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synced 2025-03-06 10:11:41 -05:00
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This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org
Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission
to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library.
Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE
Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
#pragma once
class RPCError {
RPCError(const MTPrpcError &error) : _code(error.c_rpc_error().verror_code.v) {
QString text = qs(error.c_rpc_error().verror_message);
if (_code < 0 || _code >= 500) {
_description = text;
} else {
auto m = QRegularExpression("^([A-Z0-9_]+)(: .*)?$", reMultiline).match(text);
if (m.hasMatch()) {
_type = m.captured(1);
_description = m.captured(2).mid(2);
} else {
_type = qsl("CLIENT_BAD_RPC_ERROR");
_description = qsl("Bad rpc error received, text = '") + text + '\'';
int32 code() const {
return _code;
const QString &type() const {
return _type;
const QString &description() const {
return _description;
enum {
int32 _code;
QString _type, _description;
namespace MTP {
inline bool isFloodError(const RPCError &error) {
return error.type().startsWith(qstr("FLOOD_WAIT_"));
inline bool isTemporaryError(const RPCError &error) {
return error.code() < 0 || error.code() >= 500 || isFloodError(error);
inline bool isDefaultHandledError(const RPCError &error) {
return isTemporaryError(error);
} // namespace MTP
class RPCAbstractDoneHandler { // abstract done
virtual void operator()(mtpRequestId requestId, const mtpPrime *from, const mtpPrime *end) = 0;
virtual ~RPCAbstractDoneHandler() {
using RPCDoneHandlerPtr = QSharedPointer<RPCAbstractDoneHandler>;
class RPCAbstractFailHandler { // abstract fail
virtual bool operator()(mtpRequestId requestId, const RPCError &e) = 0;
virtual ~RPCAbstractFailHandler() {
using RPCFailHandlerPtr = QSharedPointer<RPCAbstractFailHandler>;
struct RPCResponseHandler {
RPCResponseHandler() {
RPCResponseHandler(const RPCDoneHandlerPtr &ondone, const RPCFailHandlerPtr &onfail) : onDone(ondone), onFail(onfail) {
RPCDoneHandlerPtr onDone;
RPCFailHandlerPtr onFail;
inline RPCResponseHandler rpcCb(const RPCDoneHandlerPtr &onDone = RPCDoneHandlerPtr(), const RPCFailHandlerPtr &onFail = RPCFailHandlerPtr()) {
return RPCResponseHandler(onDone, onFail);
template <typename TReturn>
class RPCDoneHandlerBare : public RPCAbstractDoneHandler { // done(from, end)
using CallbackType = TReturn (*)(const mtpPrime *, const mtpPrime *);
RPCDoneHandlerBare(CallbackType onDone) : _onDone(onDone) {
void operator()(mtpRequestId requestId, const mtpPrime *from, const mtpPrime *end) override {
(*_onDone)(from, end);
CallbackType _onDone;
template <typename TReturn>
class RPCDoneHandlerBareReq : public RPCAbstractDoneHandler { // done(from, end, req_id)
using CallbackType = TReturn (*)(const mtpPrime *, const mtpPrime *, mtpRequestId);
RPCDoneHandlerBareReq(CallbackType onDone) : _onDone(onDone) {
void operator()(mtpRequestId requestId, const mtpPrime *from, const mtpPrime *end) override {
(*_onDone)(from, end, requestId);
CallbackType _onDone;
template <typename TReturn, typename TResponse>
class RPCDoneHandlerPlain : public RPCAbstractDoneHandler { // done(result)
using CallbackType = TReturn (*)(const TResponse &);
RPCDoneHandlerPlain(CallbackType onDone) : _onDone(onDone) {
void operator()(mtpRequestId requestId, const mtpPrime *from, const mtpPrime *end) override {
auto response = TResponse();
response.read(from, end);
CallbackType _onDone;
template <typename TReturn, typename TResponse>
class RPCDoneHandlerReq : public RPCAbstractDoneHandler { // done(result, req_id)
using CallbackType = TReturn (*)(const TResponse &, mtpRequestId);
RPCDoneHandlerReq(CallbackType onDone) : _onDone(onDone) {
void operator()(mtpRequestId requestId, const mtpPrime *from, const mtpPrime *end) override {
auto response = TResponse();
response.read(from, end);
(*_onDone)(std::move(response), requestId);
CallbackType _onDone;
template <typename TReturn>
class RPCDoneHandlerNo : public RPCAbstractDoneHandler { // done()
using CallbackType = TReturn (*)();
RPCDoneHandlerNo(CallbackType onDone) : _onDone(onDone) {
void operator()(mtpRequestId requestId, const mtpPrime *from, const mtpPrime *end) override {
CallbackType _onDone;
template <typename TReturn>
class RPCDoneHandlerNoReq : public RPCAbstractDoneHandler { // done(req_id)
using CallbackType = TReturn (*)(mtpRequestId);
RPCDoneHandlerNoReq(CallbackType onDone) : _onDone(onDone) {
void operator()(mtpRequestId requestId, const mtpPrime *from, const mtpPrime *end) override {
CallbackType _onDone;
class RPCFailHandlerPlain : public RPCAbstractFailHandler { // fail(error)
using CallbackType = bool (*)(const RPCError &);
RPCFailHandlerPlain(CallbackType onFail) : _onFail(onFail) {
bool operator()(mtpRequestId requestId, const RPCError &e) override {
return (*_onFail)(e);
CallbackType _onFail;
class RPCFailHandlerReq : public RPCAbstractFailHandler { // fail(error, req_id)
using CallbackType = bool (*)(const RPCError &, mtpRequestId);
RPCFailHandlerReq(CallbackType onFail) : _onFail(onFail) {
bool operator()(mtpRequestId requestId, const RPCError &e) override {
return (*_onFail)(e, requestId);
CallbackType _onFail;
class RPCFailHandlerNo : public RPCAbstractFailHandler { // fail()
using CallbackType = bool (*)();
RPCFailHandlerNo(CallbackType onFail) : _onFail(onFail) {
bool operator()(mtpRequestId requestId, const RPCError &e) override {
return (*_onFail)();
CallbackType _onFail;
class RPCFailHandlerNoReq : public RPCAbstractFailHandler { // fail(req_id)
using CallbackType = bool (*)(mtpRequestId);
RPCFailHandlerNoReq(CallbackType onFail) : _onFail(onFail) {
bool operator()(mtpRequestId requestId, const RPCError &e) override {
return (*_onFail)(requestId);
CallbackType _onFail;
struct RPCCallbackClear {
RPCCallbackClear(mtpRequestId id = 0, int32 code = RPCError::NoError) : requestId(id), errorCode(code) {
mtpRequestId requestId;
int32 errorCode;
using RPCCallbackClears = QVector<RPCCallbackClear> ;
template <typename TReturn>
inline RPCDoneHandlerPtr rpcDone(TReturn (*onDone)(const mtpPrime *, const mtpPrime *)) { // done(from, end)
return RPCDoneHandlerPtr(new RPCDoneHandlerBare<TReturn>(onDone));
template <typename TReturn>
inline RPCDoneHandlerPtr rpcDone(TReturn (*onDone)(const mtpPrime *, const mtpPrime *, mtpRequestId)) { // done(from, end, req_id)
return RPCDoneHandlerPtr(new RPCDoneHandlerBareReq<TReturn>(onDone));
template <typename TReturn, typename TResponse>
inline RPCDoneHandlerPtr rpcDone(TReturn (*onDone)(const TResponse &)) { // done(result)
return RPCDoneHandlerPtr(new RPCDoneHandlerPlain<TReturn, TResponse>(onDone));
template <typename TReturn, typename TResponse>
inline RPCDoneHandlerPtr rpcDone(TReturn (*onDone)(const TResponse &, mtpRequestId)) { // done(result, req_id)
return RPCDoneHandlerPtr(new RPCDoneHandlerReq<TReturn, TResponse>(onDone));
template <typename TReturn>
inline RPCDoneHandlerPtr rpcDone(TReturn (*onDone)()) { // done()
return RPCDoneHandlerPtr(new RPCDoneHandlerNo<TReturn>(onDone));
template <typename TReturn>
inline RPCDoneHandlerPtr rpcDone(TReturn (*onDone)(mtpRequestId)) { // done(req_id)
return RPCDoneHandlerPtr(new RPCDoneHandlerNoReq<TReturn>(onDone));
inline RPCFailHandlerPtr rpcFail(bool (*onFail)(const RPCError &)) { // fail(error)
return RPCFailHandlerPtr(new RPCFailHandlerPlain(onFail));
inline RPCFailHandlerPtr rpcFail(bool (*onFail)(const RPCError &, mtpRequestId)) { // fail(error, req_id)
return RPCFailHandlerPtr(new RPCFailHandlerReq(onFail));
inline RPCFailHandlerPtr rpcFail(bool (*onFail)()) { // fail()
return RPCFailHandlerPtr(new RPCFailHandlerNo(onFail));
inline RPCFailHandlerPtr rpcFail(bool (*onFail)(mtpRequestId)) { // fail(req_id)
return RPCFailHandlerPtr(new RPCFailHandlerNoReq(onFail));
class RPCSender;
class RPCOwnedDoneHandler : public RPCAbstractDoneHandler { // abstract done
RPCOwnedDoneHandler(RPCSender *owner);
void invalidate() {
_owner = nullptr;
RPCSender *_owner = nullptr;
class RPCOwnedFailHandler : public RPCAbstractFailHandler { // abstract fail
RPCOwnedFailHandler(RPCSender *owner);
void invalidate() {
_owner = nullptr;
RPCSender *_owner = nullptr;
template <typename TReturn, typename TReceiver>
class RPCDoneHandlerBareOwned : public RPCOwnedDoneHandler { // done(from, end)
using CallbackType = TReturn (TReceiver::*)(const mtpPrime *, const mtpPrime *);
RPCDoneHandlerBareOwned(TReceiver *receiver, CallbackType onDone) : RPCOwnedDoneHandler(receiver), _onDone(onDone) {
void operator()(mtpRequestId requestId, const mtpPrime *from, const mtpPrime *end) override {
if (_owner) (static_cast<TReceiver*>(_owner)->*_onDone)(from, end);
CallbackType _onDone;
template <typename TReturn, typename TReceiver>
class RPCDoneHandlerBareOwnedReq : public RPCOwnedDoneHandler { // done(from, end, req_id)
using CallbackType = TReturn (TReceiver::*)(const mtpPrime *, const mtpPrime *, mtpRequestId);
RPCDoneHandlerBareOwnedReq(TReceiver *receiver, CallbackType onDone) : RPCOwnedDoneHandler(receiver), _onDone(onDone) {
void operator()(mtpRequestId requestId, const mtpPrime *from, const mtpPrime *end) override {
if (_owner) (static_cast<TReceiver*>(_owner)->*_onDone)(from, end, requestId);
CallbackType _onDone;
template <typename TReturn, typename TReceiver, typename TResponse>
class RPCDoneHandlerOwned : public RPCOwnedDoneHandler { // done(result)
using CallbackType = TReturn (TReceiver::*)(const TResponse &);
RPCDoneHandlerOwned(TReceiver *receiver, CallbackType onDone) : RPCOwnedDoneHandler(receiver), _onDone(onDone) {
void operator()(mtpRequestId requestId, const mtpPrime *from, const mtpPrime *end) override {
if (_owner) {
auto response = TResponse();
response.read(from, end);
CallbackType _onDone;
template <typename TReturn, typename TReceiver, typename TResponse>
class RPCDoneHandlerOwnedReq : public RPCOwnedDoneHandler { // done(result, req_id)
using CallbackType = TReturn (TReceiver::*)(const TResponse &, mtpRequestId);
RPCDoneHandlerOwnedReq(TReceiver *receiver, CallbackType onDone) : RPCOwnedDoneHandler(receiver), _onDone(onDone) {
void operator()(mtpRequestId requestId, const mtpPrime *from, const mtpPrime *end) override {
if (_owner) {
auto response = TResponse();
response.read(from, end);
(static_cast<TReceiver*>(_owner)->*_onDone)(std::move(response), requestId);
CallbackType _onDone;
template <typename TReturn, typename TReceiver>
class RPCDoneHandlerOwnedNo : public RPCOwnedDoneHandler { // done()
using CallbackType = TReturn (TReceiver::*)();
RPCDoneHandlerOwnedNo(TReceiver *receiver, CallbackType onDone) : RPCOwnedDoneHandler(receiver), _onDone(onDone) {
void operator()(mtpRequestId requestId, const mtpPrime *from, const mtpPrime *end) override {
if (_owner) (static_cast<TReceiver*>(_owner)->*_onDone)();
CallbackType _onDone;
template <typename TReturn, typename TReceiver>
class RPCDoneHandlerOwnedNoReq : public RPCOwnedDoneHandler { // done(req_id)
using CallbackType = TReturn (TReceiver::*)(mtpRequestId);
RPCDoneHandlerOwnedNoReq(TReceiver *receiver, CallbackType onDone) : RPCOwnedDoneHandler(receiver), _onDone(onDone) {
void operator()(mtpRequestId requestId, const mtpPrime *from, const mtpPrime *end) override {
if (_owner) (static_cast<TReceiver*>(_owner)->*_onDone)(requestId);
CallbackType _onDone;
template <typename T, typename TReturn, typename TReceiver>
class RPCBindedDoneHandlerBareOwned : public RPCOwnedDoneHandler { // done(b, from, end)
using CallbackType = TReturn (TReceiver::*)(T, const mtpPrime *, const mtpPrime *);
RPCBindedDoneHandlerBareOwned(T b, TReceiver *receiver, CallbackType onDone) : RPCOwnedDoneHandler(receiver), _b(b), _onDone(onDone) {
void operator()(mtpRequestId requestId, const mtpPrime *from, const mtpPrime *end) override {
if (_owner) (static_cast<TReceiver*>(_owner)->*_onDone)(_b, from, end);
CallbackType _onDone;
T _b;
template <typename T, typename TReturn, typename TReceiver>
class RPCBindedDoneHandlerBareOwnedReq : public RPCOwnedDoneHandler { // done(b, from, end, req_id)
using CallbackType = TReturn (TReceiver::*)(T, const mtpPrime *, const mtpPrime *, mtpRequestId);
RPCBindedDoneHandlerBareOwnedReq(T b, TReceiver *receiver, CallbackType onDone) : RPCOwnedDoneHandler(receiver), _b(b), _onDone(onDone) {
void operator()(mtpRequestId requestId, const mtpPrime *from, const mtpPrime *end) override {
if (_owner) (static_cast<TReceiver*>(_owner)->*_onDone)(_b, from, end, requestId);
CallbackType _onDone;
T _b;
template <typename T, typename TReturn, typename TReceiver, typename TResponse>
class RPCBindedDoneHandlerOwned : public RPCOwnedDoneHandler { // done(b, result)
using CallbackType = TReturn (TReceiver::*)(T, const TResponse &);
RPCBindedDoneHandlerOwned(T b, TReceiver *receiver, CallbackType onDone) : RPCOwnedDoneHandler(receiver), _onDone(onDone), _b(b) {
void operator()(mtpRequestId requestId, const mtpPrime *from, const mtpPrime *end) override {
if (_owner) {
auto response = TResponse();
response.read(from, end);
(static_cast<TReceiver*>(_owner)->*_onDone)(_b, std::move(response));
CallbackType _onDone;
T _b;
template <typename T, typename TReturn, typename TReceiver, typename TResponse>
class RPCBindedDoneHandlerOwnedReq : public RPCOwnedDoneHandler { // done(b, result, req_id)
using CallbackType = TReturn (TReceiver::*)(T, const TResponse &, mtpRequestId);
RPCBindedDoneHandlerOwnedReq(T b, TReceiver *receiver, CallbackType onDone) : RPCOwnedDoneHandler(receiver), _onDone(onDone), _b(b) {
void operator()(mtpRequestId requestId, const mtpPrime *from, const mtpPrime *end) override {
if (_owner) {
auto response = TResponse();
response.read(from, end);
(static_cast<TReceiver*>(_owner)->*_onDone)(_b, std::move(response), requestId);
CallbackType _onDone;
T _b;
template <typename T, typename TReturn, typename TReceiver>
class RPCBindedDoneHandlerOwnedNo : public RPCOwnedDoneHandler { // done(b)
using CallbackType = TReturn (TReceiver::*)(T);
RPCBindedDoneHandlerOwnedNo(T b, TReceiver *receiver, CallbackType onDone) : RPCOwnedDoneHandler(receiver), _b(b), _onDone(onDone) {
void operator()(mtpRequestId requestId, const mtpPrime *from, const mtpPrime *end) override {
if (_owner) (static_cast<TReceiver*>(_owner)->*_onDone)(_b);
CallbackType _onDone;
T _b;
template <typename T, typename TReturn, typename TReceiver>
class RPCBindedDoneHandlerOwnedNoReq : public RPCOwnedDoneHandler { // done(b, req_id)
using CallbackType = TReturn (TReceiver::*)(T, mtpRequestId);
RPCBindedDoneHandlerOwnedNoReq(T b, TReceiver *receiver, CallbackType onDone) : RPCOwnedDoneHandler(receiver), _b(b), _onDone(onDone) {
void operator()(mtpRequestId requestId, const mtpPrime *from, const mtpPrime *end) override {
if (_owner) (static_cast<TReceiver*>(_owner)->*_onDone)(_b, requestId);
CallbackType _onDone;
T _b;
template <typename TReceiver>
class RPCFailHandlerOwned : public RPCOwnedFailHandler { // fail(error)
using CallbackType = bool (TReceiver::*)(const RPCError &);
RPCFailHandlerOwned(TReceiver *receiver, CallbackType onFail) : RPCOwnedFailHandler(receiver), _onFail(onFail) {
bool operator()(mtpRequestId requestId, const RPCError &e) override {
return _owner ? (static_cast<TReceiver*>(_owner)->*_onFail)(e) : true;
CallbackType _onFail;
template <typename TReceiver>
class RPCFailHandlerOwnedReq : public RPCOwnedFailHandler { // fail(error, req_id)
using CallbackType = bool (TReceiver::*)(const RPCError &, mtpRequestId);
RPCFailHandlerOwnedReq(TReceiver *receiver, CallbackType onFail) : RPCOwnedFailHandler(receiver), _onFail(onFail) {
bool operator()(mtpRequestId requestId, const RPCError &e) override {
return _owner ? (static_cast<TReceiver*>(_owner)->*_onFail)(e, requestId) : true;
CallbackType _onFail;
template <typename TReceiver>
class RPCFailHandlerOwnedNo : public RPCOwnedFailHandler { // fail()
using CallbackType = bool (TReceiver::*)();
RPCFailHandlerOwnedNo(TReceiver *receiver, CallbackType onFail) : RPCOwnedFailHandler(receiver), _onFail(onFail) {
bool operator()(mtpRequestId requestId, const RPCError &e) override {
return _owner ? (static_cast<TReceiver*>(_owner)->*_onFail)() : true;
CallbackType _onFail;
template <typename TReceiver>
class RPCFailHandlerOwnedNoReq : public RPCOwnedFailHandler { // fail(req_id)
using CallbackType = bool (TReceiver::*)(mtpRequestId);
RPCFailHandlerOwnedNoReq(TReceiver *receiver, CallbackType onFail) : RPCOwnedFailHandler(receiver), _onFail(onFail) {
bool operator()(mtpRequestId requestId, const RPCError &e) override {
return _owner ? (static_cast<TReceiver*>(_owner)->*_onFail)(requestId) : true;
CallbackType _onFail;
template <typename T, typename TReceiver>
class RPCBindedFailHandlerOwned : public RPCOwnedFailHandler { // fail(b, error)
using CallbackType = bool (TReceiver::*)(T, const RPCError &);
RPCBindedFailHandlerOwned(T b, TReceiver *receiver, CallbackType onFail) : RPCOwnedFailHandler(receiver), _onFail(onFail), _b(b) {
bool operator()(mtpRequestId requestId, const RPCError &e) override {
return _owner ? (static_cast<TReceiver*>(_owner)->*_onFail)(_b, e) : true;
CallbackType _onFail;
T _b;
template <typename T, typename TReceiver>
class RPCBindedFailHandlerOwnedReq : public RPCOwnedFailHandler { // fail(b, error, req_id)
using CallbackType = bool (TReceiver::*)(T, const RPCError &, mtpRequestId);
RPCBindedFailHandlerOwnedReq(T b, TReceiver *receiver, CallbackType onFail) : RPCOwnedFailHandler(receiver), _onFail(onFail), _b(b) {
bool operator()(mtpRequestId requestId, const RPCError &e) override {
return _owner ? (static_cast<TReceiver*>(_owner)->*_onFail)(_b, e, requestId) : true;
CallbackType _onFail;
T _b;
template <typename T, typename TReceiver>
class RPCBindedFailHandlerOwnedNo : public RPCOwnedFailHandler { // fail(b)
using CallbackType = bool (TReceiver::*)(T);
RPCBindedFailHandlerOwnedNo(T b, TReceiver *receiver, CallbackType onFail) : RPCOwnedFailHandler(receiver), _onFail(onFail), _b(b) {
bool operator()(mtpRequestId requestId, const RPCError &e) override {
return _owner ? (static_cast<TReceiver*>(_owner)->*_onFail)(_b) : true;
CallbackType _onFail;
T _b;
template <typename T, typename TReceiver>
class RPCBindedFailHandlerOwnedNoReq : public RPCOwnedFailHandler { // fail(b, req_id)
using CallbackType = bool (TReceiver::*)(T, mtpRequestId);
RPCBindedFailHandlerOwnedNoReq(T b, TReceiver *receiver, CallbackType onFail) : RPCOwnedFailHandler(receiver), _onFail(onFail), _b(b) {
bool operator()(mtpRequestId requestId, const RPCError &e) override {
return _owner ? (static_cast<TReceiver*>(_owner)->*_onFail)(_b, requestId) : true;
CallbackType _onFail;
T _b;
class RPCSender {
using DoneHandlers = QSet<RPCOwnedDoneHandler*>;
DoneHandlers _rpcDoneHandlers;
using FailHandlers = QSet<RPCOwnedFailHandler*>;
FailHandlers _rpcFailHandlers;
void _rpcRegHandler(RPCOwnedDoneHandler *handler) {
void _rpcUnregHandler(RPCOwnedDoneHandler *handler) {
void _rpcRegHandler(RPCOwnedFailHandler *handler) {
void _rpcUnregHandler(RPCOwnedFailHandler *handler) {
friend class RPCOwnedDoneHandler;
friend class RPCOwnedFailHandler;
template <typename TReturn, typename TReceiver> // done(from, end)
RPCDoneHandlerPtr rpcDone(TReturn (TReceiver::*onDone)(const mtpPrime *, const mtpPrime *)) {
return RPCDoneHandlerPtr(new RPCDoneHandlerBareOwned<TReturn, TReceiver>(static_cast<TReceiver*>(this), onDone));
template <typename TReturn, typename TReceiver> // done(from, end, req_id)
RPCDoneHandlerPtr rpcDone(TReturn (TReceiver::*onDone)(const mtpPrime *, const mtpPrime *, mtpRequestId)) {
return RPCDoneHandlerPtr(new RPCDoneHandlerBareOwnedReq<TReturn, TReceiver>(static_cast<TReceiver*>(this), onDone));
template <typename TReturn, typename TReceiver, typename TResponse> // done(result)
RPCDoneHandlerPtr rpcDone(TReturn (TReceiver::*onDone)(const TResponse &)) {
return RPCDoneHandlerPtr(new RPCDoneHandlerOwned<TReturn, TReceiver, TResponse>(static_cast<TReceiver*>(this), onDone));
template <typename TReturn, typename TReceiver, typename TResponse> // done(result, req_id)
RPCDoneHandlerPtr rpcDone(TReturn (TReceiver::*onDone)(const TResponse &, mtpRequestId)) {
return RPCDoneHandlerPtr(new RPCDoneHandlerOwnedReq<TReturn, TReceiver, TResponse>(static_cast<TReceiver*>(this), onDone));
template <typename TReturn, typename TReceiver> // done()
RPCDoneHandlerPtr rpcDone(TReturn (TReceiver::*onDone)()) {
return RPCDoneHandlerPtr(new RPCDoneHandlerOwnedNo<TReturn, TReceiver>(static_cast<TReceiver*>(this), onDone));
template <typename TReturn, typename TReceiver> // done(req_id)
RPCDoneHandlerPtr rpcDone(TReturn (TReceiver::*onDone)(mtpRequestId)) {
return RPCDoneHandlerPtr(new RPCDoneHandlerOwnedNoReq<TReturn, TReceiver>(static_cast<TReceiver*>(this), onDone));
template <typename TReceiver> // fail(error)
RPCFailHandlerPtr rpcFail(bool (TReceiver::*onFail)(const RPCError &)) {
return RPCFailHandlerPtr(new RPCFailHandlerOwned<TReceiver>(static_cast<TReceiver*>(this), onFail));
template <typename TReceiver> // fail(error, req_id)
RPCFailHandlerPtr rpcFail(bool (TReceiver::*onFail)(const RPCError &, mtpRequestId)) {
return RPCFailHandlerPtr(new RPCFailHandlerOwnedReq<TReceiver>(static_cast<TReceiver*>(this), onFail));
template <typename TReceiver> // fail()
RPCFailHandlerPtr rpcFail(bool (TReceiver::*onFail)()) {
return RPCFailHandlerPtr(new RPCFailHandlerOwnedNo<TReceiver>(static_cast<TReceiver*>(this), onFail));
template <typename TReceiver> // fail(req_id)
RPCFailHandlerPtr rpcFail(bool (TReceiver::*onFail)(mtpRequestId)) {
return RPCFailHandlerPtr(new RPCFailHandlerOwnedNo<TReceiver>(static_cast<TReceiver*>(this), onFail));
template <typename T, typename TReturn, typename TReceiver> // done(b, from, end)
RPCDoneHandlerPtr rpcDone(TReturn (TReceiver::*onDone)(T, const mtpPrime *, const mtpPrime *), T b) {
return RPCDoneHandlerPtr(new RPCBindedDoneHandlerBareOwned<T, TReturn, TReceiver>(b, static_cast<TReceiver*>(this), onDone));
template <typename T, typename TReturn, typename TReceiver> // done(b, from, end, req_id)
RPCDoneHandlerPtr rpcDone(TReturn (TReceiver::*onDone)(T, const mtpPrime *, const mtpPrime *, mtpRequestId), T b) {
return RPCDoneHandlerPtr(new RPCBindedDoneHandlerBareOwnedReq<T, TReturn, TReceiver>(b, static_cast<TReceiver*>(this), onDone));
template <typename T, typename TReturn, typename TReceiver, typename TResponse> // done(b, result)
RPCDoneHandlerPtr rpcDone(TReturn (TReceiver::*onDone)(T, const TResponse &), T b) {
return RPCDoneHandlerPtr(new RPCBindedDoneHandlerOwned<T, TReturn, TReceiver, TResponse>(b, static_cast<TReceiver*>(this), onDone));
template <typename T, typename TReturn, typename TReceiver, typename TResponse> // done(b, result, req_id)
RPCDoneHandlerPtr rpcDone(TReturn (TReceiver::*onDone)(T, const TResponse &, mtpRequestId), T b) {
return RPCDoneHandlerPtr(new RPCBindedDoneHandlerOwnedReq<T, TReturn, TReceiver, TResponse>(b, static_cast<TReceiver*>(this), onDone));
template <typename T, typename TReturn, typename TReceiver> // done(b)
RPCDoneHandlerPtr rpcDone(TReturn (TReceiver::*onDone)(T), T b) {
return RPCDoneHandlerPtr(new RPCBindedDoneHandlerOwnedNo<T, TReturn, TReceiver>(b, static_cast<TReceiver*>(this), onDone));
template <typename T, typename TReturn, typename TReceiver> // done(b, req_id)
RPCDoneHandlerPtr rpcDone(TReturn (TReceiver::*onDone)(T, mtpRequestId), T b) {
return RPCDoneHandlerPtr(new RPCBindedDoneHandlerOwnedNoReq<T, TReturn, TReceiver>(b, static_cast<TReceiver*>(this), onDone));
template <typename T, typename TReceiver> // fail(b, error)
RPCFailHandlerPtr rpcFail(bool (TReceiver::*onFail)(T, const RPCError &), T b) {
return RPCFailHandlerPtr(new RPCBindedFailHandlerOwned<T, TReceiver>(b, static_cast<TReceiver*>(this), onFail));
template <typename T, typename TReceiver> // fail(b, error, req_id)
RPCFailHandlerPtr rpcFail(bool (TReceiver::*onFail)(T, const RPCError &, mtpRequestId), T b) {
return RPCFailHandlerPtr(new RPCBindedFailHandlerOwnedReq<T, TReceiver>(b, static_cast<TReceiver*>(this), onFail));
template <typename T, typename TReceiver> // fail(b)
RPCFailHandlerPtr rpcFail(bool (TReceiver::*onFail)(T), T b) {
return RPCFailHandlerPtr(new RPCBindedFailHandlerOwnedNo<T, TReceiver>(b, static_cast<TReceiver*>(this), onFail));
template <typename T, typename TReceiver> // fail(b, req_id)
RPCFailHandlerPtr rpcFail(bool (TReceiver::*onFail)(T, mtpRequestId), T b) {
return RPCFailHandlerPtr(new RPCBindedFailHandlerOwnedNo<T, TReceiver>(b, static_cast<TReceiver*>(this), onFail));
virtual void rpcClear() {
virtual ~RPCSender() {
void rpcInvalidate() {
for (DoneHandlers::iterator i = _rpcDoneHandlers.begin(), e = _rpcDoneHandlers.end(); i != e; ++i) {
for (FailHandlers::iterator i = _rpcFailHandlers.begin(), e = _rpcFailHandlers.end(); i != e; ++i) {
using MTPStateChangedHandler = void (*)(int32 dcId, int32 state);
using MTPSessionResetHandler = void (*)(int32 dcId);
template <typename Base, typename FunctionType>
class RPCHandlerImplementation : public Base {
using Lambda = base::lambda_once<FunctionType>;
using Parent = RPCHandlerImplementation<Base, FunctionType>;
RPCHandlerImplementation(Lambda handler) : _handler(std::move(handler)) {
Lambda _handler;
template <typename FunctionType>
using RPCDoneHandlerImplementation = RPCHandlerImplementation<RPCAbstractDoneHandler, FunctionType>;
template <typename R>
class RPCDoneHandlerImplementationBare : public RPCDoneHandlerImplementation<R(const mtpPrime*, const mtpPrime*)> { // done(from, end)
using RPCDoneHandlerImplementation<R(const mtpPrime*, const mtpPrime*)>::Parent::Parent;
void operator()(mtpRequestId requestId, const mtpPrime *from, const mtpPrime *end) override {
return this->_handler ? this->_handler(from, end) : void(0);
template <typename R>
class RPCDoneHandlerImplementationBareReq : public RPCDoneHandlerImplementation<R(const mtpPrime*, const mtpPrime*, mtpRequestId)> { // done(from, end, req_id)
using RPCDoneHandlerImplementation<R(const mtpPrime*, const mtpPrime*, mtpRequestId)>::Parent::Parent;
void operator()(mtpRequestId requestId, const mtpPrime *from, const mtpPrime *end) override {
return this->_handler ? this->_handler(from, end, requestId) : void(0);
template <typename R, typename TResponse>
class RPCDoneHandlerImplementationPlain : public RPCDoneHandlerImplementation<R(const TResponse&)> { // done(result)
using RPCDoneHandlerImplementation<R(const TResponse&)>::Parent::Parent;
void operator()(mtpRequestId requestId, const mtpPrime *from, const mtpPrime *end) override {
if (this->_handler) {
auto response = TResponse();
response.read(from, end);
template <typename R, typename TResponse>
class RPCDoneHandlerImplementationReq : public RPCDoneHandlerImplementation<R(const TResponse&, mtpRequestId)> { // done(result, req_id)
using RPCDoneHandlerImplementation<R(const TResponse&, mtpRequestId)>::Parent::Parent;
void operator()(mtpRequestId requestId, const mtpPrime *from, const mtpPrime *end) override {
if (this->_handler) {
auto response = TResponse();
response.read(from, end);
this->_handler(std::move(response), requestId);
template <typename R>
class RPCDoneHandlerImplementationNo : public RPCDoneHandlerImplementation<R()> { // done()
using RPCDoneHandlerImplementation<R()>::Parent::Parent;
void operator()(mtpRequestId requestId, const mtpPrime *from, const mtpPrime *end) override {
return this->_handler ? this->_handler() : void(0);
template <typename R>
class RPCDoneHandlerImplementationNoReq : public RPCDoneHandlerImplementation<R(mtpRequestId)> { // done(req_id)
using RPCDoneHandlerImplementation<R(mtpRequestId)>::Parent::Parent;
void operator()(mtpRequestId requestId, const mtpPrime *from, const mtpPrime *end) override {
return this->_handler ? this->_handler(requestId) : void(0);
template <typename R>
inline RPCDoneHandlerPtr rpcDone_lambda_wrap_helper(base::lambda_once<R(const mtpPrime*, const mtpPrime*)> lambda) {
return RPCDoneHandlerPtr(new RPCDoneHandlerImplementationBare<R>(std::move(lambda)));
template <typename R>
inline RPCDoneHandlerPtr rpcDone_lambda_wrap_helper(base::lambda_once<R(const mtpPrime*, const mtpPrime*, mtpRequestId)> lambda) {
return RPCDoneHandlerPtr(new RPCDoneHandlerImplementationBareReq<R>(std::move(lambda)));
template <typename R, typename T>
inline RPCDoneHandlerPtr rpcDone_lambda_wrap_helper(base::lambda_once<R(const T&)> lambda) {
return RPCDoneHandlerPtr(new RPCDoneHandlerImplementationPlain<R, T>(std::move(lambda)));
template <typename R, typename T>
inline RPCDoneHandlerPtr rpcDone_lambda_wrap_helper(base::lambda_once<R(const T&, mtpRequestId)> lambda) {
return RPCDoneHandlerPtr(new RPCDoneHandlerImplementationReq<R, T>(std::move(lambda)));
template <typename R>
inline RPCDoneHandlerPtr rpcDone_lambda_wrap_helper(base::lambda_once<R()> lambda) {
return RPCDoneHandlerPtr(new RPCDoneHandlerImplementationNo<R>(std::move(lambda)));
template <typename R>
inline RPCDoneHandlerPtr rpcDone_lambda_wrap_helper(base::lambda_once<R(mtpRequestId)> lambda) {
return RPCDoneHandlerPtr(new RPCDoneHandlerImplementationNoReq<R>(std::move(lambda)));
template <typename Lambda>
RPCDoneHandlerPtr rpcDone(Lambda lambda) {
return rpcDone_lambda_wrap_helper(base::lambda_type<Lambda>(std::move(lambda)));
template <typename FunctionType>
using RPCFailHandlerImplementation = RPCHandlerImplementation<RPCAbstractFailHandler, FunctionType>;
class RPCFailHandlerImplementationPlain : public RPCFailHandlerImplementation<bool(const RPCError&)> { // fail(error)
using Parent::Parent;
bool operator()(mtpRequestId requestId, const RPCError &error) override {
return _handler ? _handler(error) : true;
class RPCFailHandlerImplementationReq : public RPCFailHandlerImplementation<bool(const RPCError&, mtpRequestId)> { // fail(error, req_id)
using Parent::Parent;
bool operator()(mtpRequestId requestId, const RPCError &error) override {
return this->_handler ? this->_handler(error, requestId) : true;
class RPCFailHandlerImplementationNo : public RPCFailHandlerImplementation<bool()> { // fail()
using Parent::Parent;
bool operator()(mtpRequestId requestId, const RPCError &error) override {
return this->_handler ? this->_handler() : true;
class RPCFailHandlerImplementationNoReq : public RPCFailHandlerImplementation<bool(mtpRequestId)> { // fail(req_id)
using Parent::Parent;
bool operator()(mtpRequestId requestId, const RPCError &error) override {
return this->_handler ? this->_handler(requestId) : true;
inline RPCFailHandlerPtr rpcFail_lambda_wrap_helper(base::lambda_once<bool(const RPCError&)> lambda) {
return RPCFailHandlerPtr(new RPCFailHandlerImplementationPlain(std::move(lambda)));
inline RPCFailHandlerPtr rpcFail_lambda_wrap_helper(base::lambda_once<bool(const RPCError&, mtpRequestId)> lambda) {
return RPCFailHandlerPtr(new RPCFailHandlerImplementationReq(std::move(lambda)));
inline RPCFailHandlerPtr rpcFail_lambda_wrap_helper(base::lambda_once<bool()> lambda) {
return RPCFailHandlerPtr(new RPCFailHandlerImplementationNo(std::move(lambda)));
inline RPCFailHandlerPtr rpcFail_lambda_wrap_helper(base::lambda_once<bool(mtpRequestId)> lambda) {
return RPCFailHandlerPtr(new RPCFailHandlerImplementationNoReq(std::move(lambda)));
template <typename Lambda>
RPCFailHandlerPtr rpcFail(Lambda lambda) {
return rpcFail_lambda_wrap_helper(base::lambda_type<Lambda>(std::move(lambda)));