John Preston 3e5f51f45a Everywhere TextWithTags and TextWithEntities are used.
Copy tags from messages to clipboard, to drag mime data.
Sorting entities while processing (links, monospace, mentions).
2016-05-06 20:33:48 +03:00

177 lines
5.2 KiB

This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see
Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission
to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library.
Full license:
Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
#pragma once
class ClickHandler;
using ClickHandlerPtr = QSharedPointer<ClickHandler>;
enum ExpandLinksMode {
class ClickHandlerHost {
virtual void clickHandlerActiveChanged(const ClickHandlerPtr &action, bool active) {
virtual void clickHandlerPressedChanged(const ClickHandlerPtr &action, bool pressed) {
virtual ~ClickHandlerHost() = 0;
friend class ClickHandler;
class EntityInText;
struct TextWithEntities;
class ClickHandler {
virtual ~ClickHandler() {
virtual void onClick(Qt::MouseButton) const = 0;
// What text to show in a tooltip when mouse is over that click handler as a link in Text.
virtual QString tooltip() const {
return QString();
// What to drop in the input fields when dragging that click handler as a link from Text.
virtual QString dragText() const {
return QString();
// Copy to clipboard support.
virtual void copyToClipboard() const {
virtual QString copyToClipboardContextItemText() const {
return QString();
// Entities in text support.
// This method returns empty string if just textPart should be used (nothing to expand).
virtual QString getExpandedLinkText(ExpandLinksMode mode, const QStringRef &textPart) const;
virtual TextWithEntities getExpandedLinkTextWithEntities(ExpandLinksMode mode, int entityOffset, const QStringRef &textPart) const;
// This method should be called on mouse over a click handler.
// It returns true if the active handler was changed or false otherwise.
static bool setActive(const ClickHandlerPtr &p, ClickHandlerHost *host = nullptr);
// This method should be called when mouse leaves the host.
// It returns true if the active handler was changed or false otherwise.
static bool clearActive(ClickHandlerHost *host = nullptr) {
if (host && _activeHost != host) {
return false;
return setActive(ClickHandlerPtr(), host);
// This method should be called on mouse press event.
static void pressed() {
if (!_active || !*_active) {
*_pressed = *_active;
if ((_pressedHost = _activeHost)) {
_pressedHost->clickHandlerPressedChanged(*_pressed, true);
// This method should be called on mouse release event.
// The activated click handler (if any) is returned.
static ClickHandlerPtr unpressed() {
if (_pressed && *_pressed) {
bool activated = (_active && *_active == *_pressed);
ClickHandlerPtr waspressed = *_pressed;
if (_pressedHost) {
_pressedHost->clickHandlerPressedChanged(waspressed, false);
_pressedHost = nullptr;
if (activated) {
return *_active;
} else if (_active && *_active && _activeHost) {
// emit clickHandlerActiveChanged for current active
// click handler, which we didn't emit while we has
// a pressed click handler
_activeHost->clickHandlerActiveChanged(*_active, true);
return ClickHandlerPtr();
static ClickHandlerPtr getActive() {
return _active ? *_active : ClickHandlerPtr();
static ClickHandlerPtr getPressed() {
return _pressed ? *_pressed : ClickHandlerPtr();
static bool showAsActive(const ClickHandlerPtr &p) {
if (!p || !_active || p != *_active) {
return false;
return !_pressed || !*_pressed || (p == *_pressed);
static bool showAsPressed(const ClickHandlerPtr &p) {
if (!p || !_active || p != *_active) {
return false;
return _pressed && (p == *_pressed);
static void hostDestroyed(ClickHandlerHost *host) {
if (_activeHost == host) {
_activeHost = nullptr;
if (_pressedHost == host) {
_pressedHost = nullptr;
// For click handlers like mention or hashtag in getExpandedLinkTextWithEntities()
// we return just an empty string ("use original string part") with single entity.
TextWithEntities simpleTextWithEntity(const EntityInText &entity) const;
static NeverFreedPointer<ClickHandlerPtr> _active;
static NeverFreedPointer<ClickHandlerPtr> _pressed;
static ClickHandlerHost *_activeHost;
static ClickHandlerHost *_pressedHost;
class LeftButtonClickHandler : public ClickHandler {
void onClick(Qt::MouseButton button) const override final {
if (button != Qt::LeftButton) return;
virtual void onClickImpl() const = 0;