* Rapid hinting bound to `gF`. One of our most requested features.
* Add `DocLoad` autocmd which triggers after all HTML is downloaded (it fires on DOMContentLoaded).
* All clipboard commands on Linux now support X-selection if you have the native messenger installed. Simply set `yankto` and `putfrom` to `selection`.
* Add private window indicator to `bufferall`; add container icons to `buffer{,all}`.
* Add `fillcmdline_tmp`, useful for temporary messages. A few commands now use this (e.g, `yy`).
*`tabmove` bound to `<<` and `>>` à la Vimium.
* Add `mute` to mute tabs. Bound to `<A-m>` by default.
* Add `<A-p>` bind for `pin`.
* Add `{fixamo,guiset}_quiet` for non-interactive use; normal `{fixamo,guiset}` now inform you that you must restart.
* Add `url2args` ex-command to retrieve search terms from Tridactyl search engines, for use with `O`. `help url2args` for more information.
* Add `autocmddelete` to delete an autocmd.
* Add binds for yankmd and yanktitle to `yt` and `ym` irrespectively.
* Our GitHub has a new troublehooting guide and issue template (#522).
* Bug fixes:
* Fix race condition in state.mode synchronization (#613).
*`set newtab about:blank` should work once again (#678).
* Make `tabprev` synchronous: it now works better in `composite` commands (i.e, `D` is less janky).
* Fix `guiset hoverlink *` in Firefox 61 (#763).
* Make `source` ignore visually empty lines.
* Completions will now be properly deselected upon typing (#833).
*`guiset` now gives helpful errors if given the wrong arguments (#844).
* History completion insertion with space no longer inserts an extra space (#838).
* Ctrl-y actually scrolls up now
* Arguments now ignored on history completions (`-private, -c, -b` etc.).
* Native messenger:
* Windows install script now complains if you do not have the requisite PowerShell version.
* Windows install script should now work if you have a non-ASCII username/directory
* Windows install script no longer rage-quits if Python is not found.
* This means that the compiled executable will actually be used. It's much slower than the normal Python script, so we strongly recommend that you use that instead by installing Python 3, making sure it is on your PATH, and running `installnative` again.
* Fix focus hijacking again (#768).
* Fix scrolling on bugzilla.mozilla.org (#762).
* Fix race condition in :sanitise (#724).
* Make sure bind/unbind use the same binding format: previously, modifiers on binds were case-sensitive for some commands.
* Container commands are now more case-insensitive.
* Fix jumplist not being correctly restored on reloads (#680).
* Update 1.13.1 release date in time for 1.13.2
* Boring internal stuff
* Move most of hinting to content script (this may have broken some stuff - please report it if it has).
Thanks to all of our contributors for this release: Oliver Blanthorn, glacambre, Anton Vilhelm Ásgeirsson, Babil Golam Sarwar, Jeff King, Bzly, WorldCodeCentral, Colin Caine, Vladimir Macko, Bodo Graumann, Chris Pickard, Matt Friedman, Susexe, jcrowgey.
Extra special thanks go to Chris Pickard, Matt Friedman, Susexe, Vladimir Macko, WorldCodeCentral, all of whom were first time contributors!
* The long awaited blacklist to automatically enter ignore mode on some websites is now available! See `:h blacklistadd`.
* Ignore mode can now also be toggled with <CA-`>.
* A colon is shown at the beginning of the command line.
*`:set setting` will now display the setting's value.
* The command line should work again on image documents.
* Urlmodify doesn't add the websites you're leaving to your history anymore.
* An experimental `smoothscroll` setting has been added. You can turn it on by using `:set smoothscroll true`. Be warned, this can make scrolling slower on some websites.
* Stick a bunch of commands you want to run at startup in one of:
* [Example file available here](https://github.com/cmcaine/tridactyl/blob/master/.tridactylrc)
* You can run any file you want with `source [absolute path to file]`. Bonus points if you can think of something sensible to do with `source` in an `autocmd`.
* If you want vim-style configuration where nothing persists except that which is in the rc file, simply add `sanitise tridactyllocal tridactylsync` to the top of your rc file.
* Only whole-line comments are supported at the moment, in the VimL style where lines start with a quote mark: "
* You can now edit the Firefox GUI from Tridactyl with `guiset`. You must restart Firefox after using `guiset` to see the effects.
* e.g, `guiset gui none` or `guiset gui full`.
* see all the options with `help guiset` and following the links.
***Only minimally tested. Back up your precious userChrome.css if you care about it!**
* You can now choose to bypass [CSP](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Content_Security_Policy) on all sites with `set csp clobber`. If you change your mind, just `unset csp`, and restart your browser.
* This, for example, allows Tridactyl to run on pages such as https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cmcaine/tridactyl/master/CHANGELOG.md, but it could also allow other scripts to run on pages, making the Internet as dangerous as it was about 2 or 3 years ago before CSP was introduced.
* Once this [bug](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1267027) in Firefox is fixed, you won't have to clobber CSP.
* Tridactyl will no longer update while the browser is running in an attempt to fix issues where the add-on would be unresponsive after an update; instead, it will only update on browser launch.
* Native messenger (for OSX/Linux only, for now)! On Linux/OSXRun `:installnative` to install, then:
*`<Ctrl-I>` in a text field will open Vim, probably. Set it with `set editorcmd` but make sure that the command stays in the foreground till the programme is exited.
* Not all text fields work yet (esp CodeMirror), so make sure you test it before writing war and peace.
*`:! [shell command]` or `:exclaim [shell command]` will run the command and give you STDOUT/STDERR back in the command line.
* You can't use composite and shell pipes together yet.
* Anything that works in `/bin/sh` should work
* If you want to use a different shell, just make your own alias:
*`command ! exclaim fish -c` (but be aware that some shells require quotes around arguments given to -c)
* Requires a new permission to use the native messenger (and to use Tridactyl at all, unfortunately)
*`nativeopen` will try to open a new tab or window using the native messenger. It is used in `{,win,tab}open` automatically when you try to open about:_ or file:_ URIs.
* Add `hint -W [exstr]` to execute exstr on hint's href
*`hint -W exclaim_quiet mpv` works particularly well.
***Breaking change**: change ignore mode binds to be symmetric and resolve Jupyter conflict
* Ignore mode is now bound to `<S-Insert>` to enter and leave it.
* We've tried to make it look a bit more like the old Vimperator help pages and have hidden some useless or misleading bits that TypeDoc produced, such as the return values.
* Load iframe more lazily to stop breakage on some sites
* Add setting `noiframeon` for websites that are still broken by our iframe ("ServiceNow", for example: #279)
* Simply `set noiframeon [space separated URLs]` to blacklist URLs
* This will hopefully be our final release before the native messenger for OSX and Linux is merged.
* If you'd like to help test it out, download our latest betas from [here](https://tridactyl.cmcaine.co.uk/betas) and run `:installnative` once you are in.