If that does not solve your problem, please fill in the following template and then delete all the lines above it, and any other lines which you do not feel are applicable:
- Result of running `:! echo $PATH`, or `! echo %PATH%` on Windows, in Tridactyl:
- Unix-like only:
-`:native` less than 0.2.0: result of running `printf '%c\0\0\0{"cmd": "run", "command": "echo $PATH"}' 39 | ~/.local/share/tridactyl/native_main.py` in a terminal:
-`:native` at least version 0.2.0: result of running `printf '%c\0\0\0{"cmd": "run", "command": "echo $PATH"}' 39 | ~/.local/share/tridactyl/native_main` in a terminal: