `{,win,tab}open` automatically when you try to open about:_ or file:_ URIs.
- We've tried to make it look a bit more like the old Vimperator help pages and have hidden some useless or misleading bits that TypeDoc produced, such as the return values.
- Load iframe more lazily to stop breakage on some sites
- Add setting `noiframeon` for websites that are still broken by our iframe ("ServiceNow", for example: #279)
- Simply `set noiframeon [space separated URLs]` to blacklist URLs
- This will hopefully be our final release before the native messenger for OSX and Linux is merged.
- If you'd like to help test it out, download our latest betas from [here](https://tridactyl.cmcaine.co.uk/betas) and run `:installnative` once you are in.
- [Move betas to our own site](https://tridactyl.cmcaine.co.uk/betas) as addons.mozilla.org stopped supporting them ([#307](https://github.com/tridactyl/tridactyl/issues/307))
- In command mode, `Space` now puts the URL from the selected completion into the command line ([#224](https://github.com/tridactyl/tridactyl/issues/224))
- Add exmode aliases with `command [alias] [ex_command]`. Many aliases have been ported from Pentadactyl. ([#236](https://github.com/tridactyl/tridactyl/issues/236))