2017-10-02 00:59:51 +01:00
/** Shim for the keyboard API because it won't hit in FF57. */
2017-09-25 04:44:56 +01:00
2017-10-02 00:59:51 +01:00
// {{{ Helper functions
2017-09-25 04:44:56 +01:00
2017-10-02 00:59:51 +01:00
function pick (o, ...props) {
return Object.assign({}, ...props.map(prop => ({[prop]: o[prop]})))
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2017-10-02 00:59:51 +01:00
// Shallow copy of keyevent.
function shallowKeyboardEvent (ke): Event {
let shallow = pick(
'shiftKey', 'metaKey', 'altKey', 'ctrlKey', 'repeat', 'key',
'bubbles', 'composed', 'defaultPrevented', 'eventPhase',
'timeStamp', 'type', 'isTrusted'
shallow.target = pick(ke.target, 'tagName')
shallow.target.ownerDocument = pick(ke.target.ownerDocument, 'URL')
return shallow
} // }}}
function keyeventHandler(ke: KeyboardEvent) {
// Suppress events, if requested
if (preventDefault) {
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if (stopPropagation) {
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browser.runtime.sendMessage({command: "keydown", event: shallowKeyboardEvent(ke)})
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// Listen for suppression messages from bg script.
function backgroundListener(message) {
if (message.command === "keydown-suppress") {
if ('preventDefault' in message.data) {
preventDefault = message.data.preventDefault
if ('stopPropagation' in message.data) {
stopPropagation = message.data.stopPropagation
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2017-09-25 04:44:56 +01:00
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// State
let preventDefault = false
let stopPropagation = false
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// Add listeners
window.addEventListener("keydown", keyeventHandler)
2017-09-25 04:44:56 +01:00
2017-10-02 00:59:51 +01:00
// Dummy export so that TS treats this as a module.
export {}