mirror of
synced 2025-03-08 19:21:39 -05:00

Currently the build without implicitly included precompiled header is not supported anyway (because Qt MOC source files do not include stdafx.h, they include plain headers). So when we decide to support building without implicitly included precompiled headers we'll have to fix all the headers anyway.
795 lines
30 KiB
795 lines
30 KiB
This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org
Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission
to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library.
Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE
Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
#include "genlang.h"
#include <QtCore/QtPlugin>
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
#ifdef Q_OS_MAC
typedef unsigned int uint32;
QString layoutDirection;
typedef QMap<QByteArray, QString> LangKeys;
LangKeys keys;
typedef QMap<QByteArray, ushort> LangTags;
LangTags tags;
typedef QMap<QByteArray, QVector<QByteArray> > LangKeysTags;
LangKeysTags keysTags;
typedef QVector<QByteArray> KeysOrder;
KeysOrder keysOrder;
KeysOrder tagsOrder;
typedef QMap<QByteArray, QMap<QByteArray, QVector<QString> > > LangKeysCounted;
LangKeysCounted keysCounted;
static const QChar TextCommand(0x0010);
static const QChar TextCommandLangTag(0x0020);
bool skipWhitespaces(const char *&from, const char *end) {
while (from < end && (*from == ' ' || *from == '\n' || *from == '\t' || *from == '\r')) {
return (from < end);
bool skipComment(const char *&from, const char *end) {
if (from >= end) return false;
if (*from == '/') {
if (from + 1 >= end) return true;
if (*(from + 1) == '*') {
from += 2;
while (from + 1 < end && (*from != '*' || *(from + 1) != '/')) {
from += 2;
return (from < end);
} else if (*(from + 1) == '/') {
from += 2;
while (from < end && *from != '\n' && *from != '\r') {
if (from < end) ++from;
return true;
} else {
return true;
return true;
bool skipJunk(const char *&from, const char *end) {
const char *start;
do {
start = from;
if (!skipWhitespaces(from, end)) return false;
if (!skipComment(from, end)) throw Exception("Unexpected end of comment!");
} while (start != from);
return true;
inline bool _lngEquals(const QByteArray &key, int from, int len, const char *value, int size) {
if (size != len || from + len > key.size()) return false;
for (const char *v = key.constData() + from, *e = v + len; v != e; ++v, ++value) {
if (*v != *value) return false;
return true;
#define LNG_EQUALS_PART(key, from, len, value) _lngEquals(key, from, len, value, sizeof(value) - 1)
#define LNG_EQUALS_TAIL(key, from, value) _lngEquals(key, from, key.size() - from, value, sizeof(value) - 1)
#define LNG_EQUALS(key, value) _lngEquals(key, 0, key.size(), value, sizeof(value) - 1)
static const int MaxCountedValues = 6;
void readKeyValue(const char *&from, const char *end) {
if (!skipJunk(from, end)) return;
if (*from != '"') throw Exception(QString("Expected quote before key name!"));
const char *nameStart = ++from;
while (from < end && ((*from >= 'a' && *from <= 'z') || (*from >= 'A' && *from <= 'Z') || *from == '_' || (*from >= '0' && *from <= '9'))) {
if (from == nameStart) throw Exception(QString("Expected key name!"));
QByteArray varName = QByteArray(nameStart, int(from - nameStart));
for (const char *t = nameStart; t + 1 < from; ++t) {
if (*t == '_') {
if (*(t + 1) == '_') throw Exception(QString("Bad key name: %1").arg(QLatin1String(varName)));
if (from == end || *from != '"') throw Exception(QString("Expected quote after key name in key '%1'!").arg(QLatin1String(varName)));
if (!skipJunk(from, end)) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected end of file in key '%1'!").arg(QLatin1String(varName)));
if (*from != '=') throw Exception(QString("'=' expected in key '%1'!").arg(QLatin1String(varName)));
if (!skipJunk(++from, end)) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected end of file in key '%1'!").arg(QLatin1String(varName)));
if (*from != '"') throw Exception(QString("Expected string after '=' in key '%1'!").arg(QLatin1String(varName)));
QByteArray varValue;
const char *start = ++from;
QVector<QByteArray> tagsList;
while (from < end && *from != '"') {
if (*from == '\n') {
throw Exception(QString("Unexpected end of string in key '%1'!").arg(QLatin1String(varName)));
if (*from == '\\') {
if (from + 1 >= end) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected end of file in key '%1'!").arg(QLatin1String(varName)));
if (*(from + 1) == '"' || *(from + 1) == '\\' || *(from + 1) == '{') {
if (from > start) varValue.append(start, int(from - start));
start = ++from;
} else if (*(from + 1) == 'n') {
if (from > start) varValue.append(start, int(from - start));
start = (++from) + 1;
} else if (*from == '{') {
if (from > start) varValue.append(start, int(from - start));
const char *tagStart = ++from;
while (from < end && ((*from >= 'a' && *from <= 'z') || (*from >= 'A' && *from <= 'Z') || *from == '_' || (*from >= '0' && *from <= '9'))) {
if (from == tagStart) throw Exception(QString("Expected tag name in key '%1'!").arg(QLatin1String(varName)));
QByteArray tagName = QByteArray(tagStart, int(from - tagStart));
if (from == end || (*from != '}' && *from != ':')) throw Exception(QString("Expected '}' or ':' after tag name in key '%1'!").arg(QLatin1String(varName)));
LangTags::const_iterator i = tags.constFind(tagName);
if (i == tags.cend()) {
i = tags.insert(tagName, tagsOrder.size());
if (0x0020 + *i > 0x007F) throw Exception(QString("Too many different tags in key '%1'").arg(QLatin1String(varName)));
QString tagReplacer(4, TextCommand);
tagReplacer[1] = TextCommandLangTag;
tagReplacer[2] = QChar(0x0020 + *i);
for (int j = 0, s = tagsList.size(); j < s; ++j) {
if (tagsList.at(j) == tagName) throw Exception(QString("Tag '%1' double used in key '%2'!").arg(QLatin1String(tagName)).arg(QLatin1String(varName)));
if (*from == ':') {
start = ++from;
QVector<QString> &counted(keysCounted[varName][tagName]);
QByteArray subvarValue;
bool foundtag = false;
while (from < end && *from != '"' && *from != '}') {
if (*from == '|') {
if (from > start) subvarValue.append(start, int(from - start));
subvarValue = QByteArray();
foundtag = false;
start = from + 1;
if (*from == '\n') {
throw Exception(QString("Unexpected end of string inside counted tag '%1' in '%2' key!").arg(QLatin1String(tagName)).arg(QLatin1String(varName)));
if (*from == '\\') {
if (from + 1 >= end) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected end of file inside counted tag '%1' in '%2' key!").arg(QLatin1String(tagName)).arg(QLatin1String(varName)));
if (*(from + 1) == '"' || *(from + 1) == '\\' || *(from + 1) == '{' || *(from + 1) == '#') {
if (from > start) subvarValue.append(start, int(from - start));
start = ++from;
} else if (*(from + 1) == 'n') {
if (from > start) subvarValue.append(start, int(from - start));
start = (++from) + 1;
} else if (*from == '{') {
throw Exception(QString("Unexpected tag inside counted tag '%1' in '%2' key!").arg(QLatin1String(tagName)).arg(QLatin1String(varName)));
} else if (*from == '#') {
if (foundtag) throw Exception(QString("Replacement '#' double used inside counted tag '%1' in '%2' key!").arg(QLatin1String(tagName)).arg(QLatin1String(varName)));
foundtag = true;
if (from > start) subvarValue.append(start, int(from - start));
start = from + 1;
if (from >= end) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected end of file inside counted tag '%1' in '%2' key!").arg(QLatin1String(tagName)).arg(QLatin1String(varName)));
if (*from == '"') throw Exception(QString("Unexpected end of string inside counted tag '%1' in '%2' key!").arg(QLatin1String(tagName)).arg(QLatin1String(varName)));
if (from > start) subvarValue.append(start, int(from - start));
if (counted.size() > MaxCountedValues) {
throw Exception(QString("Too many values inside counted tag '%1' in '%2' key!").arg(QLatin1String(tagName)).arg(QLatin1String(varName)));
start = from + 1;
if (from >= end) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected end of file in key '%1'!").arg(QLatin1String(varName)));
if (from > start) varValue.append(start, int(from - start));
if (!skipJunk(++from, end)) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected end of file in key '%1'!").arg(QLatin1String(varName)));
if (*from != ';') throw Exception(QString("';' expected after \"value\" in key '%1'!").arg(QLatin1String(varName)));
skipJunk(++from, end);
if (varName == "direction") {
throw Exception(QString("Unexpected value for 'direction' in key '%1'!").arg(QLatin1String(varName)));
} else if (!LNG_EQUALS_PART(varName, 0, 4, "lng_")) {
throw Exception(QString("Bad key '%1'!").arg(QLatin1String(varName)));
} else if (keys.constFind(varName) != keys.cend()) {
throw Exception(QString("Key '%1' doubled!").arg(QLatin1String(varName)));
} else {
keys.insert(varName, QString::fromUtf8(varValue));
keysTags.insert(varName, tagsList);
QString escapeCpp(const QByteArray &key, QString value) {
if (value.isEmpty()) return "QString()";
QString res;
res.reserve(value.size() * 10);
bool instr = false;
for (const QChar *ch = value.constData(), *e = value.constData() + value.size(); ch != e; ++ch) {
if (ch->unicode() > 0x007F) {
if (instr) {
instr = false;
res.append(' ').append('u').append('"').append('\\').append('x').append(QString("%1").arg(ch->unicode(), 4, 16, QChar('0'))).append('"');
} else {
if (ch->unicode() == '\\' || ch->unicode() == '\n' || ch->unicode() == '\r' || ch->unicode() == '"') {
if (!instr) {
res.append(' ').append('u').append('"');
instr = true;
if (ch->unicode() == '\\' || ch->unicode() == '"') {
} else if (ch->unicode() == '\n') {
} else if (ch->unicode() == '\r') {
} else if (ch->unicode() < 0x0020) {
if (*ch == TextCommand) {
if (ch + 3 >= e || (ch + 1)->unicode() != TextCommandLangTag || (ch + 2)->unicode() > 0x007F || (ch + 2)->unicode() < 0x0020 || *(ch + 3) != TextCommand) {
throw Exception(QString("Bad value for key '%1'").arg(QLatin1String(key)));
} else {
if (instr) {
instr = false;
res.append(' ').append('u').append('"');
res.append('\\').append('x').append(QString("%1").arg(ch->unicode(), 2, 16, QChar('0')));
res.append('\\').append('x').append(QString("%1").arg((ch + 1)->unicode(), 2, 16, QChar('0')));
res.append('\\').append('x').append(QString("%1").arg((ch + 2)->unicode(), 2, 16, QChar('0')));
res.append('\\').append('x').append(QString("%1").arg((ch + 3)->unicode(), 2, 16, QChar('0')));
ch += 3;
} else {
throw Exception(QString("Bad value for key '%1'").arg(QLatin1String(key)));
} else {
if (!instr) {
res.append(' ').append('u').append('"');
instr = true;
if (instr) res.append('"');
return "qsl(" + res.mid(1) + ")";
void writeCppKey(QTextStream &tcpp, const QByteArray &key, const QString &val) {
tcpp << "\t\t\tset(" << key << ", " << escapeCpp(key, val) << ");\n";
bool genLang(const QString &lang_in, const QString &lang_out) {
QString lang_cpp = lang_out + ".cpp", lang_h = lang_out + ".h";
QFile f(lang_in);
if (!f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
cout << "Could not open lang input file '" << lang_in.toUtf8().constData() << "'!\n";
return false;
QByteArray checkCodec = f.read(3);
if (checkCodec.size() < 3) {
cout << "Bad lang input file '" << lang_in.toUtf8().constData() << "'!\n";
return false;
QByteArray data;
int skip = 0;
if ((checkCodec.at(0) == '\xFF' && checkCodec.at(1) == '\xFE') || (checkCodec.at(0) == '\xFE' && checkCodec.at(1) == '\xFF') || (checkCodec.at(1) == 0)) {
QTextStream stream(&f);
QString string = stream.readAll();
if (stream.status() != QTextStream::Ok) {
cout << "Could not read valid UTF-16 file '" << lang_in.toUtf8().constData() << "'!\n";
return false;
data = string.toUtf8();
} else if (checkCodec.at(0) == 0) {
QByteArray tmp = "\xFE\xFF" + f.readAll(); // add fake UTF-16 BOM
QTextStream stream(&tmp);
QString string = stream.readAll();
if (stream.status() != QTextStream::Ok) {
cout << "Could not read valid UTF-16 file '" << lang_in.toUtf8().constData() << "'!\n";
return false;
data = string.toUtf8();
} else {
data = f.readAll();
if (checkCodec.at(0) == '\xEF' && checkCodec.at(1) == '\xBB' && checkCodec.at(2) == '\xBF') {
skip = 3; // skip UTF-8 BOM
const char *text = data.constData() + skip, *end = text + data.size() - skip;
try {
while (text < end) {
readKeyValue(text, end);
QByteArray cppText, hText;
QTextStream tcpp(&cppText), th(&hText);
tcpp.setCodec("ISO 8859-1");
th.setCodec("ISO 8859-1");
th << "\
Created from \'/Resources/langs/lang.strings\' by \'/MetaLang\' project\n\
WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!\n\
This file is part of Telegram Desktop,\n\
the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org\n\
Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n\
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n\
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or\n\
(at your option) any later version.\n\
It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n\
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n\
GNU General Public License for more details.\n\
In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission\n\
to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library.\n\
Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE\n\
Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org\n\
th << "#pragma once\n\n";
for (int i = 0, l = tagsOrder.size(); i < l; ++i) {
th << "enum lngtag_" << tagsOrder[i] << " { lt_" << tagsOrder[i] << " = " << i << " };\n";
th << "static const ushort lngtags_cnt = " << tagsOrder.size() << ";\n";
th << "static const ushort lngtags_max_counted_values = " << MaxCountedValues << ";\n";
th << "\n";
th << "enum LangKey {\n";
for (int i = 0, l = keysOrder.size(); i < l; ++i) {
if (keysTags[keysOrder[i]].isEmpty()) {
th << "\t" << keysOrder[i] << (i ? "" : " = 0") << ",\n";
} else {
th << "\t" << keysOrder[i] << "__tagged" << (i ? "" : " = 0") << ",\n";
QMap<QByteArray, QVector<QString> > &countedTags(keysCounted[keysOrder[i]]);
if (!countedTags.isEmpty()) {
for (QMap<QByteArray, QVector<QString> >::const_iterator j = countedTags.cbegin(), e = countedTags.cend(); j != e; ++j) {
const auto &counted(*j);
for (int k = 0, s = counted.size(); k < s; ++k) {
th << "\t" << keysOrder[i] << "__" + j.key() + QString::number(k).toUtf8() << ",\n";
th << "\n\tlngkeys_cnt\n";
th << "};\n\n";
th << "LangString lang(LangKey key);\n\n";
th << "LangString langOriginal(LangKey key);\n\n";
for (int i = 0, l = keysOrder.size(); i < l; ++i) {
QVector<QByteArray> &tagsList(keysTags[keysOrder[i]]);
if (tagsList.isEmpty()) continue;
QMap<QByteArray, QVector<QString> > &countedTags(keysCounted[keysOrder[i]]);
th << "inline LangString " << keysOrder[i] << "(";
for (int j = 0, s = tagsList.size(); j < s; ++j) {
if (countedTags[tagsList[j]].isEmpty()) {
th << "lngtag_" << tagsList[j] << ", const QString &" << tagsList[j] << "__val";
} else {
th << "lngtag_" << tagsList[j] << ", float64 " << tagsList[j] << "__val";
if (j + 1 < s) th << ", ";
th << ") {\n";
th << "\treturn lang(" << keysOrder[i] << "__tagged)";
for (int j = 0, s = tagsList.size(); j < s; ++j) {
if (countedTags[tagsList[j]].isEmpty()) {
th << ".tag(lt_" << tagsList[j] << ", " << tagsList[j] << "__val)";
} else {
th << ".tag(lt_" << tagsList[j] << ", langCounted(" << keysOrder[i] << "__" << tagsList[j] << "0, lt_" << tagsList[j] << ", " << tagsList[j] << "__val))";
th << ";\n";
th << "}\n";
tcpp << "\
Created from \'/Resources/langs/lang.strings\' by \'/MetaLang\' project\n\
WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!\n\
This file is part of Telegram Desktop,\n\
the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org\n\
Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n\
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n\
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or\n\
(at your option) any later version.\n\
It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n\
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n\
GNU General Public License for more details.\n\
In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission\n\
to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library.\n\
Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE\n\
Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org\n\
tcpp << "#include \"lang.h\"\n\n";
tcpp << "namespace {\n";
tcpp << "\tconst char *_langKeyNames[lngkeys_cnt] = {\n";
for (int i = 0, l = keysOrder.size(); i < l; ++i) {
if (keysTags[keysOrder[i]].isEmpty()) {
tcpp << "\t\t\"" << keysOrder[i] << "\",\n";
} else {
tcpp << "\t\t\"" << keysOrder[i] << "__tagged\",\n";
QMap<QByteArray, QVector<QString> > &countedTags(keysCounted[keysOrder[i]]);
if (!countedTags.isEmpty()) {
for (QMap<QByteArray, QVector<QString> >::const_iterator j = countedTags.cbegin(), e = countedTags.cend(); j != e; ++j) {
const auto &counted(*j);
for (int k = 0, s = counted.size(); k < s; ++k) {
tcpp << "\t\t\"" << keysOrder[i] << "__" + j.key() + QString::number(k).toUtf8() << "\",\n";
tcpp << "\t};\n\n";
tcpp << "\tLangString _langValues[lngkeys_cnt], _langValuesOriginal[lngkeys_cnt];\n\n";
tcpp << "\tvoid set(LangKey key, const QString &val) {\n";
tcpp << "\t\t_langValues[key] = val;\n";
tcpp << "\t}\n\n";
tcpp << "\tclass LangInit {\n";
tcpp << "\tpublic:\n";
tcpp << "\t\tLangInit() {\n";
for (int i = 0, l = keysOrder.size(); i < l; ++i) {
writeCppKey(tcpp, keysOrder[i] + (keysTags[keysOrder[i]].isEmpty() ? "" : "__tagged"), keys[keysOrder[i]]);
QMap<QByteArray, QVector<QString> > &countedTags(keysCounted[keysOrder[i]]);
if (!countedTags.isEmpty()) {
for (QMap<QByteArray, QVector<QString> >::const_iterator j = countedTags.cbegin(), e = countedTags.cend(); j != e; ++j) {
const auto &counted(*j);
for (int k = 0, s = counted.size(); k < s; ++k) {
writeCppKey(tcpp, keysOrder[i] + "__" + j.key() + QString::number(k).toUtf8(), counted[k]);
tcpp << "\t\t}\n";
tcpp << "\t};\n\n";
tcpp << "\tLangInit _langInit;\n\n";
tcpp << "\tinline bool _lngEquals(const QByteArray &key, int from, int len, const char *value, int size) {\n";
tcpp << "\t\tif (size != len || from + len > key.size()) return false;\n";
tcpp << "\t\tfor (const char *v = key.constData() + from, *e = v + len; v != e; ++v, ++value) {\n";
tcpp << "\t\t\tif (*v != *value) return false;\n";
tcpp << "\t\t}\n";
tcpp << "\t\treturn true;\n";
tcpp << "\t}\n";
tcpp << "}\n\n";
tcpp << "#define LNG_EQUALS_PART(key, from, len, value) _lngEquals(key, from, len, value, sizeof(value) - 1)\n";
tcpp << "#define LNG_EQUALS_TAIL(key, from, value) _lngEquals(key, from, key.size() - from, value, sizeof(value) - 1)\n";
tcpp << "#define LNG_EQUALS(key, value) _lngEquals(key, 0, key.size(), value, sizeof(value) - 1)\n\n";
tcpp << "LangString lang(LangKey key) {\n";
tcpp << "\treturn (key < 0 || key > lngkeys_cnt) ? QString() : _langValues[key];\n";
tcpp << "}\n\n";
tcpp << "LangString langOriginal(LangKey key) {\n";
tcpp << "\treturn (key < 0 || key > lngkeys_cnt || _langValuesOriginal[key] == qsl(\"{}\")) ? QString() : (_langValuesOriginal[key].isEmpty() ? _langValues[key] : _langValuesOriginal[key]);\n";
tcpp << "}\n\n";
tcpp << "const char *langKeyName(LangKey key) {\n";
tcpp << "\treturn (key < 0 || key > lngkeys_cnt) ? \"\" : _langKeyNames[key];\n";
tcpp << "}\n\n";
tcpp << "ushort LangLoader::tagIndex(const QByteArray &tag) const {\n";
tcpp << "\tif (tag.isEmpty()) return lngtags_cnt;\n\n";
if (!tags.isEmpty()) {
QString tab("\t");
tcpp << "\tconst char *ch = tag.constData(), *e = tag.constData() + tag.size();\n";
QByteArray current;
int depth = current.size();
tcpp << "\tswitch (*ch) {\n";
for (LangTags::const_iterator i = tags.cbegin(), j = i + 1, e = tags.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
QByteArray tag = i.key();
while (depth > 0 && tag.mid(0, depth) != current) {
tcpp << tab.repeated(depth + 1) << "}\n";
tcpp << tab.repeated(depth + 1) << "break;\n";
do {
if (tag == current) break;
char ich = i.key().at(current.size());
tcpp << tab.repeated(current.size() + 1) << "case '" << ich << "':\n";
if (j == e || ich != ((j.key().size() > depth) ? j.key().at(depth) : 0)) {
if (tag == current + ich) {
tcpp << tab.repeated(depth + 1) << "\tif (ch + " << (depth + 1) << " == e) return lt_" << tag << ";\n";
} else {
tcpp << tab.repeated(depth + 1) << "\tif (LNG_EQUALS_TAIL(tag, " << (depth + 1) << ", \"" << i.key().mid(depth + 1) << "\")) return lt_" << tag << ";\n";
tcpp << tab.repeated(depth + 1) << "break;\n";
current += ich;
bool exact = (tag == current);
if (exact) {
tcpp << tab.repeated(depth + 1) << "if (ch + " << depth << " == e) {\n";
tcpp << tab.repeated(depth + 1) << "\treturn lt_" << tag << ";\n";
tcpp << tab.repeated(depth + 1) << "}\n";
QByteArray nexttag = j.key();
if (exact && depth > 0 && nexttag.mid(0, depth) != current) {
tcpp << tab.repeated(depth + 1) << "break;\n";
} else {
tcpp << tab.repeated(depth + 1) << "if (ch + " << depth << " < e) switch (*(ch + " << depth << ")) {\n";
} while (true);
while (QByteArray() != current) {
tcpp << tab.repeated(depth + 1) << "}\n";
tcpp << tab.repeated(depth + 1) << "break;\n";
tcpp << "\t}\n\n";
tcpp << "\treturn lngtags_cnt;\n";
tcpp << "}\n\n";
tcpp << "LangKey LangLoader::keyIndex(const QByteArray &key) const {\n";
tcpp << "\tif (key.size() < 5 || !LNG_EQUALS_PART(key, 0, 4, \"lng_\")) return lngkeys_cnt;\n\n";
if (!keys.isEmpty()) {
QString tab("\t");
tcpp << "\tconst char *ch = key.constData(), *e = key.constData() + key.size();\n";
QByteArray current("lng_");
int depth = current.size();
tcpp << "\tswitch (*(ch + " << depth << ")) {\n";
for (LangKeys::const_iterator i = keys.cbegin(), j = i + 1, e = keys.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
QByteArray key = i.key();
while (depth > 0 && key.mid(0, depth) != current) {
tcpp << tab.repeated(depth - 3) << "}\n";
tcpp << tab.repeated(depth - 3) << "break;\n";
do {
if (key == current) break;
char ich = i.key().at(current.size());
tcpp << tab.repeated(current.size() - 3) << "case '" << ich << "':\n";
if (j == e || ich != ((j.key().size() > depth) ? j.key().at(depth) : 0)) {
if (key == current + ich) {
tcpp << tab.repeated(depth - 3) << "\tif (ch + " << (depth + 1) << " == e) return " << key << (keysTags[key].isEmpty() ? "" : "__tagged") << ";\n";
} else {
tcpp << tab.repeated(depth - 3) << "\tif (LNG_EQUALS_TAIL(key, " << (depth + 1) << ", \"" << i.key().mid(depth + 1) << "\")) return " << key << (keysTags[key].isEmpty() ? "" : "__tagged") << ";\n";
tcpp << tab.repeated(depth - 3) << "break;\n";
current += ich;
bool exact = (key == current);
if (exact) {
tcpp << tab.repeated(depth - 3) << "if (ch + " << depth << " == e) {\n";
tcpp << tab.repeated(depth - 3) << "\treturn " << key << (keysTags[key].isEmpty() ? "" : "__tagged") << ";\n";
tcpp << tab.repeated(depth - 3) << "}\n";
QByteArray nextkey = j.key();
if (exact && depth > 0 && nextkey.mid(0, depth) != current) {
tcpp << tab.repeated(depth - 3) << "break;\n";
} else {
tcpp << tab.repeated(depth - 3) << "if (ch + " << depth << " < e) switch (*(ch + " << depth << ")) {\n";
} while (true);
while (QByteArray("lng_") != current) {
tcpp << tab.repeated(depth - 3) << "}\n";
tcpp << tab.repeated(depth - 3) << "break;\n";
tcpp << "\t}\n\n";
tcpp << "\treturn lngkeys_cnt;\n";
tcpp << "}\n\n";
tcpp << "bool LangLoader::tagReplaced(LangKey key, ushort tag) const {\n";
if (!tags.isEmpty()) {
tcpp << "\tswitch (key) {\n";
for (int i = 0, l = keysOrder.size(); i < l; ++i) {
QVector<QByteArray> &tagsList(keysTags[keysOrder[i]]);
if (tagsList.isEmpty()) continue;
tcpp << "\tcase " << keysOrder[i] << "__tagged: {\n";
tcpp << "\t\tswitch (tag) {\n";
for (int j = 0, s = tagsList.size(); j < s; ++j) {
tcpp << "\t\tcase lt_" << tagsList[j] << ":\n";
tcpp << "\t\t\treturn true;\n";
tcpp << "\t\t}\n";
tcpp << "\t} break;\n";
tcpp << "\t}\n\n";
tcpp << "\treturn false;";
tcpp << "}\n\n";
tcpp << "LangKey LangLoader::subkeyIndex(LangKey key, ushort tag, ushort index) const {\n";
tcpp << "\tif (index >= lngtags_max_counted_values) return lngkeys_cnt;\n\n";
if (!tags.isEmpty()) {
tcpp << "\tswitch (key) {\n";
for (auto key : keysOrder) {
QVector<QByteArray> &tagsList(keysTags[key]);
if (tagsList.isEmpty()) continue;
QMap<QByteArray, QVector<QString> > &countedTags(keysCounted[key]);
bool hasCounted = false;
for (auto tag : tagsList) {
if (!countedTags[tag].isEmpty()) {
hasCounted = true;
if (!hasCounted) continue;
tcpp << "\tcase " << key << "__tagged: {\n";
tcpp << "\t\tswitch (tag) {\n";
for (auto tag : tagsList) {
if (!countedTags[tag].isEmpty()) {
tcpp << "\t\tcase lt_" << tag << ": return LangKey(" << key << "__" << tag << "0 + index);\n";
tcpp << "\t\t}\n";
tcpp << "\t} break;\n";
tcpp << "\t}\n\n";
tcpp << "\treturn lngkeys_cnt;\n";
tcpp << "}\n\n";
tcpp << "bool LangLoader::feedKeyValue(LangKey key, const QString &value) {\n";
tcpp << "\tif (key < lngkeys_cnt) {\n";
tcpp << "\t\t_found[key] = 1;\n";
tcpp << "\t\tif (_langValuesOriginal[key].isEmpty()) {\n";
tcpp << "\t\t\t_langValuesOriginal[key] = _langValues[key].isEmpty() ? qsl(\"{}\") : _langValues[key];\n";
tcpp << "\t\t}\n";
tcpp << "\t\t_langValues[key] = value;\n";
tcpp << "\t\treturn true;\n";
tcpp << "\t}\n";
tcpp << "\treturn false;\n";
tcpp << "}\n\n";
QFile cpp(lang_cpp), h(lang_h);
bool write_cpp = true, write_h = true;
if (cpp.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
QByteArray wasCpp = cpp.readAll();
if (wasCpp.size() == cppText.size()) {
if (!memcmp(wasCpp.constData(), cppText.constData(), cppText.size())) {
write_cpp = false;
if (write_cpp) {
if (!cpp.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) throw Exception("Could not open lang.cpp for writing!");
if (cpp.write(cppText) != cppText.size()) throw Exception("Could not open lang.cpp for writing!");
if (h.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
QByteArray wasH = h.readAll();
if (wasH.size() == hText.size()) {
if (!memcmp(wasH.constData(), hText.constData(), hText.size())) {
write_h = false;
if (write_h) {
if (!h.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) throw Exception("Could not open lang.h for writing!");
if (h.write(hText) != hText.size()) throw Exception("Could not open lang.h for writing!");
} catch (exception &e) {
cout << e.what() << "\n";
return false;
return true;