John Preston 8419a56e10 Emoji display added to sticker preview. Reading featured sticker sets.
Reading featured sticker sets one by one while scrolling through them,
only when the row was fully visible and the image was already loaded.
2016-09-10 23:54:59 +03:00

1467 lines
39 KiB

This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see
Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission
to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library.
Full license:
Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
#pragma once
typedef int32 UserId;
typedef int32 ChatId;
typedef int32 ChannelId;
static const ChannelId NoChannel = 0;
typedef int32 MsgId;
struct FullMsgId {
FullMsgId() : channel(NoChannel), msg(0) {
FullMsgId(ChannelId channel, MsgId msg) : channel(channel), msg(msg) {
ChannelId channel;
MsgId msg;
typedef uint64 PeerId;
static const uint64 PeerIdMask = 0xFFFFFFFFULL;
static const uint64 PeerIdTypeMask = 0x300000000ULL;
static const uint64 PeerIdUserShift = 0x000000000ULL;
static const uint64 PeerIdChatShift = 0x100000000ULL;
static const uint64 PeerIdChannelShift = 0x200000000ULL;
inline bool peerIsUser(const PeerId &id) {
return (id & PeerIdTypeMask) == PeerIdUserShift;
inline bool peerIsChat(const PeerId &id) {
return (id & PeerIdTypeMask) == PeerIdChatShift;
inline bool peerIsChannel(const PeerId &id) {
return (id & PeerIdTypeMask) == PeerIdChannelShift;
inline PeerId peerFromUser(UserId user_id) {
return PeerIdUserShift | uint64(uint32(user_id));
inline PeerId peerFromChat(ChatId chat_id) {
return PeerIdChatShift | uint64(uint32(chat_id));
inline PeerId peerFromChannel(ChannelId channel_id) {
return PeerIdChannelShift | uint64(uint32(channel_id));
inline PeerId peerFromUser(const MTPint &user_id) {
return peerFromUser(user_id.v);
inline PeerId peerFromChat(const MTPint &chat_id) {
return peerFromChat(chat_id.v);
inline PeerId peerFromChannel(const MTPint &channel_id) {
return peerFromChannel(channel_id.v);
inline int32 peerToBareInt(const PeerId &id) {
return int32(uint32(id & PeerIdMask));
inline UserId peerToUser(const PeerId &id) {
return peerIsUser(id) ? peerToBareInt(id) : 0;
inline ChatId peerToChat(const PeerId &id) {
return peerIsChat(id) ? peerToBareInt(id) : 0;
inline ChannelId peerToChannel(const PeerId &id) {
return peerIsChannel(id) ? peerToBareInt(id) : NoChannel;
inline MTPint peerToBareMTPInt(const PeerId &id) {
return MTP_int(peerToBareInt(id));
inline PeerId peerFromMTP(const MTPPeer &peer) {
switch (peer.type()) {
case mtpc_peerUser: return peerFromUser(peer.c_peerUser().vuser_id);
case mtpc_peerChat: return peerFromChat(peer.c_peerChat().vchat_id);
case mtpc_peerChannel: return peerFromChannel(peer.c_peerChannel().vchannel_id);
return 0;
inline MTPpeer peerToMTP(const PeerId &id) {
if (peerIsUser(id)) {
return MTP_peerUser(peerToBareMTPInt(id));
} else if (peerIsChat(id)) {
return MTP_peerChat(peerToBareMTPInt(id));
} else if (peerIsChannel(id)) {
return MTP_peerChannel(peerToBareMTPInt(id));
return MTP_peerUser(MTP_int(0));
inline PeerId peerFromMessage(const MTPmessage &msg) {
PeerId from_id = 0, to_id = 0;
switch (msg.type()) {
case mtpc_message:
from_id = msg.c_message().has_from_id() ? peerFromUser(msg.c_message().vfrom_id) : 0;
to_id = peerFromMTP(msg.c_message().vto_id);
case mtpc_messageService:
from_id = msg.c_messageService().has_from_id() ? peerFromUser(msg.c_messageService().vfrom_id) : 0;
to_id = peerFromMTP(msg.c_messageService().vto_id);
return (from_id && peerToUser(to_id) == MTP::authedId()) ? from_id : to_id;
inline MTPDmessage::Flags flagsFromMessage(const MTPmessage &msg) {
switch (msg.type()) {
case mtpc_message: return msg.c_message().vflags.v;
case mtpc_messageService: return mtpCastFlags(msg.c_messageService().vflags.v);
return 0;
inline MsgId idFromMessage(const MTPmessage &msg) {
switch (msg.type()) {
case mtpc_messageEmpty: return msg.c_messageEmpty().vid.v;
case mtpc_message: return msg.c_message().vid.v;
case mtpc_messageService: return msg.c_messageService().vid.v;
return 0;
inline TimeId dateFromMessage(const MTPmessage &msg) {
switch (msg.type()) {
case mtpc_message: return msg.c_message().vdate.v;
case mtpc_messageService: return msg.c_messageService().vdate.v;
return 0;
typedef uint64 PhotoId;
typedef uint64 VideoId;
typedef uint64 AudioId;
typedef uint64 DocumentId;
typedef uint64 WebPageId;
static const WebPageId CancelledWebPageId = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL;
inline bool operator==(const FullMsgId &a, const FullMsgId &b) {
return ( == && (a.msg == b.msg);
inline bool operator<(const FullMsgId &a, const FullMsgId &b) {
if (a.msg < b.msg) return true;
if (a.msg > b.msg) return false;
return <;
constexpr const MsgId StartClientMsgId = -0x7FFFFFFF;
constexpr const MsgId EndClientMsgId = -0x40000000;
inline constexpr bool isClientMsgId(MsgId id) {
return id >= StartClientMsgId && id < EndClientMsgId;
constexpr const MsgId ShowAtTheEndMsgId = -0x40000000;
constexpr const MsgId SwitchAtTopMsgId = -0x3FFFFFFF;
constexpr const MsgId ShowAtProfileMsgId = -0x3FFFFFFE;
constexpr const MsgId ShowAndStartBotMsgId = -0x3FFFFFD;
constexpr const MsgId ServerMaxMsgId = 0x3FFFFFFF;
constexpr const MsgId ShowAtUnreadMsgId = 0;
struct NotifySettings {
NotifySettings() : flags(MTPDpeerNotifySettings::Flag::f_show_previews), mute(0), sound("default") {
MTPDpeerNotifySettings::Flags flags;
TimeId mute;
string sound;
bool previews() const {
return flags & MTPDpeerNotifySettings::Flag::f_show_previews;
bool silent() const {
return flags & MTPDpeerNotifySettings::Flag::f_silent;
typedef NotifySettings *NotifySettingsPtr;
static const NotifySettingsPtr UnknownNotifySettings = NotifySettingsPtr(0);
static const NotifySettingsPtr EmptyNotifySettings = NotifySettingsPtr(1);
extern NotifySettings globalNotifyAll, globalNotifyUsers, globalNotifyChats;
extern NotifySettingsPtr globalNotifyAllPtr, globalNotifyUsersPtr, globalNotifyChatsPtr;
inline bool isNotifyMuted(NotifySettingsPtr settings, TimeId *changeIn = 0) {
if (settings != UnknownNotifySettings && settings != EmptyNotifySettings) {
TimeId t = unixtime();
if (settings->mute > t) {
if (changeIn) *changeIn = settings->mute - t + 1;
return true;
if (changeIn) *changeIn = 0;
return false;
static const int UserColorsCount = 8;
style::color peerColor(int index);
ImagePtr userDefPhoto(int index);
ImagePtr chatDefPhoto(int index);
ImagePtr channelDefPhoto(int index);
static const PhotoId UnknownPeerPhotoId = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL;
inline const QString &emptyUsername() {
static QString empty;
return empty;
class PeerClickHandler : public LeftButtonClickHandler {
PeerClickHandler(PeerData *peer) : _peer(peer) {
PeerData *peer() const {
return _peer;
PeerData *_peer;
class PeerOpenClickHandler : public PeerClickHandler {
using PeerClickHandler::PeerClickHandler;
void onClickImpl() const override;
class UserData;
class ChatData;
class ChannelData;
class PeerData {
PeerData(const PeerId &id);
PeerData(const PeerData &other) = delete;
PeerData &operator=(const PeerData &other) = delete;
virtual ~PeerData() {
if (notify != UnknownNotifySettings && notify != EmptyNotifySettings) {
bool isUser() const {
return peerIsUser(id);
bool isChat() const {
return peerIsChat(id);
bool isChannel() const {
return peerIsChannel(id);
bool isSelf() const {
return (input.type() == mtpc_inputPeerSelf);
bool isVerified() const;
bool isMegagroup() const;
bool canWrite() const;
UserData *asUser();
const UserData *asUser() const;
ChatData *asChat();
const ChatData *asChat() const;
ChannelData *asChannel();
const ChannelData *asChannel() const;
ChannelData *asMegagroup();
const ChannelData *asMegagroup() const;
ChatData *migrateFrom() const;
ChannelData *migrateTo() const;
const Text &dialogName() const;
const QString &shortName() const;
const QString &userName() const;
const PeerId id;
int32 bareId() const {
return int32(uint32(id & 0xFFFFFFFFULL));
QString name;
Text nameText;
typedef QSet<QString> Names;
Names names; // for filtering
typedef QSet<QChar> NameFirstChars;
NameFirstChars chars;
enum LoadedStatus {
NotLoaded = 0x00,
MinimalLoaded = 0x01,
FullLoaded = 0x02,
LoadedStatus loadedStatus = NotLoaded;
MTPinputPeer input;
int colorIndex;
style::color color;
void setUserpic(ImagePtr userpic);
void paintUserpic(Painter &p, int size, int x, int y) const;
void paintUserpicLeft(Painter &p, int size, int x, int y, int w) const {
paintUserpic(p, size, rtl() ? (w - x - size) : x, y);
void loadUserpic(bool loadFirst = false, bool prior = true) {
_userpic->load(loadFirst, prior);
bool userpicLoaded() const {
return _userpic->loaded();
StorageKey userpicUniqueKey() const;
void saveUserpic(const QString &path, int size) const;
QPixmap genUserpic(int size) const;
PhotoId photoId = UnknownPeerPhotoId;
StorageImageLocation photoLoc;
int nameVersion = 1;
NotifySettingsPtr notify = UnknownNotifySettings;
// if this string is not empty we must not allow to open the
// conversation and we must show this string instead
virtual QString restrictionReason() const {
return QString();
const ClickHandlerPtr &openLink() {
if (!_openLink) {
_openLink.reset(new PeerOpenClickHandler(this));
return _openLink;
void updateNameDelayed(const QString &newName, const QString &newNameOrPhone, const QString &newUsername);
ImagePtr _userpic;
ImagePtr currentUserpic() const;
void fillNames();
ClickHandlerPtr _openLink;
static const uint64 UserNoAccess = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL;
class BotCommand {
BotCommand(const QString &command, const QString &description) : command(command), _description(description) {
QString command;
bool setDescription(const QString &description) {
if (_description != description) {
_description = description;
_descriptionText = Text();
return true;
return false;
const Text &descriptionText() const;
QString _description;
mutable Text _descriptionText;
struct BotInfo {
bool inited = false;
bool readsAllHistory = false;
bool cantJoinGroups = false;
int version = 0;
QString description, inlinePlaceholder;
QList<BotCommand> commands;
Text text = Text{ int(st::msgMinWidth) }; // description
QString startToken, startGroupToken;
PeerId inlineReturnPeerId = 0;
class PhotoData;
class UserData : public PeerData {
UserData(const PeerId &id) : PeerData(id) {
void setPhoto(const MTPUserProfilePhoto &photo);
void setName(const QString &newFirstName, const QString &newLastName
, const QString &newPhoneName, const QString &newUsername);
void setPhone(const QString &newPhone);
void setBotInfoVersion(int version);
void setBotInfo(const MTPBotInfo &info);
void setNameOrPhone(const QString &newNameOrPhone);
void madeAction(TimeId when); // pseudo-online
uint64 access = 0;
MTPDuser::Flags flags = { 0 };
bool isVerified() const {
return flags & MTPDuser::Flag::f_verified;
bool isBotInlineGeo() const {
return flags & MTPDuser::Flag::f_bot_inline_geo;
bool canWrite() const {
return access != UserNoAccess;
bool isContact() const {
return (contact > 0);
bool canShareThisContact() const;
bool canAddContact() const {
return canShareThisContact() && !isContact();
// In feedUsers() we check only that.
// When actually trying to share contact we perform
// a full check by canShareThisContact() call.
bool canShareThisContactFast() const {
return !_phone.isEmpty();
MTPInputUser inputUser;
QString firstName;
QString lastName;
QString username;
const QString &phone() const {
return _phone;
QString nameOrPhone;
Text phoneText;
TimeId onlineTill = 0;
int32 contact = -1; // -1 - not contact, cant add (self, empty, deleted, foreign), 0 - not contact, can add (request), 1 - contact
enum class BlockStatus {
BlockStatus blockStatus() const {
return _blockStatus;
bool isBlocked() const {
return (blockStatus() == BlockStatus::Blocked);
void setBlockStatus(BlockStatus blockStatus);
typedef QList<PhotoData*> Photos;
Photos photos;
int photosCount = -1; // -1 not loaded, 0 all loaded
bool setAbout(const QString &newAbout);
const QString &about() const {
return _about;
std_::unique_ptr<BotInfo> botInfo;
QString restrictionReason() const override {
return _restrictionReason;
void setRestrictionReason(const QString &reason) {
_restrictionReason = reason;
QString _restrictionReason;
QString _about;
QString _phone;
BlockStatus _blockStatus = BlockStatus::Unknown;
class ChatData : public PeerData {
ChatData(const PeerId &id) : PeerData(id), inputChat(MTP_int(bareId())) {
void setPhoto(const MTPChatPhoto &photo, const PhotoId &phId = UnknownPeerPhotoId);
void setName(const QString &newName);
void invalidateParticipants();
bool noParticipantInfo() const {
return (count > 0 || amIn()) && participants.isEmpty();
MTPint inputChat;
ChannelData *migrateToPtr = nullptr;
int count = 0;
TimeId date = 0;
int version = 0;
UserId creator = 0;
MTPDchat::Flags flags = 0;
bool isForbidden = false;
bool amIn() const {
return !isForbidden && !haveLeft() && !wasKicked();
bool canEdit() const {
return !isDeactivated() && (amCreator() || (adminsEnabled() ? amAdmin() : amIn()));
bool canWrite() const {
return !isDeactivated() && amIn();
bool haveLeft() const {
return flags & MTPDchat::Flag::f_left;
bool wasKicked() const {
return flags & MTPDchat::Flag::f_kicked;
bool adminsEnabled() const {
return flags & MTPDchat::Flag::f_admins_enabled;
bool amCreator() const {
return flags & MTPDchat::Flag::f_creator;
bool amAdmin() const {
return (flags & MTPDchat::Flag::f_admin) && adminsEnabled();
bool isDeactivated() const {
return flags & MTPDchat::Flag::f_deactivated;
bool isMigrated() const {
return flags & MTPDchat::Flag::f_migrated_to;
typedef QMap<UserData*, int> Participants;
Participants participants;
typedef OrderedSet<UserData*> InvitedByMe;
InvitedByMe invitedByMe;
typedef OrderedSet<UserData*> Admins;
Admins admins;
typedef QList<UserData*> LastAuthors;
LastAuthors lastAuthors;
typedef OrderedSet<PeerData*> MarkupSenders;
MarkupSenders markupSenders;
int botStatus = 0; // -1 - no bots, 0 - unknown, 1 - one bot, that sees all history, 2 - other
// ImagePtr photoFull;
void setInviteLink(const QString &newInviteLink);
QString inviteLink() const {
return _inviteLink;
QString _inviteLink;
enum PtsSkippedQueue {
class PtsWaiter {
: _good(0)
, _last(0)
, _count(0)
, _applySkippedLevel(0)
, _requesting(false)
, _waitingForSkipped(false)
, _waitingForShortPoll(false) {
void init(int32 pts) {
_good = _last = _count = pts;
bool inited() const {
return _good > 0;
void setRequesting(bool isRequesting) {
_requesting = isRequesting;
if (_requesting) {
bool requesting() const {
return _requesting;
bool waitingForSkipped() const {
return _waitingForSkipped;
bool waitingForShortPoll() const {
return _waitingForShortPoll;
void setWaitingForSkipped(ChannelData *channel, int32 ms); // < 0 - not waiting
void setWaitingForShortPoll(ChannelData *channel, int32 ms); // < 0 - not waiting
int32 current() const{
return _good;
bool updated(ChannelData *channel, int32 pts, int32 count);
bool updated(ChannelData *channel, int32 pts, int32 count, const MTPUpdates &updates);
bool updated(ChannelData *channel, int32 pts, int32 count, const MTPUpdate &update);
void applySkippedUpdates(ChannelData *channel);
void clearSkippedUpdates();
bool check(ChannelData *channel, int32 pts, int32 count); // return false if need to save that update and apply later
uint64 ptsKey(PtsSkippedQueue queue);
void checkForWaiting(ChannelData *channel);
QMap<uint64, PtsSkippedQueue> _queue;
QMap<uint64, MTPUpdate> _updateQueue;
QMap<uint64, MTPUpdates> _updatesQueue;
int32 _good, _last, _count;
int32 _applySkippedLevel;
bool _requesting, _waitingForSkipped, _waitingForShortPoll;
struct MegagroupInfo {
: botStatus(0)
, pinnedMsgId(0)
, joinedMessageFound(false)
, lastParticipantsStatus(LastParticipantsUpToDate)
, lastParticipantsCount(0)
, migrateFromPtr(0) {
typedef QList<UserData*> LastParticipants;
LastParticipants lastParticipants;
typedef OrderedSet<UserData*> LastAdmins;
LastAdmins lastAdmins;
typedef OrderedSet<PeerData*> MarkupSenders;
MarkupSenders markupSenders;
typedef OrderedSet<UserData*> Bots;
Bots bots;
int32 botStatus; // -1 - no bots, 0 - unknown, 1 - one bot, that sees all history, 2 - other
MsgId pinnedMsgId;
bool joinedMessageFound;
enum LastParticipantsStatus {
LastParticipantsUpToDate = 0x00,
LastParticipantsAdminsOutdated = 0x01,
LastParticipantsCountOutdated = 0x02,
mutable int32 lastParticipantsStatus;
int32 lastParticipantsCount;
ChatData *migrateFromPtr;
class ChannelData : public PeerData {
ChannelData(const PeerId &id) : PeerData(id), inputChannel(MTP_inputChannel(MTP_int(bareId()), MTP_long(0))) {
void setPhoto(const MTPChatPhoto &photo, const PhotoId &phId = UnknownPeerPhotoId);
void setName(const QString &name, const QString &username);
void updateFull(bool force = false);
void fullUpdated();
uint64 access = 0;
MTPinputChannel inputChannel;
QString username;
// Returns true if about text was changed.
bool setAbout(const QString &newAbout);
const QString &about() const {
return _about;
int membersCount() const {
return _membersCount;
void setMembersCount(int newMembersCount);
int adminsCount() const {
return _adminsCount;
void setAdminsCount(int newAdminsCount);
int32 date = 0;
int version = 0;
MTPDchannel::Flags flags = { 0 };
MTPDchannelFull::Flags flagsFull = { 0 };
MegagroupInfo *mgInfo = nullptr;
bool lastParticipantsCountOutdated() const {
if (!mgInfo || !(mgInfo->lastParticipantsStatus & MegagroupInfo::LastParticipantsCountOutdated)) {
return false;
if (mgInfo->lastParticipantsCount == membersCount()) {
mgInfo->lastParticipantsStatus &= ~MegagroupInfo::LastParticipantsCountOutdated;
return false;
return true;
void flagsUpdated();
void selfAdminUpdated();
bool isMegagroup() const {
return flags & MTPDchannel::Flag::f_megagroup;
bool isBroadcast() const {
return flags & MTPDchannel::Flag::f_broadcast;
bool isPublic() const {
return flags & MTPDchannel::Flag::f_username;
bool amCreator() const {
return flags & MTPDchannel::Flag::f_creator;
bool amEditor() const {
return flags & MTPDchannel::Flag::f_editor;
bool amModerator() const {
return flags & MTPDchannel::Flag::f_moderator;
bool haveLeft() const {
return flags & MTPDchannel::Flag::f_left;
bool wasKicked() const {
return flags & MTPDchannel::Flag::f_kicked;
bool amIn() const {
return !isForbidden && !haveLeft() && !wasKicked();
bool canPublish() const {
return amCreator() || amEditor();
bool canWrite() const {
return amIn() && (canPublish() || !isBroadcast());
bool canViewMembers() const {
return flagsFull & MTPDchannelFull::Flag::f_can_view_participants;
bool canViewAdmins() const {
return (isMegagroup() || amCreator() || amEditor() || amModerator());
bool addsSignature() const {
return flags & MTPDchannel::Flag::f_signatures;
bool isForbidden = true;
bool isVerified() const {
return flags & MTPDchannel::Flag::f_verified;
bool canAddMembers() const {
return amCreator() || amEditor() || (flags & MTPDchannel::Flag::f_democracy);
bool canEditPhoto() const {
return amCreator() || (amEditor() && isMegagroup());
bool canEditUsername() const {
return amCreator() && (flagsFull & MTPDchannelFull::Flag::f_can_set_username);
bool canDelete() const {
return amCreator() && (membersCount() <= 1000);
// ImagePtr photoFull;
void setInviteLink(const QString &newInviteLink);
QString inviteLink() const {
return _inviteLink;
int32 inviter = 0; // > 0 - user who invited me to channel, < 0 - not in channel
QDateTime inviteDate;
void ptsInit(int32 pts) {
void ptsReceived(int32 pts) {
if (_ptsWaiter.updated(this, pts, 0)) {
bool ptsUpdated(int32 pts, int32 count) {
return _ptsWaiter.updated(this, pts, count);
bool ptsUpdated(int32 pts, int32 count, const MTPUpdate &update) {
return _ptsWaiter.updated(this, pts, count, update);
int32 pts() const {
return _ptsWaiter.current();
bool ptsInited() const {
return _ptsWaiter.inited();
bool ptsRequesting() const {
return _ptsWaiter.requesting();
void ptsSetRequesting(bool isRequesting) {
return _ptsWaiter.setRequesting(isRequesting);
void ptsApplySkippedUpdates() {
return _ptsWaiter.applySkippedUpdates(this);
void ptsWaitingForShortPoll(int32 ms) { // < 0 - not waiting
return _ptsWaiter.setWaitingForShortPoll(this, ms);
QString restrictionReason() const override {
return _restrictionReason;
void setRestrictionReason(const QString &reason) {
_restrictionReason = reason;
PtsWaiter _ptsWaiter;
uint64 _lastFullUpdate = 0;
int _membersCount = 1;
int _adminsCount = 1;
QString _restrictionReason;
QString _about;
QString _inviteLink;
inline bool isUser(const PeerData *peer) {
return peer ? peer->isUser() : false;
inline UserData *PeerData::asUser() {
return isUser() ? static_cast<UserData*>(this) : nullptr;
inline UserData *asUser(PeerData *peer) {
return peer ? peer->asUser() : nullptr;
inline const UserData *PeerData::asUser() const {
return isUser() ? static_cast<const UserData*>(this) : nullptr;
inline const UserData *asUser(const PeerData *peer) {
return peer ? peer->asUser() : nullptr;
inline bool isChat(const PeerData *peer) {
return peer ? peer->isChat() : false;
inline ChatData *PeerData::asChat() {
return isChat() ? static_cast<ChatData*>(this) : nullptr;
inline ChatData *asChat(PeerData *peer) {
return peer ? peer->asChat() : nullptr;
inline const ChatData *PeerData::asChat() const {
return isChat() ? static_cast<const ChatData*>(this) : nullptr;
inline const ChatData *asChat(const PeerData *peer) {
return peer ? peer->asChat() : nullptr;
inline bool isChannel(const PeerData *peer) {
return peer ? peer->isChannel() : false;
inline ChannelData *PeerData::asChannel() {
return isChannel() ? static_cast<ChannelData*>(this) : nullptr;
inline ChannelData *asChannel(PeerData *peer) {
return peer ? peer->asChannel() : nullptr;
inline const ChannelData *PeerData::asChannel() const {
return isChannel() ? static_cast<const ChannelData*>(this) : nullptr;
inline const ChannelData *asChannel(const PeerData *peer) {
return peer ? peer->asChannel() : nullptr;
inline ChannelData *PeerData::asMegagroup() {
return isMegagroup() ? static_cast<ChannelData*>(this) : nullptr;
inline ChannelData *asMegagroup(PeerData *peer) {
return peer ? peer->asMegagroup() : nullptr;
inline const ChannelData *PeerData::asMegagroup() const {
return isMegagroup() ? static_cast<const ChannelData*>(this) : nullptr;
inline const ChannelData *asMegagroup(const PeerData *peer) {
return peer ? peer->asMegagroup() : nullptr;
inline bool isMegagroup(const PeerData *peer) {
return peer ? peer->isMegagroup() : false;
inline ChatData *PeerData::migrateFrom() const {
return (isMegagroup() && asChannel()->amIn()) ? asChannel()->mgInfo->migrateFromPtr : nullptr;
inline ChannelData *PeerData::migrateTo() const {
return (isChat() && asChat()->migrateToPtr && asChat()->migrateToPtr->amIn()) ? asChat()->migrateToPtr : nullptr;
inline const Text &PeerData::dialogName() const {
return migrateTo() ? migrateTo()->dialogName() : ((isUser() && !asUser()->phoneText.isEmpty()) ? asUser()->phoneText : nameText);
inline const QString &PeerData::shortName() const {
return isUser() ? asUser()->firstName : name;
inline const QString &PeerData::userName() const {
return isUser() ? asUser()->username : (isChannel() ? asChannel()->username : emptyUsername());
inline bool PeerData::isVerified() const {
return isUser() ? asUser()->isVerified() : (isChannel() ? asChannel()->isVerified() : false);
inline bool PeerData::isMegagroup() const {
return isChannel() ? asChannel()->isMegagroup() : false;
inline bool PeerData::canWrite() const {
return isChannel() ? asChannel()->canWrite() : (isChat() ? asChat()->canWrite() : (isUser() ? asUser()->canWrite() : false));
enum ActionOnLoad {
typedef QMap<char, QPixmap> PreparedPhotoThumbs;
class PhotoData {
PhotoData(const PhotoId &id, const uint64 &access = 0, int32 date = 0, const ImagePtr &thumb = ImagePtr(), const ImagePtr &medium = ImagePtr(), const ImagePtr &full = ImagePtr());
void automaticLoad(const HistoryItem *item);
void automaticLoadSettingsChanged();
void download();
bool loaded() const;
bool loading() const;
bool displayLoading() const;
void cancel();
float64 progress() const;
int32 loadOffset() const;
bool uploading() const;
void forget();
ImagePtr makeReplyPreview();
PhotoId id;
uint64 access;
int32 date;
ImagePtr thumb, replyPreview;
ImagePtr medium;
ImagePtr full;
PeerData *peer; // for chat and channel photos connection
// geo, caption
struct UploadingData {
UploadingData(int32 size) : offset(0), size(size) {
int32 offset, size;
UploadingData *uploadingData;
void notifyLayoutChanged() const;
class PhotoClickHandler : public LeftButtonClickHandler {
PhotoClickHandler(PhotoData *photo, PeerData *peer = 0) : _photo(photo), _peer(peer) {
PhotoData *photo() const {
return _photo;
PeerData *peer() const {
return _peer;
PhotoData *_photo;
PeerData *_peer;
class PhotoOpenClickHandler : public PhotoClickHandler {
using PhotoClickHandler::PhotoClickHandler;
void onClickImpl() const override;
class PhotoSaveClickHandler : public PhotoClickHandler {
using PhotoClickHandler::PhotoClickHandler;
void onClickImpl() const override;
class PhotoCancelClickHandler : public PhotoClickHandler {
using PhotoClickHandler::PhotoClickHandler;
void onClickImpl() const override;
enum FileStatus {
FileDownloadFailed = -2,
FileUploadFailed = -1,
FileUploading = 0,
FileReady = 1,
enum DocumentType {
FileDocument = 0,
VideoDocument = 1,
SongDocument = 2,
StickerDocument = 3,
AnimatedDocument = 4,
VoiceDocument = 5,
struct DocumentAdditionalData {
virtual ~DocumentAdditionalData();
struct StickerData : public DocumentAdditionalData {
ImagePtr img;
QString alt;
MTPInputStickerSet set = MTP_inputStickerSetEmpty();
bool setInstalled() const;
StorageImageLocation loc; // doc thumb location
struct SongData : public DocumentAdditionalData {
SongData() : duration(0) {
int32 duration;
QString title, performer;
typedef QVector<char> VoiceWaveform; // [0] == -1 -- counting, [0] == -2 -- could not count
struct VoiceData : public DocumentAdditionalData {
VoiceData() : duration(0), wavemax(0) {
int32 duration;
VoiceWaveform waveform;
char wavemax;
bool fileIsImage(const QString &name, const QString &mime);
namespace Serialize {
class Document;
} // namespace Serialize;
class DocumentData {
static DocumentData *create(DocumentId id);
static DocumentData *create(DocumentId id, int32 dc, uint64 accessHash, int32 version, const QVector<MTPDocumentAttribute> &attributes);
static DocumentData *create(DocumentId id, const QString &url, const QVector<MTPDocumentAttribute> &attributes);
void setattributes(const QVector<MTPDocumentAttribute> &attributes);
void automaticLoad(const HistoryItem *item); // auto load sticker or video
void automaticLoadSettingsChanged();
enum FilePathResolveType {
bool loaded(FilePathResolveType type = FilePathResolveCached) const;
bool loading() const;
bool displayLoading() const;
void save(const QString &toFile, ActionOnLoad action = ActionOnLoadNone, const FullMsgId &actionMsgId = FullMsgId(), LoadFromCloudSetting fromCloud = LoadFromCloudOrLocal, bool autoLoading = false);
void cancel();
float64 progress() const;
int32 loadOffset() const;
bool uploading() const;
QByteArray data() const;
const FileLocation &location(bool check = false) const;
void setLocation(const FileLocation &loc);
QString filepath(FilePathResolveType type = FilePathResolveCached, bool forceSavingAs = false) const;
bool saveToCache() const;
void performActionOnLoad();
void forget();
ImagePtr makeReplyPreview();
StickerData *sticker() {
return (type == StickerDocument) ? static_cast<StickerData*>(_additional.get()) : nullptr;
void checkSticker() {
StickerData *s = sticker();
if (!s) return;
if (s->img->isNull() && loaded()) {
if (_data.isEmpty()) {
const FileLocation &loc(location(true));
if (loc.accessEnable()) {
s->img = ImagePtr(;
} else {
s->img = ImagePtr(_data);
SongData *song() {
return (type == SongDocument) ? static_cast<SongData*>(_additional.get()) : nullptr;
const SongData *song() const {
return (type == SongDocument) ? static_cast<const SongData*>(_additional.get()) : nullptr;
VoiceData *voice() {
return (type == VoiceDocument) ? static_cast<VoiceData*>(_additional.get()) : nullptr;
const VoiceData *voice() const {
return (type == VoiceDocument) ? static_cast<const VoiceData*>(_additional.get()) : nullptr;
bool isAnimation() const {
return (type == AnimatedDocument) || !"image/gif"), Qt::CaseInsensitive);
bool isGifv() const {
return (type == AnimatedDocument) && !"video/mp4"), Qt::CaseInsensitive);
bool isMusic() const {
return (type == SongDocument) ? !static_cast<SongData*>(_additional.get())->title.isEmpty() : false;
bool isVideo() const {
return (type == VideoDocument);
int32 duration() const {
return (isAnimation() || isVideo()) ? _duration : -1;
bool isImage() const {
return !isAnimation() && !isVideo() && (_duration > 0);
void recountIsImage();
void setData(const QByteArray &data) {
_data = data;
bool setRemoteVersion(int32 version); // Returns true if version has changed.
void setRemoteLocation(int32 dc, uint64 access);
void setContentUrl(const QString &url);
bool hasRemoteLocation() const {
return (_dc != 0 && _access != 0);
bool isValid() const {
return hasRemoteLocation() || !_url.isEmpty();
MTPInputDocument mtpInput() const {
if (_access) {
return MTP_inputDocument(MTP_long(id), MTP_long(_access));
return MTP_inputDocumentEmpty();
// When we have some client-side generated document
// (for example for displaying an external inline bot result)
// and it has downloaded data, we can collect that data from it
// to (this) received from the server "same" document.
void collectLocalData(DocumentData *local);
DocumentId id;
DocumentType type = FileDocument;
QSize dimensions;
int32 date = 0;
QString name, mime;
ImagePtr thumb, replyPreview;
int32 size = 0;
FileStatus status = FileReady;
int32 uploadOffset = 0;
int32 md5[8];
MediaKey mediaKey() const {
return ::mediaKey(locationType(), _dc, id, _version);
DocumentData(DocumentId id, int32 dc, uint64 accessHash, int32 version, const QString &url, const QVector<MTPDocumentAttribute> &attributes);
friend class Serialize::Document;
LocationType locationType() const {
return voice() ? AudioFileLocation : (isVideo() ? VideoFileLocation : DocumentFileLocation);
// Two types of location: from MTProto by dc+access+version or from web by url
int32 _dc = 0;
uint64 _access = 0;
int32 _version = 0;
QString _url;
FileLocation _location;
QByteArray _data;
std_::unique_ptr<DocumentAdditionalData> _additional;
int32 _duration = -1;
ActionOnLoad _actionOnLoad = ActionOnLoadNone;
FullMsgId _actionOnLoadMsgId;
mutable FileLoader *_loader = nullptr;
void notifyLayoutChanged() const;
VoiceWaveform documentWaveformDecode(const QByteArray &encoded5bit);
QByteArray documentWaveformEncode5bit(const VoiceWaveform &waveform);
class AudioMsgId {
enum class Type {
AudioMsgId() {
AudioMsgId(DocumentData *audio, const FullMsgId &msgId) : _audio(audio), _contextId(msgId) {
AudioMsgId(DocumentData *audio, ChannelId channelId, MsgId msgId) : _audio(audio), _contextId(channelId, msgId) {
AudioMsgId(Type type) : _type(type) {
Type type() const {
return _type;
DocumentData *audio() const {
return _audio;
FullMsgId contextId() const {
return _contextId;
explicit operator bool() const {
return _audio || (_type == Type::Video);
void setTypeFromAudio() {
if (_audio->voice()) {
_type = Type::Voice;
} else if (_audio->song()) {
_type = Type::Song;
} else if (_audio->isVideo()) {
_type = Type::Video;
} else {
_type = Type::Unknown;
DocumentData *_audio = nullptr;
Type _type = Type::Unknown;
FullMsgId _contextId;
inline bool operator<(const AudioMsgId &a, const AudioMsgId &b) {
return quintptr( < quintptr( || (quintptr( == quintptr( && a.contextId() < b.contextId());
inline bool operator==(const AudioMsgId &a, const AudioMsgId &b) {
return == && a.contextId() == b.contextId();
inline bool operator!=(const AudioMsgId &a, const AudioMsgId &b) {
return !(a == b);
class DocumentClickHandler : public LeftButtonClickHandler {
DocumentClickHandler(DocumentData *document) : _document(document) {
DocumentData *document() const {
return _document;
DocumentData *_document;
class DocumentSaveClickHandler : public DocumentClickHandler {
using DocumentClickHandler::DocumentClickHandler;
static void doSave(DocumentData *document, bool forceSavingAs = false);
void onClickImpl() const override;
class DocumentOpenClickHandler : public DocumentClickHandler {
using DocumentClickHandler::DocumentClickHandler;
static void doOpen(DocumentData *document, ActionOnLoad action = ActionOnLoadOpen);
void onClickImpl() const override;
class GifOpenClickHandler : public DocumentOpenClickHandler {
using DocumentOpenClickHandler::DocumentOpenClickHandler;
void onClickImpl() const override;
class DocumentCancelClickHandler : public DocumentClickHandler {
using DocumentClickHandler::DocumentClickHandler;
void onClickImpl() const override;
enum WebPageType {
inline WebPageType toWebPageType(const QString &type) {
if (type == qstr("photo")) return WebPagePhoto;
if (type == qstr("video")) return WebPageVideo;
if (type == qstr("profile")) return WebPageProfile;
return WebPageArticle;
struct WebPageData {
WebPageData(const WebPageId &id, WebPageType type = WebPageArticle, const QString &url = QString(), const QString &displayUrl = QString(), const QString &siteName = QString(), const QString &title = QString(), const QString &description = QString(), DocumentData *doc = nullptr, PhotoData *photo = nullptr, int32 duration = 0, const QString &author = QString(), int32 pendingTill = -1);
void forget() {
if (photo) photo->forget();
WebPageId id;
WebPageType type;
QString url, displayUrl, siteName, title, description;
int32 duration;
QString author;
PhotoData *photo;
DocumentData *document;
int32 pendingTill;
QString saveFileName(const QString &title, const QString &filter, const QString &prefix, QString name, bool savingAs, const QDir &dir = QDir());
MsgId clientMsgId();
struct MessageCursor {
MessageCursor() : position(0), anchor(0), scroll(QFIXED_MAX) {
MessageCursor(int position, int anchor, int scroll) : position(position), anchor(anchor), scroll(scroll) {
MessageCursor(const QTextEdit &edit) {
void fillFrom(const QTextEdit &edit) {
QTextCursor c = edit.textCursor();
position = c.position();
anchor = c.anchor();
QScrollBar *s = edit.verticalScrollBar();
scroll = (s && (s->value() != s->maximum())) ? s->value() : QFIXED_MAX;
void applyTo(QTextEdit &edit) {
QTextCursor c = edit.textCursor();
c.setPosition(anchor, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor);
c.setPosition(position, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor);
QScrollBar *s = edit.verticalScrollBar();
if (s) s->setValue(scroll);
int position, anchor, scroll;
inline bool operator==(const MessageCursor &a, const MessageCursor &b) {
return (a.position == b.position) && (a.anchor == b.anchor) && (a.scroll == b.scroll);
struct LocationCoords {
LocationCoords() : lat(0), lon(0) {
LocationCoords(float64 lat, float64 lon) : lat(lat), lon(lon) {
LocationCoords(const MTPDgeoPoint &point) : lat(point.vlat.v), lon(point.vlong.v) {
float64 lat, lon;
inline bool operator==(const LocationCoords &a, const LocationCoords &b) {
return ( == && (a.lon == b.lon);
inline bool operator<(const LocationCoords &a, const LocationCoords &b) {
return ( < || (( == && (a.lon < b.lon));
inline uint qHash(const LocationCoords &t, uint seed = 0) {
#ifndef OS_MAC_OLD
return qHash(QtPrivate::QHashCombine().operator()(qHash(, t.lon), seed);
#else // OS_MAC_OLD
uint h1 = qHash(, seed);
uint h2 = qHash(t.lon, seed);
return ((h1 << 16) | (h1 >> 16)) ^ h2 ^ seed;
#endif // OS_MAC_OLD
struct LocationData {
LocationData(const LocationCoords &coords) : coords(coords), loading(false) {
LocationCoords coords;
ImagePtr thumb;
bool loading;
void load();
class LocationClickHandler : public ClickHandler {
LocationClickHandler(const LocationCoords &coords) : _coords(coords) {
void onClick(Qt::MouseButton button) const override;
QString tooltip() const override {
return QString();
QString dragText() const override {
return _text;
void copyToClipboard() const override {
if (!_text.isEmpty()) {
QString copyToClipboardContextItemText() const override;
void setup();
LocationCoords _coords;
QString _text;