mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 04:56:43 -04:00
1340 lines
36 KiB
1340 lines
36 KiB
This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#include "export/output/export_output_html.h"
#include "export/output/export_output_result.h"
#include "export/data/export_data_types.h"
#include "core/utils.h"
#include <QtCore/QFile>
namespace Export {
namespace Output {
namespace {
constexpr auto kMessagesInFile = 1000;
const auto kLineBreak = QByteArrayLiteral("<br>");
QByteArray SerializeString(const QByteArray &value) {
const auto size = value.size();
const auto begin = value.data();
const auto end = begin + size;
auto result = QByteArray();
result.reserve(size * 6);
for (auto p = begin; p != end; ++p) {
const auto ch = *p;
if (ch == '\n') {
result.append("<br>", 4);
} else if (ch == '"') {
result.append(""", 6);
} else if (ch == '&') {
result.append("&", 5);
} else if (ch == '\'') {
result.append("'", 6);
} else if (ch == '<') {
result.append("<", 4);
} else if (ch == '>') {
result.append(">", 4);
} else if (ch >= 0 && ch < 32) {
result.append("&#x", 3).append('0' + (ch >> 4));
const auto left = (ch & 0x0F);
if (left >= 10) {
result.append('A' + (left - 10));
} else {
result.append('0' + left);
} else if (ch == char(0xE2)
&& (p + 2 < end)
&& *(p + 1) == char(0x80)) {
if (*(p + 2) == char(0xA8)) { // Line separator.
result.append("<br>", 4);
} else if (*(p + 2) == char(0xA9)) { // Paragraph separator.
result.append("<br>", 4);
} else {
} else {
return result;
QByteArray MakeLinks(const QByteArray &value) {
const auto domain = QByteArray("https://telegram.org/");
auto result = QByteArray();
auto offset = 0;
while (true) {
const auto start = value.indexOf(domain, offset);
if (start < 0) {
auto end = start + domain.size();
for (; end != value.size(); ++end) {
const auto ch = value[end];
if ((ch < 'a' || ch > 'z')
&& (ch < 'A' || ch > 'Z')
&& (ch < '0' || ch > '9')
&& (ch != '-')
&& (ch != '_')
&& (ch != '/')) {
if (start > offset) {
const auto link = value.mid(start, end - start);
result.append(value.mid(offset, start - offset));
result.append("<a href=\"").append(link).append("\">");
offset = end;
if (result.isEmpty()) {
return value;
if (offset < value.size()) {
return result;
void SerializeMultiline(
QByteArray &appendTo,
const QByteArray &value,
int newline) {
const auto data = value.data();
auto offset = 0;
do {
appendTo.append("> ");
const auto win = (newline > 0 && *(data + newline - 1) == '\r');
if (win) --newline;
appendTo.append(data + offset, newline - offset).append(kLineBreak);
if (win) ++newline;
offset = newline + 1;
newline = value.indexOf('\n', offset);
} while (newline > 0);
if (const auto size = value.size(); size > offset) {
appendTo.append("> ");
appendTo.append(data + offset, size - offset).append(kLineBreak);
QByteArray JoinList(
const QByteArray &separator,
const std::vector<QByteArray> &list) {
if (list.empty()) {
return QByteArray();
} else if (list.size() == 1) {
return list[0];
auto size = (list.size() - 1) * separator.size();
for (const auto &value : list) {
size += value.size();
auto result = QByteArray();
auto counter = 0;
while (true) {
if (++counter == list.size()) {
} else {
return result;
QByteArray SerializeKeyValue(
std::vector<std::pair<QByteArray, QByteArray>> &&values) {
auto result = QByteArray();
for (const auto &[key, value] : values) {
if (value.isEmpty()) {
if (const auto newline = value.indexOf('\n'); newline >= 0) {
SerializeMultiline(result, value, newline);
} else {
result.append(": ").append(value).append(kLineBreak);
return result;
Data::Utf8String FormatUsername(const Data::Utf8String &username) {
return username.isEmpty() ? username : ('@' + username);
QByteArray FormatFilePath(const Data::File &file) {
return file.relativePath.toUtf8();
QByteArray SerializeLink(
const Data::Utf8String &text,
const QString &path) {
return "<a href=\"" + path.toUtf8() + "\">" + text + "</a>";
QByteArray SerializeMessage(
Fn<QString(QString)> relativePath,
const Data::Message &message,
const std::map<Data::PeerId, Data::Peer> &peers,
const QString &internalLinksDomain) {
using namespace Data;
if (message.media.content.is<UnsupportedMedia>()) {
return SerializeString("Error! This message is not supported "
"by this version of Telegram Desktop. "
"Please update the application.");
const auto peer = [&](PeerId peerId) -> const Peer& {
if (const auto i = peers.find(peerId); i != end(peers)) {
return i->second;
static auto empty = Peer{ User() };
return empty;
const auto user = [&](int32 userId) -> const User& {
if (const auto result = peer(UserPeerId(userId)).user()) {
return *result;
static auto empty = User();
return empty;
const auto chat = [&](int32 chatId) -> const Chat& {
if (const auto result = peer(ChatPeerId(chatId)).chat()) {
return *result;
static auto empty = Chat();
return empty;
auto values = std::vector<std::pair<QByteArray, QByteArray>>{
{ "ID", SerializeString(NumberToString(message.id)) },
{ "Date", SerializeString(FormatDateTime(message.date)) },
{ "Edited", SerializeString(FormatDateTime(message.edited)) },
const auto pushBare = [&](
const QByteArray &key,
const QByteArray &value) {
values.emplace_back(key, value);
const auto push = [&](const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) {
if (!value.isEmpty()) {
pushBare(key, SerializeString(value));
const auto wrapPeerName = [&](PeerId peerId) {
const auto result = peer(peerId).name();
return result.isEmpty() ? QByteArray("(deleted peer)") : result;
const auto wrapUserName = [&](int32 userId) {
const auto result = user(userId).name();
return result.isEmpty() ? QByteArray("(deleted user)") : result;
const auto pushFrom = [&](const QByteArray &label = "From") {
if (message.fromId) {
push(label, wrapUserName(message.fromId));
const auto pushReplyToMsgId = [&](
const QByteArray &label = "Reply to message") {
if (message.replyToMsgId) {
push(label, "ID-" + NumberToString(message.replyToMsgId));
const auto pushUserNames = [&](
const std::vector<int32> &data,
const QByteArray &labelOne = "Member",
const QByteArray &labelMany = "Members") {
auto list = std::vector<QByteArray>();
for (const auto userId : data) {
if (list.size() == 1) {
pushBare(labelOne, list[0]);
} else if (!list.empty()) {
pushBare(labelMany, JoinList(", ", list));
const auto pushActor = [&] {
const auto pushAction = [&](const QByteArray &action) {
push("Action", action);
const auto pushTTL = [&](
const QByteArray &label = "Self destruct period") {
if (const auto ttl = message.media.ttl) {
push(label, NumberToString(ttl) + " sec.");
using SkipReason = Data::File::SkipReason;
const auto pushPath = [&](
const Data::File &file,
const QByteArray &label,
const QByteArray &name = QByteArray()) {
|| file.skipReason != SkipReason::None);
pushBare(label, [&]() -> QByteArray {
const auto pre = name.isEmpty()
? QByteArray()
: SerializeString(name + ' ');
switch (file.skipReason) {
case SkipReason::Unavailable:
return pre + "(" + label + " unavailable, "
"please try again later)";
case SkipReason::FileSize:
return pre + "(" + label + " exceeds maximum size. "
"Change data exporting settings to download.)";
case SkipReason::FileType:
return pre + "(" + label + " not included. "
"Change data exporting settings to download.)";
case SkipReason::None: return SerializeLink(
Unexpected("Skip reason while writing file path.");
const auto pushPhoto = [&](const Image &image) {
pushPath(image.file, "Photo");
if (image.width && image.height) {
push("Width", NumberToString(image.width));
push("Height", NumberToString(image.height));
message.action.content.match([&](const ActionChatCreate &data) {
pushAction("Create group");
push("Title", data.title);
}, [&](const ActionChatEditTitle &data) {
pushAction("Edit group title");
push("New title", data.title);
}, [&](const ActionChatEditPhoto &data) {
pushAction("Edit group photo");
}, [&](const ActionChatDeletePhoto &data) {
pushAction("Delete group photo");
}, [&](const ActionChatAddUser &data) {
pushAction("Invite members");
}, [&](const ActionChatDeleteUser &data) {
pushAction("Remove members");
push("Member", wrapUserName(data.userId));
}, [&](const ActionChatJoinedByLink &data) {
pushAction("Join group by link");
push("Inviter", wrapUserName(data.inviterId));
}, [&](const ActionChannelCreate &data) {
pushAction("Create channel");
push("Title", data.title);
}, [&](const ActionChatMigrateTo &data) {
pushAction("Convert this group to supergroup");
}, [&](const ActionChannelMigrateFrom &data) {
pushAction("Basic group converted to supergroup");
push("Title", data.title);
}, [&](const ActionPinMessage &data) {
pushAction("Pin message");
}, [&](const ActionHistoryClear &data) {
pushAction("Clear history");
}, [&](const ActionGameScore &data) {
pushAction("Score in a game");
pushReplyToMsgId("Game message");
push("Score", NumberToString(data.score));
}, [&](const ActionPaymentSent &data) {
pushAction("Send payment");
Data::FormatMoneyAmount(data.amount, data.currency));
pushReplyToMsgId("Invoice message");
}, [&](const ActionPhoneCall &data) {
pushAction("Phone call");
if (data.duration) {
push("Duration", NumberToString(data.duration) + " sec.");
using Reason = ActionPhoneCall::DiscardReason;
push("Discard reason", [&] {
switch (data.discardReason) {
case Reason::Busy: return "Busy";
case Reason::Disconnect: return "Disconnect";
case Reason::Hangup: return "Hangup";
case Reason::Missed: return "Missed";
return "";
}, [&](const ActionScreenshotTaken &data) {
pushAction("Take screenshot");
}, [&](const ActionCustomAction &data) {
push("Information", data.message);
}, [&](const ActionBotAllowed &data) {
pushAction("Allow sending messages");
push("Reason", "Login on \"" + data.domain + "\"");
}, [&](const ActionSecureValuesSent &data) {
pushAction("Send Telegram Passport values");
auto list = std::vector<QByteArray>();
for (const auto type : data.types) {
list.push_back([&] {
using Type = ActionSecureValuesSent::Type;
switch (type) {
case Type::PersonalDetails: return "Personal details";
case Type::Passport: return "Passport";
case Type::DriverLicense: return "Driver license";
case Type::IdentityCard: return "Identity card";
case Type::InternalPassport: return "Internal passport";
case Type::Address: return "Address information";
case Type::UtilityBill: return "Utility bill";
case Type::BankStatement: return "Bank statement";
case Type::RentalAgreement: return "Rental agreement";
case Type::PassportRegistration:
return "Passport registration";
case Type::TemporaryRegistration:
return "Temporary registration";
case Type::Phone: return "Phone number";
case Type::Email: return "Email";
return "";
if (list.size() == 1) {
push("Value", list[0]);
} else if (!list.empty()) {
push("Values", JoinList(", ", list));
}, [](const base::none_type &) {});
if (!message.action.content) {
push("Author", message.signature);
if (message.forwardedFromId) {
push("Forwarded from", wrapPeerName(message.forwardedFromId));
if (message.viaBotId) {
push("Via", user(message.viaBotId).username);
message.media.content.match([&](const Photo &photo) {
}, [&](const Document &data) {
const auto pushMyPath = [&](const QByteArray &label) {
return pushPath(data.file, label);
if (data.isSticker) {
push("Emoji", data.stickerEmoji);
} else if (data.isVideoMessage) {
pushMyPath("Video message");
} else if (data.isVoiceMessage) {
pushMyPath("Voice message");
} else if (data.isAnimated) {
} else if (data.isVideoFile) {
pushMyPath("Video file");
} else if (data.isAudioFile) {
pushMyPath("Audio file");
push("Performer", data.songPerformer);
push("Title", data.songTitle);
} else {
if (!data.isSticker) {
push("Mime type", data.mime);
if (data.duration) {
push("Duration", NumberToString(data.duration) + " sec.");
if (data.width && data.height) {
push("Width", NumberToString(data.width));
push("Height", NumberToString(data.height));
}, [&](const SharedContact &data) {
pushBare("Contact information", SerializeKeyValue({
{ "First name", data.info.firstName },
{ "Last name", data.info.lastName },
{ "Phone number", FormatPhoneNumber(data.info.phoneNumber) },
if (!data.vcard.content.isEmpty()) {
pushPath(data.vcard, "Contact vcard");
}, [&](const GeoPoint &data) {
pushBare("Location", data.valid ? SerializeKeyValue({
{ "Latitude", NumberToString(data.latitude) },
{ "Longitude", NumberToString(data.longitude) },
}) : QByteArray("(empty value)"));
pushTTL("Live location period");
}, [&](const Venue &data) {
push("Place name", data.title);
push("Address", data.address);
if (data.point.valid) {
pushBare("Location", SerializeKeyValue({
{ "Latitude", NumberToString(data.point.latitude) },
{ "Longitude", NumberToString(data.point.longitude) },
}, [&](const Game &data) {
push("Game", data.title);
push("Description", data.description);
if (data.botId != 0 && !data.shortName.isEmpty()) {
const auto bot = user(data.botId);
if (bot.isBot && !bot.username.isEmpty()) {
push("Link", internalLinksDomain.toUtf8()
+ bot.username
+ "?game="
+ data.shortName);
}, [&](const Invoice &data) {
pushBare("Invoice", SerializeKeyValue({
{ "Title", data.title },
{ "Description", data.description },
Data::FormatMoneyAmount(data.amount, data.currency)
{ "Receipt message", (data.receiptMsgId
? "ID-" + NumberToString(data.receiptMsgId)
: QByteArray()) }
}, [](const UnsupportedMedia &data) {
Unexpected("Unsupported message.");
}, [](const base::none_type &) {});
auto value = JoinList(QByteArray(), ranges::view::all(
) | ranges::view::transform([&](const Data::TextPart &part) {
const auto text = SerializeString(part.text);
using Type = Data::TextPart::Type;
switch (part.type) {
case Type::Text: return text;
case Type::Unknown: return text;
case Type::Mention:
return "<a href=\""
+ internalLinksDomain.toUtf8()
+ text.mid(1)
+ "\">" + text + "</a>";
case Type::Hashtag: return "<a href=\"#hash-"
+ text.mid(1)
+ "\">" + text + "</a>";
case Type::BotCommand: return "<a href=\"#command-"
+ text.mid(1)
+ "\">" + text + "</a>";
case Type::Url: return "<a href=\""
+ text
+ "\">" + text + "</a>";
case Type::Email: return "<a href=\"mailto:"
+ text
+ "\">" + text + "</a>";
case Type::Bold: return "<b>" + text + "</b>";
case Type::Italic: return "<i>" + text + "</i>";
case Type::Code: return "<code>" + text + "</code>";
case Type::Pre: return "<pre>" + text + "</pre>";
case Type::TextUrl: return "<a href=\""
+ SerializeString(part.additional)
+ "\">" + text + "</a>";
case Type::MentionName: return "<a href=\"#mention-"
+ part.additional
+ "\">" + text + "</a>";
case Type::Phone: return "<a href=\"tel:"
+ text
+ "\">" + text + "</a>";
case Type::Cashtag: return "<a href=\"#cash-"
+ text.mid(1)
+ "\">" + text + "</a>";
Unexpected("Type in text entities serialization.");
}) | ranges::to_vector);
pushBare("Text", value);
return SerializeKeyValue(std::move(values));
} // namespace
class HtmlWriter::Wrap {
Wrap(const QString &path, const QString &base, Stats *stats);
[[nodiscard]] bool empty() const;
[[nodiscard]] Result writeBlock(const QByteArray &block);
[[nodiscard]] Result close();
[[nodiscard]] QString relativePath(const QString &path) const;
[[nodiscard]] QString relativePath(const Data::File &file) const;
QByteArray begin() const;
QByteArray end() const;
File _file;
bool _closed = false;
QByteArray _base;
const QString &path,
const QString &base,
Stats *stats)
: _file(path, stats) {
const auto left = path.mid(base.size());
const auto nesting = ranges::count(left, '/');
_base = QString("../").repeated(nesting).toUtf8();
bool HtmlWriter::Wrap::empty() const {
return _file.empty();
Result HtmlWriter::Wrap::writeBlock(const QByteArray &block) {
const auto result = [&] {
if (block.isEmpty()) {
return _file.writeBlock(block);
} else if (_file.empty()) {
return _file.writeBlock(begin() + block);
return _file.writeBlock(block);
if (!result) {
_closed = true;
return result;
Result HtmlWriter::Wrap::close() {
if (!std::exchange(_closed, true) && !_file.empty()) {
return _file.writeBlock(end());
return Result::Success();
QString HtmlWriter::Wrap::relativePath(const QString &path) const {
return _base + path;
QString HtmlWriter::Wrap::relativePath(const Data::File &file) const {
return relativePath(file.relativePath);
QByteArray HtmlWriter::Wrap::begin() const {
return "\
<!DOCTYPE html>\n\
<meta charset=\"utf-8\">\n\
<title>Exported Data</title>\n\
<meta name=\"viewport\" "
"content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0\">\n\
<link href=\"" + _base + "css/style.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\">\n\
<div class=\"container page_wrap\">\n";
QByteArray HtmlWriter::Wrap::end() const {
return "\
HtmlWriter::Wrap::~Wrap() {
HtmlWriter::HtmlWriter() = default;
Result HtmlWriter::start(
const Settings &settings,
const Environment &environment,
Stats *stats) {
_settings = base::duplicate(settings);
_environment = environment;
_stats = stats;
_summary = fileWithRelativePath(mainFileRelativePath());
//const auto result = copyFile(
// ":/export/css/bootstrap.min.css",
// "css/bootstrap.min.css");
//if (!result) {
// return result;
const auto result = copyFile(":/export/css/style.css", "css/style.css");
if (!result) {
return result;
return _summary->writeBlock(
+ kLineBreak
+ kLineBreak);
Result HtmlWriter::writePersonal(const Data::PersonalInfo &data) {
Expects(_summary != nullptr);
const auto &info = data.user.info;
const auto serialized = SerializeKeyValue({
{ "First name", SerializeString(info.firstName) },
{ "Last name", SerializeString(info.lastName) },
"Phone number",
{ "Username", SerializeString(FormatUsername(data.user.username)) },
{ "Bio", SerializeString(data.bio) },
+ kLineBreak
+ kLineBreak;
return _summary->writeBlock(serialized);
Result HtmlWriter::writeUserpicsStart(const Data::UserpicsInfo &data) {
Expects(_summary != nullptr);
Expects(_userpics == nullptr);
_userpicsCount = data.count;
if (!_userpicsCount) {
return Result::Success();
const auto filename = "lists/profile_pictures.html";
_userpics = fileWithRelativePath(filename);
const auto serialized = SerializeLink(
"Profile pictures "
"(" + Data::NumberToString(_userpicsCount) + ")",
+ kLineBreak
+ kLineBreak;
return _summary->writeBlock(serialized);
Result HtmlWriter::writeUserpicsSlice(const Data::UserpicsSlice &data) {
Expects(_userpics != nullptr);
auto lines = std::vector<QByteArray>();
for (const auto &userpic : data.list) {
if (!userpic.date) {
lines.push_back("(deleted photo)");
} else {
using SkipReason = Data::File::SkipReason;
const auto &file = userpic.image.file;
|| file.skipReason != SkipReason::None);
const auto path = [&]() -> Data::Utf8String {
switch (file.skipReason) {
case SkipReason::Unavailable:
return "(Photo unavailable, please try again later)";
case SkipReason::FileSize:
return "(Photo exceeds maximum size. "
"Change data exporting settings to download.)";
case SkipReason::FileType:
return "(Photo not included. "
"Change data exporting settings to download.)";
case SkipReason::None: return SerializeLink(
Unexpected("Skip reason while writing photo path.");
{ "Photo", path },
return _userpics->writeBlock(JoinList(kLineBreak, lines) + kLineBreak);
Result HtmlWriter::writeUserpicsEnd() {
if (_userpics) {
return base::take(_userpics)->close();
return Result::Success();
Result HtmlWriter::writeContactsList(const Data::ContactsList &data) {
Expects(_summary != nullptr);
if (const auto result = writeSavedContacts(data); !result) {
return result;
} else if (const auto result = writeFrequentContacts(data); !result) {
return result;
return Result::Success();
Result HtmlWriter::writeSavedContacts(const Data::ContactsList &data) {
if (data.list.empty()) {
return Result::Success();
const auto filename = "lists/contacts.html";
const auto file = fileWithRelativePath(filename);
auto list = std::vector<QByteArray>();
for (const auto index : Data::SortedContactsIndices(data)) {
const auto &contact = data.list[index];
if (contact.firstName.isEmpty()
&& contact.lastName.isEmpty()
&& contact.phoneNumber.isEmpty()) {
list.push_back("(deleted user)" + kLineBreak);
} else {
{ "First name", SerializeString(contact.firstName) },
{ "Last name", SerializeString(contact.lastName) },
"Phone number",
const auto full = MakeLinks(SerializeString(_environment.aboutContacts))
+ kLineBreak
+ kLineBreak
+ JoinList(kLineBreak, list);
if (const auto result = file->writeBlock(full); !result) {
return result;
} else if (const auto closed = file->close(); !closed) {
return closed;
const auto header = SerializeLink(
"Contacts "
"(" + Data::NumberToString(data.list.size()) + ")",
+ kLineBreak
+ kLineBreak;
return _summary->writeBlock(header);
Result HtmlWriter::writeFrequentContacts(const Data::ContactsList &data) {
const auto size = data.correspondents.size()
+ data.inlineBots.size()
+ data.phoneCalls.size();
if (!size) {
return Result::Success();
const auto filename = "lists/frequent.html";
const auto file = fileWithRelativePath(filename);
auto list = std::vector<QByteArray>();
const auto writeList = [&](
const std::vector<Data::TopPeer> &peers,
Data::Utf8String category) {
for (const auto &top : peers) {
const auto user = [&]() -> Data::Utf8String {
if (!top.peer.user() || top.peer.user()->isSelf) {
return Data::Utf8String();
} else if (top.peer.name().isEmpty()) {
return "(deleted user)";
return top.peer.name();
const auto chatType = [&] {
if (const auto chat = top.peer.chat()) {
return chat->username.isEmpty()
? (chat->isBroadcast
? "Private channel"
: (chat->isSupergroup
? "Private supergroup"
: "Private group"))
: (chat->isBroadcast
? "Public channel"
: "Public supergroup");
return "";
const auto chat = [&]() -> Data::Utf8String {
if (!top.peer.chat()) {
return Data::Utf8String();
} else if (top.peer.name().isEmpty()) {
return "(deleted chat)";
return top.peer.name();
const auto saved = [&]() -> Data::Utf8String {
if (!top.peer.user() || !top.peer.user()->isSelf) {
return Data::Utf8String();
return "Saved messages";
{ "Category", SerializeString(category) },
top.peer.user() ? SerializeString(user) : QByteArray()
{ "Chat", SerializeString(saved) },
{ chatType, SerializeString(chat) },
writeList(data.correspondents, "People");
writeList(data.inlineBots, "Inline bots");
writeList(data.phoneCalls, "Calls");
const auto full = MakeLinks(SerializeString(_environment.aboutFrequent))
+ kLineBreak
+ kLineBreak
+ JoinList(kLineBreak, list);
if (const auto result = file->writeBlock(full); !result) {
return result;
} else if (const auto closed = file->close(); !closed) {
return closed;
const auto header = SerializeLink(
"Frequent contacts "
"(" + Data::NumberToString(size) + ")",
+ kLineBreak
+ kLineBreak;
return _summary->writeBlock(header);
Result HtmlWriter::writeSessionsList(const Data::SessionsList &data) {
Expects(_summary != nullptr);
if (const auto result = writeSessions(data); !result) {
return result;
} else if (const auto result = writeWebSessions(data); !result) {
return result;
return Result::Success();
Result HtmlWriter::writeSessions(const Data::SessionsList &data) {
Expects(_summary != nullptr);
if (data.list.empty()) {
return Result::Success();
const auto filename = "lists/sessions.html";
const auto file = fileWithRelativePath(filename);
auto list = std::vector<QByteArray>();
for (const auto &session : data.list) {
"Last active",
{ "Last IP address", SerializeString(session.ip) },
{ "Last country", SerializeString(session.country) },
{ "Last region", SerializeString(session.region) },
"Application name",
? Data::Utf8String("(unknown)")
: SerializeString(session.applicationName))
"Application version",
{ "Device model", SerializeString(session.deviceModel) },
{ "Platform", SerializeString(session.platform) },
{ "System version", SerializeString(session.systemVersion) },
{ "Created", Data::FormatDateTime(session.created) },
const auto full = MakeLinks(SerializeString(_environment.aboutSessions))
+ kLineBreak
+ kLineBreak
+ JoinList(kLineBreak, list);
if (const auto result = file->writeBlock(full); !result) {
return result;
} else if (const auto closed = file->close(); !closed) {
return closed;
const auto header = SerializeLink(
"Sessions "
"(" + Data::NumberToString(data.list.size()) + ")",
+ kLineBreak
+ kLineBreak;
return _summary->writeBlock(header);
Result HtmlWriter::writeWebSessions(const Data::SessionsList &data) {
Expects(_summary != nullptr);
if (data.webList.empty()) {
return Result::Success();
const auto filename = "lists/web_sessions.html";
const auto file = fileWithRelativePath(filename);
auto list = std::vector<QByteArray>();
for (const auto &session : data.webList) {
"Last active",
{ "Last IP address", SerializeString(session.ip) },
{ "Last region", SerializeString(session.region) },
"Bot username",
? Data::Utf8String("(unknown)")
: SerializeString(session.botUsername))
"Domain name",
? Data::Utf8String("(unknown)")
: SerializeString(session.domain))
{ "Browser", SerializeString(session.browser) },
{ "Platform", SerializeString(session.platform) },
const auto full = MakeLinks(
+ kLineBreak
+ kLineBreak
+ JoinList(kLineBreak, list);
if (const auto result = file->writeBlock(full); !result) {
return result;
} else if (const auto closed = file->close(); !closed) {
return closed;
const auto header = SerializeLink(
"Web sessions "
"(" + Data::NumberToString(data.webList.size()) + ")",
+ kLineBreak
+ kLineBreak;
return _summary->writeBlock(header);
Result HtmlWriter::writeOtherData(const Data::File &data) {
Expects(_summary != nullptr);
const auto header = SerializeLink(
"Other data",
+ kLineBreak
+ kLineBreak;
return _summary->writeBlock(header);
Result HtmlWriter::writeDialogsStart(const Data::DialogsInfo &data) {
return writeChatsStart(
Result HtmlWriter::writeDialogStart(const Data::DialogInfo &data) {
return writeChatStart(data);
Result HtmlWriter::writeDialogSlice(const Data::MessagesSlice &data) {
return writeChatSlice(data);
Result HtmlWriter::writeDialogEnd() {
return writeChatEnd();
Result HtmlWriter::writeDialogsEnd() {
return writeChatsEnd();
Result HtmlWriter::writeLeftChannelsStart(const Data::DialogsInfo &data) {
return writeChatsStart(
"Left chats",
Result HtmlWriter::writeLeftChannelStart(const Data::DialogInfo &data) {
return writeChatStart(data);
Result HtmlWriter::writeLeftChannelSlice(const Data::MessagesSlice &data) {
return writeChatSlice(data);
Result HtmlWriter::writeLeftChannelEnd() {
return writeChatEnd();
Result HtmlWriter::writeLeftChannelsEnd() {
return writeChatsEnd();
Result HtmlWriter::writeChatsStart(
const Data::DialogsInfo &data,
const QByteArray &listName,
const QByteArray &about,
const QString &fileName) {
Expects(_summary != nullptr);
Expects(_chats == nullptr);
if (data.list.empty()) {
return Result::Success();
_chats = fileWithRelativePath(fileName);
_dialogIndex = 0;
_dialogsCount = data.list.size();
const auto block = MakeLinks(SerializeString(about)) + kLineBreak;
if (const auto result = _chats->writeBlock(block); !result) {
return result;
const auto header = SerializeLink(
listName + " "
"(" + Data::NumberToString(data.list.size()) + ")",
+ kLineBreak
+ kLineBreak;
return _summary->writeBlock(header);
Result HtmlWriter::writeChatStart(const Data::DialogInfo &data) {
Expects(_chat == nullptr);
Expects(_dialogIndex < _dialogsCount);
const auto digits = Data::NumberToString(_dialogsCount - 1).size();
const auto number = Data::NumberToString(++_dialogIndex, digits, '0');
_chat = fileWithRelativePath(data.relativePath + messagesFile(0));
_messagesCount = 0;
_dialog = data;
return Result::Success();
Result HtmlWriter::writeChatSlice(const Data::MessagesSlice &data) {
Expects(_chat != nullptr);
const auto wasIndex = (_messagesCount / kMessagesInFile);
_messagesCount += data.list.size();
const auto nowIndex = (_messagesCount / kMessagesInFile);
if (nowIndex != wasIndex) {
if (const auto result = switchToNextChatFile(nowIndex); !result) {
return result;
auto list = std::vector<QByteArray>();
for (const auto &message : data.list) {
[&](QString path) { return _chat->relativePath(path); },
const auto full = _chat->empty()
? JoinList(kLineBreak, list)
: kLineBreak + JoinList(kLineBreak, list);
return _chat->writeBlock(full);
Result HtmlWriter::writeChatEnd() {
Expects(_chats != nullptr);
Expects(_chat != nullptr);
if (const auto closed = base::take(_chat)->close(); !closed) {
return closed;
using Type = Data::DialogInfo::Type;
const auto TypeString = [](Type type) {
switch (type) {
case Type::Unknown: return "(unknown)";
case Type::Self:
case Type::Personal: return "Personal chat";
case Type::Bot: return "Bot chat";
case Type::PrivateGroup: return "Private group";
case Type::PrivateSupergroup: return "Private supergroup";
case Type::PublicSupergroup: return "Public supergroup";
case Type::PrivateChannel: return "Private channel";
case Type::PublicChannel: return "Public channel";
Unexpected("Dialog type in TypeString.");
const auto NameString = [](
const Data::DialogInfo &dialog,
Type type) -> QByteArray {
if (dialog.type == Type::Self) {
return "Saved messages";
const auto name = dialog.name;
if (!name.isEmpty()) {
return name;
switch (type) {
case Type::Unknown: return "(unknown)";
case Type::Personal: return "(deleted user)";
case Type::Bot: return "(deleted bot)";
case Type::PrivateGroup:
case Type::PrivateSupergroup:
case Type::PublicSupergroup: return "(deleted group)";
case Type::PrivateChannel:
case Type::PublicChannel: return "(deleted channel)";
Unexpected("Dialog type in TypeString.");
return _chats->writeBlock(kLineBreak + SerializeKeyValue({
{ "Name", SerializeString(NameString(_dialog, _dialog.type)) },
{ "Type", SerializeString(TypeString(_dialog.type)) },
? "Outgoing messages count"
: "Messages count"),
(_messagesCount > 0
? SerializeLink(
(_dialog.relativePath + "messages.html").toUtf8(),
(_dialog.relativePath + "messages.html")))
: QByteArray())
Result HtmlWriter::writeChatsEnd() {
if (_chats) {
return base::take(_chats)->close();
return Result::Success();
Result HtmlWriter::switchToNextChatFile(int index) {
Expects(_chat != nullptr);
const auto nextPath = messagesFile(index);
const auto link = kLineBreak + "<a href=\""
+ nextPath.toUtf8()
+ "\">Next messages part</a>";
if (const auto result = _chat->writeBlock(link); !result) {
return result;
_chat = fileWithRelativePath(_dialog.relativePath + nextPath);
return Result::Success();
Result HtmlWriter::finish() {
Expects(_summary != nullptr);
return _summary->close();
Result HtmlWriter::copyFile(
const QString &source,
const QString &relativePath) const {
return File::Copy(
QString HtmlWriter::mainFilePath() {
return pathWithRelativePath(mainFileRelativePath());
QString HtmlWriter::mainFileRelativePath() const {
return "export_results.html";
QString HtmlWriter::pathWithRelativePath(const QString &path) const {
return _settings.path + path;
QString HtmlWriter::messagesFile(int index) const {
return "messages"
+ (index > 0 ? QString::number(index + 1) : QString())
+ ".html";
std::unique_ptr<HtmlWriter::Wrap> HtmlWriter::fileWithRelativePath(
const QString &path) const {
return std::make_unique<Wrap>(
HtmlWriter::~HtmlWriter() = default;
} // namespace Output
} // namespace Export