John Preston dd81f5d59f Replace base::lambda with shorter term.
base::lambda -> Fn (type alias for std::function).
base::lambda_once -> FnMut (type alias for base::unique_function).
base::lambda_guarded -> crl::guard.
base::lambda_call_type_t -> crl::deduced_call_type.
2018-06-04 18:38:27 +03:00

122 lines
2.7 KiB

This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#pragma once
#include "base/timer.h"
#include "ui/rp_widget.h"
#include "info/info_controller.h"
namespace Window {
class Controller;
} // namespace Window
namespace Ui {
class ScrollArea;
class Shadow;
} // namespace Ui
namespace Media {
namespace Player {
class CoverWidget;
class Panel : public Ui::RpWidget, private Info::AbstractController {
enum class Layout {
QWidget *parent,
not_null<Window::Controller*> controller,
Layout layout);
bool overlaps(const QRect &globalRect);
void hideIgnoringEnterEvents();
void showFromOther();
void hideFromOther();
using ButtonCallback = Fn<void()>;
void setPinCallback(ButtonCallback &&callback);
void setCloseCallback(ButtonCallback &&callback);
int bestPositionFor(int left) const;
void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) override;
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) override;
void enterEventHook(QEvent *e) override;
void leaveEventHook(QEvent *e) override;
// Info::AbstractController implementation.
Info::Key key() const override;
PeerData *migrated() const override;
Info::Section section() const override;
void startShow();
void startHide();
void startHideChecked();
bool preventAutoHide() const;
void listHeightUpdated(int newHeight);
int emptyInnerHeight() const;
bool contentTooSmall() const;
void windowActiveChanged();
void ensureCreated();
void performDestroy();
void updateControlsGeometry();
void refreshList();
void updateSize();
void appearanceCallback();
void hideFinished();
int contentLeft() const;
int contentTop() const;
int contentRight() const;
int contentBottom() const;
int scrollMarginBottom() const;
int contentWidth() const {
return width() - contentLeft() - contentRight();
int contentHeight() const {
return height() - contentTop() - contentBottom();;
void startAnimation();
void scrollPlaylistToCurrentTrack();
not_null<Info::AbstractController*> infoController() {
return static_cast<Info::AbstractController*>(this);
Layout _layout;
bool _hiding = false;
QPixmap _cache;
Animation _a_appearance;
bool _ignoringEnterEvents = false;
base::Timer _showTimer;
base::Timer _hideTimer;
ButtonCallback _pinCallback, _closeCallback;
object_ptr<CoverWidget> _cover = { nullptr };
object_ptr<Ui::ScrollArea> _scroll;
object_ptr<Ui::Shadow> _scrollShadow = { nullptr };
rpl::lifetime _refreshListLifetime;
PeerData *_listPeer = nullptr;
PeerData *_listMigratedPeer = nullptr;
} // namespace Clip
} // namespace Media