This only deals with the keyboard binding aspect. We need to think about the GUI / hinting etc: we need to make sure everything we want to have in Vimperator is possible using WebExtensions.
Chrome et al. already use WebExtensions, and there are a few vim-like extensions for it, such as cVim/Vimium. It would make sense to look at how these extensions work and see what is not currently possible in Firefox. An obvious part of what they cannot do is change the GUI of the browser. Vimperator allows you to hide parts of the browser when they are not needed.
It would also be sensible to have a list of ideal things that can't currently be done in Vimperator, e.g. embedding Vim client, that we would like. (look at Petrosaur)
There is currently a magic console in Firefox that we could perhaps hijack, which is built on GCLI: -- even says that it could be used as part of a browser extension -- people complaining, could be handy -- we aren't allowed to inject JS into, e.g. about: pages. This means no searching, no back/forward, no commandline: a user navigating to such a page would get trapped.