
1057 lines
29 KiB

This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see
Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission
to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library.
Full license:
Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
#pragma once
void historyInitMedia();
class RadialAnimation {
RadialAnimation(AnimationCallbacks &&callbacks);
float64 opacity() const {
return _opacity;
bool animating() const {
return _animation.animating();
void start(float64 prg);
void update(float64 prg, bool finished, uint64 ms);
void stop();
void step(uint64 ms);
void step() {
void draw(Painter &p, const QRect &inner, int32 thickness, const style::color &color);
uint64 _firstStart = 0;
uint64 _lastStart = 0;
uint64 _lastTime = 0;
float64 _opacity = 0.;
anim::ivalue a_arcEnd, a_arcStart;
Animation _animation;
class HistoryMedia : public HistoryElement {
HistoryMedia(HistoryItem *parent) : _parent(parent) {
virtual HistoryMediaType type() const = 0;
virtual QString notificationText() const {
return QString();
// Returns text with link-start and link-end commands for service-color highlighting.
// Example: "[link1-start]You:[link1-end] [link1-start]Photo,[link1-end] caption text"
virtual QString inDialogsText() const;
virtual TextWithEntities selectedText(TextSelection selection) const = 0;
bool hasPoint(int x, int y) const {
return (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < _width && y < _height);
virtual bool isDisplayed() const {
return true;
virtual bool isAboveMessage() const {
return false;
virtual bool hasTextForCopy() const {
return false;
virtual void initDimensions() = 0;
virtual int resizeGetHeight(int width) {
_width = qMin(width, _maxw);
return _height;
virtual void draw(Painter &p, const QRect &r, TextSelection selection, uint64 ms) const = 0;
virtual HistoryTextState getState(int x, int y, HistoryStateRequest request) const = 0;
// if we are in selecting items mode perhaps we want to
// toggle selection instead of activating the pressed link
virtual bool toggleSelectionByHandlerClick(const ClickHandlerPtr &p) const = 0;
// if we press and drag on this media should we drag the item
virtual bool dragItem() const {
return false;
virtual TextSelection adjustSelection(TextSelection selection, TextSelectType type) const {
return selection;
// if we press and drag this link should we drag the item
virtual bool dragItemByHandler(const ClickHandlerPtr &p) const = 0;
virtual void clickHandlerActiveChanged(const ClickHandlerPtr &p, bool active) {
virtual void clickHandlerPressedChanged(const ClickHandlerPtr &p, bool pressed) {
virtual bool uploading() const {
return false;
virtual HistoryMedia *clone(HistoryItem *newParent) const = 0;
virtual DocumentData *getDocument() {
return nullptr;
virtual Media::Clip::Reader *getClipReader() {
return nullptr;
bool playInline(/*bool autoplay = false*/) {
return playInline(false);
virtual bool playInline(bool autoplay) {
return false;
virtual void stopInline() {
virtual void attachToParent() {
virtual void detachFromParent() {
virtual void updateSentMedia(const MTPMessageMedia &media) {
// After sending an inline result we may want to completely recreate
// the media (all media that was generated on client side, for example)
virtual bool needReSetInlineResultMedia(const MTPMessageMedia &media) {
return true;
virtual bool animating() const {
return false;
virtual bool hasReplyPreview() const {
return false;
virtual ImagePtr replyPreview() {
return ImagePtr();
virtual TextWithEntities getCaption() const {
return TextWithEntities();
virtual bool needsBubble() const = 0;
virtual bool customInfoLayout() const = 0;
virtual QMargins bubbleMargins() const {
return QMargins();
virtual bool hideFromName() const {
return false;
virtual bool hideForwardedFrom() const {
return false;
int currentWidth() const {
return _width;
HistoryItem *_parent;
int _width = 0;
class HistoryFileMedia : public HistoryMedia {
using HistoryMedia::HistoryMedia;
bool toggleSelectionByHandlerClick(const ClickHandlerPtr &p) const override {
return p == _openl || p == _savel || p == _cancell;
bool dragItemByHandler(const ClickHandlerPtr &p) const override {
return p == _openl || p == _savel || p == _cancell;
void clickHandlerActiveChanged(const ClickHandlerPtr &p, bool active) override;
void clickHandlerPressedChanged(const ClickHandlerPtr &p, bool pressed) override;
ClickHandlerPtr _openl, _savel, _cancell;
void setLinks(ClickHandlerPtr &&openl, ClickHandlerPtr &&savel, ClickHandlerPtr &&cancell);
void setDocumentLinks(DocumentData *document, bool inlinegif = false) {
ClickHandlerPtr open, save;
if (inlinegif) {
open.reset(new GifOpenClickHandler(document));
} else {
open.reset(new DocumentOpenClickHandler(document));
if (inlinegif) {
save.reset(new GifOpenClickHandler(document));
} else if (document->voice()) {
save.reset(new DocumentOpenClickHandler(document));
} else {
save.reset(new DocumentSaveClickHandler(document));
setLinks(std_::move(open), std_::move(save), MakeShared<DocumentCancelClickHandler>(document));
// >= 0 will contain download / upload string, _statusSize = loaded bytes
// < 0 will contain played string, _statusSize = -(seconds + 1) played
// 0x7FFFFFF0 will contain status for not yet downloaded file
// 0x7FFFFFF1 will contain status for already downloaded file
// 0x7FFFFFF2 will contain status for failed to download / upload file
mutable int32 _statusSize;
mutable QString _statusText;
// duration = -1 - no duration, duration = -2 - "GIF" duration
void setStatusSize(int32 newSize, int32 fullSize, int32 duration, qint64 realDuration) const;
void step_thumbOver(float64 ms, bool timer);
void step_radial(uint64 ms, bool timer);
void ensureAnimation() const;
void checkAnimationFinished();
bool isRadialAnimation(uint64 ms) const {
if (!_animation || !_animation->radial.animating()) return false;
return _animation && _animation->radial.animating();
bool isThumbAnimation(uint64 ms) const {
if (!_animation || !_animation->_a_thumbOver.animating()) return false;
return _animation && _animation->_a_thumbOver.animating();
virtual float64 dataProgress() const = 0;
virtual bool dataFinished() const = 0;
virtual bool dataLoaded() const = 0;
struct AnimationData {
AnimationData(AnimationCallbacks &&thumbOverCallbacks, AnimationCallbacks &&radialCallbacks) : a_thumbOver(0, 0)
, _a_thumbOver(std_::move(thumbOverCallbacks))
, radial(std_::move(radialCallbacks)) {
anim::fvalue a_thumbOver;
Animation _a_thumbOver;
RadialAnimation radial;
mutable AnimationData *_animation = nullptr;
class HistoryPhoto : public HistoryFileMedia {
HistoryPhoto(HistoryItem *parent, PhotoData *photo, const QString &caption);
HistoryPhoto(HistoryItem *parent, PeerData *chat, const MTPDphoto &photo, int width);
HistoryPhoto(HistoryItem *parent, const HistoryPhoto &other);
void init();
HistoryMediaType type() const override {
return MediaTypePhoto;
HistoryPhoto *clone(HistoryItem *newParent) const override {
return new HistoryPhoto(newParent, *this);
void initDimensions() override;
int resizeGetHeight(int width) override;
void draw(Painter &p, const QRect &r, TextSelection selection, uint64 ms) const override;
HistoryTextState getState(int x, int y, HistoryStateRequest request) const override;
TextSelection adjustSelection(TextSelection selection, TextSelectType type) const override {
return _caption.adjustSelection(selection, type);
bool hasTextForCopy() const override {
return !_caption.isEmpty();
QString notificationText() const override;
QString inDialogsText() const override;
TextWithEntities selectedText(TextSelection selection) const override;
PhotoData *photo() const {
return _data;
void updateSentMedia(const MTPMessageMedia &media) override;
bool needReSetInlineResultMedia(const MTPMessageMedia &media) override;
void attachToParent() override;
void detachFromParent() override;
bool hasReplyPreview() const override {
return !_data->thumb->isNull();
ImagePtr replyPreview() override;
TextWithEntities getCaption() const override {
return _caption.originalTextWithEntities();
bool needsBubble() const override {
if (!_caption.isEmpty()) {
return true;
if (_parent->viaBot()) {
return true;
return (_parent->Has<HistoryMessageForwarded>() || _parent->Has<HistoryMessageReply>());
bool customInfoLayout() const override {
return _caption.isEmpty();
bool hideFromName() const override {
return true;
float64 dataProgress() const override {
return _data->progress();
bool dataFinished() const override {
return !_data->loading() && !_data->uploading();
bool dataLoaded() const override {
return _data->loaded();
PhotoData *_data;
int16 _pixw = 1;
int16 _pixh = 1;
Text _caption;
class HistoryVideo : public HistoryFileMedia {
HistoryVideo(HistoryItem *parent, DocumentData *document, const QString &caption);
HistoryVideo(HistoryItem *parent, const HistoryVideo &other);
HistoryMediaType type() const override {
return MediaTypeVideo;
HistoryVideo *clone(HistoryItem *newParent) const override {
return new HistoryVideo(newParent, *this);
void initDimensions() override;
int resizeGetHeight(int width) override;
void draw(Painter &p, const QRect &r, TextSelection selection, uint64 ms) const override;
HistoryTextState getState(int x, int y, HistoryStateRequest request) const override;
TextSelection adjustSelection(TextSelection selection, TextSelectType type) const override {
return _caption.adjustSelection(selection, type);
bool hasTextForCopy() const override {
return !_caption.isEmpty();
QString notificationText() const override;
QString inDialogsText() const override;
TextWithEntities selectedText(TextSelection selection) const override;
DocumentData *getDocument() override {
return _data;
bool uploading() const override {
return _data->uploading();
void attachToParent() override;
void detachFromParent() override;
bool needReSetInlineResultMedia(const MTPMessageMedia &media) override;
bool hasReplyPreview() const override {
return !_data->thumb->isNull();
ImagePtr replyPreview() override;
TextWithEntities getCaption() const override {
return _caption.originalTextWithEntities();
bool needsBubble() const override {
if (!_caption.isEmpty()) {
return true;
if (_parent->viaBot()) {
return true;
return (_parent->Has<HistoryMessageForwarded>() || _parent->Has<HistoryMessageReply>());
bool customInfoLayout() const override {
return _caption.isEmpty();
bool hideFromName() const override {
return true;
float64 dataProgress() const override {
return _data->progress();
bool dataFinished() const override {
return !_data->loading() && !_data->uploading();
bool dataLoaded() const override {
return _data->loaded();
DocumentData *_data;
int32 _thumbw;
Text _caption;
void setStatusSize(int32 newSize) const;
void updateStatusText() const;
struct HistoryDocumentThumbed : public BaseComponent<HistoryDocumentThumbed> {
ClickHandlerPtr _linksavel, _linkcancell;
int _thumbw = 0;
mutable int _linkw = 0;
mutable QString _link;
struct HistoryDocumentCaptioned : public BaseComponent<HistoryDocumentCaptioned> {
Text _caption = { int(st::msgFileMinWidth) - st::msgPadding.left() - st::msgPadding.right() };
struct HistoryDocumentNamed : public BaseComponent<HistoryDocumentNamed> {
QString _name;
int _namew = 0;
class HistoryDocument;
struct HistoryDocumentVoicePlayback {
HistoryDocumentVoicePlayback(const HistoryDocument *that);
int32 _position;
anim::fvalue a_progress;
Animation _a_progress;
struct HistoryDocumentVoice : public BaseComponent<HistoryDocumentVoice> {
HistoryDocumentVoice &operator=(HistoryDocumentVoice &&other) {
std::swap(_playback, other._playback);
return *this;
~HistoryDocumentVoice() {
void ensurePlayback(const HistoryDocument *interfaces) const;
void checkPlaybackFinished() const;
mutable HistoryDocumentVoicePlayback *_playback = nullptr;
class HistoryDocument : public HistoryFileMedia, public Composer {
HistoryDocument(HistoryItem *parent, DocumentData *document, const QString &caption);
HistoryDocument(HistoryItem *parent, const HistoryDocument &other);
HistoryMediaType type() const override {
return _data->voice() ? MediaTypeVoiceFile : (_data->song() ? MediaTypeMusicFile : MediaTypeFile);
HistoryDocument *clone(HistoryItem *newParent) const override {
return new HistoryDocument(newParent, *this);
void initDimensions() override;
int resizeGetHeight(int width) override;
void draw(Painter &p, const QRect &r, TextSelection selection, uint64 ms) const override;
HistoryTextState getState(int x, int y, HistoryStateRequest request) const override;
TextSelection adjustSelection(TextSelection selection, TextSelectType type) const override {
if (auto captioned = Get<HistoryDocumentCaptioned>()) {
return captioned->_caption.adjustSelection(selection, type);
return selection;
bool hasTextForCopy() const override {
return Has<HistoryDocumentCaptioned>();
QString notificationText() const override;
QString inDialogsText() const override;
TextWithEntities selectedText(TextSelection selection) const override;
bool uploading() const override {
return _data->uploading();
DocumentData *getDocument() override {
return _data;
void attachToParent() override;
void detachFromParent() override;
void updateSentMedia(const MTPMessageMedia &media) override;
bool needReSetInlineResultMedia(const MTPMessageMedia &media) override;
bool hasReplyPreview() const override {
return !_data->thumb->isNull();
ImagePtr replyPreview() override;
TextWithEntities getCaption() const override {
if (const HistoryDocumentCaptioned *captioned = Get<HistoryDocumentCaptioned>()) {
return captioned->_caption.originalTextWithEntities();
return TextWithEntities();
bool needsBubble() const override {
return true;
bool customInfoLayout() const override {
return false;
QMargins bubbleMargins() const override {
return Get<HistoryDocumentThumbed>() ? QMargins(st::msgFileThumbPadding.left(),, st::msgFileThumbPadding.left(), st::msgFileThumbPadding.bottom()) : st::msgPadding;
bool hideForwardedFrom() const override {
return _data->song();
void step_voiceProgress(float64 ms, bool timer);
float64 dataProgress() const override {
return _data->progress();
bool dataFinished() const override {
return !_data->loading() && !_data->uploading();
bool dataLoaded() const override {
return _data->loaded();
void createComponents(bool caption);
void setStatusSize(int32 newSize, qint64 realDuration = 0) const;
bool updateStatusText() const; // returns showPause
// Callback is a void(const QString &, const QString &, const Text &) functor.
// It will be called as callback(attachType, attachFileName, attachCaption).
template <typename Callback>
void buildStringRepresentation(Callback callback) const;
DocumentData *_data;
class HistoryGif : public HistoryFileMedia {
HistoryGif(HistoryItem *parent, DocumentData *document, const QString &caption);
HistoryGif(HistoryItem *parent, const HistoryGif &other);
HistoryMediaType type() const override {
return MediaTypeGif;
HistoryGif *clone(HistoryItem *newParent) const override {
return new HistoryGif(newParent, *this);
void initDimensions() override;
int resizeGetHeight(int width) override;
void draw(Painter &p, const QRect &r, TextSelection selection, uint64 ms) const override;
HistoryTextState getState(int x, int y, HistoryStateRequest request) const override;
TextSelection adjustSelection(TextSelection selection, TextSelectType type) const override {
return _caption.adjustSelection(selection, type);
bool hasTextForCopy() const override {
return !_caption.isEmpty();
QString notificationText() const override;
QString inDialogsText() const override;
TextWithEntities selectedText(TextSelection selection) const override;
bool uploading() const override {
return _data->uploading();
DocumentData *getDocument() override {
return _data;
Media::Clip::Reader *getClipReader() override {
return gif();
bool playInline(bool autoplay) override;
void stopInline() override;
void attachToParent() override;
void detachFromParent() override;
void updateSentMedia(const MTPMessageMedia &media) override;
bool needReSetInlineResultMedia(const MTPMessageMedia &media) override;
bool hasReplyPreview() const override {
return !_data->thumb->isNull();
ImagePtr replyPreview() override;
TextWithEntities getCaption() const override {
return _caption.originalTextWithEntities();
bool needsBubble() const override {
if (!_caption.isEmpty()) {
return true;
if (_parent->viaBot()) {
return true;
return (_parent->Has<HistoryMessageForwarded>() || _parent->Has<HistoryMessageReply>());
bool customInfoLayout() const override {
return _caption.isEmpty();
bool hideFromName() const override {
return true;
float64 dataProgress() const override;
bool dataFinished() const override;
bool dataLoaded() const override;
DocumentData *_data;
int32 _thumbw, _thumbh;
Text _caption;
Media::Clip::Reader *_gif;
Media::Clip::Reader *gif() {
return (_gif == Media::Clip::BadReader) ? nullptr : _gif;
const Media::Clip::Reader *gif() const {
return (_gif == Media::Clip::BadReader) ? nullptr : _gif;
void setStatusSize(int32 newSize) const;
void updateStatusText() const;
class HistorySticker : public HistoryMedia {
HistorySticker(HistoryItem *parent, DocumentData *document);
HistoryMediaType type() const override {
return MediaTypeSticker;
HistorySticker *clone(HistoryItem *newParent) const override {
return new HistorySticker(newParent, _data);
void initDimensions() override;
int resizeGetHeight(int width) override;
void draw(Painter &p, const QRect &r, TextSelection selection, uint64 ms) const override;
HistoryTextState getState(int x, int y, HistoryStateRequest request) const override;
bool toggleSelectionByHandlerClick(const ClickHandlerPtr &p) const override {
return true;
bool dragItem() const override {
return true;
bool dragItemByHandler(const ClickHandlerPtr &p) const override {
return true;
QString notificationText() const override;
TextWithEntities selectedText(TextSelection selection) const override;
DocumentData *getDocument() override {
return _data;
void attachToParent() override;
void detachFromParent() override;
void updateSentMedia(const MTPMessageMedia &media) override;
bool needReSetInlineResultMedia(const MTPMessageMedia &media) override;
bool needsBubble() const override {
return false;
bool customInfoLayout() const override {
return true;
int additionalWidth(const HistoryMessageVia *via, const HistoryMessageReply *reply) const;
int additionalWidth() const {
return additionalWidth(_parent->Get<HistoryMessageVia>(), _parent->Get<HistoryMessageReply>());
QString toString() const;
int16 _pixw, _pixh;
ClickHandlerPtr _packLink;
DocumentData *_data;
QString _emoji;
class SendMessageClickHandler : public PeerClickHandler {
using PeerClickHandler::PeerClickHandler;
void onClickImpl() const override;
class AddContactClickHandler : public MessageClickHandler {
using MessageClickHandler::MessageClickHandler;
void onClickImpl() const override;
class HistoryContact : public HistoryMedia {
HistoryContact(HistoryItem *parent, int32 userId, const QString &first, const QString &last, const QString &phone);
HistoryMediaType type() const override {
return MediaTypeContact;
HistoryContact *clone(HistoryItem *newParent) const override {
return new HistoryContact(newParent, _userId, _fname, _lname, _phone);
void initDimensions() override;
void draw(Painter &p, const QRect &r, TextSelection selection, uint64 ms) const override;
HistoryTextState getState(int x, int y, HistoryStateRequest request) const override;
bool toggleSelectionByHandlerClick(const ClickHandlerPtr &p) const override {
return true;
bool dragItemByHandler(const ClickHandlerPtr &p) const override {
return true;
QString notificationText() const override;
TextWithEntities selectedText(TextSelection selection) const override;
void attachToParent() override;
void detachFromParent() override;
void updateSentMedia(const MTPMessageMedia &media) override;
bool needsBubble() const override {
return true;
bool customInfoLayout() const override {
return false;
const QString &fname() const {
return _fname;
const QString &lname() const {
return _lname;
const QString &phone() const {
return _phone;
int32 _userId;
UserData *_contact;
int32 _phonew;
QString _fname, _lname, _phone;
Text _name;
ClickHandlerPtr _linkl;
int32 _linkw;
QString _link;
class HistoryWebPage : public HistoryMedia {
HistoryWebPage(HistoryItem *parent, WebPageData *data);
HistoryWebPage(HistoryItem *parent, const HistoryWebPage &other);
HistoryMediaType type() const override {
return MediaTypeWebPage;
HistoryWebPage *clone(HistoryItem *newParent) const override {
return new HistoryWebPage(newParent, *this);
void initDimensions() override;
int resizeGetHeight(int width) override;
void draw(Painter &p, const QRect &r, TextSelection selection, uint64 ms) const override;
HistoryTextState getState(int x, int y, HistoryStateRequest request) const override;
TextSelection adjustSelection(TextSelection selection, TextSelectType type) const override;
bool hasTextForCopy() const override {
return false; // we do not add _title and _description in FullSelection text copy.
bool toggleSelectionByHandlerClick(const ClickHandlerPtr &p) const override {
return _attach && _attach->toggleSelectionByHandlerClick(p);
bool dragItemByHandler(const ClickHandlerPtr &p) const override {
return _attach && _attach->dragItemByHandler(p);
TextWithEntities selectedText(TextSelection selection) const override;
void clickHandlerActiveChanged(const ClickHandlerPtr &p, bool active) override;
void clickHandlerPressedChanged(const ClickHandlerPtr &p, bool pressed) override;
bool isDisplayed() const override {
return !_data->pendingTill;
DocumentData *getDocument() override {
return _attach ? _attach->getDocument() : 0;
Media::Clip::Reader *getClipReader() override {
return _attach ? _attach->getClipReader() : 0;
bool playInline(bool autoplay) override {
return _attach ? _attach->playInline(autoplay) : false;
void stopInline() override {
if (_attach) _attach->stopInline();
void attachToParent() override;
void detachFromParent() override;
bool hasReplyPreview() const override {
return (_data->photo && !_data->photo->thumb->isNull()) || (_data->document && !_data->document->thumb->isNull());
ImagePtr replyPreview() override;
WebPageData *webpage() {
return _data;
bool needsBubble() const override {
return true;
bool customInfoLayout() const override {
return false;
HistoryMedia *attach() const {
return _attach.get();
TextSelection toDescriptionSelection(TextSelection selection) const {
return internal::unshiftSelection(selection, _title);
TextSelection fromDescriptionSelection(TextSelection selection) const {
return internal::shiftSelection(selection, _title);
WebPageData *_data;
ClickHandlerPtr _openl;
std_::unique_ptr<HistoryMedia> _attach;
bool _asArticle = false;
int32 _titleLines, _descriptionLines;
Text _title, _description;
int32 _siteNameWidth = 0;
QString _duration;
int32 _durationWidth = 0;
int16 _pixw = 0;
int16 _pixh = 0;
class HistoryGame : public HistoryMedia {
HistoryGame(HistoryItem *parent, GameData *data);
HistoryGame(HistoryItem *parent, const HistoryGame &other);
HistoryMediaType type() const override {
return MediaTypeGame;
HistoryGame *clone(HistoryItem *newParent) const override {
return new HistoryGame(newParent, *this);
void initDimensions() override;
int resizeGetHeight(int width) override;
void draw(Painter &p, const QRect &r, TextSelection selection, uint64 ms) const override;
HistoryTextState getState(int x, int y, HistoryStateRequest request) const override;
TextSelection adjustSelection(TextSelection selection, TextSelectType type) const override;
bool isAboveMessage() const override {
return true;
bool hasTextForCopy() const override {
return false; // we do not add _title and _description in FullSelection text copy.
bool toggleSelectionByHandlerClick(const ClickHandlerPtr &p) const override {
return _attach && _attach->toggleSelectionByHandlerClick(p);
bool dragItemByHandler(const ClickHandlerPtr &p) const override {
return _attach && _attach->dragItemByHandler(p);
TextWithEntities selectedText(TextSelection selection) const override;
void clickHandlerActiveChanged(const ClickHandlerPtr &p, bool active) override;
void clickHandlerPressedChanged(const ClickHandlerPtr &p, bool pressed) override;
DocumentData *getDocument() override {
return _attach ? _attach->getDocument() : nullptr;
Media::Clip::Reader *getClipReader() override {
return _attach ? _attach->getClipReader() : nullptr;
bool playInline(bool autoplay) override {
return _attach ? _attach->playInline(autoplay) : false;
void stopInline() override {
if (_attach) _attach->stopInline();
void attachToParent() override;
void detachFromParent() override;
bool hasReplyPreview() const override {
return (_data->photo && !_data->photo->thumb->isNull()) || (_data->document && !_data->document->thumb->isNull());
ImagePtr replyPreview() override;
GameData *game() {
return _data;
bool needsBubble() const override {
return true;
bool customInfoLayout() const override {
return false;
HistoryMedia *attach() const {
return _attach.get();
TextSelection toDescriptionSelection(TextSelection selection) const {
return internal::unshiftSelection(selection, _title);
TextSelection fromDescriptionSelection(TextSelection selection) const {
return internal::shiftSelection(selection, _title);
GameData *_data;
ClickHandlerPtr _openl;
std_::unique_ptr<HistoryMedia> _attach;
int32 _titleLines, _descriptionLines;
Text _title, _description;
struct LocationCoords;
struct LocationData;
class HistoryLocation : public HistoryMedia {
HistoryLocation(HistoryItem *parent, const LocationCoords &coords, const QString &title = QString(), const QString &description = QString());
HistoryLocation(HistoryItem *parent, const HistoryLocation &other);
HistoryMediaType type() const override {
return MediaTypeLocation;
HistoryLocation *clone(HistoryItem *newParent) const override {
return new HistoryLocation(newParent, *this);
void initDimensions() override;
int resizeGetHeight(int32 width) override;
void draw(Painter &p, const QRect &r, TextSelection selection, uint64 ms) const override;
HistoryTextState getState(int x, int y, HistoryStateRequest request) const override;
TextSelection adjustSelection(TextSelection selection, TextSelectType type) const override;
bool hasTextForCopy() const override {
return !_title.isEmpty() || !_description.isEmpty();
bool toggleSelectionByHandlerClick(const ClickHandlerPtr &p) const override {
return p == _link;
bool dragItemByHandler(const ClickHandlerPtr &p) const override {
return p == _link;
QString notificationText() const override;
QString inDialogsText() const override;
TextWithEntities selectedText(TextSelection selection) const override;
bool needsBubble() const override {
if (!_title.isEmpty() || !_description.isEmpty()) {
return true;
if (_parent->viaBot()) {
return true;
return (_parent->Has<HistoryMessageForwarded>() || _parent->Has<HistoryMessageReply>());
bool customInfoLayout() const override {
return true;
TextSelection toDescriptionSelection(TextSelection selection) const {
return internal::unshiftSelection(selection, _title);
TextSelection fromDescriptionSelection(TextSelection selection) const {
return internal::shiftSelection(selection, _title);
LocationData *_data;
Text _title, _description;
ClickHandlerPtr _link;
int32 fullWidth() const;
int32 fullHeight() const;