mirror of
synced 2025-03-08 19:21:39 -05:00

Regression was introduced in 2fa2fa41c5
In file download failed handler we suggest to try to load the file
once again to the same location. After some changes we started to
forget filename before failed handler. That resulted in large files
loading to memory instead of hard drive.
Add a precondition in FileLoader to prevent such bugs in the future.
1360 lines
40 KiB
1360 lines
40 KiB
This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org
Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission
to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library.
Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE
Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
#include "storage/file_download.h"
#include "mainwidget.h"
#include "mainwindow.h"
#include "messenger.h"
#include "storage/localstorage.h"
#include "platform/platform_file_utilities.h"
#include "auth_session.h"
namespace Storage {
: _delayedLoadersDestroyer([this] { _delayedDestroyedLoaders.clear(); }) {
void Downloader::delayedDestroyLoader(std::unique_ptr<FileLoader> loader) {
void Downloader::clearPriorities() {
void Downloader::requestedAmountIncrement(MTP::DcId dcId, int index, int amount) {
Expects(index >= 0 && index < MTP::kDownloadSessionsCount);
auto it = _requestedBytesAmount.find(dcId);
if (it == _requestedBytesAmount.cend()) {
it = _requestedBytesAmount.emplace(dcId, RequestedInDc { { 0 } }).first;
it->second[index] += amount;
if (it->second[index]) {
} else {
int Downloader::chooseDcIndexForRequest(MTP::DcId dcId) const {
auto result = 0;
auto it = _requestedBytesAmount.find(dcId);
if (it != _requestedBytesAmount.cend()) {
for (auto i = 1; i != MTP::kDownloadSessionsCount; ++i) {
if (it->second[i] < it->second[result]) {
result = i;
return result;
Downloader::~Downloader() {
// The file loaders have pointer to downloader and they cancel
// requests in destructor where they use that pointer, so all
// of them need to be destroyed before any internal state of Downloader.
} // namespace Storage
namespace {
constexpr auto kDownloadPhotoPartSize = 64 * 1024; // 64kb for photo
constexpr auto kDownloadDocumentPartSize = 128 * 1024; // 128kb for document
constexpr auto kMaxFileQueries = 16; // max 16 file parts downloaded at the same time
constexpr auto kMaxWebFileQueries = 8; // max 8 http[s] files downloaded at the same time
constexpr auto kDownloadCdnPartSize = 128 * 1024; // 128kb for cdn requests
} // namespace
struct FileLoaderQueue {
FileLoaderQueue(int queriesLimit) : queriesLimit(queriesLimit) {
int queriesCount = 0;
int queriesLimit = 0;
FileLoader *start = nullptr;
FileLoader *end = nullptr;
namespace {
using LoaderQueues = QMap<int32, FileLoaderQueue>;
LoaderQueues queues;
FileLoaderQueue _webQueue(kMaxWebFileQueries);
QThread *_webLoadThread = nullptr;
WebLoadManager *_webLoadManager = nullptr;
WebLoadManager *webLoadManager() {
return (_webLoadManager && _webLoadManager != FinishedWebLoadManager) ? _webLoadManager : nullptr;
WebLoadMainManager *_webLoadMainManager = nullptr;
} // namespace
FileLoader::FileLoader(const QString &toFile, int32 size, LocationType locationType, LoadToCacheSetting toCache, LoadFromCloudSetting fromCloud, bool autoLoading)
: _downloader(&Auth().downloader())
, _autoLoading(autoLoading)
, _filename(toFile)
, _file(_filename)
, _toCache(toCache)
, _fromCloud(fromCloud)
, _size(size)
, _locationType(locationType) {
Expects(!_filename.isEmpty() || (_size <= Storage::kMaxFileInMemory));
QByteArray FileLoader::imageFormat(const QSize &shrinkBox) const {
if (_imageFormat.isEmpty() && _locationType == UnknownFileLocation) {
return _imageFormat;
QPixmap FileLoader::imagePixmap(const QSize &shrinkBox) const {
if (_imagePixmap.isNull() && _locationType == UnknownFileLocation) {
return _imagePixmap;
void FileLoader::readImage(const QSize &shrinkBox) const {
auto format = QByteArray();
auto image = App::readImage(_data, &format, false);
if (!image.isNull()) {
if (!shrinkBox.isEmpty() && (image.width() > shrinkBox.width() || image.height() > shrinkBox.height())) {
_imagePixmap = App::pixmapFromImageInPlace(image.scaled(shrinkBox, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation));
} else {
_imagePixmap = App::pixmapFromImageInPlace(std::move(image));
_imageFormat = format;
float64 FileLoader::currentProgress() const {
if (_finished) return 1.;
if (!fullSize()) return 0.;
return snap(float64(currentOffset()) / fullSize(), 0., 1.);
int32 FileLoader::fullSize() const {
return _size;
bool FileLoader::setFileName(const QString &fileName) {
if (_toCache != LoadToCacheAsWell || !_filename.isEmpty()) {
return fileName.isEmpty() || (fileName == _filename);
_filename = fileName;
return true;
void FileLoader::permitLoadFromCloud() {
_fromCloud = LoadFromCloudOrLocal;
void FileLoader::loadNext() {
if (_queue->queriesCount >= _queue->queriesLimit) {
for (auto i = _queue->start; i;) {
if (i->loadPart()) {
if (_queue->queriesCount >= _queue->queriesLimit) {
} else {
i = i->_next;
void FileLoader::removeFromQueue() {
if (!_inQueue) return;
if (_next) {
_next->_prev = _prev;
if (_prev) {
_prev->_next = _next;
if (_queue->end == this) {
_queue->end = _prev;
if (_queue->start == this) {
_queue->start = _next;
_next = _prev = 0;
_inQueue = false;
void FileLoader::pause() {
_paused = true;
FileLoader::~FileLoader() {
if (_localTaskId) {
void FileLoader::localLoaded(const StorageImageSaved &result, const QByteArray &imageFormat, const QPixmap &imagePixmap) {
_localTaskId = 0;
if (result.data.isEmpty()) {
_localStatus = LocalFailed;
_data = result.data;
if (!imagePixmap.isNull()) {
_imageFormat = imageFormat;
_imagePixmap = imagePixmap;
_localStatus = LocalLoaded;
if (!_filename.isEmpty() && _toCache == LoadToCacheAsWell) {
if (!_fileIsOpen) _fileIsOpen = _file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly);
if (!_fileIsOpen) {
if (_file.write(_data) != qint64(_data.size())) {
_finished = true;
if (_fileIsOpen) {
_fileIsOpen = false;
emit progress(this);
void FileLoader::start(bool loadFirst, bool prior) {
if (_paused) {
_paused = false;
if (_finished || tryLoadLocal()) return;
if (_fromCloud == LoadFromLocalOnly) {
if (!_filename.isEmpty() && _toCache == LoadToFileOnly && !_fileIsOpen) {
_fileIsOpen = _file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly);
if (!_fileIsOpen) {
return cancel(true);
auto currentPriority = _downloader->currentPriority();
FileLoader *before = 0, *after = 0;
if (prior) {
if (_inQueue && _priority == currentPriority) {
if (loadFirst) {
if (!_prev) return startLoading(loadFirst, prior);
before = _queue->start;
} else {
if (!_next || _next->_priority < currentPriority) return startLoading(loadFirst, prior);
after = _next;
while (after->_next && after->_next->_priority == currentPriority) {
after = after->_next;
} else {
_priority = currentPriority;
if (loadFirst) {
if (_inQueue && !_prev) return startLoading(loadFirst, prior);
before = _queue->start;
} else {
if (_inQueue) {
if (_next && _next->_priority == currentPriority) {
after = _next;
} else if (_prev && _prev->_priority < currentPriority) {
before = _prev;
while (before->_prev && before->_prev->_priority < currentPriority) {
before = before->_prev;
} else {
return startLoading(loadFirst, prior);
} else {
if (_queue->start && _queue->start->_priority == currentPriority) {
after = _queue->start;
} else {
before = _queue->start;
if (after) {
while (after->_next && after->_next->_priority == currentPriority) {
after = after->_next;
} else {
if (loadFirst) {
if (_inQueue && (!_prev || _prev->_priority == currentPriority)) return startLoading(loadFirst, prior);
before = _prev;
while (before->_prev && before->_prev->_priority != currentPriority) {
before = before->_prev;
} else {
if (_inQueue && !_next) return startLoading(loadFirst, prior);
after = _queue->end;
_inQueue = true;
if (!_queue->start) {
_queue->start = _queue->end = this;
} else if (before) {
if (before != _next) {
_prev = before->_prev;
_next = before;
_next->_prev = this;
if (_prev) {
_prev->_next = this;
if (_queue->start->_prev) _queue->start = _queue->start->_prev;
} else if (after) {
if (after != _prev) {
_next = after->_next;
_prev = after;
after->_next = this;
if (_next) {
_next->_prev = this;
if (_queue->end->_next) _queue->end = _queue->end->_next;
} else {
LOG(("Queue Error: _start && !before && !after"));
return startLoading(loadFirst, prior);
void FileLoader::cancel() {
void FileLoader::cancel(bool fail) {
bool started = currentOffset(true) > 0;
_cancelled = true;
_finished = true;
if (_fileIsOpen) {
_fileIsOpen = false;
_data = QByteArray();
if (fail) {
emit failed(this, started);
} else {
emit progress(this);
_filename = QString();
void FileLoader::startLoading(bool loadFirst, bool prior) {
if ((_queue->queriesCount >= _queue->queriesLimit && (!loadFirst || !prior)) || _finished) {
mtpFileLoader::mtpFileLoader(const StorageImageLocation *location, int32 size, LoadFromCloudSetting fromCloud, bool autoLoading)
: FileLoader(QString(), size, UnknownFileLocation, LoadToCacheAsWell, fromCloud, autoLoading)
, _dcId(location->dc())
, _location(location) {
auto shiftedDcId = MTP::downloadDcId(_dcId, 0);
auto i = queues.find(shiftedDcId);
if (i == queues.cend()) {
i = queues.insert(shiftedDcId, FileLoaderQueue(kMaxFileQueries));
_queue = &i.value();
mtpFileLoader::mtpFileLoader(int32 dc, uint64 id, uint64 accessHash, int32 version, LocationType type, const QString &to, int32 size, LoadToCacheSetting toCache, LoadFromCloudSetting fromCloud, bool autoLoading)
: FileLoader(to, size, type, toCache, fromCloud, autoLoading)
, _dcId(dc)
, _id(id)
, _accessHash(accessHash)
, _version(version) {
auto shiftedDcId = MTP::downloadDcId(_dcId, 0);
auto i = queues.find(shiftedDcId);
if (i == queues.cend()) {
i = queues.insert(shiftedDcId, FileLoaderQueue(kMaxFileQueries));
_queue = &i.value();
mtpFileLoader::mtpFileLoader(const WebFileImageLocation *location, int32 size, LoadFromCloudSetting fromCloud, bool autoLoading)
: FileLoader(QString(), size, UnknownFileLocation, LoadToCacheAsWell, fromCloud, autoLoading)
, _dcId(location->dc())
, _urlLocation(location) {
auto shiftedDcId = MTP::downloadDcId(_dcId, 0);
auto i = queues.find(shiftedDcId);
if (i == queues.cend()) {
i = queues.insert(shiftedDcId, FileLoaderQueue(kMaxFileQueries));
_queue = &i.value();
int32 mtpFileLoader::currentOffset(bool includeSkipped) const {
return (_fileIsOpen ? _file.size() : _data.size()) - (includeSkipped ? 0 : _skippedBytes);
bool mtpFileLoader::loadPart() {
if (_finished || _lastComplete || (!_sentRequests.empty() && !_size)) {
return false;
} else if (_size && _nextRequestOffset >= _size) {
return false;
_nextRequestOffset += partSize();
return true;
int mtpFileLoader::partSize() const {
return kDownloadCdnPartSize;
// Different part sizes are not supported for now :(
// Because we start downloading with some part size
// and then we get a cdn-redirect where we support only
// fixed part size download for hash checking.
//if (_cdnDcId) {
// return kDownloadCdnPartSize;
//} else if (_locationType == UnknownFileLocation) {
// return kDownloadPhotoPartSize;
//return kDownloadDocumentPartSize;
mtpFileLoader::RequestData mtpFileLoader::prepareRequest(int offset) const {
auto result = RequestData();
result.dcId = _cdnDcId ? _cdnDcId : _dcId;
result.dcIndex = _size ? _downloader->chooseDcIndexForRequest(result.dcId) : 0;
result.offset = offset;
return result;
void mtpFileLoader::makeRequest(int offset) {
auto requestData = prepareRequest(offset);
auto send = [this, &requestData] {
auto offset = requestData.offset;
auto limit = partSize();
auto shiftedDcId = MTP::downloadDcId(requestData.dcId, requestData.dcIndex);
if (_cdnDcId) {
t_assert(requestData.dcId == _cdnDcId);
return MTP::send(MTPupload_GetCdnFile(MTP_bytes(_cdnToken), MTP_int(offset), MTP_int(limit)), rpcDone(&mtpFileLoader::cdnPartLoaded), rpcFail(&mtpFileLoader::cdnPartFailed), shiftedDcId, 50);
} else if (_urlLocation) {
t_assert(requestData.dcId == _dcId);
return MTP::send(MTPupload_GetWebFile(MTP_inputWebFileLocation(MTP_bytes(_urlLocation->url()), MTP_long(_urlLocation->accessHash())), MTP_int(offset), MTP_int(limit)), rpcDone(&mtpFileLoader::webPartLoaded), rpcFail(&mtpFileLoader::partFailed), shiftedDcId, 50);
} else {
t_assert(requestData.dcId == _dcId);
auto location = [this] {
if (_location) {
return MTP_inputFileLocation(MTP_long(_location->volume()), MTP_int(_location->local()), MTP_long(_location->secret()));
return MTP_inputDocumentFileLocation(MTP_long(_id), MTP_long(_accessHash), MTP_int(_version));
return MTP::send(MTPupload_GetFile(location(), MTP_int(offset), MTP_int(limit)), rpcDone(&mtpFileLoader::normalPartLoaded), rpcFail(&mtpFileLoader::partFailed), shiftedDcId, 50);
placeSentRequest(send(), requestData);
void mtpFileLoader::requestMoreCdnFileHashes() {
if (_cdnHashesRequestId || _cdnUncheckedParts.empty()) {
auto offset = _cdnUncheckedParts.cbegin()->first;
auto requestData = RequestData();
requestData.dcId = _dcId;
requestData.dcIndex = 0;
requestData.offset = offset;
auto shiftedDcId = MTP::downloadDcId(requestData.dcId, requestData.dcIndex);
auto requestId = _cdnHashesRequestId = MTP::send(MTPupload_GetCdnFileHashes(MTP_bytes(_cdnToken), MTP_int(offset)), rpcDone(&mtpFileLoader::getCdnFileHashesDone), rpcFail(&mtpFileLoader::cdnPartFailed), shiftedDcId);
placeSentRequest(requestId, requestData);
void mtpFileLoader::normalPartLoaded(const MTPupload_File &result, mtpRequestId requestId) {
Expects(result.type() == mtpc_upload_fileCdnRedirect || result.type() == mtpc_upload_file);
auto offset = finishSentRequestGetOffset(requestId);
if (result.type() == mtpc_upload_fileCdnRedirect) {
return switchToCDN(offset, result.c_upload_fileCdnRedirect());
auto bytes = gsl::as_bytes(gsl::make_span(result.c_upload_file().vbytes.v));
return partLoaded(offset, bytes);
void mtpFileLoader::webPartLoaded(const MTPupload_WebFile &result, mtpRequestId requestId) {
Expects(result.type() == mtpc_upload_webFile);
auto offset = finishSentRequestGetOffset(requestId);
auto &webFile = result.c_upload_webFile();
if (!_size) {
_size = webFile.vsize.v;
} else if (webFile.vsize.v != _size) {
LOG(("MTP Error: Bad size provided by bot for webDocument: %1, real: %2").arg(_size).arg(webFile.vsize.v));
return cancel(true);
auto bytes = gsl::as_bytes(gsl::make_span(webFile.vbytes.v));
return partLoaded(offset, bytes);
void mtpFileLoader::cdnPartLoaded(const MTPupload_CdnFile &result, mtpRequestId requestId) {
auto offset = finishSentRequestGetOffset(requestId);
if (result.type() == mtpc_upload_cdnFileReuploadNeeded) {
auto requestData = RequestData();
requestData.dcId = _dcId;
requestData.dcIndex = 0;
requestData.offset = offset;
auto shiftedDcId = MTP::downloadDcId(requestData.dcId, requestData.dcIndex);
auto requestId = MTP::send(MTPupload_ReuploadCdnFile(MTP_bytes(_cdnToken), result.c_upload_cdnFileReuploadNeeded().vrequest_token), rpcDone(&mtpFileLoader::reuploadDone), rpcFail(&mtpFileLoader::cdnPartFailed), shiftedDcId);
placeSentRequest(requestId, requestData);
Expects(result.type() == mtpc_upload_cdnFile);
auto key = gsl::as_bytes(gsl::make_span(_cdnEncryptionKey));
auto iv = gsl::as_bytes(gsl::make_span(_cdnEncryptionIV));
Expects(key.size() == MTP::CTRState::KeySize);
Expects(iv.size() == MTP::CTRState::IvecSize);
auto state = MTP::CTRState();
auto ivec = gsl::as_writeable_bytes(gsl::make_span(state.ivec));
std::copy(iv.begin(), iv.end(), ivec.begin());
auto counterOffset = static_cast<uint32>(offset) >> 4;
state.ivec[15] = static_cast<uchar>(counterOffset & 0xFF);
state.ivec[14] = static_cast<uchar>((counterOffset >> 8) & 0xFF);
state.ivec[13] = static_cast<uchar>((counterOffset >> 16) & 0xFF);
state.ivec[12] = static_cast<uchar>((counterOffset >> 24) & 0xFF);
auto decryptInPlace = result.c_upload_cdnFile().vbytes.v;
MTP::aesCtrEncrypt(decryptInPlace.data(), decryptInPlace.size(), key.data(), &state);
auto bytes = gsl::as_bytes(gsl::make_span(decryptInPlace));
switch (checkCdnFileHash(offset, bytes)) {
case CheckCdnHashResult::NoHash: {
_cdnUncheckedParts.emplace(offset, decryptInPlace);
} return;
case CheckCdnHashResult::Invalid: {
LOG(("API Error: Wrong cdnFileHash for offset %1.").arg(offset));
} return;
case CheckCdnHashResult::Good: {
partLoaded(offset, bytes);
} return;
Unexpected("Result of checkCdnFileHash()");
mtpFileLoader::CheckCdnHashResult mtpFileLoader::checkCdnFileHash(int offset, base::const_byte_span bytes) {
auto cdnFileHashIt = _cdnFileHashes.find(offset);
if (cdnFileHashIt == _cdnFileHashes.cend()) {
return CheckCdnHashResult::NoHash;
auto realHash = hashSha256(bytes.data(), bytes.size());
if (base::compare_bytes(gsl::as_bytes(gsl::make_span(realHash)), gsl::as_bytes(gsl::make_span(cdnFileHashIt->second.hash)))) {
return CheckCdnHashResult::Invalid;
return CheckCdnHashResult::Good;
void mtpFileLoader::reuploadDone(const MTPVector<MTPCdnFileHash> &result, mtpRequestId requestId) {
auto offset = finishSentRequestGetOffset(requestId);
void mtpFileLoader::getCdnFileHashesDone(const MTPVector<MTPCdnFileHash> &result, mtpRequestId requestId) {
Expects(_cdnHashesRequestId == requestId);
_cdnHashesRequestId = 0;
auto offset = finishSentRequestGetOffset(requestId);
auto someMoreChecked = false;
for (auto i = _cdnUncheckedParts.begin(); i != _cdnUncheckedParts.cend();) {
auto uncheckedOffset = i->first;
auto uncheckedBytes = gsl::as_bytes(gsl::make_span(i->second));
switch (checkCdnFileHash(uncheckedOffset, uncheckedBytes)) {
case CheckCdnHashResult::NoHash: {
} break;
case CheckCdnHashResult::Invalid: {
LOG(("API Error: Wrong cdnFileHash for offset %1.").arg(offset));
} break;
case CheckCdnHashResult::Good: {
someMoreChecked = true;
auto goodOffset = uncheckedOffset;
auto goodBytes = std::move(i->second);
i = _cdnUncheckedParts.erase(i);
auto guarded = QPointer<mtpFileLoader>(this);
partLoaded(goodOffset, gsl::as_bytes(gsl::make_span(goodBytes)));
if (!guarded) {
// Perhaps we were destroyed already?..
} break;
default: Unexpected("Result of checkCdnFileHash()");
if (!someMoreChecked) {
LOG(("API Error: Could not find cdnFileHash for offset %1 after getCdnFileHashes request.").arg(offset));
} else {
void mtpFileLoader::placeSentRequest(mtpRequestId requestId, const RequestData &requestData) {
_downloader->requestedAmountIncrement(requestData.dcId, requestData.dcIndex, partSize());
_sentRequests.emplace(requestId, requestData);
int mtpFileLoader::finishSentRequestGetOffset(mtpRequestId requestId) {
auto it = _sentRequests.find(requestId);
Expects(it != _sentRequests.cend());
auto requestData = it->second;
_downloader->requestedAmountIncrement(requestData.dcId, requestData.dcIndex, -partSize());
return requestData.offset;
void mtpFileLoader::partLoaded(int offset, base::const_byte_span bytes) {
if (bytes.size()) {
if (_fileIsOpen) {
auto fsize = _file.size();
if (offset < fsize) {
_skippedBytes -= bytes.size();
} else if (offset > fsize) {
_skippedBytes += offset - fsize;
if (_file.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(bytes.data()), bytes.size()) != qint64(bytes.size())) {
return cancel(true);
} else {
if (offset > 100 * 1024 * 1024) {
// Debugging weird out of memory crashes.
auto info = QString("offset: %1, size: %2, cancelled: %3, finished: %4, filename: '%5', tocache: %6, fromcloud: %7, data: %8, fullsize: %9").arg(offset).arg(bytes.size()).arg(Logs::b(_cancelled)).arg(Logs::b(_finished)).arg(_filename).arg(int(_toCache)).arg(int(_fromCloud)).arg(_data.size()).arg(_size);
info += QString(", locationtype: %1, inqueue: %2, localstatus: %3").arg(int(_locationType)).arg(Logs::b(_inQueue)).arg(int(_localStatus));
SignalHandlers::setCrashAnnotation("DebugInfo", info);
_data.reserve(offset + bytes.size());
if (offset > 100 * 1024 * 1024) {
SignalHandlers::setCrashAnnotation("DebugInfo", QString());
if (offset > _data.size()) {
_skippedBytes += offset - _data.size();
if (offset == _data.size()) {
_data.append(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(bytes.data()), bytes.size());
} else {
_skippedBytes -= bytes.size();
if (int64(offset + bytes.size()) > _data.size()) {
_data.resize(offset + bytes.size());
auto src = bytes;
auto dst = gsl::make_span(_data).subspan(offset, bytes.size());
base::copy_bytes(gsl::as_writeable_bytes(dst), src);
if (!bytes.size() || (bytes.size() % 1024)) { // bad next offset
_lastComplete = true;
if (_sentRequests.empty() && _cdnUncheckedParts.empty() && (_lastComplete || (_size && _nextRequestOffset >= _size))) {
if (!_filename.isEmpty() && (_toCache == LoadToCacheAsWell)) {
if (!_fileIsOpen) _fileIsOpen = _file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly);
if (!_fileIsOpen) {
return cancel(true);
if (_file.write(_data) != qint64(_data.size())) {
return cancel(true);
_finished = true;
if (_fileIsOpen) {
_fileIsOpen = false;
if (_localStatus == LocalNotFound || _localStatus == LocalFailed) {
if (_urlLocation) {
Local::writeImage(storageKey(*_urlLocation), StorageImageSaved(_data));
} else if (_locationType != UnknownFileLocation) { // audio, video, document
auto mkey = mediaKey(_locationType, _dcId, _id, _version);
if (!_filename.isEmpty()) {
Local::writeFileLocation(mkey, FileLocation(_filename));
if (_toCache == LoadToCacheAsWell) {
if (_locationType == DocumentFileLocation) {
Local::writeStickerImage(mkey, _data);
} else if (_locationType == AudioFileLocation) {
Local::writeAudio(mkey, _data);
} else {
Local::writeImage(storageKey(*_location), StorageImageSaved(_data));
if (_finished) {
emit progress(this);
bool mtpFileLoader::partFailed(const RPCError &error) {
if (MTP::isDefaultHandledError(error)) return false;
return true;
bool mtpFileLoader::cdnPartFailed(const RPCError &error, mtpRequestId requestId) {
if (MTP::isDefaultHandledError(error)) return false;
if (requestId == _cdnHashesRequestId) {
_cdnHashesRequestId = 0;
if (error.type() == qstr("FILE_TOKEN_INVALID") || error.type() == qstr("REQUEST_TOKEN_INVALID")) {
auto offset = finishSentRequestGetOffset(requestId);
changeCDNParams(offset, 0, QByteArray(), QByteArray(), QByteArray(), QVector<MTPCdnFileHash>());
return true;
return partFailed(error);
void mtpFileLoader::cancelRequests() {
while (!_sentRequests.empty()) {
auto requestId = _sentRequests.begin()->first;
void mtpFileLoader::switchToCDN(int offset, const MTPDupload_fileCdnRedirect &redirect) {
changeCDNParams(offset, redirect.vdc_id.v, redirect.vfile_token.v, redirect.vencryption_key.v, redirect.vencryption_iv.v, redirect.vcdn_file_hashes.v);
void mtpFileLoader::addCdnHashes(const QVector<MTPCdnFileHash> &hashes) {
for_const (auto &hash, hashes) {
t_assert(hash.type() == mtpc_cdnFileHash);
auto &data = hash.c_cdnFileHash();
_cdnFileHashes.emplace(data.voffset.v, CdnFileHash { data.vlimit.v, data.vhash.v });
void mtpFileLoader::changeCDNParams(int offset, MTP::DcId dcId, const QByteArray &token, const QByteArray &encryptionKey, const QByteArray &encryptionIV, const QVector<MTPCdnFileHash> &hashes) {
if (dcId != 0 && (encryptionKey.size() != MTP::CTRState::KeySize || encryptionIV.size() != MTP::CTRState::IvecSize)) {
LOG(("Message Error: Wrong key (%1) / iv (%2) size in CDN params").arg(encryptionKey.size()).arg(encryptionIV.size()));
auto resendAllRequests = (_cdnDcId != dcId
|| _cdnToken != token
|| _cdnEncryptionKey != encryptionKey
|| _cdnEncryptionIV != encryptionIV);
_cdnDcId = dcId;
_cdnToken = token;
_cdnEncryptionKey = encryptionKey;
_cdnEncryptionIV = encryptionIV;
if (resendAllRequests && !_sentRequests.empty()) {
auto resendOffsets = std::vector<int>();
while (!_sentRequests.empty()) {
auto requestId = _sentRequests.begin()->first;
auto resendOffset = finishSentRequestGetOffset(requestId);
for (auto resendOffset : resendOffsets) {
bool mtpFileLoader::tryLoadLocal() {
if (_localStatus == LocalNotFound || _localStatus == LocalLoaded || _localStatus == LocalFailed) {
return false;
if (_localStatus == LocalLoading) {
return true;
if (_urlLocation) {
_localTaskId = Local::startImageLoad(storageKey(*_urlLocation), this);
} else if (_location) {
_localTaskId = Local::startImageLoad(storageKey(*_location), this);
} else {
if (_toCache == LoadToCacheAsWell) {
MediaKey mkey = mediaKey(_locationType, _dcId, _id, _version);
if (_locationType == DocumentFileLocation) {
_localTaskId = Local::startStickerImageLoad(mkey, this);
} else if (_locationType == AudioFileLocation) {
_localTaskId = Local::startAudioLoad(mkey, this);
emit progress(this);
if (_localStatus != LocalNotTried) {
return _finished;
} else if (_localTaskId) {
_localStatus = LocalLoading;
return true;
_localStatus = LocalNotFound;
return false;
mtpFileLoader::~mtpFileLoader() {
webFileLoader::webFileLoader(const QString &url, const QString &to, LoadFromCloudSetting fromCloud, bool autoLoading)
: FileLoader(QString(), 0, UnknownFileLocation, LoadToCacheAsWell, fromCloud, autoLoading)
, _url(url)
, _requestSent(false)
, _already(0) {
_queue = &_webQueue;
bool webFileLoader::loadPart() {
if (_finished || _requestSent || _webLoadManager == FinishedWebLoadManager) return false;
if (!_webLoadManager) {
_webLoadMainManager = new WebLoadMainManager();
_webLoadThread = new QThread();
_webLoadManager = new WebLoadManager(_webLoadThread);
_requestSent = true;
_webLoadManager->append(this, _url);
return false;
int32 webFileLoader::currentOffset(bool includeSkipped) const {
return _already;
void webFileLoader::onProgress(qint64 already, qint64 size) {
_size = size;
_already = already;
emit progress(this);
void webFileLoader::onFinished(const QByteArray &data) {
if (_fileIsOpen) {
if (_file.write(data.constData(), data.size()) != qint64(data.size())) {
return cancel(true);
} else {
_data = data;
if (!_filename.isEmpty() && (_toCache == LoadToCacheAsWell)) {
if (!_fileIsOpen) _fileIsOpen = _file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly);
if (!_fileIsOpen) {
return cancel(true);
if (_file.write(_data) != qint64(_data.size())) {
return cancel(true);
_finished = true;
if (_fileIsOpen) {
_fileIsOpen = false;
if (_localStatus == LocalNotFound || _localStatus == LocalFailed) {
Local::writeWebFile(_url, _data);
emit progress(this);
void webFileLoader::onError() {
bool webFileLoader::tryLoadLocal() {
if (_localStatus == LocalNotFound || _localStatus == LocalLoaded || _localStatus == LocalFailed) {
return false;
if (_localStatus == LocalLoading) {
return true;
_localTaskId = Local::startWebFileLoad(_url, this);
if (_localStatus != LocalNotTried) {
return _finished;
} else if (_localTaskId) {
_localStatus = LocalLoading;
return true;
_localStatus = LocalNotFound;
return false;
void webFileLoader::cancelRequests() {
if (!webLoadManager()) return;
webFileLoader::~webFileLoader() {
class webFileLoaderPrivate {
webFileLoaderPrivate(webFileLoader *loader, const QString &url)
: _interface(loader)
, _url(url)
, _redirectsLeft(kMaxHttpRedirects) {
QNetworkReply *reply() {
return _reply;
QNetworkReply *request(QNetworkAccessManager &manager, const QString &redirect) {
if (!redirect.isEmpty()) _url = redirect;
QNetworkRequest req(_url);
QByteArray rangeHeaderValue = "bytes=" + QByteArray::number(_already) + "-";
req.setRawHeader("Range", rangeHeaderValue);
_reply = manager.get(req);
return _reply;
bool oneMoreRedirect() {
if (_redirectsLeft) {
return true;
return false;
void setData(const QByteArray &data) {
_data = data;
void addData(const QByteArray &data) {
const QByteArray &data() {
return _data;
void setProgress(qint64 already, qint64 size) {
_already = already;
_size = qMax(size, 0LL);
qint64 size() const {
return _size;
qint64 already() const {
return _already;
static constexpr auto kMaxHttpRedirects = 5;
webFileLoader *_interface = nullptr;
QUrl _url;
qint64 _already = 0;
qint64 _size = 0;
QNetworkReply *_reply = nullptr;
int32 _redirectsLeft = kMaxHttpRedirects;
QByteArray _data;
friend class WebLoadManager;
void reinitWebLoadManager() {
if (webLoadManager()) {
void stopWebLoadManager() {
if (webLoadManager()) {
DEBUG_LOG(("Waiting for webloadThread to finish"));
delete _webLoadManager;
delete _webLoadMainManager;
delete _webLoadThread;
_webLoadThread = 0;
_webLoadMainManager = 0;
_webLoadManager = FinishedWebLoadManager;
void WebLoadManager::setProxySettings(const QNetworkProxy &proxy) {
QMutexLocker lock(&_loaderPointersMutex);
_proxySettings = proxy;
emit proxyApplyDelayed();
WebLoadManager::WebLoadManager(QThread *thread) {
connect(thread, SIGNAL(started()), this, SLOT(process()));
connect(thread, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(finish()));
connect(this, SIGNAL(processDelayed()), this, SLOT(process()), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(this, SIGNAL(proxyApplyDelayed()), this, SLOT(proxyApply()), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(this, SIGNAL(progress(webFileLoader*,qint64,qint64)), _webLoadMainManager, SLOT(progress(webFileLoader*,qint64,qint64)));
connect(this, SIGNAL(finished(webFileLoader*,QByteArray)), _webLoadMainManager, SLOT(finished(webFileLoader*,QByteArray)));
connect(this, SIGNAL(error(webFileLoader*)), _webLoadMainManager, SLOT(error(webFileLoader*)));
connect(&_manager, SIGNAL(authenticationRequired(QNetworkReply*,QAuthenticator*)), this, SLOT(onFailed(QNetworkReply*)));
#ifndef OS_MAC_OLD
connect(&_manager, SIGNAL(sslErrors(QNetworkReply*,const QList<QSslError>&)), this, SLOT(onFailed(QNetworkReply*)));
#endif // OS_MAC_OLD
void WebLoadManager::append(webFileLoader *loader, const QString &url) {
loader->_private = new webFileLoaderPrivate(loader, url);
QMutexLocker lock(&_loaderPointersMutex);
_loaderPointers.insert(loader, loader->_private);
emit processDelayed();
void WebLoadManager::stop(webFileLoader *loader) {
QMutexLocker lock(&_loaderPointersMutex);
emit processDelayed();
bool WebLoadManager::carries(webFileLoader *loader) const {
QMutexLocker lock(&_loaderPointersMutex);
return _loaderPointers.contains(loader);
bool WebLoadManager::handleReplyResult(webFileLoaderPrivate *loader, WebReplyProcessResult result) {
QMutexLocker lock(&_loaderPointersMutex);
LoaderPointers::iterator it = _loaderPointers.find(loader->_interface);
if (it != _loaderPointers.cend() && it.key()->_private != loader) {
it = _loaderPointers.end(); // it is a new loader which was realloced in the same address
if (it == _loaderPointers.cend()) {
return false;
if (result == WebReplyProcessProgress) {
if (loader->size() > Storage::kMaxFileInMemory) {
LOG(("API Error: too large file is loaded to cache: %1").arg(loader->size()));
result = WebReplyProcessError;
if (result == WebReplyProcessError) {
if (it != _loaderPointers.cend()) {
emit error(it.key());
return false;
if (loader->already() < loader->size() || !loader->size()) {
emit progress(it.key(), loader->already(), loader->size());
return true;
emit finished(it.key(), loader->data());
return false;
void WebLoadManager::onFailed(QNetworkReply::NetworkError error) {
void WebLoadManager::onFailed(QNetworkReply *reply) {
if (!reply) return;
Replies::iterator j = _replies.find(reply);
if (j == _replies.cend()) { // handled already
webFileLoaderPrivate *loader = j.value();
LOG(("Network Error: Failed to request '%1', error %2 (%3)").arg(QString::fromLatin1(loader->_url.toEncoded())).arg(int(reply->error())).arg(reply->errorString()));
if (!handleReplyResult(loader, WebReplyProcessError)) {
delete loader;
void WebLoadManager::onProgress(qint64 already, qint64 size) {
QNetworkReply *reply = qobject_cast<QNetworkReply*>(QObject::sender());
if (!reply) return;
Replies::iterator j = _replies.find(reply);
if (j == _replies.cend()) { // handled already
webFileLoaderPrivate *loader = j.value();
WebReplyProcessResult result = WebReplyProcessProgress;
QVariant statusCode = reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute);
int32 status = statusCode.isValid() ? statusCode.toInt() : 200;
if (status != 200 && status != 206 && status != 416) {
if (status == 301 || status == 302) {
QString loc = reply->header(QNetworkRequest::LocationHeader).toString();
if (!loc.isEmpty()) {
if (loader->oneMoreRedirect()) {
sendRequest(loader, loc);
} else {
LOG(("Network Error: Too many HTTP redirects in onFinished() for web file loader: %1").arg(loc));
result = WebReplyProcessError;
} else {
LOG(("Network Error: Bad HTTP status received in WebLoadManager::onProgress(): %1").arg(statusCode.toInt()));
result = WebReplyProcessError;
} else {
loader->setProgress(already, size);
QByteArray r = reply->readAll();
if (!r.isEmpty()) {
if (size == 0) {
LOG(("Network Error: Zero size received for HTTP download progress in WebLoadManager::onProgress(): %1 / %2").arg(already).arg(size));
result = WebReplyProcessError;
if (!handleReplyResult(loader, result)) {
delete loader;
void WebLoadManager::onMeta() {
QNetworkReply *reply = qobject_cast<QNetworkReply*>(QObject::sender());
if (!reply) return;
Replies::iterator j = _replies.find(reply);
if (j == _replies.cend()) { // handled already
webFileLoaderPrivate *loader = j.value();
typedef QList<QNetworkReply::RawHeaderPair> Pairs;
Pairs pairs = reply->rawHeaderPairs();
for (Pairs::iterator i = pairs.begin(), e = pairs.end(); i != e; ++i) {
if (QString::fromUtf8(i->first).toLower() == "content-range") {
QRegularExpressionMatch m = QRegularExpression(qsl("/(\\d+)([^\\d]|$)")).match(QString::fromUtf8(i->second));
if (m.hasMatch()) {
loader->setProgress(qMax(qint64(loader->data().size()), loader->already()), m.captured(1).toLongLong());
if (!handleReplyResult(loader, WebReplyProcessProgress)) {
delete loader;
void WebLoadManager::process() {
Loaders newLoaders;
QMutexLocker lock(&_loaderPointersMutex);
for (LoaderPointers::iterator i = _loaderPointers.begin(), e = _loaderPointers.end(); i != e; ++i) {
Loaders::iterator it = _loaders.find(i.value());
if (i.value()) {
if (it == _loaders.cend()) {
i.value() = 0;
for (auto i = _loaders.begin(), e = _loaders.end(); i != e;) {
LoaderPointers::iterator it = _loaderPointers.find((*i)->_interface);
if (it != _loaderPointers.cend() && it.key()->_private != (*i)) {
it = _loaderPointers.end();
if (it == _loaderPointers.cend()) {
if (QNetworkReply *reply = (*i)->reply()) {
delete (*i);
i = _loaders.erase(i);
} else {
for_const (webFileLoaderPrivate *loader, newLoaders) {
if (_loaders.contains(loader)) {
void WebLoadManager::sendRequest(webFileLoaderPrivate *loader, const QString &redirect) {
Replies::iterator j = _replies.find(loader->reply());
if (j != _replies.cend()) {
QNetworkReply *r = j.key();
QNetworkReply *r = loader->request(_manager, redirect);
connect(r, SIGNAL(downloadProgress(qint64, qint64)), this, SLOT(onProgress(qint64, qint64)));
connect(r, SIGNAL(error(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)), this, SLOT(onFailed(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)));
connect(r, SIGNAL(metaDataChanged()), this, SLOT(onMeta()));
_replies.insert(r, loader);
void WebLoadManager::proxyApply() {
QMutexLocker lock(&_loaderPointersMutex);
void WebLoadManager::finish() {
void WebLoadManager::clear() {
QMutexLocker lock(&_loaderPointersMutex);
for (LoaderPointers::iterator i = _loaderPointers.begin(), e = _loaderPointers.end(); i != e; ++i) {
if (i.value()) {
i.key()->_private = 0;
for_const (webFileLoaderPrivate *loader, _loaders) {
delete loader;
for (Replies::iterator i = _replies.begin(), e = _replies.end(); i != e; ++i) {
delete i.key();
WebLoadManager::~WebLoadManager() {
void WebLoadMainManager::progress(webFileLoader *loader, qint64 already, qint64 size) {
if (webLoadManager() && webLoadManager()->carries(loader)) {
loader->onProgress(already, size);
void WebLoadMainManager::finished(webFileLoader *loader, QByteArray data) {
if (webLoadManager() && webLoadManager()->carries(loader)) {
void WebLoadMainManager::error(webFileLoader *loader) {
if (webLoadManager() && webLoadManager()->carries(loader)) {