John Preston 2f816942b8 Use objects instead of pointers for corners.
Also don't change mask corner images when color theme is changed.
This prevents race condition in mask corner images access, because
the GIF frame readers access mask corner images from other threads.
2017-07-13 17:42:46 +03:00

591 lines
17 KiB

This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see
Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission
to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library.
Full license:
Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston,
#pragma once
class FileLoader;
class mtpFileLoader;
enum LoadFromCloudSetting {
enum LoadToCacheSetting {
enum class ImageRoundRadius {
enum class ImageRoundCorner {
None = 0x00,
TopLeft = 0x01,
TopRight = 0x02,
BottomLeft = 0x04,
BottomRight = 0x08,
All = 0x0f,
Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(ImageRoundCorners, ImageRoundCorner);
inline uint32 packInt(int32 a) {
return (a < 0) ? uint32(int64(a) + 0x100000000LL) : uint32(a);
inline int32 unpackInt(uint32 a) {
return (a > 0x7FFFFFFFU) ? int32(int64(a) - 0x100000000LL) : int32(a);
inline uint64 packUIntUInt(uint32 a, uint32 b) {
return (uint64(a) << 32) | uint64(b);
inline uint64 packUIntInt(uint32 a, int32 b) {
return packUIntUInt(a, packInt(b));
inline uint64 packIntUInt(int32 a, uint32 b) {
return packUIntUInt(packInt(a), b);
inline uint64 packIntInt(int32 a, int32 b) {
return packUIntUInt(packInt(a), packInt(b));
inline uint32 unpackUIntFirst(uint64 v) {
return uint32(v >> 32);
inline int32 unpackIntFirst(uint64 v) {
return unpackInt(unpackUIntFirst(v));
inline uint32 unpackUIntSecond(uint64 v) {
return uint32(v & 0xFFFFFFFFULL);
inline int32 unpackIntSecond(uint64 v) {
return unpackInt(unpackUIntSecond(v));
class StorageImageLocation {
StorageImageLocation() = default;
StorageImageLocation(int32 width, int32 height, int32 dc, const uint64 &volume, int32 local, const uint64 &secret) : _widthheight(packIntInt(width, height)), _dclocal(packIntInt(dc, local)), _volume(volume), _secret(secret) {
StorageImageLocation(int32 width, int32 height, const MTPDfileLocation &location) : _widthheight(packIntInt(width, height)), _dclocal(packIntInt(location.vdc_id.v, location.vlocal_id.v)), _volume(location.vvolume_id.v), _secret(location.vsecret.v) {
bool isNull() const {
return !_dclocal;
int32 width() const {
return unpackIntFirst(_widthheight);
int32 height() const {
return unpackIntSecond(_widthheight);
void setSize(int32 width, int32 height) {
_widthheight = packIntInt(width, height);
int32 dc() const {
return unpackIntFirst(_dclocal);
uint64 volume() const {
return _volume;
int32 local() const {
return unpackIntSecond(_dclocal);
uint64 secret() const {
return _secret;
static StorageImageLocation Null;
uint64 _widthheight = 0;
uint64 _dclocal = 0;
uint64 _volume = 0;
uint64 _secret = 0;
friend inline bool operator==(const StorageImageLocation &a, const StorageImageLocation &b) {
return (a._dclocal == b._dclocal) && (a._volume == b._volume) && (a._secret == b._secret);
inline bool operator!=(const StorageImageLocation &a, const StorageImageLocation &b) {
return !(a == b);
class WebFileImageLocation {
WebFileImageLocation() = default;
WebFileImageLocation(int32 width, int32 height, int32 dc, const QByteArray &url, uint64 accessHash) : _widthheight(packIntInt(width, height)), _accessHash(accessHash), _url(url), _dc(dc) {
bool isNull() const {
return !_dc;
int32 width() const {
return unpackIntFirst(_widthheight);
int32 height() const {
return unpackIntSecond(_widthheight);
void setSize(int32 width, int32 height) {
_widthheight = packIntInt(width, height);
int32 dc() const {
return _dc;
uint64 accessHash() const {
return _accessHash;
const QByteArray &url() const {
return _url;
static WebFileImageLocation Null;
uint64 _widthheight = 0;
uint64 _accessHash = 0;
QByteArray _url;
int32 _dc = 0;
friend inline bool operator==(const WebFileImageLocation &a, const WebFileImageLocation &b) {
return (a._dc == b._dc) && (a._accessHash == b._accessHash) && (a._url == b._url);
inline bool operator!=(const WebFileImageLocation &a, const WebFileImageLocation &b) {
return !(a == b);
namespace Images {
QImage prepareBlur(QImage image);
void prepareRound(QImage &image, ImageRoundRadius radius, ImageRoundCorners corners = ImageRoundCorner::All);
void prepareRound(QImage &image, QImage *cornerMasks, ImageRoundCorners corners = ImageRoundCorner::All);
void prepareCircle(QImage &image);
QImage prepareColored(style::color add, QImage image);
QImage prepareOpaque(QImage image);
enum class Option {
None = 0x000,
Smooth = 0x001,
Blurred = 0x002,
Circled = 0x004,
RoundedLarge = 0x008,
RoundedSmall = 0x010,
RoundedTopLeft = 0x020,
RoundedTopRight = 0x040,
RoundedBottomLeft = 0x080,
RoundedBottomRight = 0x100,
Colored = 0x200,
TransparentBackground = 0x400,
Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(Options, Option);
QImage prepare(QImage img, int w, int h, Options options, int outerw, int outerh, const style::color *colored = nullptr);
inline QPixmap pixmap(QImage img, int w, int h, Options options, int outerw, int outerh, const style::color *colored = nullptr) {
return QPixmap::fromImage(prepare(img, w, h, options, outerw, outerh, colored), Qt::ColorOnly);
} // namespace Images
class DelayedStorageImage;
class HistoryItem;
class Image {
Image(const QString &file, QByteArray format = QByteArray());
Image(const QByteArray &filecontent, QByteArray format = QByteArray());
Image(const QPixmap &pixmap, QByteArray format = QByteArray());
Image(const QByteArray &filecontent, QByteArray format, const QPixmap &pixmap);
virtual void automaticLoad(const HistoryItem *item) { // auto load photo
virtual void automaticLoadSettingsChanged() {
virtual bool loaded() const {
return true;
virtual bool loading() const {
return false;
virtual bool displayLoading() const {
return false;
virtual void cancel() {
virtual float64 progress() const {
return 1;
virtual int32 loadOffset() const {
return 0;
const QPixmap &pix(int32 w = 0, int32 h = 0) const;
const QPixmap &pixRounded(int32 w = 0, int32 h = 0, ImageRoundRadius radius = ImageRoundRadius::None, ImageRoundCorners corners = ImageRoundCorner::All) const;
const QPixmap &pixBlurred(int32 w = 0, int32 h = 0) const;
const QPixmap &pixColored(style::color add, int32 w = 0, int32 h = 0) const;
const QPixmap &pixBlurredColored(style::color add, int32 w = 0, int32 h = 0) const;
const QPixmap &pixSingle(int32 w, int32 h, int32 outerw, int32 outerh, ImageRoundRadius radius, ImageRoundCorners corners = ImageRoundCorner::All, const style::color *colored = nullptr) const;
const QPixmap &pixBlurredSingle(int32 w, int32 h, int32 outerw, int32 outerh, ImageRoundRadius radius, ImageRoundCorners corners = ImageRoundCorner::All) const;
const QPixmap &pixCircled(int32 w = 0, int32 h = 0) const;
const QPixmap &pixBlurredCircled(int32 w = 0, int32 h = 0) const;
QPixmap pixNoCache(int w = 0, int h = 0, Images::Options options = 0, int outerw = -1, int outerh = -1, const style::color *colored = nullptr) const;
QPixmap pixColoredNoCache(style::color add, int32 w = 0, int32 h = 0, bool smooth = false) const;
QPixmap pixBlurredColoredNoCache(style::color add, int32 w, int32 h = 0) const;
int32 width() const {
return qMax(countWidth(), 1);
int32 height() const {
return qMax(countHeight(), 1);
virtual void load(bool loadFirst = false, bool prior = true) {
virtual void loadEvenCancelled(bool loadFirst = false, bool prior = true) {
virtual const StorageImageLocation &location() const {
return StorageImageLocation::Null;
bool isNull() const;
void forget() const;
QByteArray savedFormat() const {
return _format;
QByteArray savedData() const {
return _saved;
virtual DelayedStorageImage *toDelayedStorageImage() {
return 0;
virtual const DelayedStorageImage *toDelayedStorageImage() const {
return 0;
virtual ~Image();
Image(QByteArray format = "PNG") : _format(format), _forgot(false) {
void restore() const;
virtual void checkload() const {
void invalidateSizeCache() const;
virtual int32 countWidth() const {
return _data.width();
virtual int32 countHeight() const {
return _data.height();
mutable QByteArray _saved, _format;
mutable bool _forgot;
mutable QPixmap _data;
using Sizes = QMap<uint64, QPixmap>;
mutable Sizes _sizesCache;
typedef QPair<uint64, uint64> StorageKey;
inline uint64 storageMix32To64(int32 a, int32 b) {
return (uint64(*reinterpret_cast<uint32*>(&a)) << 32) | uint64(*reinterpret_cast<uint32*>(&b));
inline StorageKey storageKey(int32 dc, const uint64 &volume, int32 local) {
return StorageKey(storageMix32To64(dc, local), volume);
inline StorageKey storageKey(const MTPDfileLocation &location) {
return storageKey(location.vdc_id.v, location.vvolume_id.v, location.vlocal_id.v);
inline StorageKey storageKey(const StorageImageLocation &location) {
return storageKey(location.dc(), location.volume(), location.local());
inline StorageKey storageKey(const WebFileImageLocation &location) {
auto url = location.url();
auto sha = hashSha1(, url.size());
return storageKey(location.dc(), *reinterpret_cast<const uint64*>(, *reinterpret_cast<const int32*>( + sizeof(uint64)));
class RemoteImage : public Image {
void automaticLoad(const HistoryItem *item); // auto load photo
void automaticLoadSettingsChanged();
bool loaded() const;
bool loading() const {
return amLoading();
bool displayLoading() const;
void cancel();
float64 progress() const;
int32 loadOffset() const;
void setData(QByteArray &bytes, const QByteArray &format = QByteArray());
void load(bool loadFirst = false, bool prior = true);
void loadEvenCancelled(bool loadFirst = false, bool prior = true);
// If after loading the image we need to shrink it to fit into a
// specific size, you can return this size here.
virtual QSize shrinkBox() const {
return QSize();
virtual void setInformation(int32 size, int32 width, int32 height) = 0;
virtual FileLoader *createLoader(LoadFromCloudSetting fromCloud, bool autoLoading) = 0;
void checkload() const {
void loadLocal();
mutable FileLoader *_loader = nullptr;
bool amLoading() const;
void doCheckload() const;
void destroyLoaderDelayed(FileLoader *newValue = nullptr) const;
class StorageImage : public RemoteImage {
StorageImage(const StorageImageLocation &location, int32 size = 0);
StorageImage(const StorageImageLocation &location, QByteArray &bytes);
const StorageImageLocation &location() const override {
return _location;
void setInformation(int32 size, int32 width, int32 height) override;
FileLoader *createLoader(LoadFromCloudSetting fromCloud, bool autoLoading) override;
StorageImageLocation _location;
int32 _size;
int32 countWidth() const override;
int32 countHeight() const override;
class WebFileImage : public RemoteImage {
WebFileImage(const WebFileImageLocation &location, int32 size = 0);
void setInformation(int32 size, int32 width, int32 height) override;
FileLoader *createLoader(LoadFromCloudSetting fromCloud, bool autoLoading) override;
WebFileImageLocation _location;
int32 _size;
int32 countWidth() const override;
int32 countHeight() const override;
class DelayedStorageImage : public StorageImage {
DelayedStorageImage(int32 w, int32 h);
DelayedStorageImage(QByteArray &bytes);
void setStorageLocation(const StorageImageLocation location);
virtual DelayedStorageImage *toDelayedStorageImage() {
return this;
virtual const DelayedStorageImage *toDelayedStorageImage() const {
return this;
void automaticLoad(const HistoryItem *item); // auto load photo
void automaticLoadSettingsChanged();
bool loading() const {
return _location.isNull() ? _loadRequested : StorageImage::loading();
bool displayLoading() const;
void cancel();
void load(bool loadFirst = false, bool prior = true);
void loadEvenCancelled(bool loadFirst = false, bool prior = true);
bool _loadRequested, _loadCancelled, _loadFromCloud;
class WebImage : public RemoteImage {
// If !box.isEmpty() then resize the image to fit in this box.
WebImage(const QString &url, QSize box = QSize());
WebImage(const QString &url, int width, int height);
void setSize(int width, int height);
QSize shrinkBox() const override {
return _box;
void setInformation(int32 size, int32 width, int32 height) override;
FileLoader *createLoader(LoadFromCloudSetting fromCloud, bool autoLoading) override;
int32 countWidth() const override;
int32 countHeight() const override;
QString _url;
QSize _box;
int32 _size, _width, _height;
namespace internal {
Image *getImage(const QString &file, QByteArray format);
Image *getImage(const QString &url, QSize box);
Image *getImage(const QString &url, int width, int height);
Image *getImage(const QByteArray &filecontent, QByteArray format);
Image *getImage(const QPixmap &pixmap, QByteArray format);
Image *getImage(const QByteArray &filecontent, QByteArray format, const QPixmap &pixmap);
Image *getImage(int32 width, int32 height);
StorageImage *getImage(const StorageImageLocation &location, int32 size = 0);
StorageImage *getImage(const StorageImageLocation &location, const QByteArray &bytes);
WebFileImage *getImage(const WebFileImageLocation &location, int32 size = 0);
} // namespace internal
class ImagePtr : public ManagedPtr<Image> {
ImagePtr(const QString &file, QByteArray format = QByteArray()) : Parent(internal::getImage(file, format)) {
ImagePtr(const QString &url, QSize box) : Parent(internal::getImage(url, box)) {
ImagePtr(const QString &url, int width, int height) : Parent(internal::getImage(url, width, height)) {
ImagePtr(const QByteArray &filecontent, QByteArray format = QByteArray()) : Parent(internal::getImage(filecontent, format)) {
ImagePtr(const QByteArray &filecontent, QByteArray format, const QPixmap &pixmap) : Parent(internal::getImage(filecontent, format, pixmap)) {
ImagePtr(const QPixmap &pixmap, QByteArray format) : Parent(internal::getImage(pixmap, format)) {
ImagePtr(const StorageImageLocation &location, int32 size = 0) : Parent(internal::getImage(location, size)) {
ImagePtr(const StorageImageLocation &location, const QByteArray &bytes) : Parent(internal::getImage(location, bytes)) {
ImagePtr(const WebFileImageLocation &location, int32 size = 0) : Parent(internal::getImage(location, size)) {
ImagePtr(int32 width, int32 height, const MTPFileLocation &location, ImagePtr def = ImagePtr());
ImagePtr(int32 width, int32 height) : Parent(internal::getImage(width, height)) {
explicit operator bool() const {
return (_data != nullptr) && !_data->isNull();
inline QSize shrinkToKeepAspect(int32 width, int32 height, int32 towidth, int32 toheight) {
int32 w = qMax(width, 1), h = qMax(height, 1);
if (w * toheight > h * towidth) {
h = qRound(h * towidth / float64(w));
w = towidth;
} else {
w = qRound(w * toheight / float64(h));
h = toheight;
return QSize(qMax(w, 1), qMax(h, 1));
void clearStorageImages();
void clearAllImages();
int64 imageCacheSize();
class PsFileBookmark;
class ReadAccessEnabler {
ReadAccessEnabler(const PsFileBookmark *bookmark);
ReadAccessEnabler(const QSharedPointer<PsFileBookmark> &bookmark);
bool failed() const {
return _failed;
const PsFileBookmark *_bookmark;
bool _failed;
class FileLocation {
FileLocation() = default;
explicit FileLocation(const QString &name);
bool check() const;
const QString &name() const;
void setBookmark(const QByteArray &bookmark);
QByteArray bookmark() const;
bool isEmpty() const {
return name().isEmpty();
bool accessEnable() const;
void accessDisable() const;
QString fname;
QDateTime modified;
qint32 size;
QSharedPointer<PsFileBookmark> _bookmark;
inline bool operator==(const FileLocation &a, const FileLocation &b) {
return ( == && (a.modified == b.modified) && (a.size == b.size);
inline bool operator!=(const FileLocation &a, const FileLocation &b) {
return !(a == b);