2018-06-03 15:04:50 +02:00
// This file is only loaded in tridacyl's help pages
import * as config from "./config"
2018-06-03 17:21:11 +02:00
/** Created the element that should contain keybinding information */
function initTridactylSettingElem(
elem: HTMLElement,
kind: string,
): HTMLElement {
let bindingNode = elem.getElementsByClassName(`Tridactyl${kind}`)[0]
if (bindingNode) {
2018-06-03 15:04:50 +02:00
.filter(e => e.tagName == "LI")
.forEach(e => e.parentNode.removeChild(e))
} else {
// Otherwise, create it
2018-06-03 17:21:11 +02:00
bindingNode = document.createElement("ul")
bindingNode.className = `TridactylSetting Tridactyl${kind}`
bindingNode.textContent = kind + ": "
elem.insertBefore(bindingNode, elem.children[2])
2018-06-03 15:04:50 +02:00
2018-06-03 17:21:11 +02:00
return bindingNode as HTMLElement
2018-06-03 15:04:50 +02:00
/** Returns an object that maps excmd names to excmd documentation element */
function getCommandElements() {
return Array.from(
document.querySelectorAll("section.tsd-panel-group:nth-child(3) h3"),
).reduce((all, elem) => {
all[elem.textContent] = elem.parentElement
return all
}, {})
/** Updates the doc with aliases fetched from the config */
2018-06-03 17:21:11 +02:00
async function addSetting(settingName: string) {
2018-06-03 15:04:50 +02:00
let commandElems = getCommandElements()
// We're ignoring composite because it combines multiple excmds
delete commandElems["composite"]
2018-06-03 17:21:11 +02:00
// Initialize or reset the <ul> element that will contain settings in each commandElem
let settingElems = Object.keys(commandElems).reduce(
(settingElems, cmdName) => {
settingElems[cmdName] = initTridactylSettingElem(
return settingElems
2018-06-03 15:04:50 +02:00
2018-06-03 17:21:11 +02:00
let settings = await config.getAsync(settingName)
// For each setting
for (let setting in settings) {
let excmd = settings[setting].split(" ")
// How can we automatically detect what commands can be skipped?
excmd = ["fillcmdline", "current_url"].includes(excmd[0])
? excmd[1]
: excmd[0]
// Find the corresponding setting
while (settings[excmd]) {
excmd = settings[excmd].split(" ")
excmd = ["fillcmdline", "current_url"].includes(excmd[0])
? excmd[1]
: excmd[0]
2018-06-03 15:04:50 +02:00
2018-06-03 17:21:11 +02:00
// If there is an HTML element for settings that correspond to the excmd we just found
if (settingElems[excmd]) {
let settingLi = document.createElement("li")
settingLi.innerText = setting
settingLi.title = settings[setting]
// Add the setting to the element
2018-06-03 15:04:50 +02:00
2018-06-03 16:38:03 +02:00
2018-06-03 17:21:11 +02:00
// Remove all settingElems that do not have at least one setting
2018-06-03 16:38:03 +02:00
(e: HTMLElement) =>
!Array.from(e.children).find(c => c.tagName == "LI"),
.forEach((e: HTMLElement) => e.parentNode.removeChild(e))
2018-06-03 15:04:50 +02:00
browser.storage.onChanged.addListener((changes, areaname) => {
if ("userconfig" in changes) {
// JSON.stringify for comparisons like it's 2012
2018-06-03 17:21:11 +02:00
;["exaliases", "nmaps"].forEach(kind => {
if (
JSON.stringify(changes.userconfig.newValue[kind]) !=
2018-06-03 15:04:50 +02:00
2018-06-03 17:21:11 +02:00
addEventListener("load", async () => {
2018-06-10 15:51:16 +01:00
await addSetting("exaliases")
await addSetting("nmaps")
2018-06-03 17:21:11 +02:00
// setCommandSetting() can change the height of nodes in the page so we need to scroll to the right place again
2018-06-10 15:51:16 +01:00
if (document.location.hash) {
document.location.hash = document.location.hash
2018-06-03 15:04:50 +02:00