John Preston fd91893b51 Moved PsMainWindow to Platform::MainWindow, outside of pspecific module.
Currently only MSVC build is Ok, Xcode and QtCreator are broken.
2016-06-16 15:59:54 +03:00

1095 lines
39 KiB

This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see
Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
Full license:
Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "pspecific.h"
#include "lang.h"
#include "application.h"
#include "mainwidget.h"
#include "localstorage.h"
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <iostream>
extern "C" {
#undef signals
#include <libappindicator/app-indicator.h>
#include <gtk/gtk.h>
#define signals public
} // extern "C"
#include <unity/unity/unity.h>
namespace {
QByteArray escapeShell(const QByteArray &str) {
QByteArray result;
const char *b = str.constData(), *e = str.constEnd();
for (const char *ch = b; ch != e; ++ch) {
if (*ch == ' ' || *ch == '"' || *ch == '\'' || *ch == '\\') {
if (result.isEmpty()) {
result.reserve(str.size() * 2);
if (ch > b) {
result.append(b, ch - b);
b = ch;
if (result.isEmpty()) return str;
if (e > b) {
result.append(b, e - b);
return result;
bool frameless = true;
bool finished = true;
bool noQtTrayIcon = false, noTryUnity = false, tryAppIndicator = false;
bool useGtkBase = false, useAppIndicator = false, useStatusIcon = false, trayIconChecked = false, useUnityCount = false;
AppIndicator *_trayIndicator = 0;
GtkStatusIcon *_trayIcon = 0;
GtkWidget *_trayMenu = 0;
GdkPixbuf *_trayPixbuf = 0;
QByteArray _trayPixbufData;
QList<QPair<GtkWidget*, QObject*> > _trayItems;
int32 _trayIconSize = 22;
bool _trayIconMuted = true;
int32 _trayIconCount = 0;
QImage _trayIconImageBack, _trayIconImage;
typedef gboolean (*f_gtk_init_check)(int *argc, char ***argv);
f_gtk_init_check ps_gtk_init_check = 0;
typedef GtkWidget* (*f_gtk_menu_new)(void);
f_gtk_menu_new ps_gtk_menu_new = 0;
typedef GType (*f_gtk_menu_get_type)(void) G_GNUC_CONST;
f_gtk_menu_get_type ps_gtk_menu_get_type = 0;
typedef GtkWidget* (*f_gtk_menu_item_new_with_label)(const gchar *label);
f_gtk_menu_item_new_with_label ps_gtk_menu_item_new_with_label = 0;
typedef void (*f_gtk_menu_item_set_label)(GtkMenuItem *menu_item, const gchar *label);
f_gtk_menu_item_set_label ps_gtk_menu_item_set_label = 0;
typedef void (*f_gtk_menu_shell_append)(GtkMenuShell *menu_shell, GtkWidget *child);
f_gtk_menu_shell_append ps_gtk_menu_shell_append = 0;
typedef GType (*f_gtk_menu_shell_get_type)(void) G_GNUC_CONST;
f_gtk_menu_shell_get_type ps_gtk_menu_shell_get_type = 0;
typedef void (*f_gtk_widget_show)(GtkWidget *widget);
f_gtk_widget_show ps_gtk_widget_show = 0;
typedef GtkWidget* (*f_gtk_widget_get_toplevel)(GtkWidget *widget);
f_gtk_widget_get_toplevel ps_gtk_widget_get_toplevel = 0;
typedef gboolean (*f_gtk_widget_get_visible)(GtkWidget *widget);
f_gtk_widget_get_visible ps_gtk_widget_get_visible = 0;
typedef void (*f_gtk_widget_set_sensitive)(GtkWidget *widget, gboolean sensitive);
f_gtk_widget_set_sensitive ps_gtk_widget_set_sensitive = 0;
typedef GTypeInstance* (*f_g_type_check_instance_cast)(GTypeInstance *instance, GType iface_type);
f_g_type_check_instance_cast ps_g_type_check_instance_cast = 0;
#define _PS_G_TYPE_CIC(ip, gt, ct) ((ct*)ps_g_type_check_instance_cast((GTypeInstance*) ip, gt))
#define PS_G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST(instance, g_type, c_type) (_PS_G_TYPE_CIC((instance), (g_type), c_type))
#define PS_GTK_TYPE_MENU (ps_gtk_menu_get_type())
#define PS_GTK_TYPE_MENU_SHELL (ps_gtk_menu_shell_get_type())
typedef gulong (*f_g_signal_connect_data)(gpointer instance, const gchar *detailed_signal, GCallback c_handler, gpointer data, GClosureNotify destroy_data, GConnectFlags connect_flags);
f_g_signal_connect_data ps_g_signal_connect_data = 0;
#define ps_g_signal_connect(instance, detailed_signal, c_handler, data) ps_g_signal_connect_data((instance), (detailed_signal), (c_handler), (data), NULL, (GConnectFlags)0)
typedef AppIndicator* (*f_app_indicator_new)(const gchar *id, const gchar *icon_name, AppIndicatorCategory category);
f_app_indicator_new ps_app_indicator_new = 0;
typedef void (*f_app_indicator_set_status)(AppIndicator *self, AppIndicatorStatus status);
f_app_indicator_set_status ps_app_indicator_set_status = 0;
typedef void (*f_app_indicator_set_menu)(AppIndicator *self, GtkMenu *menu);
f_app_indicator_set_menu ps_app_indicator_set_menu = 0;
typedef void (*f_app_indicator_set_icon_full)(AppIndicator *self, const gchar *icon_name, const gchar *icon_desc);
f_app_indicator_set_icon_full ps_app_indicator_set_icon_full = 0;
typedef gboolean (*f_gdk_init_check)(gint *argc, gchar ***argv);
f_gdk_init_check ps_gdk_init_check = 0;
typedef GdkPixbuf* (*f_gdk_pixbuf_new_from_data)(const guchar *data, GdkColorspace colorspace, gboolean has_alpha, int bits_per_sample, int width, int height, int rowstride, GdkPixbufDestroyNotify destroy_fn, gpointer destroy_fn_data);
f_gdk_pixbuf_new_from_data ps_gdk_pixbuf_new_from_data = 0;
typedef GtkStatusIcon* (*f_gtk_status_icon_new_from_pixbuf)(GdkPixbuf *pixbuf);
f_gtk_status_icon_new_from_pixbuf ps_gtk_status_icon_new_from_pixbuf = 0;
typedef void (*f_gtk_status_icon_set_from_pixbuf)(GtkStatusIcon *status_icon, GdkPixbuf *pixbuf);
f_gtk_status_icon_set_from_pixbuf ps_gtk_status_icon_set_from_pixbuf = 0;
typedef void (*f_gtk_status_icon_set_title)(GtkStatusIcon *status_icon, const gchar *title);
f_gtk_status_icon_set_title ps_gtk_status_icon_set_title = 0;
typedef void (*f_gtk_status_icon_set_tooltip_text)(GtkStatusIcon *status_icon, const gchar *title);
f_gtk_status_icon_set_tooltip_text ps_gtk_status_icon_set_tooltip_text = 0;
typedef void (*f_gtk_status_icon_set_visible)(GtkStatusIcon *status_icon, gboolean visible);
f_gtk_status_icon_set_visible ps_gtk_status_icon_set_visible = 0;
typedef gboolean (*f_gtk_status_icon_is_embedded)(GtkStatusIcon *status_icon);
f_gtk_status_icon_is_embedded ps_gtk_status_icon_is_embedded = 0;
typedef gboolean (*f_gtk_status_icon_get_geometry)(GtkStatusIcon *status_icon, GdkScreen **screen, GdkRectangle *area, GtkOrientation *orientation);
f_gtk_status_icon_get_geometry ps_gtk_status_icon_get_geometry = 0;
typedef void (*f_gtk_status_icon_position_menu)(GtkMenu *menu, gint *x, gint *y, gboolean *push_in, gpointer user_data);
f_gtk_status_icon_position_menu ps_gtk_status_icon_position_menu = 0;
typedef void (*f_gtk_menu_popup)(GtkMenu *menu, GtkWidget *parent_menu_shell, GtkWidget *parent_menu_item, GtkMenuPositionFunc func, gpointer data, guint button, guint32 activate_time);
f_gtk_menu_popup ps_gtk_menu_popup = 0;
typedef guint32 (*f_gtk_get_current_event_time)(void);
f_gtk_get_current_event_time ps_gtk_get_current_event_time = 0;
typedef gpointer (*f_g_object_ref_sink)(gpointer object);
f_g_object_ref_sink ps_g_object_ref_sink = 0;
typedef void (*f_g_object_unref)(gpointer object);
f_g_object_unref ps_g_object_unref = 0;
typedef guint (*f_g_idle_add)(GSourceFunc function, gpointer data);
f_g_idle_add ps_g_idle_add = 0;
typedef void (*f_unity_launcher_entry_set_count)(UnityLauncherEntry* self, gint64 value);
f_unity_launcher_entry_set_count ps_unity_launcher_entry_set_count = 0;
typedef void (*f_unity_launcher_entry_set_count_visible)(UnityLauncherEntry* self, gboolean value);
f_unity_launcher_entry_set_count_visible ps_unity_launcher_entry_set_count_visible = 0;
typedef UnityLauncherEntry* (*f_unity_launcher_entry_get_for_desktop_id)(const gchar* desktop_id);
f_unity_launcher_entry_get_for_desktop_id ps_unity_launcher_entry_get_for_desktop_id = 0;
template <typename TFunction>
bool loadFunction(QLibrary &lib, const char *name, TFunction &func) {
if (!lib.isLoaded()) return false;
func = (TFunction)lib.resolve(name);
if (func) {
return true;
} else {
LOG(("Error: failed to load '%1' function!").arg(name));
return false;
void _trayIconPopup(GtkStatusIcon *status_icon, guint button, guint32 activate_time, gpointer popup_menu) {
ps_gtk_menu_popup(PS_GTK_MENU(popup_menu), NULL, NULL, ps_gtk_status_icon_position_menu, status_icon, button, activate_time);
void _trayIconActivate(GtkStatusIcon *status_icon, gpointer popup_menu) {
if (App::wnd()->isActiveWindow() && App::wnd()->isVisible()) {
ps_gtk_menu_popup(PS_GTK_MENU(popup_menu), NULL, NULL, ps_gtk_status_icon_position_menu, status_icon, 0, ps_gtk_get_current_event_time());
} else {
gboolean _trayIconResized(GtkStatusIcon *status_icon, gint size, gpointer popup_menu) {
_trayIconSize = size;
if (App::wnd()) App::wnd()->psUpdateCounter();
return FALSE;
#define QT_RED 3
#define QT_GREEN 2
#define QT_BLUE 1
#define QT_ALPHA 0
#define QT_RED 0
#define QT_GREEN 1
#define QT_BLUE 2
#define QT_ALPHA 3
#define GTK_RED 2
#define GTK_GREEN 1
#define GTK_BLUE 0
#define GTK_ALPHA 3
QImage _trayIconImageGen() {
int32 counter = App::histories().unreadBadge(), counterSlice = (counter >= 1000) ? (1000 + (counter % 100)) : counter;
bool muted = App::histories().unreadOnlyMuted();
if (_trayIconImage.isNull() || _trayIconImage.width() != _trayIconSize || muted != _trayIconMuted || counterSlice != _trayIconCount) {
if (_trayIconImageBack.isNull() || _trayIconImageBack.width() != _trayIconSize) {
_trayIconImageBack = App::wnd()->iconLarge().scaled(_trayIconSize, _trayIconSize, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation);
_trayIconImageBack = _trayIconImageBack.convertToFormat(QImage::Format_ARGB32);
int w = _trayIconImageBack.width(), h = _trayIconImageBack.height(), perline = _trayIconImageBack.bytesPerLine();
uchar *bytes = _trayIconImageBack.bits();
for (int32 y = 0; y < h; ++y) {
for (int32 x = 0; x < w; ++x) {
int32 srcoff = y * perline + x * 4;
bytes[srcoff + QT_RED ] = qMax(bytes[srcoff + QT_RED ], uchar(224));
bytes[srcoff + QT_GREEN] = qMax(bytes[srcoff + QT_GREEN], uchar(165));
bytes[srcoff + QT_BLUE ] = qMax(bytes[srcoff + QT_BLUE ], uchar(44));
_trayIconImage = _trayIconImageBack;
if (counter > 0) {
QPainter p(&_trayIconImage);
int32 layerSize = -16;
if (_trayIconSize >= 48) {
layerSize = -32;
} else if (_trayIconSize >= 36) {
layerSize = -24;
} else if (_trayIconSize >= 32) {
layerSize = -20;
QImage layer = App::wnd()->iconWithCounter(layerSize, counter, (muted ? st::counterMuteBG : st::counterBG), false);
p.drawImage(_trayIconImage.width() - layer.width() - 1, _trayIconImage.height() - layer.height() - 1, layer);
return _trayIconImage;
QString _trayIconImageFile() {
int32 counter = App::histories().unreadBadge(), counterSlice = (counter >= 1000) ? (1000 + (counter % 100)) : counter;
bool muted = App::histories().unreadOnlyMuted();
QString name = cWorkingDir() + qsl("tdata/ticons/ico%1_%2_%3.png").arg(muted ? "mute" : "").arg(_trayIconSize).arg(counterSlice);
QFileInfo info(name);
if (info.exists()) return name;
QImage img = _trayIconImageGen();
if (, "PNG")) return name;
QDir dir(info.absoluteDir());
if (!dir.exists()) {
if (, "PNG")) return name;
return QString();
void loadPixbuf(QImage image) {
int w = image.width(), h = image.height(), perline = image.bytesPerLine(), s = image.byteCount();
_trayPixbufData.resize(w * h * 4);
uchar *result = (uchar*), *bytes = image.bits();
for (int32 y = 0; y < h; ++y) {
for (int32 x = 0; x < w; ++x) {
int32 offset = (y * w + x) * 4, srcoff = y * perline + x * 4;
result[offset + GTK_RED ] = bytes[srcoff + QT_RED ];
result[offset + GTK_GREEN] = bytes[srcoff + QT_GREEN];
result[offset + GTK_BLUE ] = bytes[srcoff + QT_BLUE ];
result[offset + GTK_ALPHA] = bytes[srcoff + QT_ALPHA];
if (_trayPixbuf) ps_g_object_unref(_trayPixbuf);
_trayPixbuf = ps_gdk_pixbuf_new_from_data(result, GDK_COLORSPACE_RGB, true, 8, w, h, w * 4, 0, 0);
void _trayMenuCallback(GtkMenu *menu, gpointer data) {
for (int32 i = 0, l = _trayItems.size(); i < l; ++i) {
if ((void*) == (void*)menu) {
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(, "triggered");
static gboolean _trayIconCheck(gpointer/* pIn*/) {
if (useStatusIcon && !trayIconChecked) {
if (ps_gtk_status_icon_is_embedded(_trayIcon)) {
trayIconChecked = true;
if (App::wnd()) {
return FALSE;
bool loadLibrary(QLibrary &lib, const char *name, int version) {
DEBUG_LOG(("Loading '%1' with version %2...").arg(QLatin1String(name)).arg(version));
lib.setFileNameAndVersion(QLatin1String(name), version);
if (lib.load()) {
DEBUG_LOG(("Loaded '%1' with version %2!").arg(QLatin1String(name)).arg(version));
return true;
lib.setFileNameAndVersion(QLatin1String(name), QString());
if (lib.load()) {
DEBUG_LOG(("Loaded '%1' without version!").arg(QLatin1String(name)));
return true;
LOG(("Could not load '%1' with version %2 :(").arg(QLatin1String(name)).arg(version));
return false;
void setupGtkBase(QLibrary &lib_gtk) {
if (!loadFunction(lib_gtk, "gtk_init_check", ps_gtk_init_check)) return;
if (!loadFunction(lib_gtk, "gtk_menu_new", ps_gtk_menu_new)) return;
if (!loadFunction(lib_gtk, "gtk_menu_get_type", ps_gtk_menu_get_type)) return;
if (!loadFunction(lib_gtk, "gtk_menu_item_new_with_label", ps_gtk_menu_item_new_with_label)) return;
if (!loadFunction(lib_gtk, "gtk_menu_item_set_label", ps_gtk_menu_item_set_label)) return;
if (!loadFunction(lib_gtk, "gtk_menu_shell_append", ps_gtk_menu_shell_append)) return;
if (!loadFunction(lib_gtk, "gtk_menu_shell_get_type", ps_gtk_menu_shell_get_type)) return;
if (!loadFunction(lib_gtk, "gtk_widget_show", ps_gtk_widget_show)) return;
if (!loadFunction(lib_gtk, "gtk_widget_get_toplevel", ps_gtk_widget_get_toplevel)) return;
if (!loadFunction(lib_gtk, "gtk_widget_get_visible", ps_gtk_widget_get_visible)) return;
if (!loadFunction(lib_gtk, "gtk_widget_set_sensitive", ps_gtk_widget_set_sensitive)) return;
if (!loadFunction(lib_gtk, "g_type_check_instance_cast", ps_g_type_check_instance_cast)) return;
if (!loadFunction(lib_gtk, "g_signal_connect_data", ps_g_signal_connect_data)) return;
if (!loadFunction(lib_gtk, "g_object_ref_sink", ps_g_object_ref_sink)) return;
if (!loadFunction(lib_gtk, "g_object_unref", ps_g_object_unref)) return;
DEBUG_LOG(("Library gtk functions loaded!"));
if (ps_gtk_init_check(0, 0)) {
DEBUG_LOG(("Checked gtk with gtk_init_check!"));
useGtkBase = true;
} else {
DEBUG_LOG(("Failed to gtk_init_check(0, 0)!"));
void setupAppIndicator(QLibrary &lib_indicator) {
if (!loadFunction(lib_indicator, "app_indicator_new", ps_app_indicator_new)) return;
if (!loadFunction(lib_indicator, "app_indicator_set_status", ps_app_indicator_set_status)) return;
if (!loadFunction(lib_indicator, "app_indicator_set_menu", ps_app_indicator_set_menu)) return;
if (!loadFunction(lib_indicator, "app_indicator_set_icon_full", ps_app_indicator_set_icon_full)) return;
useAppIndicator = true;
DEBUG_LOG(("Library appindicator functions loaded!"));
void setupGtk() {
QLibrary lib_gtk, lib_indicator;
if (!noQtTrayIcon && !tryAppIndicator) {
if (!noTryUnity) {
if (loadLibrary(lib_gtk, "gtk-3", 0)) {
if (!useGtkBase) {
if (loadLibrary(lib_gtk, "gtk-x11-2.0", 0)) {
if (!useGtkBase) {
noTryUnity = true;
if (loadLibrary(lib_indicator, "appindicator3", 1)) {
if (loadLibrary(lib_gtk, "gtk-3", 0)) {
if (!useGtkBase || !useAppIndicator) {
if (loadLibrary(lib_indicator, "appindicator", 1)) {
if (loadLibrary(lib_gtk, "gtk-x11-2.0", 0)) {
useGtkBase = useAppIndicator = false;
if (tryAppIndicator) {
if (useGtkBase && useAppIndicator) {
noQtTrayIcon = true;
if (!useGtkBase && lib_gtk.isLoaded()) {
LOG(("Could not load appindicator, trying to load gtk..."));
if (!useGtkBase) {
useAppIndicator = false;
LOG(("Could not load gtk-x11-2.0!"));
if (!loadFunction(lib_gtk, "gdk_init_check", ps_gdk_init_check)) return;
if (!loadFunction(lib_gtk, "gdk_pixbuf_new_from_data", ps_gdk_pixbuf_new_from_data)) return;
if (!loadFunction(lib_gtk, "gtk_status_icon_new_from_pixbuf", ps_gtk_status_icon_new_from_pixbuf)) return;
if (!loadFunction(lib_gtk, "gtk_status_icon_set_from_pixbuf", ps_gtk_status_icon_set_from_pixbuf)) return;
if (!loadFunction(lib_gtk, "gtk_status_icon_set_title", ps_gtk_status_icon_set_title)) return;
if (!loadFunction(lib_gtk, "gtk_status_icon_set_tooltip_text", ps_gtk_status_icon_set_tooltip_text)) return;
if (!loadFunction(lib_gtk, "gtk_status_icon_set_visible", ps_gtk_status_icon_set_visible)) return;
if (!loadFunction(lib_gtk, "gtk_status_icon_is_embedded", ps_gtk_status_icon_is_embedded)) return;
if (!loadFunction(lib_gtk, "gtk_status_icon_get_geometry", ps_gtk_status_icon_get_geometry)) return;
if (!loadFunction(lib_gtk, "gtk_status_icon_position_menu", ps_gtk_status_icon_position_menu)) return;
if (!loadFunction(lib_gtk, "gtk_menu_popup", ps_gtk_menu_popup)) return;
if (!loadFunction(lib_gtk, "gtk_get_current_event_time", ps_gtk_get_current_event_time)) return;
if (!loadFunction(lib_gtk, "g_idle_add", ps_g_idle_add)) return;
useStatusIcon = true;
DEBUG_LOG(("Status icon api loaded!"));
void setupUnity() {
if (noTryUnity) return;
QLibrary lib_unity(qstr("unity"), 9, 0);
if (!loadLibrary(lib_unity, "unity", 9)) return;
if (!loadFunction(lib_unity, "unity_launcher_entry_get_for_desktop_id", ps_unity_launcher_entry_get_for_desktop_id)) return;
if (!loadFunction(lib_unity, "unity_launcher_entry_set_count", ps_unity_launcher_entry_set_count)) return;
if (!loadFunction(lib_unity, "unity_launcher_entry_set_count_visible", ps_unity_launcher_entry_set_count_visible)) return;
useUnityCount = true;
DEBUG_LOG(("Unity count api loaded!"));
class _PsEventFilter : public QAbstractNativeEventFilter {
_PsEventFilter() {
bool nativeEventFilter(const QByteArray &eventType, void *message, long *result) {
auto wnd = App::wnd();
if (!wnd) return false;
return false;
_PsEventFilter *_psEventFilter = 0;
UnityLauncherEntry *_psUnityLauncherEntry = 0;
namespace {
QRect _monitorRect;
uint64 _monitorLastGot = 0;
QRect psDesktopRect() {
uint64 tnow = getms();
if (tnow > _monitorLastGot + 1000 || tnow < _monitorLastGot) {
_monitorLastGot = tnow;
_monitorRect = QApplication::desktop()->availableGeometry(App::wnd());
return _monitorRect;
void psShowOverAll(QWidget *w, bool canFocus) {
void psBringToBack(QWidget *w) {
void PsMainWindow::psActivateNotify(NotifyWindow *w) {
void PsMainWindow::psClearNotifies(PeerId peerId) {
void PsMainWindow::psNotifyShown(NotifyWindow *w) {
void PsMainWindow::psPlatformNotify(HistoryItem *item, int32 fwdCount) {
QAbstractNativeEventFilter *psNativeEventFilter() {
delete _psEventFilter;
_psEventFilter = new _PsEventFilter();
return _psEventFilter;
void psWriteDump() {
QString demanglestr(const QString &mangled) {
if (mangled.isEmpty()) return mangled;
QByteArray cmd = ("c++filt -n " + mangled).toUtf8();
FILE *f = popen(cmd.constData(), "r");
if (!f) return "BAD_SYMBOL_" + mangled;
QString result;
char buffer[4096] = { 0 };
while (!feof(f)) {
if (fgets(buffer, 4096, f) != NULL) {
result += buffer;
return result.trimmed();
QStringList addr2linestr(uint64 *addresses, int count) {
QStringList result;
if (!count) return result;
QByteArray cmd = "addr2line -e " + escapeShell(QFile::encodeName(cExeDir() + cExeName()));
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
if (addresses[i]) {
cmd += qsl(" 0x%1").arg(addresses[i], 0, 16).toUtf8();
FILE *f = popen(cmd.constData(), "r");
QStringList addr2lineResult;
if (f) {
char buffer[4096] = {0};
while (!feof(f)) {
if (fgets(buffer, 4096, f) != NULL) {
for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < count; ++i) {
if (addresses[i]) {
if (j < addr2lineResult.size() && ! && !"0x"))) {
QString res =;
if (int index = res.indexOf(qstr("/Telegram/"))) {
if (index > 0) {
res = res.mid(index + qstr("/Telegram/").size());
} else {
} else {
return result;
QString psPrepareCrashDump(const QByteArray &crashdump, QString dumpfile) {
QString initial = QString::fromUtf8(crashdump), result;
QStringList lines = initial.split('\n');
int32 i = 0, l = lines.size();
while (i < l) {
uint64 addresses[1024] = { 0 };
for (; i < l; ++i) {
QString line =;
if (line == qstr("Backtrace:")) {
int32 start = i;
for (; i < l; ++i) {
QString line =;
if (line.isEmpty()) break;
QRegularExpressionMatch m1 = QRegularExpression(qsl("^(.+)\\(([^+]+)\\+([^\\)]+)\\)\\[(.+)\\]$")).match(line);
QRegularExpressionMatch m2 = QRegularExpression(qsl("^(.+)\\[(.+)\\]$")).match(line);
QString addrstr = m1.hasMatch() ? m1.captured(4) : (m2.hasMatch() ? m2.captured(2) : QString());
if (!addrstr.isEmpty()) {
uint64 addr = addrstr.startsWith(qstr("0x")) ? addrstr.mid(2).toULongLong(0, 16) : addrstr.toULongLong();
if (addr > 1) {
addresses[i - start] = addr;
QStringList addr2line = addr2linestr(addresses, i - start);
for (i = start; i < l; ++i) {
QString line =;
if (line.isEmpty()) break;
result.append(qsl("\n%1. ").arg(i - start));
if (line.startsWith(qstr("ERROR: "))) {
if (line == qstr("[0x1]")) {
result.append(qsl("(0x1 separator)\n"));
QRegularExpressionMatch m1 = QRegularExpression(qsl("^(.+)\\(([^+]*)\\+([^\\)]+)\\)(.+)$")).match(line);
QRegularExpressionMatch m2 = QRegularExpression(qsl("^(.+)\\[(.+)\\]$")).match(line);
if (!m1.hasMatch() && !m2.hasMatch()) {
result.append(qstr("BAD LINE: ")).append(line).append('\n');
if (m1.hasMatch()) {
result.append(demanglestr(m1.captured(2))).append(qsl(" + ")).append(m1.captured(3)).append(qsl(" [")).append(m1.captured(1)).append(qsl("] "));
if (! - start).isEmpty() && - start) != qsl("??:0")) {
result.append(qsl(" (")).append( - start)).append(qsl(")\n"));
} else {
result.append(m1.captured(4)).append(qsl(" (demangled)")).append('\n');
} else {
if (! - start).isEmpty() && - start) != qsl("??:0")) {
result.append(qsl(" (")).append( - start)).append(qsl(")\n"));
} else {
result.append(' ').append(m2.captured(2)).append('\n');
return result;
bool _removeDirectory(const QString &path) { // from
QByteArray pathRaw = QFile::encodeName(path);
DIR *d = opendir(pathRaw.constData());
if (!d) return false;
while (struct dirent *p = readdir(d)) {
/* Skip the names "." and ".." as we don't want to recurse on them. */
if (!strcmp(p->d_name, ".") || !strcmp(p->d_name, "..")) continue;
QString fname = path + '/' + p->d_name;
QByteArray fnameRaw = QFile::encodeName(fname);
struct stat statbuf;
if (!stat(fnameRaw.constData(), &statbuf)) {
if (S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)) {
if (!_removeDirectory(fname)) {
return false;
} else {
if (unlink(fnameRaw.constData())) {
return false;
return !rmdir(pathRaw.constData());
void psDeleteDir(const QString &dir) {
namespace {
uint64 _lastUserAction = 0;
void psUserActionDone() {
_lastUserAction = getms(true);
bool psIdleSupported() {
return false;
uint64 psIdleTime() {
return getms(true) - _lastUserAction;
bool psSkipAudioNotify() {
return false;
bool psSkipDesktopNotify() {
return false;
void psActivateProcess(uint64 pid) {
// objc_activateProgram();
QString psCurrentCountry() {
QString country;// = objc_currentCountry();
return country.isEmpty() ? QString::fromLatin1(DefaultCountry) : country;
QString psCurrentLanguage() {
QString lng;// = objc_currentLang();
return lng.isEmpty() ? QString::fromLatin1(DefaultLanguage) : lng;
namespace {
QString _psHomeDir() {
struct passwd *pw = getpwuid(getuid());
return (pw && pw->pw_dir && strlen(pw->pw_dir)) ? (QFile::decodeName(pw->pw_dir) + '/') : QString();
QString psAppDataPath() {
QString home(_psHomeDir());
return home.isEmpty() ? QString() : (home + qsl(".TelegramDesktop/"));
QString psDownloadPath() {
return QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::DownloadLocation) + '/' + str_const_toString(AppName) + '/';
QString psCurrentExeDirectory(int argc, char *argv[]) {
QString first = argc ? QFile::decodeName(argv[0]) : QString();
if (!first.isEmpty()) {
QFileInfo info(first);
if (info.isSymLink()) {
info = info.symLinkTarget();
if (info.exists()) {
return QDir(info.absolutePath()).absolutePath() + '/';
return QString();
QString psCurrentExeName(int argc, char *argv[]) {
QString first = argc ? QFile::decodeName(argv[0]) : QString();
if (!first.isEmpty()) {
QFileInfo info(first);
if (info.isSymLink()) {
info = info.symLinkTarget();
if (info.exists()) {
return info.fileName();
return QString();
void psDoCleanup() {
try {
psAutoStart(false, true);
psSendToMenu(false, true);
} catch (...) {
int psCleanup() {
return 0;
void psDoFixPrevious() {
int psFixPrevious() {
return 0;
void psPostprocessFile(const QString &name) {
void psOpenFile(const QString &name, bool openWith) {
void psShowInFolder(const QString &name) {
system(("xdg-open " + escapeShell(QFile::encodeName(QFileInfo(name).absoluteDir().absolutePath()))).constData());
namespace Platform {
void start() {
void finish() {
delete _psEventFilter;
_psEventFilter = nullptr;
namespace ThirdParty {
void start() {
QString cdesktop = QString(getenv("XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP")).toLower();
noQtTrayIcon = (cdesktop == qstr("pantheon")) || (cdesktop == qstr("gnome"));
tryAppIndicator = (cdesktop == qstr("xfce"));
noTryUnity = (cdesktop != qstr("unity"));
if (noQtTrayIcon) cSetSupportTray(false);
DEBUG_LOG(("Loading libraries"));
void finish() {
} // namespace ThirdParty
} // namespace Platform
namespace {
bool _psRunCommand(const QByteArray &command) {
int result = system(command.constData());
if (result) {
DEBUG_LOG(("App Error: command failed, code: %1, command (in utf8): %2").arg(result).arg(command.constData()));
return false;
DEBUG_LOG(("App Info: command succeeded, command (in utf8): %1").arg(command.constData()));
return true;
void psRegisterCustomScheme() {
QString home(_psHomeDir());
if (home.isEmpty() || cBetaVersion()) return; // don't update desktop file for beta version
DEBUG_LOG(("App Info: placing .desktop file"));
if (QDir(home + qsl(".local/")).exists()) {
QString apps = home + qsl(".local/share/applications/");
QString icons = home + qsl(".local/share/icons/");
if (!QDir(apps).exists()) QDir().mkpath(apps);
if (!QDir(icons).exists()) QDir().mkpath(icons);
QString path = cWorkingDir() + qsl("tdata/"), file = path + qsl("telegramdesktop.desktop");
QFile f(file);
if ( {
QString icon = icons + qsl("telegram.png");
if (!QFile(icon).exists()) {
if (QFile(qsl(":/gui/art/icon256.png")).copy(icon)) {
DEBUG_LOG(("App Info: Icon copied to 'tdata'"));
QTextStream s(&f);
s << "[Desktop Entry]\n";
s << "Encoding=UTF-8\n";
s << "Version=1.0\n";
s << "Name=Telegram Desktop\n";
s << "Comment=Official desktop version of Telegram messaging app\n";
s << "Exec=" << escapeShell(QFile::encodeName(cExeDir() + cExeName())) << " -- %u\n";
s << "Icon=telegram\n";
s << "Terminal=false\n";
s << "StartupWMClass=Telegram\n";
s << "Type=Application\n";
s << "Categories=Network;\n";
s << "MimeType=x-scheme-handler/tg;\n";
if (_psRunCommand("desktop-file-install --dir=" + escapeShell(QFile::encodeName(home + qsl(".local/share/applications"))) + " --delete-original " + escapeShell(QFile::encodeName(file)))) {
DEBUG_LOG(("App Info: removing old .desktop file"));
_psRunCommand("update-desktop-database " + escapeShell(QFile::encodeName(home + qsl(".local/share/applications"))));
_psRunCommand("xdg-mime default telegramdesktop.desktop x-scheme-handler/tg");
} else {
LOG(("App Error: Could not open '%1' for write").arg(file));
DEBUG_LOG(("App Info: registerting for Gnome"));
if (_psRunCommand("gconftool-2 -t string -s /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/tg/command " + escapeShell(escapeShell(QFile::encodeName(cExeDir() + cExeName())) + " -- %s"))) {
_psRunCommand("gconftool-2 -t bool -s /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/tg/needs_terminal false");
_psRunCommand("gconftool-2 -t bool -s /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/tg/enabled true");
DEBUG_LOG(("App Info: placing .protocol file"));
QString services;
if (QDir(home + qsl(".kde4/")).exists()) {
services = home + qsl(".kde4/share/kde4/services/");
} else if (QDir(home + qsl(".kde/")).exists()) {
services = home + qsl(".kde/share/kde4/services/");
if (!services.isEmpty()) {
if (!QDir(services).exists()) QDir().mkpath(services);
QString path = services, file = path + qsl("tg.protocol");
QFile f(file);
if ( {
QTextStream s(&f);
s << "[Protocol]\n";
s << "exec=" << QFile::decodeName(escapeShell(QFile::encodeName(cExeDir() + cExeName()))) << " -- %u\n";
s << "protocol=tg\n";
s << "input=none\n";
s << "output=none\n";
s << "helper=true\n";
s << "listing=false\n";
s << "reading=false\n";
s << "writing=false\n";
s << "makedir=false\n";
s << "deleting=false\n";
} else {
LOG(("App Error: Could not open '%1' for write").arg(file));
void psNewVersion() {
bool _execUpdater(bool update = true, const QString &crashreport = QString()) {
static const int MaxLen = 65536, MaxArgsCount = 128;
char path[MaxLen] = {0};
QByteArray data(QFile::encodeName(cExeDir() + "Updater"));
memcpy(path, data.constData(), data.size());
char *args[MaxArgsCount] = {0}, p_noupdate[] = "-noupdate", p_autostart[] = "-autostart", p_debug[] = "-debug", p_tosettings[] = "-tosettings", p_key[] = "-key", p_path[] = "-workpath", p_startintray[] = "-startintray", p_testmode[] = "-testmode", p_crashreport[] = "-crashreport";
char p_datafile[MaxLen] = {0}, p_pathbuf[MaxLen] = {0}, p_crashreportbuf[MaxLen] = {0};
int argIndex = 0;
args[argIndex++] = path;
if (!update) {
args[argIndex++] = p_noupdate;
args[argIndex++] = p_tosettings;
if (cLaunchMode() == LaunchModeAutoStart) args[argIndex++] = p_autostart;
if (cDebug()) args[argIndex++] = p_debug;
if (cStartInTray()) args[argIndex++] = p_startintray;
if (cTestMode()) args[argIndex++] = p_testmode;
if (cDataFile() != qsl("data")) {
QByteArray dataf = QFile::encodeName(cDataFile());
if (dataf.size() < MaxLen) {
memcpy(p_datafile, dataf.constData(), dataf.size());
args[argIndex++] = p_key;
args[argIndex++] = p_datafile;
QByteArray pathf = QFile::encodeName(cWorkingDir());
if (pathf.size() < MaxLen) {
memcpy(p_pathbuf, pathf.constData(), pathf.size());
args[argIndex++] = p_path;
args[argIndex++] = p_pathbuf;
if (!crashreport.isEmpty()) {
QByteArray crashreportf = QFile::encodeName(crashreport);
if (crashreportf.size() < MaxLen) {
memcpy(p_crashreportbuf, crashreportf.constData(), crashreportf.size());
args[argIndex++] = p_crashreport;
args[argIndex++] = p_crashreportbuf;
pid_t pid = fork();
switch (pid) {
case -1: return false;
case 0: execv(path, args); return false;
return true;
void psExecUpdater() {
if (!_execUpdater()) {
psDeleteDir(cWorkingDir() + qsl("tupdates/temp"));
void psExecTelegram(const QString &crashreport) {
_execUpdater(false, crashreport);
bool psShowOpenWithMenu(int x, int y, const QString &file) {
return false;
void psAutoStart(bool start, bool silent) {
void psSendToMenu(bool send, bool silent) {
void psUpdateOverlayed(QWidget *widget) {
bool linuxMoveFile(const char *from, const char *to) {
FILE *ffrom = fopen(from, "rb"), *fto = fopen(to, "wb");
if (!ffrom) {
if (fto) fclose(fto);
return false;
if (!fto) {
return false;
static const int BufSize = 65536;
char buf[BufSize];
while (size_t size = fread(buf, 1, BufSize, ffrom)) {
fwrite(buf, 1, size, fto);
struct stat fst; // from
//let's say this wont fail since you already worked OK on that fp
if (fstat(fileno(ffrom), &fst) != 0) {
return false;
//update to the same uid/gid
if (fchown(fileno(fto), fst.st_uid, fst.st_gid) != 0) {
return false;
//update the permissions
if (fchmod(fileno(fto), fst.st_mode) != 0) {
return false;
if (unlink(from)) {
return false;
return true;
bool psLaunchMaps(const LocationCoords &coords) {
return false;